Tanda-tanda kambing bunting/ Signs of pregnant goats FOR GENERAL PETS
Tanda-tanda kambing bunting
(Sumber: Soedjai, Ahmad. 1975. Beternak Kambing. Bandung-Jakarta: N.V. Masa Baru.)
Tanda dari kambing yang bunting pada umumnya tidak gampang dilihat, apalagi untuk orang yang tidak tahu dan tidak memperhatikan sifat ternak kambing atau buntingnya itu belum cukup dua bulan. Yang agak jelas hanyalah adalah kambing betina tidak mau dikawan dan tidak mau didekati oleh jantan. Pada mulanya bunting ia suka sekali menggigit pagar, tiang dan tali dan lain, menjilat tembok dinding, phon dan sebagainya. Hal ini dinamakan “mengidam”. Setelah dikawan maka bibir kemaluannya agak bengkak, kulit dalamnya agak merah, dari dalam kemaluan keluar cairan lendir yang keputihan. Hal ini lamanya kira-kira 3 hari. Setelah waktu kemaluan jadi kempis kembali seperti biasa. Lama kelamaan kambing itu nampak jadi lebih besar, lebih gemuk apalagi di bagian perutnya. Bulunya makin berkilat, ambing susunya makin membengkak, menjadi besar, begitu pula punting susunya. Pada bunting kira-kira tiga bulan tandanya jadi jelas bear. Pembuluh darah dan perutnya makin menonjol.
Lamanya Kambing Bunting
Lamanya bunting kambing pada keadaan normal adalah sekitar 21 minggu atau sekitar 5 bulan. Perbedaan atau kurang lebih dari patokan ini hanya sekitar 5 hari. Selama bunting kambing harus dijaga baik. Jangan sampai ia jatuh, terpeleset, terkejut atau ditanduk atau ditendang oleh kambing lain. Sebab ini bisa menyebabkan ia melahirkan terlalu cepat dan terpaksa yang dinamakan “menggugurkan” atau “keluron”. Jika terjadi keguguran maka anak kambing biasanya akan dilahirkan mati dan induknya akan jadi sakitan sebab terlalu banyak mengeluarkan darah dan lama-lama mungkin ia mati pula.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Signs of pregnant goats
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Raising Goats. Bandung-Jakarta: The new NV.)
Signs of a pregnant goat is generally not easy to see, especially for people who do not know and do not pay attention to the nature of goats or buntingnya was not quite two months. A rather obvious just is not going dikawan goat and do not want to be approached by a male. At first she loves to bite bunting fences, poles and ropes and other, licking walls walls, phon and so on. This is called "cravings". After dikawan the cock slightly swollen lips, it is a bit of red skin, from the pubic whitish mucus discharge. This length of approximately 3 days. After a pubic so deflated back as usual. Eventually the goat seemed so much larger, especially in the belly fat. Its fur is more shiny, more milk udders swell, become large, as well as punting milk. In pregnant about three months so obviously bear his mark. Blood vessels and stomach more prominent.
The duration Goat Bunting
The duration of pregnant goats to normal is around 21 weeks or about 5 months. The difference or less than this benchmark is only about 5 days. During pregnant goats should be kept well. Do not let him fall, slip, shock or gored or kicked by another goat. Because this can lead to giving birth too soon and was forced to the so-called "abort" or "abortion". If there is a miscarriage then the kid will usually be born dead and their mother will be sickly because too much bleed and long may he die anyway.
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Raising Goats. Bandung-Jakarta: The new NV.)
Signs of a pregnant goat is generally not easy to see, especially for people who do not know and do not pay attention to the nature of goats or buntingnya was not quite two months. A rather obvious just is not going dikawan goat and do not want to be approached by a male. At first she loves to bite bunting fences, poles and ropes and other, licking walls walls, phon and so on. This is called "cravings". After dikawan the cock slightly swollen lips, it is a bit of red skin, from the pubic whitish mucus discharge. This length of approximately 3 days. After a pubic so deflated back as usual. Eventually the goat seemed so much larger, especially in the belly fat. Its fur is more shiny, more milk udders swell, become large, as well as punting milk. In pregnant about three months so obviously bear his mark. Blood vessels and stomach more prominent.
The duration Goat Bunting
The duration of pregnant goats to normal is around 21 weeks or about 5 months. The difference or less than this benchmark is only about 5 days. During pregnant goats should be kept well. Do not let him fall, slip, shock or gored or kicked by another goat. Because this can lead to giving birth too soon and was forced to the so-called "abort" or "abortion". If there is a miscarriage then the kid will usually be born dead and their mother will be sickly because too much bleed and long may he die anyway.
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