Peristiwa Indonesia Sekitar Peristiwa Konferensi Asia Afrika (1955) di Indonesia sampai tahun 1964/Indonesia events surrounding events Asian-African Conference (1955) in Indonesia until 1964 FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Peristiwa Indonesia Sekitar Peristiwa Konferensi Asia Afrika (1955) di Indonesia sampai tahun 1964
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Di Indonesia pada tahun 1955 diadakan konferensi Asia Afrika. Sebelum itu, terlebih dahulu diadakan Konferensi Panca Negara pada bulan Desember 1954 di Bogor, Indonesia. Yang hadir ialah Perdana Menteri Pakistan, Moh. Ali, Perdana Menteri India Jawaharlal Nehru, Perdana Menteri Srilangka Sir John Kotelawala, Perdana Menteri Birma U Nu dan Perdana Menteri Republik Indonesia Ali Sastroamijoyo. Dalam Konferensi di Bogor itu dicapai kata sepakat untuk mengadakan Konferensi Negara Asia Afrika dan ditetapkan pula Negara mana yang akan diundang. Ke lima Negara akan menjadi Negara pengundang dan konferensi akan diadakan di Indonesia. Tidak kurang dari 24 negara yang diundang, sehingga konferensi itu akan dihadiri oleh 29 negara. Mereka dari segala aliran: ada yang demokratis liberal kapitalis, ada juga yang komunis, ada yang nasionalis dan ada yang Islam. Ada juga yang belum merdeka penuh, seperti, Sudan (yang baru menjadi merdeka pada tahun 19560 dan Gold Coast (yang menjadi merdeka tahun 1957 dan mengganti namanya menjadi Ghana).
Konferensi Asia Afrika dilangsungkan di kota Bandung, Indonesia, dibuka oleh Presiden Sukarno pada tanggal 18 April 1955 dan menjadi suatu sukses yang gemilang. Berbagai keputusan penting dapat diambil. Negara Asia Afrika itu akan bekerja sama dalam lapangan ekonomi dan kebudayaan. Mereka akan memberi bantuan sepenuhnya dalam mencapai hak asasi manusia dan hak setiap bangsa untuk menentukan nasib sendiri. Mereka sepakat mencela tiap diskriminasi rasial. Mereka sekata menyatakan tiap kolonialisme suatu kejahatan karena kolonialisme itu berarti perbudakan dan penghisapan dari suatu bangsa oleh bangsa asing.
Bagi Indonesia, Konferensi Asia Afrika (AA) itu teristimewa merupakan sukse. Nama “Indonesia” dan teristimewa nama “Bandung” dengan seketika menjadi terkenal di mana-mana di seluruh dunia. Sehingga Negara Asia Afrika yang ikut Konferensi itu dinamakan Negara “Bandungia”.
Pada tahun 1955 itu juga Pemerintah Indonesia untuk pertama kali mengadakan pemilihan umum: pada bulan September untuk memilih anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat; dan pada bulan Desember untuk memilih anggota Konstituante. Pada tahun 1956, baik Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat maupun Konstituante telah dapat dibuka dan mulai bekerja.
Sementara itu, kerusuhan sebagai akibat dari pemberontakan dan pengacauan dari golongan yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan anti nasional, meluas. Gangguan keamanan itu merupakan suatu masalah besar bagi Negara Indonesia yang masih mudah itu. Indonesia telah tahu pemberontakan di Jawa Barat, Indonesia, yang dipimpin oleh Kartosuwiryo dan di Sulawesi Selatan, dipimpin oleh Kahar Muzakkar. Di Aceh pun timbul pemberontakan dari gerombolan Daud Beureuh. Teristimewa pemberontakan Kartosuwiryo itu telah berlarut semenjak pengakuan kedaulatan Indonesia pada akhir tahun 1949 dan menimbulkan banyak sekali korban jiwa manusia dan pemusnahan harta benda rakyat.
Suatu pemberontakan yang sangat berbahaya terjadi pada tahun 1957: di Sumatera (Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia/ PRRI) di Sulawesi Utara (Permesta). Pemberontakan itu dilakukan oleh golongan tentara; di Sumatera di pimpin oleh Simbolon dan Ahmad Hussein, di Sulawesi Utara oleh Vence Sumual dan Warouw. Sebagai alasan mereka menuduh bahwa kekayaan yang dihasilkan oleh mereka, oleh Pemerintah Pusat Indonesia disalah gunakan untuk kepentingan sendiri sedang kepentingan daerah mereka di terlantarkan. Anehnya adalah bahwa komandan tentara yang memberontak itu justru golongan yang kaya dan makmur karena dapat memperkaya diri dengan hasil kekayaan daerah mereka. Pemerintah Indonesia mencoba berunding dengan mereka dengan mengadakan “Musyawarah Nasional” (“Munas”) dan “Musyawarah Nasional Pembangunan” (“Munap”). Tetapi setelah ternyata bahwa kaum pemberontak tidak dapat ditertibkan dengan musyawarah, bahkan mereka terang hendak memecah belah kesatuan Negara Indonesia dengan mendirikan Negara sendiri, maka pada tahun 1958 Pemerintah Indonesia bertindak dengan tegas dan cepat. Di Pekanbaru diadakan pendaratan pendaratan dari udara dan di Padang dari laut, dan dalam waktu singkat kekuatan induk tentara pemberontak dapat dipatahkan sehingga kemudian sifatnya menjadi gerombolan pengacay yang menggarong dan merampok. Terhadap pemberontakan kaum “Permesta” di Sulawesi Utara. Pemerintah Indonesia pun bertindak cepat pula dengan menduduki Morotai dan melakukan pendaratan di Gorontalo, Sulawesi.
Pemberontakan itu terlebih membahayakan, karena beberapa orang terkemuka dalam ke partaian ikut menggabung dan mengadakan hubungan dengan luar negeri sehingga menimbulkan kemunculan intervensi dari sesuatu Negara asing. Tetapi kecepatan gerak, ketangkasan dan moril tinggi dari tentara Pemerintah Indonesia dalam waktu singkat mematahkan tulang punggung tentara kaum pemberontak. Dalam tahun 1958 dan 1959 pengejaran dan tindakan tegas terus menerus dilakukan terhadap sisa kaum pemberontak dan keamanan berangsur dapat dipulihkan.
Sementara itu kekeruhan dalam masyarakat, pertentangan dan cakar mencakar antara golongan satu dan satunya masih saja berjalan terus dan menyebabkan kemacetan dalam segala usaha pembangunan. Sikap jegal menjegal dan saling bercakar itu juga yang menyebabkan kemacetan pekerjaan Konstituante. Konstituante yang dibuka pada bulan April tahun 1956, setelah bekerja lebih, belum juga berhasil mengambil keputusan dalam hal yang fundamental; pembicaraan seringkali bertele-tele berkisar sekitar soal yang kecil. Dalam keadaan demikian Presiden Sukarno, yang tidak tahan lagi melihat kemacetan dan kemunduran dalam bidang masyarakat, mengambil suatu tindakan yang sangat revolusioner dengan melancarkan “Dekrit Presiden” pada tanggal 9 Juli 1959. Dekrit itu membukarkan Konstituante dan menyatakan kita “kembali ke Undang-undang Dasar 1945”. Dalam pidatonya pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1959, Presiden Sukarno memberi penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang Dekrit Presiden dan menguraikan politik Pemerintah. Pidato 17 Agustus 1959 ini dinamakan “Manifesto Politik” (Disingkat “manipol”). Dan dijadikan “haluan Negara Indonesia”.
Menurut Undang-undang Dasar 1945 pimpinan pemerintah dipegang oleh Presiden sendiri. Oleh sebab itu maka dibentuk cabinet baru “cabinet Kerja” dengan Presiden sebagai Perdana Menteri. Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 juga menghendaki pembentukan lembaga pemerintah baru yakni Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) dan Dewan Pertimbangan Agung (DPA). Dewan Pertimbangan Agung dapat segera di susun dengan Presiden sebagai ketuanya. Tetapi pembentukan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) memerlukan pemilihan umum lagi maka untuk sementara di susun Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat sementara (MPR- Sementara).
Program minimum Kabinet Kerja ialah: 1) Sandang pangan terbeli oleh rakyat dalam jangka waktu 2 atau 3 tahun; 2) Memulihkan keamanan; dan 3) melanjutkan perjuangan anti imperalisme, khususnya perjuangan Irian Barat.
Menurut Undang-undang 195 Pemerintah dapat bekerja 5 tahun lamanya, dalam jangka waktu mana Pemerintah tidak dapat digulingkan oleh Parlemen. Ketentuan itu memberikan ketengangan bekerja kepada cabinet, tidak seperti pada zaman sebelum itu, dimana cabinet kita setiap waktu dapat dijatuhkan oleh Parlemen. Ketenangan itu memberikan kekuatan kepada Pemerintah sehingga dapat mengadakan tidnakan tegas. Juga di bidang keamanan, sehingga keamanan berangsur menjadi makin baik dan gerombolan pemberontak berbondong-bondong menyerah kepangkuan Indonesia (Ibu Pertiwi). Menteri Keamanan Nasional Jenderal Haris Nasution menjanjikan bahwa keamanan pada tahun 1962 akan dapat dipulihkan seluruhnya.
Haluan Negara yang digariskan dalam “Manipol” memuat 5 unsur penting yang terkenal dengan singakatan “USDEK”.
Keadaan stabil dan posisi kuat di dalam negeri memberi kemungkinan untuk menjalankan politik luar negeri yang kuat juga. Suatu tindakan penting ialah penghapus seluruh perjanjian Konferensi Meja Bundar (KMB) dan penyitaan dan pengambilan alih segala milik dan harta Belanda yang ada di sini pada akhir tahun 1957. Tindakan itu kemudian disusul dengan pemutusan hubungan diplomatic dengan negeri Belanda pada tahun 1960. Tindakan terhadap Belanda itu diambil dalam rangka program Kabinet Kerja yang ketiga, yakni: memperjuangkan kembalinya Irian Barat ke pangkuan Republik Indonesia.
Keadaan stabil dan posisi kuat Pemerintah Indonesia membuka kemungkinan juga untuk menjalankan pembangunan semesta berencana yang dirumuskan oleh Depernas (Dewan Perencanaan Nasional), yang secara simbolis dimulai dengan “ayunan cangkul pertama” yang dilakukan oleh Presiden Sukarno pada tanggal 1 Januari 1961.
Posisi kuat dan stabil yang dapat diciptakan berkat Haluan Negara yang digariskan oleh Manipol/ USDEK itu telah membuka kemungkinan yang hebat, yang dahulu tidak terduga dalam segala bidang kehidupan masyarakat.
Pembangunan dalam segala lapangan dapat berjalan lancar dan tepat; terutama kita catat: komplek Asian Games dan Hotel Indonesia, yang dapat di selesaikan dalam jangka waktu sangat singkat.
Tidak kurang penting ialah hasil yang tercapai dalam bidang keamanan, yang juga berjalan sangat lancar dan mencapai klimaks nya dengan tertangkap hidup-hidup, S. M. Kartosuwiryo.
Posisi kuat itu memungkinkan pula untuk melancarkan klaim nasional kita: pembebasan Irian Barat dengan pesat. Pada tanggal 19 Desember 1961 diberikan Trikomando Rakyat (Tiga Komando Rakyat) disingkat “Trikora”. Sebelum tanggal 1 Januari 1963 Irian Barat harus telah kembali ke pangkuan Republik Indonesia. Pelaksanaan Trikora ini dijalankan dengan giat di bidang mental, ekonomi dan kemiliteran. Seluruh angkatan perang Indonesia serta seluruh potensi rakyat dikerahkan dalam keadaan siap siaga, menunggu komando terakhir. Akhirnya Belanda menyerah dalam persetujuan di New York (Amerika Serikat) pada bulan Agustus 1962. Pada akhir tahun 1962 Belanda menyerahkan pemerintahan atas Irian Barat kepada badan yang dibentuk oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa, UNTEA (United Nation Transitory Executive Administration) dan pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963 pemerintah Indonesia atas Irian Barat diserahkan oleh UNTEA kepada Republik Indonesia. Sehingga demikian perjuangan untuk merebut kembali Irian Barat yang menjadi bertele-tele semenjak 1950 itu dapat diselesaikan dengan gilang gemilang, dan Sang Saka (bendera Merah Putih/ bendera Indonesia) berkibar dengan megahnya dari Sabang (Aceh) sampai Merauke (Irian Barat).
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Indonesia events surrounding events Asian-African Conference (1955) in Indonesia until 1964
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In Indonesia in 1955 a conference of Asia and Africa. Prior to that, first of Five Countries Conference held in December 1954 in Bogor, Indonesia. In attendance was the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Moh.Ali, Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Sir John Kotelawala, Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu and Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Ali Sastroamijoyo. In a conference in Bogor reached an agreement to hold a Conference of Asia, Africa and also determined which country will be invited. The five state will be Host State and the conference will be held in Indonesia. No less than 24 countries were invited, so the conference will be attended by 29 countries. They are from all streams: liberal democratic capitalist there, there is also a communist, nationalist and there is no one Islam. There also are not fully independent, such as Sudan (which only became independent in 19 560 and the Gold Coast (which became independent in 1957 and changed its name to Ghana).
Asian-African Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia, Sukarno was opened by the President on 18 April 1955 and became a resounding success. Various important decisions can be taken.Asian and African countries would cooperate in the field of economy and culture. They will help him in achieving human rights and the right of every nation to self-determination. They agreed to denounce any racial discrimination. They were one word expressed by colonialism a crime because it meant slavery colonialism and exploitation of a nation by foreign nations.
For Indonesia, the Asian-African Conference (AA) that is particularly successful. The name "Indonesia" and especially the name "London" instantly became famous everywhere in the world. So the Asian countries participating African Countries conference called "Bandungia".
In 1955 it was also the first time the Government of Indonesia to hold general elections: in September to elect members of the House of Representatives, and in December to elect members of the Constituent Assembly. In 1956, both the House of Representatives and the Assembly has been able to open and start working.
Meanwhile, violence as a result of the rebellion and disruption of classes irresponsible and anti-national, widespread. Disturbance that is a big problem for the Indonesian state was still easy.Indonesia has to know the rebellion in West Java, Indonesia, led by Kartosuwiryo and in South Sulawesi, led by Kahar Muzakkar. In Aceh rebellion also arise from the hordes of David Beureuh.Especially Kartosuwiryo uprising has drawn since the recognition of the sovereignty of Indonesia at the end of 1949 and brings us so many human lives and destruction of people's property.
A very dangerous rebellion occurred in 1957: in Sumatra (Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia / PRRI) in North Sulawesi (Permesta). The uprising was carried out by a group of soldiers, led by Sumatra Simbolon and Ahmad Hussein, in North Sulawesi by Vence Sumual and Warouw. As the reason they allege that the wealth generated by them, by the Indonesian Central Government misused for the benefit of their own were the regional interest are abandoned. Strangely is that the commander of the rebel army that just the rich and affluent class as it can enrich themselves with the wealth of their region. The Indonesian government tried to negotiate with them to hold a "National Council" ("General Assembly") and the "National Council of Development" ("Munap"). But as it turns out that the rebels can not be disciplined by consensus, they even wanted to divide the light of unity Country Indonesia by establishing their own country, then in 1958 the Government of Indonesia to act firmly and quickly. Held in Pekanbaru landing from the air and landing in Padang from the sea, and in a short time force main rebel army may be broken so then its a bunch pengacay were plundered and robbed. The revolt of the "Permesta" in North Sulawesi. The Indonesian government had acted sooner to occupy and a landing at Morotai Gorontalo, Sulawesi.
The rebellion was especially dangerous, because some prominent person in the partaian join merge and make contact with overseas giving rise to the appearance of the intervention of any foreign country. But the speed of motion, agility and high morale of soldiers in a short time the Indonesian government to break the backbone of the rebel army. In 1958 and 1959 the pursuit and continuous strict action against the remaining rebels and security can be restored gradually.
Meanwhile turbidity in society, the opposition and the claws scratching the one and only group still goes on and cause congestion in all development efforts. Attitudes jegal tackle and clawed each other also causes congestion Constituent job.Constituent Assembly, which opened in April 1956, after working more, yet also managed to take a decision in terms of the fundamental; rambling conversations often revolve around a small matter. In such circumstances President Sukarno, who no longer bear to see bottlenecks and setbacks in the public sector, taking a very revolutionary action by launching a "presidential decree" on July 9, 1959. Constituent membukarkan decree and declare us "back to the Act of 1945". In a speech on August 17, 1959, President Sukarno gave further explanation of the Presidential Decree of the Government and political outlines. August 17, 1959 speech is called "Political Manifesto" (abbreviated "manifold"). And made "policy of the State of Indonesia".
Under the Act of 1945, the leadership of the government held by the President himself. Therefore, it formed a new cabinet "cabinet work" with the President as Prime Minister. Act of 1945 also requires the formation of a new government agency that is the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA). Supreme Advisory Council to immediately arrange with the President as its chairman. But the establishment of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) require another election then for a while in the apartment while the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR-As).
Minimum Cabinet Work Programme are: 1) Clothing food bought by the people in a period of 2 or 3 years, 2) Restoring security and 3) continued the anti imperialism, especially the struggle of West Irian.
According to Law 195 Government can work 5 years, within which the government can not be overthrown by Parliament. The provision giving the cabinet quietness work, unlike in the days before that, where we cabinet any time be imposed by Parliament. The tranquility that gives power to the Government so that it can hold firm tidnakan. Also in the field of security, so security gradually become better and hordes of rebels surrender in droves kepangkuan Indonesia (Mother Earth). National Security Minister Haris Nasution General promised that security in 1962 will be fully recovered.
State Policy set out in "Political" contains five major elements singakatan famous "Manifesto".
Stable and strong position in the country gives the possibility to run a strong foreign policy as well. An important measure is the entire agreement eraser Round Table Conference (RTC) and the seizure and confiscation of all property and assets the Netherlands who are here at the end of 1957. The move was followed by the termination of diplomatic relations with the Netherlands in 1960. The action was taken against the Netherlands in order to program the third Cabinet Work, namely: to fight for the return of West Irian to the Republic of Indonesia.
Stable and strong position of the Government of Indonesia split over whether to run the universe development plans formulated by the National Planning Council (Council of National Planning), which symbolically began with "first swing hoe" by President Sukarno on 1 January 1961.
Strong and stable position that can be created thanks to the Guidelines of State Policy set out by the Political / Manifesto has opened great possibilities, which were not unexpected in all areas of public life.
Development in any field can be run smoothly and precisely, especially us note: the complex Asian Games and the Hotel Indonesia, which can be completed in a very short period of time.
No less important is the results achieved in the field of security, which also went very smoothly and reaches its climax with the captured alive, S. M. Kartosuwiryo.
Strong position that makes it possible to launch our national claims: the rapid liberation of West Irian. On December 19, 1961 granted the People's Tri (Three People's Command) is abbreviated "Trikora". Prior to January 1, 1963 on West Irian had been returned to the Republic of Indonesia. Implementation Trikora is run by enterprising in the fields of mental, economic and military. Whole armies of Indonesia and all the potential of the people deployed on alert, waiting for the last command. Finally, the Dutch surrendered the agreement in New York (USA) in August 1962. At the end of 1962 the Dutch government handing over West Irian to the body established by the United Nations, UNTEA (United Nations Transitory Executive Administration) and on May 1, 1963 the Government of Indonesia over West Irian UNTEA submitted by the Republic of Indonesia. So therefore the struggle to reclaim the West Irian be pedantic since 1950 that can be solved with resplendent, and Sang Saka (flag / banner Indonesia) flying proudly from Sabang (Aceh) to Merauke (West Irian).
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In Indonesia in 1955 a conference of Asia and Africa. Prior to that, first of Five Countries Conference held in December 1954 in Bogor, Indonesia. In attendance was the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Moh.Ali, Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Sir John Kotelawala, Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu and Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Ali Sastroamijoyo. In a conference in Bogor reached an agreement to hold a Conference of Asia, Africa and also determined which country will be invited. The five state will be Host State and the conference will be held in Indonesia. No less than 24 countries were invited, so the conference will be attended by 29 countries. They are from all streams: liberal democratic capitalist there, there is also a communist, nationalist and there is no one Islam. There also are not fully independent, such as Sudan (which only became independent in 19 560 and the Gold Coast (which became independent in 1957 and changed its name to Ghana).
Asian-African Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia, Sukarno was opened by the President on 18 April 1955 and became a resounding success. Various important decisions can be taken.Asian and African countries would cooperate in the field of economy and culture. They will help him in achieving human rights and the right of every nation to self-determination. They agreed to denounce any racial discrimination. They were one word expressed by colonialism a crime because it meant slavery colonialism and exploitation of a nation by foreign nations.
For Indonesia, the Asian-African Conference (AA) that is particularly successful. The name "Indonesia" and especially the name "London" instantly became famous everywhere in the world. So the Asian countries participating African Countries conference called "Bandungia".
In 1955 it was also the first time the Government of Indonesia to hold general elections: in September to elect members of the House of Representatives, and in December to elect members of the Constituent Assembly. In 1956, both the House of Representatives and the Assembly has been able to open and start working.
Meanwhile, violence as a result of the rebellion and disruption of classes irresponsible and anti-national, widespread. Disturbance that is a big problem for the Indonesian state was still easy.Indonesia has to know the rebellion in West Java, Indonesia, led by Kartosuwiryo and in South Sulawesi, led by Kahar Muzakkar. In Aceh rebellion also arise from the hordes of David Beureuh.Especially Kartosuwiryo uprising has drawn since the recognition of the sovereignty of Indonesia at the end of 1949 and brings us so many human lives and destruction of people's property.
A very dangerous rebellion occurred in 1957: in Sumatra (Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia / PRRI) in North Sulawesi (Permesta). The uprising was carried out by a group of soldiers, led by Sumatra Simbolon and Ahmad Hussein, in North Sulawesi by Vence Sumual and Warouw. As the reason they allege that the wealth generated by them, by the Indonesian Central Government misused for the benefit of their own were the regional interest are abandoned. Strangely is that the commander of the rebel army that just the rich and affluent class as it can enrich themselves with the wealth of their region. The Indonesian government tried to negotiate with them to hold a "National Council" ("General Assembly") and the "National Council of Development" ("Munap"). But as it turns out that the rebels can not be disciplined by consensus, they even wanted to divide the light of unity Country Indonesia by establishing their own country, then in 1958 the Government of Indonesia to act firmly and quickly. Held in Pekanbaru landing from the air and landing in Padang from the sea, and in a short time force main rebel army may be broken so then its a bunch pengacay were plundered and robbed. The revolt of the "Permesta" in North Sulawesi. The Indonesian government had acted sooner to occupy and a landing at Morotai Gorontalo, Sulawesi.
The rebellion was especially dangerous, because some prominent person in the partaian join merge and make contact with overseas giving rise to the appearance of the intervention of any foreign country. But the speed of motion, agility and high morale of soldiers in a short time the Indonesian government to break the backbone of the rebel army. In 1958 and 1959 the pursuit and continuous strict action against the remaining rebels and security can be restored gradually.
Meanwhile turbidity in society, the opposition and the claws scratching the one and only group still goes on and cause congestion in all development efforts. Attitudes jegal tackle and clawed each other also causes congestion Constituent job.Constituent Assembly, which opened in April 1956, after working more, yet also managed to take a decision in terms of the fundamental; rambling conversations often revolve around a small matter. In such circumstances President Sukarno, who no longer bear to see bottlenecks and setbacks in the public sector, taking a very revolutionary action by launching a "presidential decree" on July 9, 1959. Constituent membukarkan decree and declare us "back to the Act of 1945". In a speech on August 17, 1959, President Sukarno gave further explanation of the Presidential Decree of the Government and political outlines. August 17, 1959 speech is called "Political Manifesto" (abbreviated "manifold"). And made "policy of the State of Indonesia".
Under the Act of 1945, the leadership of the government held by the President himself. Therefore, it formed a new cabinet "cabinet work" with the President as Prime Minister. Act of 1945 also requires the formation of a new government agency that is the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA). Supreme Advisory Council to immediately arrange with the President as its chairman. But the establishment of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) require another election then for a while in the apartment while the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR-As).
Minimum Cabinet Work Programme are: 1) Clothing food bought by the people in a period of 2 or 3 years, 2) Restoring security and 3) continued the anti imperialism, especially the struggle of West Irian.
According to Law 195 Government can work 5 years, within which the government can not be overthrown by Parliament. The provision giving the cabinet quietness work, unlike in the days before that, where we cabinet any time be imposed by Parliament. The tranquility that gives power to the Government so that it can hold firm tidnakan. Also in the field of security, so security gradually become better and hordes of rebels surrender in droves kepangkuan Indonesia (Mother Earth). National Security Minister Haris Nasution General promised that security in 1962 will be fully recovered.
State Policy set out in "Political" contains five major elements singakatan famous "Manifesto".
Stable and strong position in the country gives the possibility to run a strong foreign policy as well. An important measure is the entire agreement eraser Round Table Conference (RTC) and the seizure and confiscation of all property and assets the Netherlands who are here at the end of 1957. The move was followed by the termination of diplomatic relations with the Netherlands in 1960. The action was taken against the Netherlands in order to program the third Cabinet Work, namely: to fight for the return of West Irian to the Republic of Indonesia.
Stable and strong position of the Government of Indonesia split over whether to run the universe development plans formulated by the National Planning Council (Council of National Planning), which symbolically began with "first swing hoe" by President Sukarno on 1 January 1961.
Strong and stable position that can be created thanks to the Guidelines of State Policy set out by the Political / Manifesto has opened great possibilities, which were not unexpected in all areas of public life.
Development in any field can be run smoothly and precisely, especially us note: the complex Asian Games and the Hotel Indonesia, which can be completed in a very short period of time.
No less important is the results achieved in the field of security, which also went very smoothly and reaches its climax with the captured alive, S. M. Kartosuwiryo.
Strong position that makes it possible to launch our national claims: the rapid liberation of West Irian. On December 19, 1961 granted the People's Tri (Three People's Command) is abbreviated "Trikora". Prior to January 1, 1963 on West Irian had been returned to the Republic of Indonesia. Implementation Trikora is run by enterprising in the fields of mental, economic and military. Whole armies of Indonesia and all the potential of the people deployed on alert, waiting for the last command. Finally, the Dutch surrendered the agreement in New York (USA) in August 1962. At the end of 1962 the Dutch government handing over West Irian to the body established by the United Nations, UNTEA (United Nations Transitory Executive Administration) and on May 1, 1963 the Government of Indonesia over West Irian UNTEA submitted by the Republic of Indonesia. So therefore the struggle to reclaim the West Irian be pedantic since 1950 that can be solved with resplendent, and Sang Saka (flag / banner Indonesia) flying proudly from Sabang (Aceh) to Merauke (West Irian).
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