Tokugawa jatuh (Sejarah Jepang)/Tokugawa fall (History of Japan) FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Tokugawa jatuh (Sejarah Jepang)
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Semenjak awal abad XVII (1603) kekuasaan di Jepang ada di tangan keluarga Tokugawa. Dengan mengadakan peraturan yang keras dan sangat tertib mereka berhasil mempertahankan kekuasaanya. Markas besarnya di daerah timur pulau Honsu, di kota Yedo (yang sekarang namanya Tokyo).
Tenno Heika (Kaisar) Jepang tinggal di pedalaman, di Kyoto. Ia hanya merupakan boneka saja yang dipuja seperdi dewa, dan tidak mempunyai kekuasaan apa-apa.
Sementara itu kaum daimyo yaitu kaum ningrat militer, beserta tentara pribadinya yang terdiri dari kaum samurai disebelah pantai Barat (antara lain keluarga Satsuma) dan di daerah Selatan (antara lain keluarga Chosu) sedikit banyak agak bebas dari kungkungan kekuasaan kaum Tokugawa, tetapi hingga jatuh ke dalam abad XIX mereka pun tidak berani terang memberontak terhadap kaum Tokugawa.
Pada jaman Tokugawa kekuasaan tertinggi di tangan Shogun. Cara Jepang untuk mendewakan Tenno, padahal kekuasaan sesungguhnya ada ditangan Shogun itu sudah mulai pada jaman Yoritomo, Shogun pertama pada akhir abad XII. Kaum Tokugawa menyempurnakan system itu sehingga Tenno sama sekali tidak mempunyai kekuasaan. Orang bahkan tidak diperkenankan melihat Tenno, apalagi menemui dia untuk mengadakan suatu pembicaraan. Hanya sekali setahun orang untuk diperkenankan datang beramai di halaman Istana Kyoto untuk melihat …… kaki Tenno dalam upacara itu dikeluarkan dari sebuah lubang dalam tembok Istana!
Sepanjang pemerintah Kaum Tokugawa Jepang ditutup rapat-rapat bagi orang asing. Hanya sebagian satu perkecualian bangsa Belanda diperbolehkan tinggal di pulau Decima dimuka Bandar Nagasaki, seolah merupakan suatu jendela, dari mana Jepang, sungguhpun tertutup rapat, masih juga dapat mengawasi kejadian di dunia luar.
Tetapi mulai pada abad XIX dengan tumbuhnya ekspansi negeri Eropa, teranglah bahwa isolasi Jepang itu tidak mungkin dapat dipertahankan. Sejak permulaan abad XIX itu berbagai orang Eropa mencoba memasuki Jepang: orang Rusia, Inggris, Amerika Serikat.
Semuanya ditolak oleh pemerintah Jepang. Tetapi dibeberapa orang kalangan orang Jepang sendiri mulai timbul keinsafan bahwa pada suatu ketika Jepang harus dibuka bagi orang asing.
Yang pertama mendobrak pintu Jepang ialah bangsa Amerika. Mereka datang dengan empat kapal di bawah pimpinan Commodore Perry pada tahun 1853. Mereka tidak datang di Nagasaki, melainkan memilih Yokohama, Bandar yang terdekat pada Yedo, membawa surat dari Presiden Amerika Serikat kepada Tenno Jepang. Kemudian mereka kembali lagi dan akan kembali tahun berikutnya untuk mengambil jawaban atas surat itu.
Setelah Perry pergi, timbullah kegelisahan di kalangan pemerintah tetapi akhirnya orang insaf juga bahwa bangsa Barat tidak dapat ditolak lagi. Sikap Perry yang tegas tetapi hormat dan haluspun memudahkan bagi pemerintah untuk mengambil keputusan dengan tidak usah “kehilangan muka”. Maka tatkala Perry kembali padatahun 1854, ia berhasil mengadakan perjanjian untuk membuka perhubungan antara Jepang dan Amerika Serikat.
Kita telah tahu bahwa Tientsin, Bandar besar Tiongkok pada tahun 1858 jatuh, di serbu oleh tentara negeri Eropa. Kejadian itu menakutkan bangsa Jepang sehingga pada tahun itu juga konsul Amerika di Jepang berhasil mengadakan perjanjian dagang yang teratur.
Perjanjian dagang tahun 1858 itu menjadi contoh bagi negeri Eropa lainnya yang kemudian ikut mengadakan perhubungan dagang dengan Jepang.
Sementara itu semangat anti asing tidak padam. Berbagai golongan menghendaki tetap isolasi. Mereka melihat orang asing di kota pelabuhan mereka dengan rasa benci. Kebencian itu ditujukan pula kepada Shogun yang membuka negeri Jepang bagi orang asing. Gerakan anti asing dan anti Tokugawa itu dipimpin oleh kaum ningrat sipil (kaum kuge) di sekitar istana Kyoto dan oleh para daimyo di bagian Barat dan Selatan di bawah pimpinan Satsuma dan Choshu.
Kadang terjadi penganiayaan terhadap orang asing tetapi tatkala terjadi juga pembunuhan terhadap seorang bangsa Inggris maka angkatan laut Inggris bertindak, mengirimkan beberapa kapal perang dan menembaki benteng pelabuhan daerah Satsuma (1863). Dan tatkala kaum Choshu yang menguasai Selat Shimonoseki, menembaki kapal dagang asing yang melalui Selat itu maka oleh negeri Eropa dikirimkan sebuah ekspredisi terdiri dari kapal perang Inggris, Perancis, Belanda dan Amerika dan benteng Choshu dihancur ratakan.
Oleh karena kejadian itu kedudukan kaum Tokugawa menjadi sangat sulit. Mereka terikat perjanjian dengan negeri barat. Mereka pun tahu bahwa Jepang berdaya terhadap persenjataan modern bangsa Barat.
Sementarai itu gerakan anti Tokogawa di bawah pimpinan daimyo Satsuma dan Choshu makin gerak. Mereka bermaksud mengembalikan kekuasaan kepada Tenno sehingga untuk selanjutnya tidak lagi Shogun melainkan Tenno yang berkuasa di Jepang.
Pada tahun 1867 naik takhta sebagai Tenno seorang pemuda yang pada waktu itu baru berusia 14 tahun, Mutsuhito, yang kemudian lebih dikenal dengan nama Meiji. Pada tahun 1868 timbullah revolusi dalam Istana di bawah pimpinan kaum kuge (kaun ningrat sipil) dan kaum daimyo. Mereka memaksa Shogun untuk mengundurkan diri dan menyerahkan tanah dan kekayaan lainnya.
Dengan jatuhnya kaum Tokugawa itu berakhirlah kekuasaan militerdi Jepang yang 6 ½ abad lebih berturut (semenjak Yoritomo tahun 1192) memegang kekuasaan dalam negeri. Mulailah jaman baru bagi Jepang.
Tokugawa fall (History of Japan)
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
Since the beginning of the seventeenth century (1603) Japan's power is in the hands of the Tokugawa family. By conducting a stringent regulatory and very orderly they managed to retain power. Headquarters in the area east of the island Honsu, in the city of Yedo (now called Tokyo).
Tenno Heika (The Emperor) lived in rural Japan, in Kyoto. He just is stuffed seperdi gods are worshiped, and do not have any power.
Meanwhile, the daimyo of the military aristocracy, and his private army comprised of the samurai next to the West coast (including family Satsuma) and the South (including family Chosu) a little much rather free from the confines of the power of the Tokugawa, but to fall into in the nineteenth century they had not dared to rebel against the Tokugawa light.
At the time of supreme power in the hands of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Japanese way to deify Tenno, but the real power is in the hands of Shogun had already begun at the time of Yoritomo, the first Shogun in the late twelfth century. The Tokugawa system was perfected so Tenno did not have power. People are not even allowed to see the Tenno, let alone see him to hold a conversation. Only once a year allowed people to come together with friends in the courtyard to see ...... feet Kyoto Tenno in the ceremony was ejected from a hole in the wall of the Palace!
Throughout The Tokugawa Japan's government sealed to foreigners. Only some one exception of the Dutch was allowed to stay on the island of Decima upfront Airport Nagasaki, as a window, from which Japan, though closed, was also able to keep an eye on events in the outside world.
But starting in the nineteenth century with the growing expansion of the European countries, it is clear that Japan's isolation may not be maintained. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century Europe that many people trying to enter Japan: Russian, English, United States.
All were rejected by the Japanese government. But several people among the Japanese themselves nascent realization that at some point Japan had to be opened to foreigners.
The first is to break down the door Japanese Americans. They come with four ships under the command of Commodore Perry in 1853. They do not come in Nagasaki, but chose Yokohama, the nearest airport in Yedo, a letter from the President of the United States to the Japanese Tenno. Then they came back again and will be back next year to take the answer to the letter.
After Perry left, comes anxiety in government circles but eventually people realize also that the West can not be denied anymore. Perry Attitude firm but respectful and haluspun easier for the government to take a decision to not have to "lose face".And when Perry returned padatahun 1854, he successfully entered into an agreement to open a liaison between Japan and the United States.
We already know that Tientsin, China's large airport in 1858 falls, domestic assault by soldiers of Europe. The incident was frightening the Japanese so that year the American consul in Japan successfully entered into the regular trade.
Trade agreement in 1858 that became a model for other European countries that later joined nexus conduct trade with Japan.
Meanwhile, anti-foreign spirit is not extinguished. Various groups want fixed insulation. They see strangers in their port city with hatred. Hatred was addressed also to the open country Shogun Japanese to foreigners. Anti-foreign and anti-Tokugawa was led by civil nobility (the kuge) around the palace Kyoto and by the daimyo in the West and South under the leadership of Satsuma and Choshu.
Sometimes persecution against foreigners but when there is also the murder of a British nation the British naval action, sent several warships fired on the fort and the harbor area of Satsuma (1863).And when the Choshu that control the Strait of Shimonoseki, foreign merchant ship fired through the Strait was then the European countries sent a warship ekspredisi comprising Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States and the fort destroyed Choshu averaged.
Therefore, the position of the Tokugawa incident becomes very difficult. They are tied to an agreement with the western countries.They also knew that Japan was defenseless against modern weaponry the West.
Sementarai anti Tokogawa was under the leadership of Satsuma and Choshu daimyo increasingly motion. They intend to restore power to the Tenno that henceforth no longer Shogun but Tenno in power in Japan.
In 1867 Tenno to the throne as a young man who at the time was just 14 years old, Mutsuhito, later better known as Meiji. In 1868 there arose in the palace revolution under the leadership of the kuge (Kaun civil nobility) and the daimyo. They forced the Shogun to resign and hand over the land and other assets.
With the fall of the Tokugawa them the power of Japanese militerdi 6 ½ consecutive centuries (since Yoritomo in 1192) hold power in the country. Begin a new era for Japan.
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
Since the beginning of the seventeenth century (1603) Japan's power is in the hands of the Tokugawa family. By conducting a stringent regulatory and very orderly they managed to retain power. Headquarters in the area east of the island Honsu, in the city of Yedo (now called Tokyo).
Tenno Heika (The Emperor) lived in rural Japan, in Kyoto. He just is stuffed seperdi gods are worshiped, and do not have any power.
Meanwhile, the daimyo of the military aristocracy, and his private army comprised of the samurai next to the West coast (including family Satsuma) and the South (including family Chosu) a little much rather free from the confines of the power of the Tokugawa, but to fall into in the nineteenth century they had not dared to rebel against the Tokugawa light.
At the time of supreme power in the hands of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Japanese way to deify Tenno, but the real power is in the hands of Shogun had already begun at the time of Yoritomo, the first Shogun in the late twelfth century. The Tokugawa system was perfected so Tenno did not have power. People are not even allowed to see the Tenno, let alone see him to hold a conversation. Only once a year allowed people to come together with friends in the courtyard to see ...... feet Kyoto Tenno in the ceremony was ejected from a hole in the wall of the Palace!
Throughout The Tokugawa Japan's government sealed to foreigners. Only some one exception of the Dutch was allowed to stay on the island of Decima upfront Airport Nagasaki, as a window, from which Japan, though closed, was also able to keep an eye on events in the outside world.
But starting in the nineteenth century with the growing expansion of the European countries, it is clear that Japan's isolation may not be maintained. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century Europe that many people trying to enter Japan: Russian, English, United States.
All were rejected by the Japanese government. But several people among the Japanese themselves nascent realization that at some point Japan had to be opened to foreigners.
The first is to break down the door Japanese Americans. They come with four ships under the command of Commodore Perry in 1853. They do not come in Nagasaki, but chose Yokohama, the nearest airport in Yedo, a letter from the President of the United States to the Japanese Tenno. Then they came back again and will be back next year to take the answer to the letter.
After Perry left, comes anxiety in government circles but eventually people realize also that the West can not be denied anymore. Perry Attitude firm but respectful and haluspun easier for the government to take a decision to not have to "lose face".And when Perry returned padatahun 1854, he successfully entered into an agreement to open a liaison between Japan and the United States.
We already know that Tientsin, China's large airport in 1858 falls, domestic assault by soldiers of Europe. The incident was frightening the Japanese so that year the American consul in Japan successfully entered into the regular trade.
Trade agreement in 1858 that became a model for other European countries that later joined nexus conduct trade with Japan.
Meanwhile, anti-foreign spirit is not extinguished. Various groups want fixed insulation. They see strangers in their port city with hatred. Hatred was addressed also to the open country Shogun Japanese to foreigners. Anti-foreign and anti-Tokugawa was led by civil nobility (the kuge) around the palace Kyoto and by the daimyo in the West and South under the leadership of Satsuma and Choshu.
Sometimes persecution against foreigners but when there is also the murder of a British nation the British naval action, sent several warships fired on the fort and the harbor area of Satsuma (1863).And when the Choshu that control the Strait of Shimonoseki, foreign merchant ship fired through the Strait was then the European countries sent a warship ekspredisi comprising Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States and the fort destroyed Choshu averaged.
Therefore, the position of the Tokugawa incident becomes very difficult. They are tied to an agreement with the western countries.They also knew that Japan was defenseless against modern weaponry the West.
Sementarai anti Tokogawa was under the leadership of Satsuma and Choshu daimyo increasingly motion. They intend to restore power to the Tenno that henceforth no longer Shogun but Tenno in power in Japan.
In 1867 Tenno to the throne as a young man who at the time was just 14 years old, Mutsuhito, later better known as Meiji. In 1868 there arose in the palace revolution under the leadership of the kuge (Kaun civil nobility) and the daimyo. They forced the Shogun to resign and hand over the land and other assets.
With the fall of the Tokugawa them the power of Japanese militerdi 6 ½ consecutive centuries (since Yoritomo in 1192) hold power in the country. Begin a new era for Japan.
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