Aspek Geografi/Aspects of Geography FOR CLASS X GEOGRAPHY
Aspek Geografi
(Sumber: Sudibyakto, H. A. 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.)
A) Aspek Fisiik da Ruang Lingkup Geografi
1) Aspek Fisik dan Aspek Sosial. Geografi Fisik mempelajari lanskap atau bentang alam fisik bumi misalnya gunung, dataran rendah, sungai dan air. Geografi fisik menjelaskan penyebaran kenampakan alam yang bervariasi serta mencari jawaban tentang pembentukan dan perubahannya dari kenampakan masa lalu. Geografi manusia mempelajari lanskap atau bentang lahan manusia (budaya), misalnya komponen buatan manusia seperti jalan, saluran air, pemukiman, pusat kegiatan, dan bangunan. Geografi manusia mencoba mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan pola kenampakan manusia dan kegiatannya serta meneliti hubungan antara manusia dan lingkungannya.
2) Ruang lingkup geografi. Dalam buku “The Scope of Geography”, Road Murphy menulis tentang ruang lingkup kajian geografi. Ruang lingkup kajian geografi terdiri atas tiga hal:
a) Persebaran dan keterkaitan (relasi) manusia di Bumi serta aspek keruangan dan pemanfaatannya bagi tempat hidup manusia.
b) Hubungan timbale balik antara manusia dengan lingkungan fisik alam yang merupakan bagian dari kajian keanekaragaman wilayah.
c) Kerangka regional dan analisis wilayah yang berciri khusus.
B) Objek Studi Geografi
1) Objek Material. Meliputi letak dan gejala atau fenomena yang terdapat dan terjadi di geosfer. Letak geografi dibedakan menjadi letak fisiografi dan letak sosiografi. Contoh letak fisiografi adalah letak astronomis, maritime, klimatologi, dan letak geomorfologi. Contoh letak sosiografi adalah letak social, ekonomi, politik dan letak cultural. Objek berkaitan dengan bentang lahan fisik dan bentang lahan manusia (budaya). Bentang lahan atau lingkungan alam meliputi atmosfer (meteorology dan klimatologi), litosfer (geologi, geomorfologi dan pedologi), hidrosfer(oseanografi dan hidrologi), serta biosfer (botani dan zoology). Bentang lahan budaya atau lingkungan manusia meliputi geografi social, geografi penduduk, geografi kota, geografi ekonomi dan lain-lain.
2) Objek Formal. Merupakan cara pandang dan cara piker terhadap objek material dari sudut geografi. Cara pandang dan cara piker terhadap objek material dilihat dari segi keruangan, kelingkungan, dan kompleks wilayah, serta waktu.
a) Sudut Pandang Keruangan. Melalui sudut pandang keruangan, objek formal ditinjau dari segi nilai suatu tempat dari berbagai kepentingan. Dari hal ini kita bisa mempelajari tentang letak, jarak, keterjangkauan jaran (aksesibilitas) dan sebagainya.
b) Sudut pandang Kelingkungan. Sudut pandang kelingkungan. Sudut pandang ini diterapkan dengan cara mempelajari suatu tempat dalam kaitannya dengan keadaan suatu tempat beserta komponen di dalamnya dalam satu kesatuan wilayah. Komponen tersebut terdiri atas komponen abiotik dan biotic.
c) Sudut pandang Kewilayahan. Pada sudut pandang ini, objek formal dipelajari kesamaan dan perbedaan antar wilayah serta wilayah dengan cirri khas. Dari sudut pandang ini kemudian muncul pewilayahan seperti kawasan gurun yaitu daerah yang mempunyai cirri serupa dalam komponen atmosfer.
d) Sudut Pandang waktu. Objek formal dipelajari dari segi perkembangan dari eriod eke periode waktu atau perkembangan dan perubahan dari waktu ke waktu. Contoh: perkembangan wilayah dari tahun ke tahun dan kondisi garis pantai dari waktu ke waktu.
(contoh bagan studi objek formal dalam geografi)
C) Struktur Geografi. Geografi modern yang mewujudkan suatu studi geografi yang integrated. Tidak lagi tampak pemisahan antara studi fisik dan studi social. Keduanya hanya dibedakan antara teori dan penerapannya dengan menggunakan tiga pendekatan yaitu keruangan, kelingkungan, dan kompleks wilayah. Antara geografi ortodoks dan geografi terpadu sangat lah perbedaan jika kita mengkasi strukturnya yang ada di dalamnya.
Dalam geografi ortodoks terdapat pemisah di antara lingkup geografi. Sekat yang ada seolah memecah geografi menjadi ilmu pengetahuan sendiri. Konsentrasi di lingkup fisik menghasilkan ilmu geomorfologi, hidrologi, klimatologi, pedologi dan sebagainya. Sementara itu, konsentrasi di lingkup manusia menghasilkan ilmu seperti geografi ekonomi, geografi penduduk, geografi pedesaan, geografi kemasyarakatan dan sebagainya. Sementara itu, sekat regional membagi geografi berdasarkan zona dan kultur, dimana pembagiannya dapat kamu lihat pada bagain. Dengan demikian, ciri khas geografi ortodoks adalah penekanan studi geografi berdasarkan komponen geosfer yang dipelajari.
Berbeda dengan geografi terpadu, struktur geogfrafi ini mengkaji objek geogfrafi dengan tiga pendekatan yang bisa digunakan. Satu pendekatan bisa saja melibatkan berbagai cabang ilmu geogfrafi. Misalnya saja, studi tentang banjir dengan pendekatan analisis keruangan bisa melibatkan ilmu hidrologi, klimatologi, pedologi, bahkan geogfrafi penduduk. Begitu juga dengan pendekatan analisis kompleks wilayah, dalam penerapannya untuk mengkaji masalah geogfrafi pasti melibatkan berbagai cabang ilmu geogfrafi. Menggunakan pendekatan ini akan terlihat bagaimana pola kesatuan cabang ilmu geogfrafi. Bagaimana komponen geosfer yang saling terkait, seperti iklim yang terkait dengan perairan, lahan terkait dengan tanah, kondisi hidrologi, dan komponen penduduk lainnya.
Aspects of Geography
(Source: Sudibyakto, HA 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Ministry of Education.)
A) Physical Aspects and Scope of Geography
1) Aspects of Physical and Social Aspects. Physical Geography studying the landscape or the physical landscape of the earth such as mountains, plains, rivers and water. Physical geography describes the deployment of a variety of natural features and to find answers about the formation and change of appearance of the past.Studying human geography landscapes or landscapes of human (cultural), for example, man-made components such as roads, drainage, residential, activity center, and buildings. Human Geography trying to describe and explain patterns of human appearance and activity, and examines the relationship between humans and their environment.
2) The scope of geography. In the book "The Scope of Geography", Road Murphy writes about the scope of the study of geography.Geographic scope of the study consisted of three things:
a) Distribution and linkage (relationship) humans on Earth as well as spatial aspects and using them to place human life.
b) The reciprocal relationship between humans and the natural physical environment is part of the diversity study area.
c) regional framework and analysis of specific regions characterized.
B) Attractions Geography Studies
1) Material attractions. Includes location and there are symptoms or phenomena and occur in the geosphere. Geography is divided into physiographic layout and layout sosiografi. An example is the location of astronomical physiographic location, maritime, climatology, geomorphology and location. Example of the location sosiografi is where social, economic, political and cultural location.Objects related to the physical landscape and human landscape (cultural). Landscape or natural environment include the atmosphere (meteorology and climatology), the lithosphere (geology, geomorphology and pedology), hydrosphere (oceanography and hydrology), and biosphere (botany and zoology). Cultural landscapes or human environment includes social geography, population geography, urban geography, economic geography and others.
2) Formal attractions. Is a point of view and think the way the material object from the point of geography. Perspective and think the way the material object in terms of spatial, kelingkungan, and complex area, as well as time.
a) Spatial Perspective. Through spatial point of view, in terms of formal object value somewhere from a variety of interests. From this we can learn about the location, distance, affordability lesson (accessibility), and so on.
b) kelingkungan viewpoint. Kelingkungan viewpoint. This viewpoint is applied in a way to learn a place in relation to the state of a component and its place in it in a whole region. These components consist of abiotic and biotic components.
c) Territorial viewpoint. In this perspective, a formal object studied similarities and differences between regions and regions with distinctive traits. From this point of view then appears pewilayahan like a desert region which is the area that have similar characteristics of the components of the atmosphere.
d) Angle of time. Formal objects studied in terms of the development of the eriod eke period of time or progress and change over time. Example: regional growth from year to year and shoreline conditions from time to time.

(Example chart object formal studies in geography)
C) Structure of Geography. Modern Geography establishing an integrated study of geography. No longer visible separation between the study of the physical and social studies. Both are only differentiated between theory and practice by using three approaches, namely spatial, kelingkungan, and complex region.Between geography and geography orthodox integrated so is the difference if we mengkasi structure in it.
In geography there is a separation between the orthodox geographic scope. Existing bulkhead as geography break into science itself. Concentration in the physical sphere produces science of geomorphology, hydrology, climatology, pedology, and so on. Meanwhile, the concentration in the human sphere of science such as generating economic geography, population geography, rural geography, social geography, and so on. Meanwhile, regional septum divides zones based on geography and culture, where you can see the distribution bagain. Thus, the hallmark of orthodox geography is the study of geography based suppression geosphere components were studied.
Unlike integrated geography, examines the structure of objects geogfrafi geogfrafi with three approaches that can be used. One approach might involve different branches of science geogfrafi. For example, the study of floods with spatial analysis approach could involve the science of hydrology, climatology, pedology, even geogfrafi population. So is the approach to the analysis of complex areas, in its application to assess the problem geogfrafi definitely geogfrafi involving various branches of science. Using this approach will be seen how the pattern of unity geogfrafi disciplines.How geosphere interrelated components, such as climate-related water, land related to soil, hydrology, and other components of the population.
(Source: Sudibyakto, HA 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Ministry of Education.)
A) Physical Aspects and Scope of Geography
1) Aspects of Physical and Social Aspects. Physical Geography studying the landscape or the physical landscape of the earth such as mountains, plains, rivers and water. Physical geography describes the deployment of a variety of natural features and to find answers about the formation and change of appearance of the past.Studying human geography landscapes or landscapes of human (cultural), for example, man-made components such as roads, drainage, residential, activity center, and buildings. Human Geography trying to describe and explain patterns of human appearance and activity, and examines the relationship between humans and their environment.
2) The scope of geography. In the book "The Scope of Geography", Road Murphy writes about the scope of the study of geography.Geographic scope of the study consisted of three things:
a) Distribution and linkage (relationship) humans on Earth as well as spatial aspects and using them to place human life.
b) The reciprocal relationship between humans and the natural physical environment is part of the diversity study area.
c) regional framework and analysis of specific regions characterized.
B) Attractions Geography Studies
1) Material attractions. Includes location and there are symptoms or phenomena and occur in the geosphere. Geography is divided into physiographic layout and layout sosiografi. An example is the location of astronomical physiographic location, maritime, climatology, geomorphology and location. Example of the location sosiografi is where social, economic, political and cultural location.Objects related to the physical landscape and human landscape (cultural). Landscape or natural environment include the atmosphere (meteorology and climatology), the lithosphere (geology, geomorphology and pedology), hydrosphere (oceanography and hydrology), and biosphere (botany and zoology). Cultural landscapes or human environment includes social geography, population geography, urban geography, economic geography and others.
2) Formal attractions. Is a point of view and think the way the material object from the point of geography. Perspective and think the way the material object in terms of spatial, kelingkungan, and complex area, as well as time.
a) Spatial Perspective. Through spatial point of view, in terms of formal object value somewhere from a variety of interests. From this we can learn about the location, distance, affordability lesson (accessibility), and so on.
b) kelingkungan viewpoint. Kelingkungan viewpoint. This viewpoint is applied in a way to learn a place in relation to the state of a component and its place in it in a whole region. These components consist of abiotic and biotic components.
c) Territorial viewpoint. In this perspective, a formal object studied similarities and differences between regions and regions with distinctive traits. From this point of view then appears pewilayahan like a desert region which is the area that have similar characteristics of the components of the atmosphere.
d) Angle of time. Formal objects studied in terms of the development of the eriod eke period of time or progress and change over time. Example: regional growth from year to year and shoreline conditions from time to time.

(Example chart object formal studies in geography)
C) Structure of Geography. Modern Geography establishing an integrated study of geography. No longer visible separation between the study of the physical and social studies. Both are only differentiated between theory and practice by using three approaches, namely spatial, kelingkungan, and complex region.Between geography and geography orthodox integrated so is the difference if we mengkasi structure in it.
In geography there is a separation between the orthodox geographic scope. Existing bulkhead as geography break into science itself. Concentration in the physical sphere produces science of geomorphology, hydrology, climatology, pedology, and so on. Meanwhile, the concentration in the human sphere of science such as generating economic geography, population geography, rural geography, social geography, and so on. Meanwhile, regional septum divides zones based on geography and culture, where you can see the distribution bagain. Thus, the hallmark of orthodox geography is the study of geography based suppression geosphere components were studied.
Unlike integrated geography, examines the structure of objects geogfrafi geogfrafi with three approaches that can be used. One approach might involve different branches of science geogfrafi. For example, the study of floods with spatial analysis approach could involve the science of hydrology, climatology, pedology, even geogfrafi population. So is the approach to the analysis of complex areas, in its application to assess the problem geogfrafi definitely geogfrafi involving various branches of science. Using this approach will be seen how the pattern of unity geogfrafi disciplines.How geosphere interrelated components, such as climate-related water, land related to soil, hydrology, and other components of the population.
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