Ekspansi Jepang/Japanese expansion FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Ekspansi Jepang
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Tempat tinggal bangsa Jepang “asli” mula hanya pulau Honshu. Lambat laun wilayah bangsa Jepang meluas, bangsa Ainu terdesak atau ditundukkan; akhirnya “Jepang Asli” terjadi dari pulau Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, dan Kyushu.
Pada jaman kebesaran Nara pada permulaan abad VIII pengluasan daerah bangsa Jepang kejurusan selatan sampai juga dikepulauan Ryu Kyu (dalam bahasa Tionghoa Liu Ch’iu). Semenjak itu baik Tiongkok maupun Jepang memandang Ryu Kyu (Liu Ch’iu) sebagai wilayah negaranya. Pada tahun 1874, dengan tiba Jepang memasukkan kepulauan Ryu Kyu dalam wilayahnya dan Tiongkok menarik diri.
Di sebelah utara terletak: Sakhalin disebelah barat dan kepulauan Kuril di sebelah timur. Jepang ingin menduduki keduanya tetapi terbentur kepada Russia. Pada tahun 1875 diadakan persetujuan, bahwa Sakhalin menjadi daerah Rusia dan kepulauan Kuril masuk wilayah Jepang.
Lebih penting lagi ialah persengketaan mengenai Korea. Semenjak jaman kuno telah ada hubungan antara Korea dan Jepang. Bagi Jepang Korea letaknya sangat strategis. Pada kira tahun 375 kita telah dengar tentang Tenno putrid, Jingo, yang berhasil menduduki sebagian dari Korea. Percobaan Hideyoshi untuk merebut Korea pada akhir abad XVI. Persengketaan antara Tiongkok dan Jepang mengenai Korea menjadi jauh lebih hangat pada akhir abad XIX yang memuncak pada Perang Jepang-Tiongkok (1894-1895). Dalam perjanjian Perdamaian di Shimonoseki yang mengakhiri perang itu, Jepang memperoleh Formosa dan Kepulauan Pescadores. 10 tahun dalam Perjanjian Perdamaian di Portsmouth (Amerika Serikat) yang mengakhiri Jepang-Russia (1904-1905) Jepang memperoleh kekuasaan di Semenanjung Liaotung dengan kotanya Dairen dan Port Arthur dan menanam pengaruh di Korea dan sebagian Manchuria. Pada tahun 1910 Korea dimasukkan dalam wilayah Kerajaan Jepang.
Dalam perang Dunia Pertama (1914-1918) Jepang memilih pihak Sekutu. Pangkalan Jerman di Teluk Pasifik dan di Shantung direbut dan diduduki. Tentara Jepang kemudian juga menyerbu sampai jauh di Siberia. Pada akhir perang Jepang memperoleh mandate (pengawasan) atas pulau bekas milik Jerman di Lautan Pasifik sebelah utara khatulistiwa. Sementara itu tentara Jepang tetap menduduki Shantung dan beberapa bagian dari Siberia Timur dan baru ditarik mundur atas desakan Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1922.
Demikian meluaslah ekspansi Jepang bagaikan tinta di atas kertas kembang ke segala jurusan. Bangsa Jepang adalah bangsa yang congkak, bangga atas keturunannya dari dewa. Kemenangan atas Tiongkok dan Russia makin menebalkan congkak mereka dan teristimewa dikalangan kaum nasionalis yang antara lain tergabung dalam perkumpulan rahasia seperti Samodra Kalam dan Naga Hitam menanamkan keyakinan bahwa bangsa Jepang memang ditakdirkan untuk memerintah atas bangsa lain di dunia setidaknya di Asia Timur.
Tetapi ekspansi Jepang itu tidak hanya kehendak kaum ekstrimis, melainkan didukung oleh rakyat seluruhnya. Modernisasi semenjak Restorasi Meiji telah mengakibatkan kemajuan dan kejayaan. Jepang memperoleh kedudukan terkemuka dalam lapangan ekonomi, ilmu pengetahuan dan politik. Perdagangan berkembang pesat; pada tahun 1930 armada Jepang telah menduduki tempat nomor tiga, hanya kalah dengan Inggris dan Amerika Serikat. Barang tekstil, sutera dan barang dagang lain membanjiri negeri Asia lainnya. Sebagai akibat industrialisasi, penduduk Jepang meningkat pesat: dari 35 juta pada tahun 1872, pada tahun 1930 telah menjadi 65 juta dan semenjak itu tiap tahun naik tidak kurang dari sejuta.
Tetapi semua itu tidak perlu mendorong kea rah Ekspansi. Industry dan perdagangan dapat dikembangkan dengan damai untuk menjamin taraf hidup yang layak bagi rakyatnya. Tetapi perkembangan secara damai itu tidak menarik bagi kaum militer yang tetap besar pengaruhnya di Jepang. Mereka mau mengembangkan kekuasaan. Untuk maksud itu angkatan perang menelan sebagian besar kekayaan Negara dan akhirnya timbul kemelaratan. Lagi pula Jepang merasa terancam, setelah Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1898 menduduki Hawaii, Guam dan Filipina. Di Tiongkok pun Jepang menghadapi persaingan negeri barat. Semua itu memaksa Jepang memperkuat angkatan perangnya dan mendorong kea rah politik ekspansi.
Beberapa factor lain memperkuat tekad Jepang untuk menempuh jalan ekspansi. Jepang berpendapat bahwa penduduknya terlalu padat padahal sebagian besar tanahnya tandus dan tidak dapat menghasilkan bahan makanan. Maka dipandang perlu emigrasi ke luar negeri. Yang paling mudah dan paling dekat tentunya ke Tiongkok, Korea dan Manchuria. Tetapi di situ orang Jepang tidak dapat bersaing dengan bangsa Tionghoa dan Korea yang taraf hidupnya lebih rendah dari pada bangsa Jepang. Jepang lebih suka emigrasi ke Amerika dan Australia dan beberapa waktu pun emigrasi itu berjalan baik, meskipun dirintangi dengan berbagai peraturan pembatas.
Tetapi setelah tahun 1924 Amerika Serikat menutup batas-batasnya rapat-rapat terhadap kaum emigrant bangsa Asia dan Australia menetapkan syarat ujian membaca dalam suatu bahasa Eropa (dengna tidak menyebut bahasa apa) maka jalan itupun tertutup bagi Jepang.
Sikap Amerika dan Australia meluapkan kebencian bangsa Jepang terhadap bangsa kulit putih pada umumnya. Jepang yang mulai memandang diri sebagai pemimpin bangsa Asia lainnya, semenjak itu menganggap sebagai kewajiban untuk menghalaukan bangsa kulit putih dari seluruh Asia, setidaknya dari Asia Timur.
Demikianlah maka sehabis Perang Dunia Pertama, Jepang telah memperoleh kedudukan penting dalam politik dunia. Dalam konferensi di Washington pada tahun 1922 yang dimaksud untuk mebatasi persaingan persenjataan ditetapkan perimbangan kekuatan angkatan laut antara negeri Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Jepang, Perancis, dan Italia sebagai 5:5:3:1,75:1,75.
Dalam perjanjian Sembilan Negara yang diadakan pada tahun itu juga, Jepang ikut memberi jaminan terhadap kedaulatan Tiongkok.
Dalam masa beberapa tahun sesudah Perang Dunia Pertama itu kira antara 1920-1930, aliran liberalism di Jepang mendapat pengaruh besar. Dalam masa 1920-1930 itu parlemen agak besar kekuasaannya dan berhasil mecegah maksud golongan ekstrim dalam kalangan tentara yang selalu menganjurkan perang. Tetapi kesulitan dalam negeri sebagai akibat dari makin besarnya perbelanjaan angkatan perang lambat laun menggeser kedudukan partai liberal dan progressif sehingga akhirnya timbul dua partai yang sangat besar pengaruhnya: Seiyukai yang sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh tentara dan Minseito yang pada umumnya menyokong angkatan laut.
Tentara dan angkatan laut selamanya besar kekuasaannya tetapi antara mereka tidak selalu terdapat kata sepakat. Di kalangan tentara dan angkatan laut ada golongan yang sering kali bersaing berebut kekuasaan.
Zaibatsu pun sangat besar kekuasaannya, tetapi kaum Zaibatsu pun tidak selalu bersatu. Mitsui yang menguasai perdagangan bebas, tekstil dan sutera, condong pada tentara yang kebanyakan asalnya dari kalangan petani. Mitsubishi yang menguasai industry berat dan pabrik alat senjata dan perkapalan, membantu angkatan laut.
Di samping itu terdapat kaum ultra nasionalis, terutama di kalangan opsir rendah dan menengah (dari letnan sampai colonel) yang berpendapat bahwa kesulitan dalam negeri hanya dapat dibereskan dengan pengluasan daerah dan kekuasaan, dengan kata lain: dengan perang. Sejalan dengan mundurnya pengaruh kaum liberal dan kaum progressif, pengaruh kaum ultra nasionalis makin tumbuh, apalagi setelah mereka melakukan ancaman dan pembunuhan terhadap pemimpin yang dipandang terlalu lunak sikapnya.
Pada tahun 1931 kaum ultra nasionalis yang banyak dalam pimpinan tentara Kwangtung yang ditempatkan di semenanjung Liaotung di Tiongkok, bertindak dan menyerbu di Manchuria.
Kisah tindakan tentara Jepang di Manchuria itu yang menghasilkan pembentukan Kerajaan Manchoukuo, kemudian mendorong Jepang untuk bertempur mati-matian dengan Tiongkok dan akhirnya memuncak pada Pearl Harbor (pada tanggal 8 Desember 1941).
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Japanese expansion
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
The place to stay the Japanese "original" first just the island of Honshu. Gradually extend the area of the Japanese, Ainu people jostled or subdued; finally "Japan Original" going from the island of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.
At the time of greatness Nara aggrandizement at the beginning of the eighth century the area south of the Japanese kejurusan to also dikepulauan Ryu Kyu (in Chinese Liu Ch'iu). Since then, both China and Japan saw Ryu Kyu (Liu Ch'iu) as a territory. In 1874, the Japanese arrived Ryu Kyu islands entering the Chinese territory and withdrew.
To the north lies: the west Sakhalin and Kuril islands to the east.Japan wants to occupy them but to hit Russia. In 1875 approval was held, that a region of Sakhalin and Kuril islands Russian entered Japanese territory.
More important is the dispute about Korea. Since ancient times there has been the relationship between Korea and Japan. For Japan Korea located very strategically. In about 375 years we have heard about the Tenno daughter, Jingo, who had occupied most of the Korean. Hideyoshi trial to force Korea at the end of the sixteenth century. Disputes between China and Japan over Korea became much warmer at the end of the nineteenth century, culminating in the Japan-China War (1894-1895). In the peace treaty at Shimonoseki that ended the war, Japan gained Formosa and the Pescadores Islands. 10 years in the Portsmouth Peace Treaty (United States), which ended Japan-Russia (1904-1905) Japan gained power in the Peninsula with the city Liaotung Dairen and Port Arthur and growing influence in Korea and part of Manchuria. In 1910, Korea entered the territory of the Japanese Empire.
In the First World War (1914-1918) Japan chose the Allies.German bases in the Pacific and in the Gulf of Shantung captured and occupied. The Japanese army then invaded too far in Siberia. At the end of the war Japan gained mandate (monitoring) on the island used to belong to Germany in the north equatorial Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, the Japanese army still occupied Shantung and some parts of Eastern Siberia and has withdrawn at the insistence of the United States in 1922.
Similarly meluaslah Japanese expansion like ink on paper flowers in all directions. The Japanese are a nation proud, proud descendants of the gods. Victory over China and Russia further thicken their supercilious and particularly among nationalists, among others, members of secret societies like the Black Dragon Samodra Kalam and instill confidence that the Japanese were destined to rule over the other nations of the world at least in East Asia.
But Japan's expansion will not only extremists but entirely supported by the people. Modernization since the Meiji Restoration has resulted in the advancement and glory. Japan gained a leading position in the field of economics, science and politics. Trade developed rapidly: in 1930 the Japanese fleet had occupied the number three, only outdone by Britain and the United States. Textile goods, silk and other trade goods flooding the rest of Asia. As a result of industrialization, the Japanese population increased rapidly: from 35 million in 1872, in 1930 has become 65 million, and since then every year up no less than a million.
But they do not need to push towards expansion. Industry and trade can be developed in peace to ensure a decent standard of living for its people. But the peaceful development is not attractive for the military remains a great influence in Japan. They want to develop power. For this purpose the forces of wealth swallow most of the state and eventually arise squalor. Besides Japan feels threatened, after the United States in 1898 occupied Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines. In China also faces competition country western Japan. All that forced Japan to strengthen armed forces and political push towards expansion.
Several other factors strengthen the resolve of the Japanese to the path of expansion. Japan found that the population is too dense but mostly barren land and can not produce food. It is deemed necessary emigration abroad. The easiest and closest course to China, Korea and Manchuria. But there Japanese people can not compete with the Chinese and Koreans living standards lower than the Japanese. Japanese prefer emigration to America and Australia and some time even drain it went well, although it is hampered by a variety of regulatory barriers.
But after 1924, the United States closed its borders tightly against the emigrants nations of Asia and Australia set conditions reading test in a European language (dengna not mention what language) and even then closed the road for Japan.
The attitude of the United States and Australia the Japanese excite hatred against white people in general. Japan began to see themselves as leaders of the nations of Asia, since it is considered as an obligation to dispelled the whites from around Asia, at least from East Asia.
So then after the First World War, Japan has gained an important position in world politics. In a conference in Washington in 1922, is meant for weapons competition set mebatasi naval balance of power between the country the United States, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy as 5:5:3:1,75:1,75.
In agreement Nine Countries held in that year, Japan joined ensures the sovereignty of China.
In a period of several years after the First World War it was sometime between 1920-1930, the flow of liberalism in Japan got a big influence. In the period 1920-1930 was somewhat greater and greater parliamentary and successfully prevents intent extreme groups in the army are always advocating war. But the difficulties in the country as a result of the growing army gradually shopping shift the position of liberal and progressive party that eventually occur two most influential parties: Seiyukai largely influenced by the military and Minseito which generally support the navy.
The army and navy forever great powers but between them there is not always agreement. In the army and navy, often there are groups competing for power.
Zaibatsu were enormous power, but the Zaibatsu were not always united. Mitsui who controlled free trade, textiles and silk, leaning on a soldier who mostly came from the farmers.Mitsubishi heavy industry and factories controlled weapons and shipbuilding tools, helping the navy.
In addition there are the ultra-nationalists, especially among low-and middle officers (from lieutenant to colonel) who argue that the difficulties in the country can only be solved by local aggrandizement and power, in other words: the war. In line with the decline of the influence of the liberals and the progressive, the influence of the ultra-nationalist growing, especially after they made threats and murder against the leaders who were considered too soft attitude.
In 1931, the ultra-nationalist leader much in Kwangtung army stationed on the peninsula Liaotung in China, acting and invaded Manchuria.
The story of the Japanese army in Manchuria actions that result in the formation Manchoukuo kingdom, then pushed Japan to fight tooth and nail with China and eventually peaked at Pearl Harbor (on December 8, 1941).
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
The place to stay the Japanese "original" first just the island of Honshu. Gradually extend the area of the Japanese, Ainu people jostled or subdued; finally "Japan Original" going from the island of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.
At the time of greatness Nara aggrandizement at the beginning of the eighth century the area south of the Japanese kejurusan to also dikepulauan Ryu Kyu (in Chinese Liu Ch'iu). Since then, both China and Japan saw Ryu Kyu (Liu Ch'iu) as a territory. In 1874, the Japanese arrived Ryu Kyu islands entering the Chinese territory and withdrew.
To the north lies: the west Sakhalin and Kuril islands to the east.Japan wants to occupy them but to hit Russia. In 1875 approval was held, that a region of Sakhalin and Kuril islands Russian entered Japanese territory.
More important is the dispute about Korea. Since ancient times there has been the relationship between Korea and Japan. For Japan Korea located very strategically. In about 375 years we have heard about the Tenno daughter, Jingo, who had occupied most of the Korean. Hideyoshi trial to force Korea at the end of the sixteenth century. Disputes between China and Japan over Korea became much warmer at the end of the nineteenth century, culminating in the Japan-China War (1894-1895). In the peace treaty at Shimonoseki that ended the war, Japan gained Formosa and the Pescadores Islands. 10 years in the Portsmouth Peace Treaty (United States), which ended Japan-Russia (1904-1905) Japan gained power in the Peninsula with the city Liaotung Dairen and Port Arthur and growing influence in Korea and part of Manchuria. In 1910, Korea entered the territory of the Japanese Empire.
In the First World War (1914-1918) Japan chose the Allies.German bases in the Pacific and in the Gulf of Shantung captured and occupied. The Japanese army then invaded too far in Siberia. At the end of the war Japan gained mandate (monitoring) on the island used to belong to Germany in the north equatorial Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, the Japanese army still occupied Shantung and some parts of Eastern Siberia and has withdrawn at the insistence of the United States in 1922.
Similarly meluaslah Japanese expansion like ink on paper flowers in all directions. The Japanese are a nation proud, proud descendants of the gods. Victory over China and Russia further thicken their supercilious and particularly among nationalists, among others, members of secret societies like the Black Dragon Samodra Kalam and instill confidence that the Japanese were destined to rule over the other nations of the world at least in East Asia.
But Japan's expansion will not only extremists but entirely supported by the people. Modernization since the Meiji Restoration has resulted in the advancement and glory. Japan gained a leading position in the field of economics, science and politics. Trade developed rapidly: in 1930 the Japanese fleet had occupied the number three, only outdone by Britain and the United States. Textile goods, silk and other trade goods flooding the rest of Asia. As a result of industrialization, the Japanese population increased rapidly: from 35 million in 1872, in 1930 has become 65 million, and since then every year up no less than a million.
But they do not need to push towards expansion. Industry and trade can be developed in peace to ensure a decent standard of living for its people. But the peaceful development is not attractive for the military remains a great influence in Japan. They want to develop power. For this purpose the forces of wealth swallow most of the state and eventually arise squalor. Besides Japan feels threatened, after the United States in 1898 occupied Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines. In China also faces competition country western Japan. All that forced Japan to strengthen armed forces and political push towards expansion.
Several other factors strengthen the resolve of the Japanese to the path of expansion. Japan found that the population is too dense but mostly barren land and can not produce food. It is deemed necessary emigration abroad. The easiest and closest course to China, Korea and Manchuria. But there Japanese people can not compete with the Chinese and Koreans living standards lower than the Japanese. Japanese prefer emigration to America and Australia and some time even drain it went well, although it is hampered by a variety of regulatory barriers.
But after 1924, the United States closed its borders tightly against the emigrants nations of Asia and Australia set conditions reading test in a European language (dengna not mention what language) and even then closed the road for Japan.
The attitude of the United States and Australia the Japanese excite hatred against white people in general. Japan began to see themselves as leaders of the nations of Asia, since it is considered as an obligation to dispelled the whites from around Asia, at least from East Asia.
So then after the First World War, Japan has gained an important position in world politics. In a conference in Washington in 1922, is meant for weapons competition set mebatasi naval balance of power between the country the United States, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy as 5:5:3:1,75:1,75.
In agreement Nine Countries held in that year, Japan joined ensures the sovereignty of China.
In a period of several years after the First World War it was sometime between 1920-1930, the flow of liberalism in Japan got a big influence. In the period 1920-1930 was somewhat greater and greater parliamentary and successfully prevents intent extreme groups in the army are always advocating war. But the difficulties in the country as a result of the growing army gradually shopping shift the position of liberal and progressive party that eventually occur two most influential parties: Seiyukai largely influenced by the military and Minseito which generally support the navy.
The army and navy forever great powers but between them there is not always agreement. In the army and navy, often there are groups competing for power.
Zaibatsu were enormous power, but the Zaibatsu were not always united. Mitsui who controlled free trade, textiles and silk, leaning on a soldier who mostly came from the farmers.Mitsubishi heavy industry and factories controlled weapons and shipbuilding tools, helping the navy.
In addition there are the ultra-nationalists, especially among low-and middle officers (from lieutenant to colonel) who argue that the difficulties in the country can only be solved by local aggrandizement and power, in other words: the war. In line with the decline of the influence of the liberals and the progressive, the influence of the ultra-nationalist growing, especially after they made threats and murder against the leaders who were considered too soft attitude.
In 1931, the ultra-nationalist leader much in Kwangtung army stationed on the peninsula Liaotung in China, acting and invaded Manchuria.
The story of the Japanese army in Manchuria actions that result in the formation Manchoukuo kingdom, then pushed Japan to fight tooth and nail with China and eventually peaked at Pearl Harbor (on December 8, 1941).
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