Perang Sepoy di India/Sepoy War in India FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Perang Sepoy di India
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Dalam abad XIX itu masyarakat India mengalami perubahan besar. Alat modern telah masuk di India, seperti kereta api, perhubungan pos dan kawat, dan administrasi modern yang menghendaki pertanggung jawaban dari tiap pegawai dan menancapkan pengaruhnya sampai di desa. Dalam menjalankan pembaharuan itu Dalhousie kurang memikirkan keadaan masyarakat pada dewasa itu. System lapse dijalankan dengan tiada mengindahkan perasaan dan kepercayaan orang Hindu. Jatuhnya kekuasaan negeri India dan Kerajaan Moghul melukai hati, baik dikalangan kaum bangsawan maupun rakyat biasa, baik yang beragama Hindu maupun yang beragama Islam. Dalam pada itu orang India mengikuti dengan penuh kecemasan tumbuhnya kekuasaan Inggris yang makin lama makin besar dan tak terlawan itu. Semua itu menimbulkan kekecewaan dan kegelisahan dimana-mana. Suasana menjadi tegang. Orang merasa terdesak dan tertindas.
Dalam suasana semacam itu alasan kecil mudah menimbulkan akibat besar. Akhirnya pemberontakan meledak dikalangan yang tidak dikirakan yakni dikalangan tentara Sepoy di Benggala. Tentara Sepoy ialah tentara Inggris di India yang terjadi dari orang India. Semenjak lama telah banyak orang India dari berbagai bangsa, baik yang Hindu maupun Islam masuk dalam dinas tentara Inggris. Yang terkenal paling setia adalah bangsa Gurkha dari Nepal dan bangsa Sikh dari Punjab. Serdadu Sepoy di Benggala banyak yang asalnya dari kasta tinggi. Dikalangan mereka banyak macam pantangan. Beberapa tuntutan mereka yang tidak dipenuhi, menumbulkan kekecewaan di kalangan mereka.
Dalam suasana yang telah mengandung ketegangan itu tiba-tiba tersiar berita bahwa gemuk (pelumas oli) untuk menggosok peluru dan senapan model baru yang mulai dipergunakan pada waktu itu, dibuat dari gajih sapid an babi, justru dua binatang yang dapat menimbulkan amarah di kalangan Hindu dan Islam. Semangat pemberontakkan meluap dengan seketika, mula di Kota Meerut pada bulan Mei 1857. Sementara itu orang teringat akan ramalan kuno yang telah lama hidup dikalangan orang India bahwa kekuasaan Inggris di India akan hancur 100 tahun setelah pertempuran di Plasey (1757). Seratus tahun sesudah Plassey ialah tepat pada tahun 1857. (Kepercayaan itu dapat dibandingkan dengan kepercayaan dikalangan bangsa kita/ Indonesia akan datangnya Ratu Adil). Pemberontak itu dengan cepat meluas di seluruh Benggala dan Bihar dan berkobar menjadi peperangan umum melawan penjajahan Inggris. Ibu kota Delhi pun jatuh di tangan tentara Sepoy. Raja Moghul Bahadur Shah II yang selama itu berupa boneka di dalam istananya, oleh kaum pemberontak diangkat menjadi raja dengan gelar Pashah.
Perlawanan umum itu mempunyai beberapa pemimpin yang cakap, yang terpenting ialah Rani (=ratu) dan Jhansi dan Nana Sahib. Saying perlawanan itu tidak bersifat gerakan nasional. India lainnya tetap setia pada Inggris. Juga bangsa Sikh walaupun bangsa itu baru 8 tahun lamanya ditundukkan oleh Inggris padahal dahulu bangsa Sikh itu mengadakan perwalanan sengit terhadap majunya kekuasaan Inggris. Juga Dost Muhammad dari Afghanistan tetap setia kepada Inggris dan tidak memberi bantuan kepada kaum pemberontak. Sedang bangsa Gurkha, sungguhpun juga belum lama tunduk pada Inggris, memberi bantuan besar dalam usaha menindas perlawanan.
Dalam keadaan demikian perlawanan itu bersifat suatu gerakan militer belaka dengan hanya sedikit bantuan rakyat di Benggala dan Bihar. Persenjataannya pun jauh lebih kurang daripada tentara Inggris. Maka sungguhpun perlawanan itu berlangsunga dengan dahsyat dan meminta banyak korban dari pihak Inggris namun kesudahannya telah dapat diterka lebih dahulu. Kaum Sepoy lambat laun terdesak. Pada tahun 1858 Delhi direbut kembali oleh Inggris dan Bahadur Shah II dibuang ke Birma. Rani Jhansi, wanita yang gagah berani itu tewas di medan perang. Nana Sahib dihalaukan ke hutan dan meninggal.
Demikian tertindaslah perang Sepoy itu. Gerakan penindasan itu oleh pihak Inggris dijalankan dengan segala kekejaman, sering kali juga dengan sewenang-wenang.
Pemerintah Inggris memandang perlu untuk mengadakan perundingan dalam pemerintahan di India. Pada tanggal 1 November 1858 di Allahabad dibacakan proklamasi dari Ratu Victoria yang ditunjukkan kepada semua raja, pangeran, dan rakyat India, dan menyatakan bahwa Kompeni Inggris dihapuskan dan pemerintahan India akan langsung diurus oleh pemerintah Kerajaan Inggris.
Proklamasi Ratu Victoria itu dinamakan Magna Charta India, dan memberi penetapan tentanng kemerdekaan beribadah menurut kepercayaan masing-masing dan hak-hak dan adat istiadat orang India akan dihormatinya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Sepoy War in India
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In the nineteenth century it was the Indian society underwent major changes. Modern Equipment has entered in India, such as rail, post and wire communications, and modern administration which requires the liability of each employee and stuck his influence reached the village. In carrying out the renewal Dalhousie thinking about the state of society in adults. System lapse run with no heed to the feelings and beliefs of the Hindus. The fall of India's domestic power and hurt Moghul Empire, both among the nobility and the common people, both Hindus and Muslims. In the meantime, the Indians followed with great concern the growth of British power, more and more large and it unchallenged. All that lead to disappointment and anxiety everywhere. The atmosphere became tense. People feel pressured and oppressed.
In such an atmosphere of easy little reason big consequences.Finally uprising exploded among presumed that are not among the Sepoy troops in Bengal. Sepoy army of British troops in India is going from India. Since a long time India has a lot of people from different nations, both Hindus and Muslims in the British army service. Which famous is the nation's most loyal Gurkhas from Nepal and the nation Sikhs from Punjab. Sepoy soldiers in Bengal many that came from a higher caste. Among them many kinds of taboos. Some of their demands are not met, menumbulkan frustration among them.
In an atmosphere of tension which had conceived it suddenly came the news that the fat (lubricating oil) to rub rifle bullets and new models began to be used at the time, made from pig's lard sapid, just two animals that can cause anger among Hindus andIslam. The spirit of rebellion overflowing with immediate, first in the city of Meerut in May 1857. While it is the thought of the ancient prophecy that has long lived among the Indians that the British rule in India would be destroyed 100 years after the battle at Plasey (1757). One hundred years after Plassey was right in 1857. (That confidence can be compared with confidence among our nation / Indonesia the coming Messiah). The rebels quickly spread across Bengal and Bihar and burst into general war against British rule. Delhi the capital city fell in the hands of soldiers Sepoy. Moghul King Bahadur Shah II, who had the form of puppets in his palace, by the rebels was made king by the title Pashah.
It has several common resistance leader, the most important is Rani (= queen) and Jhansi and Nana Sahib. Saying that the resistance is not a national movement. Other India remained loyal to the British. Sikh nation also despite the new nation was 8 years old when the first subjugated by the British Sikh nation was held perwalanan fierce against the advance of British rule. Dost Muhammad of Afghanistan also remained loyal to Britain and not to give aid to the rebels. Medium Gurkha nation, though also subject to the UK recently, gave great assistance in business quell uprisings.
In such circumstances it is the resistance of a mere military movement with just a little help of the people in Bengal and Bihar.Weapons were far less than the British army. So even though the resistance was fierce and ask berlangsunga with many casualties on the British but has end is predictable in advance.The Sepoy slowly pushed. In 1858 the British recaptured Delhi and Bahadur Shah II exiled to Burma. Rani Jhansi, a valiant woman was killed on the battlefield. Nana Sahib dihalaukan into the woods and died.
Similarly Sepoy war tertindaslah it. The movement's oppression by the English run with all its brutality, often also with arbitrary.
The UK government sees the need to hold negotiations in the government of India. On November 1, 1858 in Allahabad read the proclamation of Queen Victoria presented to all kings, princes, and the people of India, and stated that the Company was abolished and the British rule of India would be administered by the government of the United Kingdom.
Queen Victoria's Proclamation called Magna Charta India, and given the determination tentanng freedom to worship according to their beliefs and the rights and customs of the Indians will be respected.
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In the nineteenth century it was the Indian society underwent major changes. Modern Equipment has entered in India, such as rail, post and wire communications, and modern administration which requires the liability of each employee and stuck his influence reached the village. In carrying out the renewal Dalhousie thinking about the state of society in adults. System lapse run with no heed to the feelings and beliefs of the Hindus. The fall of India's domestic power and hurt Moghul Empire, both among the nobility and the common people, both Hindus and Muslims. In the meantime, the Indians followed with great concern the growth of British power, more and more large and it unchallenged. All that lead to disappointment and anxiety everywhere. The atmosphere became tense. People feel pressured and oppressed.
In such an atmosphere of easy little reason big consequences.Finally uprising exploded among presumed that are not among the Sepoy troops in Bengal. Sepoy army of British troops in India is going from India. Since a long time India has a lot of people from different nations, both Hindus and Muslims in the British army service. Which famous is the nation's most loyal Gurkhas from Nepal and the nation Sikhs from Punjab. Sepoy soldiers in Bengal many that came from a higher caste. Among them many kinds of taboos. Some of their demands are not met, menumbulkan frustration among them.
In an atmosphere of tension which had conceived it suddenly came the news that the fat (lubricating oil) to rub rifle bullets and new models began to be used at the time, made from pig's lard sapid, just two animals that can cause anger among Hindus andIslam. The spirit of rebellion overflowing with immediate, first in the city of Meerut in May 1857. While it is the thought of the ancient prophecy that has long lived among the Indians that the British rule in India would be destroyed 100 years after the battle at Plasey (1757). One hundred years after Plassey was right in 1857. (That confidence can be compared with confidence among our nation / Indonesia the coming Messiah). The rebels quickly spread across Bengal and Bihar and burst into general war against British rule. Delhi the capital city fell in the hands of soldiers Sepoy. Moghul King Bahadur Shah II, who had the form of puppets in his palace, by the rebels was made king by the title Pashah.
It has several common resistance leader, the most important is Rani (= queen) and Jhansi and Nana Sahib. Saying that the resistance is not a national movement. Other India remained loyal to the British. Sikh nation also despite the new nation was 8 years old when the first subjugated by the British Sikh nation was held perwalanan fierce against the advance of British rule. Dost Muhammad of Afghanistan also remained loyal to Britain and not to give aid to the rebels. Medium Gurkha nation, though also subject to the UK recently, gave great assistance in business quell uprisings.
In such circumstances it is the resistance of a mere military movement with just a little help of the people in Bengal and Bihar.Weapons were far less than the British army. So even though the resistance was fierce and ask berlangsunga with many casualties on the British but has end is predictable in advance.The Sepoy slowly pushed. In 1858 the British recaptured Delhi and Bahadur Shah II exiled to Burma. Rani Jhansi, a valiant woman was killed on the battlefield. Nana Sahib dihalaukan into the woods and died.
Similarly Sepoy war tertindaslah it. The movement's oppression by the English run with all its brutality, often also with arbitrary.
The UK government sees the need to hold negotiations in the government of India. On November 1, 1858 in Allahabad read the proclamation of Queen Victoria presented to all kings, princes, and the people of India, and stated that the Company was abolished and the British rule of India would be administered by the government of the United Kingdom.
Queen Victoria's Proclamation called Magna Charta India, and given the determination tentanng freedom to worship according to their beliefs and the rights and customs of the Indians will be respected.
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