Keadaan Timur Tengah Setelah Perang Dunia sampai tahun 1964/The state of the Middle East After World War until 1964 FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Keadaan Timur Tengah Setelah Perang Dunia sampai tahun 1964
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Pada akhir Perang Dunia Ketiga timbullah di Timur Tengah “Liga Arab” yang terdiri dari Negara: Lebanon, Syiria, Iraq, Transyordania (yang pada tahun 1949 diubah namanya menjadi “Yordania”), Saudi Arabia, Yaman dan Mesir. Liga Arab itu merupakan suatu kumpulan Negara yang merasa saling terikat oleh persamaan agama yakni agama Islam dan dalam berbagai hal melakukan politik yang sama berdasarkan kepentingan yang sama.
Dua hal teristimewa mengikat mereka; pertama keinginan mereka untuk melepaskan diri dari segala pengaruh bekas penjajahan mereka yakni Inggris dan Perancis dan kedua kekhawatiran mereka terhadap masuknya bangsa Yahudi di Palestina.
Pertentangan serta permusuhan antara Arab dan Yahudi meliputi suasana di Dunia Arab dan Timur Tengah pada umumnya, yang pada 1948-1949 meruncing menjadi perang, dimana tentara Mesir mengalami kekalaahn yang memalukan. Sekali lagi perang pecah antara Israel dan Arab (Mesir) pada tahun 1956, bersamaan dengan krisis besar di Suez.
Negara terkuat di sebelah utara Timur Tengah ialah Turki, ciptaan Kamal Ataturk (“Bapak Turki”). Setelah Kamal meninggal pada tahun 1938, ia diganti oleh teman seperjuangan dan pembantunya yang paling erat: Ismet Inonu.
Setelah Perang Dunia Kedua, Ismet Inonu dipilih kembali menjadi Presiden. Tetapi pada tahun 1950 partainya kalah suara; JelalBayar menjadi Presiden dan Adnan Menderes menjadi Perdana Menteri. Kedua pembesar Negara ini bertahan dalam kedudukannya sampai tahun 1960 terhadi coup dan mereka digulingkan oleh Jenderal Cemal Gursel.
Turki mula masuk persekutuan milter NATO dengan demikian menyesuaikan politiknya dengan Negara Dunia Barat. Pada tahun 1955 ia mengadakan perjanjian militer juga dengan Irak. Perjanjian militer ini kemudian diikuti juga oleh Inggris, Iran, dan Pkistan dan menjadi terkenal dengan nama “Pakta Baghdad”. Pakta Baghdad itu melemahkan sifat setia kawan antara Negara Arab dan mesir terang menuduh Irak telah mengkhianati kesetia kawanan Negara Dunia Arab.
Pada tahun 1958 di Irak terjadi pemberontakan. Raja Faisal II, putera mahkota dan Perdana Menteri Nuries Said terbunuh. Pemberontakan dilakukan oleh kaum militer, dipimpin oleh Jenderal Abdul Karim Kassem, Kerajaan Irak hapus, dijadikan Republik, dan Kassem menjadi Presidennya. Kassem mula-mula menjalankan politik bersahabat dengan Mesir dan Negara Arab lainnya dan keluar dari Pakta Baghdad sehingga nama “Pakta Baghdad” harus diganti menjadi “Central Treaty Organization” (CENTO). Politik Kassem lambat laun makin condong ke “kiri”. Pada tahun 1962 ia mengancam akan menasionalisasi Iraq Oil Company (milik Inggris) dan mencapolok Kuwait, suatu Negara kecil di pantai Teluk Iran, yang mempunyai kekayaan minyak yang melimpah dan dalam politiknya sangat dipengaruhi oleh Inggris. Sikap Kassem yang makin radikal itu menimbulkan reaksi. Pihak tentara yang beraliran kanan pada permulaan tahun 1963 dengan tiba-tiba mengadakan “kup”; pemerintahan Kassem digulingkan; Kassem dan pembantunya yang terkemuka di bunuh. Pemerintah Irak baru segera mengadakan hubungan baik dengan Syria dan Republik Persatuan Arab.
Sementara itu pada tanggal 14 Mei 1948 bangsa Yahudi memproklamasikan berdirinya Negara Israel dengan Chaim Weizman sebagai presidennya. Seketika berkobar perang antara Israel dengan Negara Arab, yang berlangsung hingga 1949. Semenjak itu perhubungan antara Israel pada satu pihak dan Negara Arab pada pihak lain, terus menerus tegang dan gawat. Bersamaan dengan krisis di Suez, yakni tatkala pada tahun 1956 tentara Gamal Abdul Nasser merebut daerah Terusan Suez dari tangan tentara Inggris, maka Israel memutuskan melakukan serangan terhadap Mesir.
Dalam waktu beberapa jam saja tentara Israel berhasil menduduki sebagian besar Semenanjung Sinai yang letaknya di sebelah barat Terusan Suez dan Teluk Suez, dan daerah pantai Gaza. Pada saat itu Dewan Keamanan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa campur tangan dan memerintahkan genjatan senjata. Tentara Garuda Pertama dari Republik Indonesia ikut serta untuk mengawasi genjatan senjata dan menjaga perdamaian di Semenanjung Sinai.
Tidak kurang hebatnya ialah kejadian yang terjadi di Mesir. Pada bulan Juli 1952 terjadi revolusi di Mesir, di pimpin oleh Jenderal Nagib. Raja Faruq lari ke Eropa. Mesir menjadi Republik. Pada tahun 1953 Jenderal Nagib diganti oleh Kolonel Gamal Abdul Nasser dan Nagib kemudian ditangkap dan ditawan. Semangat anti Inggris meluap. Pada bulan Juli 1956 Nasser menduduki daerah Terusan Suez dan menguasai perusahan Terusan Suez. Inggris dan Perancis, yang dirugikan oleh tindakan Nasser itu, pada bulan Oktober 1956 mengirimkan tentaranya. Pada waktu yang bersamaan Israel pun mengadakan serangannya dan menyerbu ke wilayah Mesir. Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa campur tangan dan tentara Inggris dan Perancis harus ditarik mundur. Begitu juga tentara Israel.
Dengan demikian maka Nasser mendapat suatu kemenangan diplomatic yang gilang gemilang.
Bintang Nasser mulai menjadi cemerlang. Bintang itu naik lagi setelah pada tahun 1957 ia berhasil mempersatukan Mesir dengan Syria menjadi satu Negara: Republik Persatuan Arab, dengan dia sebagai presidennya. Tetapi pada tahun 1961, timbul gerakn kontra revolusi dan Syria memisahkan diri lagi dari Mesir.
Sementara itu kedudukan Nasser makin kuat. Ia dipandang sebagai pemimpin terkemuka dari seluruh Negara Arab. Berhasilnya “kup” di Irak yang menjatuhkan Kassem pada tahun 1963 itu juga dipandang sebagai kemenangan Nasser. Pada permulaan tahun 1964 seorang jenderal dari RPA diangkat menjadi Panglima tertinggi dari pasukan Liga Arab.
Pergolakan merembet kemana-mana. Gelombang revolusi memukul di seluruh Timur Tengah. Juga negeri yang sangat terbelakang seperti Yaman dan Saudi Arabia tidak luput dari pengaruh Revolusi.
Di Yaman pemberontak meledak pada tahun 1962 yang mengakhiri pemerintahan Imamm Yaman. Yaman menjadi republic; pemimpin pemberontak, Kolonel Abdullah asSalal menjadi Presidennya.
Pemberontakan juga timbul di Saudi Arabia. Raja Su’ud diusir oleh anaknya sendiri pada tahun 1963.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
The state of the Middle East After World War until 1964
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
At the end of the Third World War arose in the Middle East "Arab League" consisting of the State: Lebanese, Syrians, Iraq, Transjordan (which in 1949 changed its name to "Jordan"), Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Egypt. The Arab League is a collection of the State who are tied together by the religion of Islam equations and in many ways doing the same politics based on common interests.
Two things especially binding them, first their desire to break away from all influences their occupation of the former British and French and both their concerns against the inclusion of the Jews in Palestine.
Confrontation and hostility between Arabs and Jews comprise the atmosphere in the Arab World and the Middle East in general, which in 1948-1949 pointed to the war, where the Egyptian army suffered a humiliating kekalaahn. Once again, war broke out between Israel and the Arabs (Egypt) in 1956, along with a major crisis in Suez.
Strongest country in the northern Middle East is Turkey, Kamal Ataturk's creation ("Father of Turks"). After Kamal died in 1938, he was replaced by a comrade and closest aides: Ismet Inonu.
After the Second World War, Ismet Inonu was re-elected as President. But in 1950 his party lost votes; JelalBayar became President and Prime Minister Adnan Menderes. Both magnifying country is to survive in his position until the 1960 coup and their terhadi overthrown by General Cemal Gürsel.
Turkey first entered the NATO military alliance politics thus adjusting the Western World Countries. In 1955 he entered into an agreement with the Iraqi military. Military agreement was followed also by Britain, Iran, and Pkistan and became known as the "Baghdad Pact". Baghdad Pact was debilitating nature of solidarity between Arab states and Iraq have accused the Egyptian light betraying the Arab World Countries herd loyalty.
In 1958 uprisings in Iraq. King Faisal II, crown prince and Prime Minister Said Nuries killed. The uprising by the military, led by General Abdul Karim Kassem, the Kingdom of Iraq to remove, be Republican, and Kassem became president. Kassem first political run friendly with Egypt and other Arab states and out of the Baghdad Pact thus the name "Baghdad Pact" should be changed to "Central Treaty Organization" (CENTO). Political Kassem gradually getting inclined to the "left". In 1962 he threatened to nationalize the Iraq Oil Company (British owned) and mencapolok Kuwait, a tiny country on the Gulf coast of Iran, which has abundant oil wealth and the political heavily influenced by the British. Kassem attitude that increasingly radical reaction. Right-wing party of soldiers at the beginning of 1963 with a sudden have a "coup"; government Kassem was overthrown; Kassem and his assistant were killed prominent. Iraq's new government soon hold good relations with Syria and the United Arab Republic.
Meanwhile, on May 14, 1948 the Jews proclaimed the State of Israel by Chaim Weizmann as president. Immediately war broke out between Israel and the Arab States, which lasted until 1949. Since then the nexus between Israel on the one hand and the Arab States on the other hand, continuous tense and serious. Along with the Suez crisis, the army in 1956 when Gamal Abdel Nasser seized the Suez Canal area from the hands of British troops, the Israelis decided to carry out an attack on Egypt.
Within a few hours the Israeli army occupied most of the Sinai peninsula that is located in the west of the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Suez, and the coast of Gaza. At that time the Security Council of the United Nations to intervene and ordered a ceasefire. Garuda First Army of the Republic of Indonesia participated to oversee the ceasefire and maintain peace in the Sinai Peninsula.
No less great is the events that happened in Egypt. In July 1952 there was a revolution in Egypt, led by Gen. Nagib. King Faruq fled to Europe. Egypt became a republic. In 1953 General Nagib replaced by Colonel Gamal Abdul Nasser and Nagib was arrested and imprisoned. Anti-British fervor overflowing. In July 1956 Nasser occupied the Suez Canal and the Suez Canal controlled company.Britain and France, are harmed by the actions of Nasser's, in October 1956 to send troops. At the same time Israel had entered the attack and invade the territory of Egypt. The United Nations intervened and the British and French had withdrawn. So is the Israeli army.
Thus, Nasser gets a diplomatic victory that pomp.
Nasser began a brilliant star. The star rose again in 1957 after he succeeded in uniting Egypt, Syria became one country: the United Arab Republic, with him as president. But in 1961, arising gerakn counterrevolutionary and Syria broke away again from Egypt.
Meanwhile, Nasser's position even stronger. He is seen as a prominent leader of all Arab states. The success of "coup" in Iraq that toppled Kassem in 1963 was also seen as a victory of Nasser.At the beginning of 1964 a general of the RPA was appointed supreme commander of the Arab League forces.
Upheaval spread everywhere. Waves hitting the revolution throughout the Middle East. Also a very backward country such as Yemen and Saudi Arabia did not escape the influence of the Revolution.
In Yemen rebels exploded in 1962 that ended the reign of Imamm Yemen. Yemen a republic; rebel leader, Colonel Abdullah asSalal become president.
Rebellion also arise in Saudi Arabia. King Su'ud driven by his own son in 1963.
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
At the end of the Third World War arose in the Middle East "Arab League" consisting of the State: Lebanese, Syrians, Iraq, Transjordan (which in 1949 changed its name to "Jordan"), Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Egypt. The Arab League is a collection of the State who are tied together by the religion of Islam equations and in many ways doing the same politics based on common interests.
Two things especially binding them, first their desire to break away from all influences their occupation of the former British and French and both their concerns against the inclusion of the Jews in Palestine.
Confrontation and hostility between Arabs and Jews comprise the atmosphere in the Arab World and the Middle East in general, which in 1948-1949 pointed to the war, where the Egyptian army suffered a humiliating kekalaahn. Once again, war broke out between Israel and the Arabs (Egypt) in 1956, along with a major crisis in Suez.
Strongest country in the northern Middle East is Turkey, Kamal Ataturk's creation ("Father of Turks"). After Kamal died in 1938, he was replaced by a comrade and closest aides: Ismet Inonu.
After the Second World War, Ismet Inonu was re-elected as President. But in 1950 his party lost votes; JelalBayar became President and Prime Minister Adnan Menderes. Both magnifying country is to survive in his position until the 1960 coup and their terhadi overthrown by General Cemal Gürsel.
Turkey first entered the NATO military alliance politics thus adjusting the Western World Countries. In 1955 he entered into an agreement with the Iraqi military. Military agreement was followed also by Britain, Iran, and Pkistan and became known as the "Baghdad Pact". Baghdad Pact was debilitating nature of solidarity between Arab states and Iraq have accused the Egyptian light betraying the Arab World Countries herd loyalty.
In 1958 uprisings in Iraq. King Faisal II, crown prince and Prime Minister Said Nuries killed. The uprising by the military, led by General Abdul Karim Kassem, the Kingdom of Iraq to remove, be Republican, and Kassem became president. Kassem first political run friendly with Egypt and other Arab states and out of the Baghdad Pact thus the name "Baghdad Pact" should be changed to "Central Treaty Organization" (CENTO). Political Kassem gradually getting inclined to the "left". In 1962 he threatened to nationalize the Iraq Oil Company (British owned) and mencapolok Kuwait, a tiny country on the Gulf coast of Iran, which has abundant oil wealth and the political heavily influenced by the British. Kassem attitude that increasingly radical reaction. Right-wing party of soldiers at the beginning of 1963 with a sudden have a "coup"; government Kassem was overthrown; Kassem and his assistant were killed prominent. Iraq's new government soon hold good relations with Syria and the United Arab Republic.
Meanwhile, on May 14, 1948 the Jews proclaimed the State of Israel by Chaim Weizmann as president. Immediately war broke out between Israel and the Arab States, which lasted until 1949. Since then the nexus between Israel on the one hand and the Arab States on the other hand, continuous tense and serious. Along with the Suez crisis, the army in 1956 when Gamal Abdel Nasser seized the Suez Canal area from the hands of British troops, the Israelis decided to carry out an attack on Egypt.
Within a few hours the Israeli army occupied most of the Sinai peninsula that is located in the west of the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Suez, and the coast of Gaza. At that time the Security Council of the United Nations to intervene and ordered a ceasefire. Garuda First Army of the Republic of Indonesia participated to oversee the ceasefire and maintain peace in the Sinai Peninsula.
No less great is the events that happened in Egypt. In July 1952 there was a revolution in Egypt, led by Gen. Nagib. King Faruq fled to Europe. Egypt became a republic. In 1953 General Nagib replaced by Colonel Gamal Abdul Nasser and Nagib was arrested and imprisoned. Anti-British fervor overflowing. In July 1956 Nasser occupied the Suez Canal and the Suez Canal controlled company.Britain and France, are harmed by the actions of Nasser's, in October 1956 to send troops. At the same time Israel had entered the attack and invade the territory of Egypt. The United Nations intervened and the British and French had withdrawn. So is the Israeli army.
Thus, Nasser gets a diplomatic victory that pomp.
Nasser began a brilliant star. The star rose again in 1957 after he succeeded in uniting Egypt, Syria became one country: the United Arab Republic, with him as president. But in 1961, arising gerakn counterrevolutionary and Syria broke away again from Egypt.
Meanwhile, Nasser's position even stronger. He is seen as a prominent leader of all Arab states. The success of "coup" in Iraq that toppled Kassem in 1963 was also seen as a victory of Nasser.At the beginning of 1964 a general of the RPA was appointed supreme commander of the Arab League forces.
Upheaval spread everywhere. Waves hitting the revolution throughout the Middle East. Also a very backward country such as Yemen and Saudi Arabia did not escape the influence of the Revolution.
In Yemen rebels exploded in 1962 that ended the reign of Imamm Yemen. Yemen a republic; rebel leader, Colonel Abdullah asSalal become president.
Rebellion also arise in Saudi Arabia. King Su'ud driven by his own son in 1963.
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