Eropa mulai Jaya/Europe began to Glory FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Eropa mulai Jaya
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Bangsa Eropa mulai merantau keluar negerinya untuk berdagang dinegeri lain. Mula pelaharan dan perdagangan mereka hanya berkisar di Laut Tengah. Tetapi lama-kelamaan, mereka mengerungi Samudera Atlantika dan Samudera Hindia, pun pula Samudera Pasifik, dan sampailah mereka di benua Amerika dan benua Asia.
Bangsa Eropa pertama yang dating di Asia adalah bangsa Portugis dan bangsa Spanyol, kemudian disusul oleh bangsa Belanda, bangsa Inggris, akhirnya bangsa Perancis pun ikut dalam persaingan itu. Perdagangan bangsa Eropa itu disertai kekerasan untuk memperoleh monopoli. Untuk mempertahankan monopoli itu, mereka merebut berbagai daerah di negeri di Asia dan mendirikan pangkalan yang diperkuat.
Kekuasaan bangsa Portugis di Asia lekas surut dan terdesak oleh bangsa Eropa lainnya hingga akhirnya hanya tinggal beberapa pangkalan di India, China dan di pulau Timor.
Kekuasaan bangsa Spanyol berlangsung lebih lama dan bertahan berabad-abad lamanya di Filipina dan dibagian besar Amerika Selatan dan Amerika Tengah.
Bangsa Belanda akhirnya memusatkan kepentingannya di Indonesia dan di Amerika Selatan dan melepaskan pangkalan-pangkalannya di India dan di Afrika Selatan kepada bangsa Inggris.
Dalam persaingan perebutan daerah penjajahan ini Inggris terbukti paling ulet dan jaya.
Perancis paling akhir memasuki gelanggang persaingan itu dan muncul sebagai penyaing Inggris yang paling sengit, baik di Amerika Utara dan di India.
Kita telah melihat persaingan perebutan daerah penjajahan antara Perancis dan Inggris di India, yang berakhir dengan kemenangan yang gemilang bagi Inggris. Persaingan itu terjadi pula di Amerika dengan tidak kurang sengitnya.
Semenjak benua Amerika dengan secara kebetulan ditemukan oleh Christopher Columbus pada tahun 1492 maka benua itu dengan segera merupakan gaya penarik besar bagi orang Eropa. Bangsa Spanyol menguasai sebagian besar Amerika Selatan dan Amerika Tengah. Bangsa Eropa lain tertarik pula.
Orang Inggris terutama tertarik kepada Amerika Utara. Pada masa itu diantara penduduk di negeri Inggris terdapat pertentangan hebat antara para penganut berbagai mazhab. Pertentangan yang berdasarkan agama itu terdapat pula diberbagai negeri lain di Eropa. Di negeri Jerman, Belanda dan Perancis, pertentangan itu sering meruncing menjadi peperangan yang berkobar berpuluh tahun lamanya dengan segala kekejaman. Di negeri Jerman dan Belanda kemenangan dicapai oleh kaum Protestan sedang di negeri Perancis yang menang kaum Katolik.
Di negeri Inggris keadaan agak berlainan. Agama Protestan seperti yang terdapat di negeri Jerman dan Belanda tidak dapat berkembang di negeri Inggris. Agama Katolik pun tidak di sukai oleh Raja dan kaum bangsawan yang berkuasa, oleh karena agama Katolik mengakibatkan sedikit banyak bercampur tangan Bapak Suci Roma dalam pemerintahan Inggris. Maka orang Inggris menciptakan agama baru, agama Kristen Inggris, yang kira-kira merupakan perpaduan antara ajaran Protestan dan organisasi Katolik. Agama Kristen Inggris ini dijadikan agama resmi.
Tetapi bangsa Ir (Eire/ Irlandia) sebagian besar tetap memeluk Katolik. Maka bangsa bangsa Ir (Eire/ Irlandia) diburu dan ditindas oleh bangsa Inggris sebab berlainan daripada bangsa Asia, bangsa di Eropa itu pada umumnya tidak tahu tenggang-menenggang dalam pasal agama. Pertentangan antara bangsa Inggris dan bangsa bangsa Ir (Eire/ Irlandia) itupun pula mempunyai dasar politik. Banyak kaum ningrat Inggris memiliki tanah yang luas di pulau Irlandia. Bangsa bangsa Ir (Eire/ Irlandia) ditindas dan dihisap dan harus membayar sewa tanah yangsangat tinggi kepada para tuan tanah Inggris. Oleh karena bangsa Ir (Eire/ Irlandia) tidak mempunyai wakil dalam Parlemen Inggris maak tidak ada yang membela hak mereka. Sering kali bangsa bangsa Ir (Eire/ Irlandia) memberontak tetapi tiap kali pemberontakan itu dipuluk keras dan kejam. Banyak sekali orang bangsa Ir (Eire/ Irlandia) sudah tidak tahan lagi hidup dalam negerinya sendiri, meninggalkan tanah airnya dan mencari tanah air baru di Amerika. Orang Inggris sendiri yang tidak mau memeluk agama Inggrispun banyak yang menyingkir ke Amerika. Di negeri Eropa lainnyapun banyak yang menyingkir ke Amerika. Lama kelamaan makin banyak orang Eropa mengalir ke Dunia Baru itu, teristimewa setelah tersiar berita bahwa disana banyak diketemukan emas.
Di Amerika Utara orang Inggris menetap disepanjang pantai timur. Mereka mendirikan berbagai koloni. Koloni itu kemudian tumbuh menjadi negeri. Negeri mereka pertama adalah Virginia. Negeri lain timbul: Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, dan sebagainya. Negeri itu membujur sepanjang pantai tiumur dari utara ke selatan. Di tengah-tengah mereka terdapat koloni dari orang Belanda dan Swedia.
Yang terpenting koloni yang didirikan oleh Belanda: Nieuw Nederland (New Nederland) dengan ibukota Nieuw Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) dimuara sungai Hudson. Di sebelah selatan orang Spanyol mendirikan Florida.
Dengan segala keuletan orang Inggris berhasil mencaplok koloni orang Swedia dan Belanda. Juga Nieuw-Nederland (New Nederland) direbut oleh orang Inggris pada tahun 1664.
Nieuw-Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) diganti namanya menjadi New York, pada waktu itu merupakan sebuah desa kecil tetapi sekarang telah menjadi kota terbesar di dunia. Sebagai gantinya Nederland pada tahun 1667 mendapat Suriname di Amerika Selatan.
Orang Perancis muncul juga di Amerika Utara. Mereka dating di bagian utara disekitar sungai St. Laurens. Di antaranya mereka mendirikan kota Quebec. Orang Perancis dating terutama untuk menangkap ikan dan berdagang dengan penduduk Amerika asli, yaitu bangsa Indian. Yang dicari kulit binatang semacam musang yang tebal dan indah bulunya.
Orang India yang tidak tahu nilai kulit itu menukarkannya dengan pisau atau kalung merjan atau panic dapur. Orang Perancis makin lama makin jauh masuk di daerah pedalaman dan mendirikan berbagai koloni yang dikemudian hari menjadi negeri Canada yang besar itu. Mereka tiba pada daerah Danau Besar dan pada air terjun Niagara yang sangat mendahsyat itu. Dari sana mereka membelok ke selatan dan memasuki daerah Mississippi yang sangat luas itu. Daerah itu dijadikan jajahan Perancis dan di namakan Loisiana. Demikianlah maka dalam abad ke XVII dan pada permulaan abad XVIII daerah jajahan yang paling luas di Amerika Utara ada dalam kuasa Perancis. Daerah kolonisasi Inggris hanya merupakan bagian kecil. Tetapi oleh sebab orang Inggris makin lama makin mendesak kejurusan barat maka pertentangan antara Inggris dan Perancis itu tidak dapat dielakkan.
Pertentangan antara Perancis dan Inggris itu meledak dalam berbagai peperangan berturut-turut yang berlangsung antara tahun 1688 sampai tahun 1763. Peperangan itu tidak hanya dilakukan antara Perancis dan Inggris sendiri. Berbagai negera lain di Eropa ikut terseret dalam peperangan itu, diantaranya negeri Nederlan, Prusia, Australia dan Spanyol. Peperangan itu berkobar di Eropa dan juga di India dan di Amerika. Di Eropa peperangan itu terjalin dengan macam kepentingan. Tetapi di India dan Amerika peperangan itu hamper seluruhnya bersifat perebutan daerah penjajahan antara Perancis dan Inggris.
Dalam peperangan itu Inggris ternyata lebih kuat. Dalam Perjanjian Perdamaian di Paris pada tahun 1763, Perancis harus menyerahkan seluruh Canada dan sebagian besar Louisiana kepada Inggris. Juga Florida, dahulu milik Spanyol, jatu pada Inggris. Sebagai gantinya, Spanyol mendapat sebagian dari Louisiana yang letaknya disebelah barat sungai Mississippi. Demikianlah sebagian besar dari Amerika Utara jatuh ditangan Inggris.
Perdagangan orang Eropa dengan Asia dan Amerika itu menimbulkan kekayaan besar. Yang menjadi kaya adalah kaum pedagang. Mereka hidup di kota. Mereka sifatnya lain daripada kaum tani, tidak sangat terikat tahayul dan tradisi. Sifat mereka lincah, berani dan bebas. Lambat laun mereka merupakan golongan baru, golongan kaum menengah. Dari kalangan mereka timbul pula kaum terpelajar. Kaum terpelajar itu mulai memikirkan nasib dan kedudukan mereka, terutama juga tentang hak manusia di dalam Negara dan bagaimana hubungan pemerintah dengan rakyat.
Selama itu, bahkan sampai pada pertengahan abad ke XVIII, keadaan itu ditulisnya dalam bukunya “Emile”. Pendapatnya tentang pemerintahan dan masyarakat ditulisnya dalm buku “Contra Social”.
Semboyannya adalah “Kembali kepada Alam”. Pendidikan harus sesuai dengan alam jiwa anak. Untuk mengurus masyarakat harus diadakan peraturan yang sesuai dengan alam masyarakat. Janganlah diadakan peraturan yang dibikin, yang tidak sesuai dengan sifat alamnya. Pengaruh pendapat Rousseau di Perancis dan di Eropa seluruhnya sangat besar.
Montesquieu ialah filusuf tentang susunan Negara. Ialah pencipta trias politik trias politica, yang mengupas dan memisahkan kekuasaan dalam Negara. Dalam Negara harus ada tiga kekuasaan, kekuasaan yang menetapkan undang-undang, kekuasaan yang menjalankan undang-undang dan kekuasaan pengadilan yang menghukum barang siapa yang menyalahi undang-undang. Tiga kekuasaan itu harus dipisah, tidak boleh dipegang oleh satu orang atau satu badan. Pendapat Montesquieu ni sangat modern, dan trias politica itu sekarang dipraktekkan dimana-mana. Tetapi pada waktu itu pendapat itu sudah tentu merupakan ancaman hebat terhadap kekuasaan raja.
Pendapat baru itu mengoncangkan sendi seluruh masyarakat Eropa. Dasar kepercayaan rakyat kepada kekuasaan para pembesar gereja digoyahkan oleh kecaman pedas Voltaire. Dan dasar kekuasaan mutlak raja digoncangkan oleh Rousseau dan Montesquieu. Pendapat baru itu adalah pendapat yang hidup dan cemerlang dan membangkitkan kegiatan baru dalam masyarakat Eropa. Bangsa Eropa yang merantau keluar menyiarkan pendapat itu diseluruh dunia. Maka abad ke XVIII itu mulailah sejarah kejayaan Eropa yang beralngsung dua abad lamanya sampai abad pertengahan abad XX ini.
Di Eropa sendiri perkembangan pendapat baru itu tidak berlangsung lurus dan lunak. Berbagai revolusi timbul di Eropa, yang terbesar adalah Revolusi Perindustrian di negeri Inggris dan Revolusi Perancis.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate: Indonesian-english):
Europe began to Glory
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
Europeans began to migrate out of the country to trade in the land of another. At pelaharan and their trade is only around the Mediterranean. But over time, they mengerungi Atlantika Ocean and Indian Ocean, was also the Pacific Ocean, and they arrived in the Americas and Asia.
The first Europeans were dating in Asia is the Portuguese and the Spanish, followed by the Dutch, the British, the French finally had participated in the competition. Trade with European nations to gain a monopoly of violence. To maintain a monopoly, they seized various parts of the country in Asia and established a fortified base.
The power of the Portuguese in Asia quickly subsided and pressured by other European nations until finally only a few bases in India, China and on the island of Timor.
The power of the Spaniards last longer and survive for centuries in the Philippines and a large section of South America and Central America.
The Dutch finally focusing its interests in Indonesia and South America and releasing base-base in India and South Africa to the British.
In the competitive struggle for the region's British colonial proved the most resilient and jaya.
France entered the arena at the end of the competition and emerged as Britain's most fierce contender, both in North America and in India.
We have seen local competitive struggle between the French and British colonial rule in India, which ended in a resounding victory for England. Competition is happening here in America with no less fierce.
Since the American continent by accidentally discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 the continent, with immediate towing a major force for Europeans. The Spanish controlled most of South America and Central America. Other European nations interested in anyway.
The English are particularly attracted to North America. At that time the population of the country between the UK there is a great conflict between the followers of various sects. Opposition based on religion there are also various other countries in Europe. In the land of Germany, the Netherlands and France, it is often pointed opposition to the war that raged for decades ever with all its brutality. In Germany and the Netherlands victory achieved by the Protestants were in the country to win the French Catholics.
In the land of the UK situation is rather different. Protestant religion as contained in Germany and the Netherlands can not flourish in England. Catholicism was not liked by the king and the nobility of the ruling, because the Catholic religion a little more mixed hand lead the Holy Father in Rome British rule. So the British created a new religion, Christianity England, which is roughly a mix between the Protestant and Catholic organizations.Christianity was made the official religion of England.
But the nation Ir (Eire / Ireland) remained largely embraced Catholicism. So Nations Ir (Eire / Ireland) hunted and persecuted by the British because different than the nations of Asia, the European nations generally do not know the mutual assistance in the religion section. The contradiction between the English and Ir Nations (Eire / Ireland) rose also has a political basis. Many British nobility had land in the island of Ireland. Nations Ir (Eire / Ireland) oppressed and exploited and must pay ground rent to the high boiling British landlords. Because people Ir (Eire / Ireland) had no representatives in the British Parliament Maak no one to defend their rights. Often Nations Ir (Eire / Ireland) revolting but each time the rebellion was harsh and cruel dipuluk. A lot of people nation Ir (Eire / Ireland) have had enough of life in his own country, to leave their homeland and seek a new homeland in America. British people themselves who do not embrace religion Inggrispun much away to America. In many European countries lainnyapun away to America. Gradually, more and more Europeans are pouring into the New World was, especially after the news broke that there a lot of gold found.
In North America the English settled along the east coast. They established many colonies. The colony that later grew into the country. Their country first is Virginia. Other countries arises: Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and so on.Longitudinally along the coast of the country from north to south tiumur. In their midst there is a colony of the Dutch and Swedish.
The most important colony founded by Dutch: Nieuw Nederland (New Nederland) with its capital Nieuw Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) dimuara Hudson river. To the south the Spaniards founded Florida.
With all the tenacity of the British succeeded in annexing the Swedish and Dutch colonies. Also Nieuw-Nederland (New Nederland) was captured by the British in 1664.
Nieuw-Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) was renamed New York, at that time a small village but has now become the largest city in the world. Instead Nederland in 1667 gets Suriname in South America.
Gaul appears also in North America. They were dating in the north around the river St. Laurens. Among them they founded the city of Quebec. The French dating mainly for fishing and trade with the Native Americans, the Indian nation. Which kind of animal skin look thick and beautiful fox fur.
People who do not know the value of India's leather trade them with a knife or necklace beads or panic kitchen. French people increasingly far into the countryside and set up colonies that would later become the great country Canada. They arrived in the Great Lakes region and the Niagara Falls are very mendahsyat it.From there they turned south and entered the area the vast Mississippi. The area was used as a French colony and named Loisiana. So it was that in the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth century the most extensive colonies in North America in the French power. British colonization of the area is only a small part. But because of the British became more and more pressing western kejurusan the conflict between England and France was inevitable.
Conflicts between France and England exploded in successive wars that took place between the years 1688 to 1763. The battle was not only carried out between France and England itself.Various other European countries become involved in the war, including Nederlan country, Prussia, Australia and Spain. The war was raging in Europe and also in India and in America. In Europe the war was intertwined with the kinds of interests. But in India, and America's wars are almost entirely local struggle between the French and British colonization.
In the war that Britain is stronger. In the Peace Treaty in Paris in 1763, France had to give up the whole Canada and most of Louisiana to the British. Also Florida, formerly owned by Spain, Jatu in England. Instead, Spain got the part of Louisiana that is located further west to the Mississippi River. Thus most of the fall in the hands of British North America.
European trade with Asia and America caused a great wealth.The rich are the merchants. They live in the city. They are nature other than the peasantry, is very tied superstition and tradition.Their properties agile, brave and free. Gradually, they constitute a new class, the middle class. They also arise from among the intelligentsia. Intellectuals began to think about the fate and their position, especially also about human rights in the country and how the government's relationship with the people.
During that time, even in the middle of the eighteenth century, the state had been written in his book "Emile". Government and public opinion on preformance wrote the book "Social Contra".
Motto is "Return to Nature". Education shall be in accordance with the child's natural life. To take care of the public must be made in accordance with the natural laws of society. Do not be held contrived rules, which do not correspond to the nature of nature. Rousseau influence opinion in France and in Europe altogether very large.
Montesquieu is filusuf about the composition of State. He is the creator of the trias politica political triad, the peeling and separating the powers of the State. In the country there should be three powers, powers which set of laws, power laws and run the court power to punish any person who violates the law. Three of power should be separate, should not be held by one person or entity. Opinions Montesquieu ni very modern, and trias politica is now practiced everywhere. But at that time that opinion is certainly a great threat to the authority of the king.
The new opinion mengoncangkan joints throughout the European community. Basic beliefs of the people to the authority of the General Authorities diatribes swayed by Voltaire. And the king's absolute power base shaken by Rousseau and Montesquieu.Opinions are those of the new and brilliant life and generate new activity in European societies. The Europeans who migrated out broadcast that opinion around the world. So the start of the eighteenth century the history of European glory beralngsung two centuries of the Middle Ages until the twentieth century.
In Europe alone the development of a new idea that is not going straight and soft. Various revolution arose in Europe, the largest in the country UK Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution.
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
Europeans began to migrate out of the country to trade in the land of another. At pelaharan and their trade is only around the Mediterranean. But over time, they mengerungi Atlantika Ocean and Indian Ocean, was also the Pacific Ocean, and they arrived in the Americas and Asia.
The first Europeans were dating in Asia is the Portuguese and the Spanish, followed by the Dutch, the British, the French finally had participated in the competition. Trade with European nations to gain a monopoly of violence. To maintain a monopoly, they seized various parts of the country in Asia and established a fortified base.
The power of the Portuguese in Asia quickly subsided and pressured by other European nations until finally only a few bases in India, China and on the island of Timor.
The power of the Spaniards last longer and survive for centuries in the Philippines and a large section of South America and Central America.
The Dutch finally focusing its interests in Indonesia and South America and releasing base-base in India and South Africa to the British.
In the competitive struggle for the region's British colonial proved the most resilient and jaya.
France entered the arena at the end of the competition and emerged as Britain's most fierce contender, both in North America and in India.
We have seen local competitive struggle between the French and British colonial rule in India, which ended in a resounding victory for England. Competition is happening here in America with no less fierce.
Since the American continent by accidentally discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 the continent, with immediate towing a major force for Europeans. The Spanish controlled most of South America and Central America. Other European nations interested in anyway.
The English are particularly attracted to North America. At that time the population of the country between the UK there is a great conflict between the followers of various sects. Opposition based on religion there are also various other countries in Europe. In the land of Germany, the Netherlands and France, it is often pointed opposition to the war that raged for decades ever with all its brutality. In Germany and the Netherlands victory achieved by the Protestants were in the country to win the French Catholics.
In the land of the UK situation is rather different. Protestant religion as contained in Germany and the Netherlands can not flourish in England. Catholicism was not liked by the king and the nobility of the ruling, because the Catholic religion a little more mixed hand lead the Holy Father in Rome British rule. So the British created a new religion, Christianity England, which is roughly a mix between the Protestant and Catholic organizations.Christianity was made the official religion of England.
But the nation Ir (Eire / Ireland) remained largely embraced Catholicism. So Nations Ir (Eire / Ireland) hunted and persecuted by the British because different than the nations of Asia, the European nations generally do not know the mutual assistance in the religion section. The contradiction between the English and Ir Nations (Eire / Ireland) rose also has a political basis. Many British nobility had land in the island of Ireland. Nations Ir (Eire / Ireland) oppressed and exploited and must pay ground rent to the high boiling British landlords. Because people Ir (Eire / Ireland) had no representatives in the British Parliament Maak no one to defend their rights. Often Nations Ir (Eire / Ireland) revolting but each time the rebellion was harsh and cruel dipuluk. A lot of people nation Ir (Eire / Ireland) have had enough of life in his own country, to leave their homeland and seek a new homeland in America. British people themselves who do not embrace religion Inggrispun much away to America. In many European countries lainnyapun away to America. Gradually, more and more Europeans are pouring into the New World was, especially after the news broke that there a lot of gold found.
In North America the English settled along the east coast. They established many colonies. The colony that later grew into the country. Their country first is Virginia. Other countries arises: Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and so on.Longitudinally along the coast of the country from north to south tiumur. In their midst there is a colony of the Dutch and Swedish.
The most important colony founded by Dutch: Nieuw Nederland (New Nederland) with its capital Nieuw Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) dimuara Hudson river. To the south the Spaniards founded Florida.
With all the tenacity of the British succeeded in annexing the Swedish and Dutch colonies. Also Nieuw-Nederland (New Nederland) was captured by the British in 1664.
Nieuw-Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) was renamed New York, at that time a small village but has now become the largest city in the world. Instead Nederland in 1667 gets Suriname in South America.
Gaul appears also in North America. They were dating in the north around the river St. Laurens. Among them they founded the city of Quebec. The French dating mainly for fishing and trade with the Native Americans, the Indian nation. Which kind of animal skin look thick and beautiful fox fur.
People who do not know the value of India's leather trade them with a knife or necklace beads or panic kitchen. French people increasingly far into the countryside and set up colonies that would later become the great country Canada. They arrived in the Great Lakes region and the Niagara Falls are very mendahsyat it.From there they turned south and entered the area the vast Mississippi. The area was used as a French colony and named Loisiana. So it was that in the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth century the most extensive colonies in North America in the French power. British colonization of the area is only a small part. But because of the British became more and more pressing western kejurusan the conflict between England and France was inevitable.
Conflicts between France and England exploded in successive wars that took place between the years 1688 to 1763. The battle was not only carried out between France and England itself.Various other European countries become involved in the war, including Nederlan country, Prussia, Australia and Spain. The war was raging in Europe and also in India and in America. In Europe the war was intertwined with the kinds of interests. But in India, and America's wars are almost entirely local struggle between the French and British colonization.
In the war that Britain is stronger. In the Peace Treaty in Paris in 1763, France had to give up the whole Canada and most of Louisiana to the British. Also Florida, formerly owned by Spain, Jatu in England. Instead, Spain got the part of Louisiana that is located further west to the Mississippi River. Thus most of the fall in the hands of British North America.
European trade with Asia and America caused a great wealth.The rich are the merchants. They live in the city. They are nature other than the peasantry, is very tied superstition and tradition.Their properties agile, brave and free. Gradually, they constitute a new class, the middle class. They also arise from among the intelligentsia. Intellectuals began to think about the fate and their position, especially also about human rights in the country and how the government's relationship with the people.
During that time, even in the middle of the eighteenth century, the state had been written in his book "Emile". Government and public opinion on preformance wrote the book "Social Contra".
Motto is "Return to Nature". Education shall be in accordance with the child's natural life. To take care of the public must be made in accordance with the natural laws of society. Do not be held contrived rules, which do not correspond to the nature of nature. Rousseau influence opinion in France and in Europe altogether very large.
Montesquieu is filusuf about the composition of State. He is the creator of the trias politica political triad, the peeling and separating the powers of the State. In the country there should be three powers, powers which set of laws, power laws and run the court power to punish any person who violates the law. Three of power should be separate, should not be held by one person or entity. Opinions Montesquieu ni very modern, and trias politica is now practiced everywhere. But at that time that opinion is certainly a great threat to the authority of the king.
The new opinion mengoncangkan joints throughout the European community. Basic beliefs of the people to the authority of the General Authorities diatribes swayed by Voltaire. And the king's absolute power base shaken by Rousseau and Montesquieu.Opinions are those of the new and brilliant life and generate new activity in European societies. The Europeans who migrated out broadcast that opinion around the world. So the start of the eighteenth century the history of European glory beralngsung two centuries of the Middle Ages until the twentieth century.
In Europe alone the development of a new idea that is not going straight and soft. Various revolution arose in Europe, the largest in the country UK Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution.
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