Inggris merebut seluruh India/England win over India FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Inggris merebut seluruh India
(Sumber: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia Ditengah-tengah Dunia dari Abad keabad. Jakarta: Penerbit Djambatan. (perubahan: Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan/EYD))
Di India pada tahun 1813, Lord Minto digantikan oleh Marquess of Hastings. (Jangan dikacaukan dengan Waren Hastings yang menjabat gubernur jenderal di India dari tahun 1774 sampai tahun 1785).
Hastingpun jago imperalis. Tindakannya pertama ialah memerangi bangsa Gurkha, untuk mematahkan kekuasaan Kerajaan Nepal, dengan alasan bahwa Bangsa Gurkha sering mengadakan perampokan di daerah kerajaan Oudh. Nepal yang letaknya dilereng pegunungan Himalaya yang sangat tinggi itu pada tahun 1814 diserbu oleh tentara Inggris. Sungguhpun bangsa Gurkha yang terkenal gagah berani itu mengadakan perlawanan sengit, mereka tidak dapat menahan persenjataan Inggris yang jauh lebih sempurna itu. Pada tahun 1816 mereka menyerahkan beberapa daerahnya kepada Inggris dan menyetujui penempatan seorang residen Inggris di ibukotanya, Khatmandu.
Setelah menundukkan Nepal, Hastings menyelesaikan perebutan daerah Kerajaan Maratha yang telah dimulai oleh Wellesley pada tahun 1804, tetapi menjadi terbengkalai setelah Wellesley pergi dari India. Pada tahun 1817 Hastings mulai menyerang. Pada tahun 1819 Maratha, pun pula daerah Peshwa ditundukkan. Beberapa daerah negeri itu diserahkan kepada Inggris, dan kedua negeri, Maratha dan Peshwa harus mengakui kekuasaan dipertuan Inggris. Demikian makin banyak daerah pedalaman jatuh dalam kekuasaan Inggris. Dari pangkalan yang didirikan dalam daerah pedalaman itu, Inggirs dengan mudah dapat mengadakan pengawasan terhadap Kerajaan India, dan mencegah timbulnya persatuan di antara mereka. Kerajaan itu namanya saja masih merdeka tetapi mereka harus mengakui kekuasaan dipertuan Inggris dan diperlindungi oleh Inggris.
Hal demikian itu lambat laun merenggangkan perhubungan antara raja-raja itu dengan raknyatnya. Pada waktu itu mereka masih berdaulat penuh, raja India itu harus memikirkan nasib rakyatnya. Mereka harus selalu berusaha memerintah dan mengurus negerinya sebaiknya untuk mencegah timbulnya perasaan tidak puas yang mungkin dapat mengakibatkan pemberontakan. Tetapi setelah mereka diperlindungi oleh tentara Inggris yang kuat itu, rasa tanggung jawab mereka berkurang dan kebanyakan di antara raja itu memandang tidak perlu lagi memerintah yang baik dan memperhatikan nasib rakyatnya.. sehingga akhirnya rakyat India tidak lagi memandang raja itu sebagai pemimpinnya.
Satu-satunya negeri yang pada waktu itu masih tetap berdaulat penuh adalah Kerajaan Sikh yang merupakan negeri kuat dan teratur di bawah pemerintahan Ranjit Singh. Tetapi sesudah Ranjit Singh meninggal pada tahun 1839, keadaan di sana pun cepat berubah.
Setelah berhasil menanamkan kekuasaannya di India maka Kompeni Inggris meluaskan pengaruhnya keluar perbatasan dengan alasan hendak menjaga keselamatan kedudukannya di India.
Birma yang pertama mendapat giliran. Alasan untuk memulai peperangan mudah didapatkan. Birma, seperti Negara manapun, tidak suka diperbudak. Raja Birma mengamati perkembangan kekuasaan Kompeni Inggris di India dengan kecemasan. Ia memperkuat kedudukannya di daerah Assam dan Arakan. Kaum pedagang Inggris yang datang di Birma pun tidak diberi hati banyak. Oleh karena kesombongan kaum pedagang itu, maka kadang pemerintah mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka dan mengajarkan kepada mereka bahwa di negeri Birma yang berdaulat bukan Kompeni Inggris. Di India pedagang itu mengelu dan menghasut. Akhirnya pada tahun 1824 Kompeni Inggris mengirimkan angkatan lautnya. Dalam peperangan dengan bangsa Asia, orang Inggris berkat persenjataan tentara yang jauh lebih sempurna, selalu dapat memperoleh kemenangan. Persenjataan mereka serba lengkap disbanding dengan tentara bangsa Asia yang pada umumnya hanya memiliki beberapa pucuk senapan yang sudah tua dan selanjutnya diperlengkapi dengan panah, tombak dan sebagainya.
Demikian itu tentara Birma tidak dapat bertahan terhadap serangan tentara Inggris tetapi sungguhpun itu, baru pada tahun 1826, tentara Birma dapat dikalahkan dan Birma harus menyerahkan Assam, Arakan dan Tenasserim kepada Kompeni Inggris. Dengan penyerahan daerah itu perhubungan Kerajaan dengan laut terputus.
Setelah itu Inggris menunjukkan perhatiannya kea rah perbatasan bagian Barat. Di sebelah barat India terletak negeri Afghanistan. Antara Afghanistan dan negeri Sikh selalu ada permusuhan. Pada tahun 1816, Shujah Shah dihalaukan oleh Ranjit Singh dan menyingkir ke Lahore kemudian ke India. Di Afghanistan timbul kekuacauan, sampai pada tahun 1826, kekuasaan pemerintah direbut oleh Dost Muhammad. Juga Dost Muhammad selalu bermusuhan dengan Ranjit Singh.
Sungguhpun Dost Mohammad berkali menyatakan keinginan untuk mengadakan perhubungan baik dengan Inggris namun Inggris bermaksud hendak menundukkan Afghanistan juga. Untuk maksud itu Inggris perlu akan bantuan Shuja Shah dan Ranjit Singh. Pada tahun 1837, tentara Inggris mulai digerakkan. Oleh sebab Ranjit Singh mengizinkan tentara Inggris melalui daerah Sikh, maka tentara Inggris itu melalui daerah Kerajaan Sindh, di lembah hilir sungai Sindhu sehingga dipandang dari sudut militer gerakan tentara Inggris itu merupakan gerakan yang gila.
Perang Inggris- Afghanistan pertama itu sungguh merupakan perang Imperalis yang sewenang-wenang. Dost Muhammad adalah seorang raja yang dicakap, dicintai oleh rakyatnya. Ia pun tidak pernah melakukan suatu tindakan yang dapat menimbulkan permusuhan dengan Inggris. Lagi pula, dalam menggerakkan tentaranya menuju ke Afghanistan, Inggris dengan sewenang melanggar kedaulatan Kerajaan Sindh yang telah mengadakan perjanjian persahabatan dengan Inggris, dalam perjanjian mana Inggris telah berjanji tidak akan mengusik daerah Sindh.
Pada tahun 1838, tentara Inggris menduduki Baluchistan dan pada tahun 1839, berhasil berturut merebut Kandahar, Ghazni dan ibukota Kabul. Shuja Shah ditempatkan diatas takhta tetapi oleh rakyat Afghanistan disambut dengan sangat dingin. Dost Muhammad menyerah pada tahun 1840 dan diasingkan ke India. Tetapi suasana di Afghanistan tetap perang. Pada tahun 1841, rakyat berontak, dipimpin oleh Akbar Khan, anak Dhost Muhammad. Pemberontakan itu merupakan bencana yang sangat mengerikan bagi Inggris. Tentaranya yang 16.500 orang jumlahnya itu dibinasakan seluruhnya; hanya 120 orang tidak terbunuh tetap tertawan; dan hanya satu orang berhasil dengan susah payah melarikan diri ke India. Gubernur Jenderal yang bertanggung jawab atas perang itu, Lord Auckland, dipanggil kembali oleh pemerintah Inggris dan penggantinya lekas menempatkan Dost Muhammad kembali di Kabul. Perang Inggris-Afghanistan itu bagi Inggris merupakan suatu kegagalan besar.
Sementara itu Ranjit Singh meninggal pada tahun 1839. Ia telah membentuk negeri besar dengan pemerintahan teratur dan tentara kuat. Saying, di Sih tidak lagi timbul seorang pemimpin besar yang menggantikan Ranjit Singh. Maka terdapatlah suatu keganjilan di negeri Sikh: suatu tentara kuat, terjadi dari prajurit yang terlati baik tetapi tiada jenderalnya yang cakap, yang dapat memimpin. Kekacauan lekas timbul, disebabkan oleh pemimpin Sikh yang saling berebut kekuasaan.
Perselisihan dengan Kompeni Inggris pun lekas timbul pada ketika bangsa Sikh menyerang sungai Sutlej dan hendak memasukkan lembah sebelah timur sungai Sutlej ke dalam wilayahnya. Perang Sih pertama meledak pada tahun 1845 dan berakhir pada tahun 1846, sekali bukan peperangan ringan bagi Inggris. Prajurit Sikh pantang mundur, sangat banyak orang Inggris jatuh sebagai korban, tetapi akhirnya tentara Sikh terpukul mundur juga, oleh karena kebodohan pempinnya yang tidak tahu tanggung jawab dan meninggalkan medan pertempuran pada saat yang menentukan. Tentara Sikh terdesak kembali ke sebelah barat sungai Sutlej tetapi negerinya tetap utuh. Tetapi sementara itu keadana dalam negeri terus merosot, disebabkan oleh perselisihan di antara suku mereka sendiri.
Pada tahun 1848, Inggris mengirim Dalhousie ke India menjabat gubernur jenderal. Dalhousie jago imperalis Inggris terbesar. Pada tahun 1848, itu juga ia memasakkan perang kedua kepada bangsa Sikh dengan menggerakkan tentara Kompeni secara besar-besaran. Tentara Sikh mengadakan perlawanan hebat. Akhirnya Kompeni mencapai kemenangan juga tetapi suatu kemenangan Pyrrhus yang dicapai dengan susah payah dan memakan sangat banyak korban. Pada tahun 1849, daerah Punjab dimasukkan dalam wilayah Inggris.
Dengan kemenangannya dalam Perang Sikh kedua itu Dalhousie berhasil membulatkan kekuasaan Inggris atas India. Seluruh India atau dikuasainya oleh Inggris atau diperlindunginya. Semua raja India, besar kecil, telah turun derajatnya menjadi raja hulu tanah Kompeni Inggris, dan tidak diperkenankan lagi mengadakan perhubungan sendiri dengan negeri lain.
Kemudian datang gilirannya bagi Birma, yang pada tahun 1826, harus menyerahkan Assam, Arakan dan Tenasserim kepada Inggris, tetapi dalam pada itu tidak bersedia untuk diperlakukan sebagai raja hulu tanah dan tidak mau memberi hak istimewa kepada kaum pedagang Inggris. Dalhousie mengirimkan angkatan lautnya pada tahun 1852.
Berturut jatuhlah Martaban, Rangoon, Bassein, Prome dan Pegu. Raja Birma tetap melawan, tidak mau mengadakan perdamaian, sungguhpun tidak mampu merebut daerah pesisirnya kembali, maka oleh Dalhousie pada tahun 1852 seluruh Birma bagian hilir dinyatakan menjadi daerah Inggris, sehingga semenjak itu Kerajaan Birma terputus sama sekali dari laut. Semenjak tahun 1852 itu daerah Inggris di sebelah perbatasan timur India membujur sepanjang pantai hingga perbatasan negeri Thai pada tanah genting Semenanjung Melayu.
Dalhousie orang giat, ulet dan berkemauan keras. Pada pertengahan abad XIX itu ilmu pengetahuan di Eropa, istimewa ilmu teknik, mendapat kemajuan pesat. Dalhousie tidak hayal mempergunakan segala hasil ilmu teknik itu untuk maksud imperalismenya. Terutama persenjataan tentara diperbaiki sehingga tak terlawan oleh sesuatu negeri Asia. Pada tahun 1853, ia membuka jalan kereta api pertama antara Bombay dan Thana. Dibangunnya pula perhubungan pos dan kawat yang modern. Bagi pemerintah Inggris alat modern itu tak ternilai manfaatnya, menyiakan segala percobaan perlawanan dan pemberontakan dari negeri India terhadap kekuasaan colonial Inggris.
Dalhousie pun membuat peraturan yang lain yang sangat penting, yang terkenal sebagai lapse system. Sistem lapse itu menentukan bahwa negeri India, setelah raja meninggal, jatuh pada Kompeni Inggris, bilamana tidak ada putera mahkota yang sah yang menggantikan. Di India adalah kebiasaan bahwa seorang raja yang tidak mempunyai putera sendiri, mengangkat anak orang menjadi puteranya, untuk menggantikan dia menjadi raja kelak. Mengangkat anak itu suatu adat kuno di India tetapi berdasar atas system lapse itu Dalhousie mendapatkan bahwa anak angkat itu harus disahkan terlebih dahulu oleh Kompeni Inggris dan pada umumnya pengesahan itu tidak diberikan oleh Dalhousie. Maka sebagai akibat peraturan lapse itu beberapa negeri kecil telah jatuh ditangan kompeni dan dimasukkan dalam wilayahnya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
England win over India
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In India in 1813, Lord Minto was replaced by the Marquess of Hastings. (Do not be confused with Waren Hastings who served the governor general of India from the year 1774 until the year 1785).
Hastingpun imperalis champion. Its action is to combat the nation's first Gurkha, to break the power of the Kingdom of Nepal, on the grounds that the nation Gurkha held frequent robberies in the kingdom of Oudh. Nepal which is located slope of the Himalayas are very high that in 1814 was invaded by British troops. Even though the famous Gurkha nation bravely held a fierce resistance, they can not resist the British weapons that much more perfect. In 1816, they gave some to the British territory and approve the placement of a British resident in the capital, Khatmandu.
After subjecting Nepal, Hastings completed Maratha Empire region struggle begun by Wellesley in 1804, but became dormant after Wellesley went from India. In 1817 Hastings began to attack. In 1819 Marathas, Peshwa regions were also subdued. Some areas of the country was handed over to Britain, and the two countries, and the Maratha Peshwa had to recognize the authority of British lordship. So the more rural areas fall under British rule. From bases established in the rural areas, the English cuisine can easily conduct surveillance of Royal India, and prevent the emergence of unity among them. The kingdom was independent in name but they have to recognize the lordship England and diperlindungi by the British.
It was thus gradually loosen nexus between kings with raknyatnya.At that time they were still sovereign, the king of India should think about the fate of its people. They should always try to govern and administer the country should be to prevent feelings of dissatisfaction that may lead to rebellion. But after they diperlindungi by the British army is strong, the sense of responsibility is reduced and most of the king was no longer govern looked good and the fate of its people .. so that eventually the people of India are no longer regard the king as the leader.
The only country which at that time was still fully sovereign Sikh kingdom was strong and regular country under the rule of Ranjit Singh. But after Ranjit Singh's death in 1839, there was a state of rapid change.
After successfully instill power in India the British Company expanding its influence across the border for reasons about to maintain the safety position in India.
Burma's first turn. The reason for starting the war easily obtained.Burma, like any country, not like slaves. King of Burma to observe the development of the Company British rule in India with anxiety.He strengthened his position in the area of Assam and Arakan. The British merchants who came in Burma were not given a lot of heart.Because the merchant's arrogance, then sometimes the government take action against them, and taught them that a sovereign country and not Burma Company UK. In India merchant mengelu and incite. Finally in 1824 the British sent naval Company.In the battle with the nations of Asia, the UK thanks to the army weaponry much more perfect, can always win. They are self-contained armament compared with the Asian nation army generally only have a few rifles that are old and subsequently equipped with arrows, spears and so on.
Thus it can not survive Burmese military attacks against British troops but even though it new in 1826, the Burmese army may be defeated and Burma must submit Assam, Arakan and Tenasserim to British Company. The handover of the area cut off communications with the sea kingdom.
After that England showed concern towards the western border. In the west of India is the country of Afghanistan. Between Afghanistan and there is always a Sikh state of hostility. In 1816, Shah Shujah dihalaukan by Ranjit Singh and retreated to Lahore and then to India. In Afghanistan kekuacauan arise, until in 1826, the government seized power by Dost Muhammad. Also Dost Muhammad was always hostile to Ranjit Singh.
Dost Mohammad although many expressed a desire to hold a good nexus with English but want to subjugate Afghanistan intends English well. To this end the UK will need assistance Shah Shuja and Ranjit Singh. In 1837, the British army began to move. Thus Ranjit Singh to allow the British army through local Sikhs, the British Army's Royal Sindh through the area, in the valley of the river Sindhu so in light of the military movement of British troops was a crazy move.
The first Anglo-Afghan war was indeed a war imperalis arbitrary.Dost Muhammad was a king who dicakap, loved by his people. He had never committed an act that can cause hostilities with England.Moreover, in moving troops heading to Afghanistan, Britain arbitrarily violate the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Sindh who have entered into a treaty of friendship with Britain, the treaty which Britain had promised not to disturb areas of Sindh.
In 1838, British troops occupied Baluchistan and in 1839, managed to win successive Kandahar, Ghazni and Kabul. Shuja Shah was placed on the throne but by the people of Afghanistan were greeted with very cold. Dost Mohammed surrendered in 1840 and exiled to India. But the atmosphere in Afghanistan remains a war. In 1841, people revolted, led by Akbar Khan, son of Muhammad Dhost. The rebellion was a terrible disaster for Britain. Army which numbers 16,500 people were destroyed completely, only 120 people were not killed remain captive, and only one person managed with difficulty escaped to India. Governor-General in charge of the war, Lord Auckland, was recalled by the British government and its successor Dost Muhammad quickly put back in Kabul. Anglo-Afghan War was for the UK is a big failure.
Meanwhile, Ranjit Singh died in 1839. He has established a large country with a strong army and a regular government. Saying, in Sih no longer arise a great leader who replaces Ranjit Singh. Then there exists an anomaly in the Sikh country: a strong army, going from terlati good soldier but not a competent generals, who can lead. Chaos quickly arise, caused by the Sikh leaders competing for power.
Any dispute with the Company England quickly arise when attacking river Sutlej Sikh nation and want to enter the valley east of the river Sutlej in its territory. Sih first war exploded in 1845 and ended in 1846, was not a war for the British lightweight. Sikh soldiers never retreat, so many British people have fallen a victim, but the Sikh army finally forced back too, because ignorance is not know pempinnya responsibility and left the field of battle at a decisive moment. Sikh soldiers pushed back to the west of the river Sutlej but the country remained intact. But while domestic keadana continued to fall, due to a dispute between the tribes themselves.
In 1848, Britain sent to India Dalhousie office of governor-general.Dalhousie imperalis largest English champion. In 1848, it was also his cook to the nation's second Sikh war by moving troops massively Company. Sikh soldiers held a great fight. Finally, the Company achieved victory but also a Pyrrhus victory achieved with difficulty and takes so many victims. In 1849, the Punjab region included in the British territory.
With its victory in the second Sikh War Dalhousie successful round of British rule over India. All India or mastered by the British or diperlindunginya. All the kings of India, large and small, have dropped in rank to the king of the land upstream Company UK, and no longer allowed to conduct their own transportation to another country.
Then came the turn for Burma, which in 1826, had to give up Assam, Arakan and Tenasserim to the British, but in the meantime are not willing to be treated as a king of upstream land and did not want to give privileges to the English merchants. Dalhousie sends its navy in 1852.
Successive fell down Martaban, Rangoon, Bassein, Prome and Pegu. King of Burma continues to resist, do not want to make peace, although not able to seize the coastal area again, then by Dalhousie in 1852 throughout Burma downstream areas declared to be British, so since then the kingdom of Burma cut off entirely from the sea. Since 1852 the UK was the area next to the border of eastern India lengthwise along the coast to the borders of the country on the isthmus Thai Malay Peninsula.
Dalhousie enterprising person, tenacious and strong-willed. In the mid nineteenth century that science in Europe, special engineering, rapid headway. Dalhousie hayal not use all the results of engineering it for imperialist purposes. Especially the army arsenal repaired so unchallenged by any Asian country. In 1853, he opened the first railway between Bombay and Thana. The construction is also the nexus of modern post and wire. For the British government it invaluable modern tool useful, wasted all the trials of resistance and rebellion from the land of India against British colonial rule.
Dalhousie also make laws that another very important, which is known as the lapse system. Lapse system was determined that the country of India, after the king dies, falls on Company UK, where there is no legitimate heir who succeeded. In India it is customary that a king without a son himself, lifted the child to be his son, to succeed him as king someday. Picked up the boy an ancient custom in India but it is based on the system lapse Dalhousie found that adopted children should be approved in advance by the Company's UK and generally ratification was not granted by Dalhousie. So as a result of regulatory lapse that some small countries have fallen in the hands of the Company and included in its territory.
(Source: Soeroto.1964. Indonesia midst of World Ages keabad. Jakarta: Publisher Djambatan. (Changes: Enhanced Spell / EYD))
In India in 1813, Lord Minto was replaced by the Marquess of Hastings. (Do not be confused with Waren Hastings who served the governor general of India from the year 1774 until the year 1785).
Hastingpun imperalis champion. Its action is to combat the nation's first Gurkha, to break the power of the Kingdom of Nepal, on the grounds that the nation Gurkha held frequent robberies in the kingdom of Oudh. Nepal which is located slope of the Himalayas are very high that in 1814 was invaded by British troops. Even though the famous Gurkha nation bravely held a fierce resistance, they can not resist the British weapons that much more perfect. In 1816, they gave some to the British territory and approve the placement of a British resident in the capital, Khatmandu.
After subjecting Nepal, Hastings completed Maratha Empire region struggle begun by Wellesley in 1804, but became dormant after Wellesley went from India. In 1817 Hastings began to attack. In 1819 Marathas, Peshwa regions were also subdued. Some areas of the country was handed over to Britain, and the two countries, and the Maratha Peshwa had to recognize the authority of British lordship. So the more rural areas fall under British rule. From bases established in the rural areas, the English cuisine can easily conduct surveillance of Royal India, and prevent the emergence of unity among them. The kingdom was independent in name but they have to recognize the lordship England and diperlindungi by the British.
It was thus gradually loosen nexus between kings with raknyatnya.At that time they were still sovereign, the king of India should think about the fate of its people. They should always try to govern and administer the country should be to prevent feelings of dissatisfaction that may lead to rebellion. But after they diperlindungi by the British army is strong, the sense of responsibility is reduced and most of the king was no longer govern looked good and the fate of its people .. so that eventually the people of India are no longer regard the king as the leader.
The only country which at that time was still fully sovereign Sikh kingdom was strong and regular country under the rule of Ranjit Singh. But after Ranjit Singh's death in 1839, there was a state of rapid change.
After successfully instill power in India the British Company expanding its influence across the border for reasons about to maintain the safety position in India.
Burma's first turn. The reason for starting the war easily obtained.Burma, like any country, not like slaves. King of Burma to observe the development of the Company British rule in India with anxiety.He strengthened his position in the area of Assam and Arakan. The British merchants who came in Burma were not given a lot of heart.Because the merchant's arrogance, then sometimes the government take action against them, and taught them that a sovereign country and not Burma Company UK. In India merchant mengelu and incite. Finally in 1824 the British sent naval Company.In the battle with the nations of Asia, the UK thanks to the army weaponry much more perfect, can always win. They are self-contained armament compared with the Asian nation army generally only have a few rifles that are old and subsequently equipped with arrows, spears and so on.
Thus it can not survive Burmese military attacks against British troops but even though it new in 1826, the Burmese army may be defeated and Burma must submit Assam, Arakan and Tenasserim to British Company. The handover of the area cut off communications with the sea kingdom.
After that England showed concern towards the western border. In the west of India is the country of Afghanistan. Between Afghanistan and there is always a Sikh state of hostility. In 1816, Shah Shujah dihalaukan by Ranjit Singh and retreated to Lahore and then to India. In Afghanistan kekuacauan arise, until in 1826, the government seized power by Dost Muhammad. Also Dost Muhammad was always hostile to Ranjit Singh.
Dost Mohammad although many expressed a desire to hold a good nexus with English but want to subjugate Afghanistan intends English well. To this end the UK will need assistance Shah Shuja and Ranjit Singh. In 1837, the British army began to move. Thus Ranjit Singh to allow the British army through local Sikhs, the British Army's Royal Sindh through the area, in the valley of the river Sindhu so in light of the military movement of British troops was a crazy move.
The first Anglo-Afghan war was indeed a war imperalis arbitrary.Dost Muhammad was a king who dicakap, loved by his people. He had never committed an act that can cause hostilities with England.Moreover, in moving troops heading to Afghanistan, Britain arbitrarily violate the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Sindh who have entered into a treaty of friendship with Britain, the treaty which Britain had promised not to disturb areas of Sindh.
In 1838, British troops occupied Baluchistan and in 1839, managed to win successive Kandahar, Ghazni and Kabul. Shuja Shah was placed on the throne but by the people of Afghanistan were greeted with very cold. Dost Mohammed surrendered in 1840 and exiled to India. But the atmosphere in Afghanistan remains a war. In 1841, people revolted, led by Akbar Khan, son of Muhammad Dhost. The rebellion was a terrible disaster for Britain. Army which numbers 16,500 people were destroyed completely, only 120 people were not killed remain captive, and only one person managed with difficulty escaped to India. Governor-General in charge of the war, Lord Auckland, was recalled by the British government and its successor Dost Muhammad quickly put back in Kabul. Anglo-Afghan War was for the UK is a big failure.
Meanwhile, Ranjit Singh died in 1839. He has established a large country with a strong army and a regular government. Saying, in Sih no longer arise a great leader who replaces Ranjit Singh. Then there exists an anomaly in the Sikh country: a strong army, going from terlati good soldier but not a competent generals, who can lead. Chaos quickly arise, caused by the Sikh leaders competing for power.
Any dispute with the Company England quickly arise when attacking river Sutlej Sikh nation and want to enter the valley east of the river Sutlej in its territory. Sih first war exploded in 1845 and ended in 1846, was not a war for the British lightweight. Sikh soldiers never retreat, so many British people have fallen a victim, but the Sikh army finally forced back too, because ignorance is not know pempinnya responsibility and left the field of battle at a decisive moment. Sikh soldiers pushed back to the west of the river Sutlej but the country remained intact. But while domestic keadana continued to fall, due to a dispute between the tribes themselves.
In 1848, Britain sent to India Dalhousie office of governor-general.Dalhousie imperalis largest English champion. In 1848, it was also his cook to the nation's second Sikh war by moving troops massively Company. Sikh soldiers held a great fight. Finally, the Company achieved victory but also a Pyrrhus victory achieved with difficulty and takes so many victims. In 1849, the Punjab region included in the British territory.
With its victory in the second Sikh War Dalhousie successful round of British rule over India. All India or mastered by the British or diperlindunginya. All the kings of India, large and small, have dropped in rank to the king of the land upstream Company UK, and no longer allowed to conduct their own transportation to another country.
Then came the turn for Burma, which in 1826, had to give up Assam, Arakan and Tenasserim to the British, but in the meantime are not willing to be treated as a king of upstream land and did not want to give privileges to the English merchants. Dalhousie sends its navy in 1852.
Successive fell down Martaban, Rangoon, Bassein, Prome and Pegu. King of Burma continues to resist, do not want to make peace, although not able to seize the coastal area again, then by Dalhousie in 1852 throughout Burma downstream areas declared to be British, so since then the kingdom of Burma cut off entirely from the sea. Since 1852 the UK was the area next to the border of eastern India lengthwise along the coast to the borders of the country on the isthmus Thai Malay Peninsula.
Dalhousie enterprising person, tenacious and strong-willed. In the mid nineteenth century that science in Europe, special engineering, rapid headway. Dalhousie hayal not use all the results of engineering it for imperialist purposes. Especially the army arsenal repaired so unchallenged by any Asian country. In 1853, he opened the first railway between Bombay and Thana. The construction is also the nexus of modern post and wire. For the British government it invaluable modern tool useful, wasted all the trials of resistance and rebellion from the land of India against British colonial rule.
Dalhousie also make laws that another very important, which is known as the lapse system. Lapse system was determined that the country of India, after the king dies, falls on Company UK, where there is no legitimate heir who succeeded. In India it is customary that a king without a son himself, lifted the child to be his son, to succeed him as king someday. Picked up the boy an ancient custom in India but it is based on the system lapse Dalhousie found that adopted children should be approved in advance by the Company's UK and generally ratification was not granted by Dalhousie. So as a result of regulatory lapse that some small countries have fallen in the hands of the Company and included in its territory.
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