Perekonomian Timor Timur (Timor Leste) saat berintegrasi dengan Indonesia/Economy of East Timor (Timor Leste) when integrated with Indonesia FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Perekonomian Timor Timur (Timor Leste) saat berintegrasi dengan Indonesia
(Sumber: Sardjono, V.1977. Kembalinya Saudara yang Hilang. Jakarta: PT Sahid & Co Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.)
Dipandang dari sudut perekonomian internasional, sebenarnya Timor Timur tidak memiliki potensi yang berarti. Hasil satu-satunya yang dapat diekspor hanyalah kopi. Setiap tahun Timor Timur dapat mengekspor kopi sebanyak kurang lebih 6000 ton, yang dihasilkan oleh pengusaha kopi terkenal sebagai berikut:
1) Maskanginan di Hatolia kurang lebih 200 hektar.
2) Manuel Babo di Aifu Ermera kurang lebih 300 hektar.
3) Carascalau di Bazartete, Liquisa kurang lebih 600 hektar.
4) Kasmilu di Ermera kurang lebih 1000 hektar.
5) SAPT di Fatuhesi kurang lebih 4000 hektar.
6) Martinus di Ermera kurang lebih 100 hektar.
7) Klierme di Atsabe kurang lebih 100 hektar.
Di samping kopi juga terdapat hasil bumi lainnya seperti kopra, kacang tanah, karet, ubi dan sebagainya. Juga terdapat hasil peternakan seperti kulit sapi dan domba. Namun demikian semuahanya cukup untuk kebutuhan hidup penduduk pribumi saja.
Pada jaman penjajahan Portugis perekonomian di Timor Timur dipegang oleh Portugis dan bangsa asing lainnya. Penduduk pribumi Timurlah yang menjadi kuda beban. Atau dengan kata lain penduduk pribumi berada dalam tingkatan paling bawah. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok bagi bangsa Portugis dan bangsa asing lain di Timor Timur, pemerintah Portugis mengimpor barang-barang dari Mozambique dan Angola.
Untuk penduduk pribumi cukup dari hasil bumi mereka sendiri seperti jagung, beras, ubi dan sayuran. Daerah yang menghasilkan padi adalah di kabupaten Suai, Viqueque dan lembah Nunura di Kabupaten Balibo. Sedang jagung dan ubi dapat dihasilkan di ladang pegunungan. Kopra kebanyakan dihasilkan di pantai Aerutama di Suai dan Viqueque. Pada masa pemerintahan Portugis pernah dibuka pasar bersama dengan pemerintah Indonesia di Balibo dan di Motaain. Guna memenuhi kebutuhan barang lux, pemerintah Portugis mengimpor barang dari Jepang, Taiwan dan Australia. Barang yang diimpor berupa: mobil, sepeda motor, radio, air conditioning, kulkas, jam dan sebagainya. Dan sebagai alat tukar resmi mata uang pada masa itu adalah Escudo yang harganya 1 Escudo=Rp 10.
Setelah Timor Timur berintegrasi dengan Republik Indonesia keadaan menjadi berubah. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia memberikan kepercayaan penuh kepada penduduk Timor Timur untuk memegang pemerintahan dan mengatur perekonomian di sana.
Dengan masuknya Timor Timur ke dalam Republik Indonesia maka hubungan luar negeri Timor Timur dengan Negara lain untuk sementara waktu di hentikan. Hubungan Timor Timur dengan Negara lain diambil alih dan diatur oleh Pemerintah Pusat di Jakarta, termasuk bidang perekonomian. Hubungan Timor Timur dengan Negara Portugal, Mozambique, dan Angola untuk sementara waktu juga dihentikan sambil menunggu normalisasi hubungan Indonesia dengan Portugal. Sebagai gantinya Pemerintah Republik Indonesia memberikan jaminan ekonomi penuh kepada Pemerintah Provinsi Timor Timur. Untuk sementara waktu kebutuhan Sembilan bahan pokok didatangkan dari Jawa atau dari bagian Indonesia lainnya. Guna membantu penduduk pribumi Timor Timur setiap hari Pemerintah Indonesia telah memberikan bantuan 400 gram beras per orang per hari.
Di samping usaha tersebut di atas, guna melancarkan jalannya perekonomian di Timor Timur, Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengganti nilai mata uang escudo dengan Rupiah dari 1 Escudo= Rp 10, menjadi Rp 1 =10 Escudo.
Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya ternyata mata uang Escudo makin hari makin tidak laku.
Dengan adanya perubahan kekuasaan Pemerintah dan bantuan Pemerintah Indonesia itu diharapkan dapat membantu rakyat Timor Timur melepaskan diri dari kesengsaraan, kemelaratan dan kebodohan menuju kemajuan.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Economy of East Timor (Timor Leste) when integrated with Indonesia
(Source: Sardjono, V.1977. Brothers Return of the Prodigal. Jakarta: PT Sahid & Co. Ministry of Education and Culture.)
In light of the international economy, in fact East Timor does not have significant potential. The only result that can be exported is coffee. Every year East Timor coffee can export by about 6000 tons, produced by the famous coffee entrepreneur as follows:
1) Hatolia Maskanginan on approximately 200 acres.
2) Manuel Babo in Aifu Ermera approximately 300 acres.
3) Carascalau in Bazartete, Liquisa approximately 600 acres.
4) Kasmilu in Ermera approximately 1000 acres.
5) Fatuhesi SAPT on more than 4000 acres.
6) Martin in Ermera approximately 100 acres.
7) Atsabe Klierme on approximately 100 acres.
In addition there are also coffee crops such as copra, groundnut, rubber, cassava and so on. There are also livestock such as cows and sheep skins. However semuahanya sufficient for the needs of the indigenous population live alone.
In the Portuguese colonial era economy of East Timor held by the Portuguese and other foreign nations. Timurlah natives who became beasts of burden. Or in other words, the indigenous population is in the bottom level. To meet the basic needs for the Portuguese and other foreign nations in East Timor, the Portuguese government to import goods from Mozambique and Angola.
To the natives enough of their own crops such as maize, rice, cassava and vegetables. Rice producing areas in the district are Viqueque and Nunura valley in the district of Balibo. Medium and sweet corn fields can be generated in the mountains. Copra is produced mostly in coastal Aerutama in Suai and Viqueque.During the Portuguese administration had opened the market along with the Indonesian government in Balibo and Motaain. To meet the needs of lux items, the Portuguese government to import goods from Japan, Taiwan and Australia. Goods imported in the form of: cars, motorcycles, radios, air conditioning, refrigerator, clock and so on. And as an official exchange currency at the time that cost is Escudo Escudo = 1 USD 10.
After East Timor's integration with the Republic of Indonesia to changing circumstances. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia gives full trust to the people of East Timor to hold the government and manage the economy.
With the influx of East Timor into the Republic of Indonesia, East Timor's foreign relations with other countries temporarily stopped.East Timor relations with other countries were taken over and managed by the central government in Jakarta, including the economy. East Timor's relationship with the State of Portugal, Mozambique, and Angola also temporarily suspended while waiting for the normalization of relations between Indonesia and Portugal. Instead the Government of the Republic of Indonesia gives full assurance to the Provincial economy of East Timor. For a while the need nine staples imported from Java or from other parts of Indonesia. To help the indigenous population of East Timor every day the Government of Indonesia has provided relief 400 grams of rice per person per day.
In addition to the efforts mentioned above, in order to facilitate the economy in East Timor, the Indonesian government has replaced the escudo currency IDR of 1 Escudo = Rp 10 to Rp 1 = 10 Escudo.
In a further development it turned out currency Escudo increasingly not sell.
With the change of government power and aid the Government of Indonesia is expected to help the people of East Timor to escape from misery, squalor and ignorance towards progress.
(Source: Sardjono, V.1977. Brothers Return of the Prodigal. Jakarta: PT Sahid & Co. Ministry of Education and Culture.)
In light of the international economy, in fact East Timor does not have significant potential. The only result that can be exported is coffee. Every year East Timor coffee can export by about 6000 tons, produced by the famous coffee entrepreneur as follows:
1) Hatolia Maskanginan on approximately 200 acres.
2) Manuel Babo in Aifu Ermera approximately 300 acres.
3) Carascalau in Bazartete, Liquisa approximately 600 acres.
4) Kasmilu in Ermera approximately 1000 acres.
5) Fatuhesi SAPT on more than 4000 acres.
6) Martin in Ermera approximately 100 acres.
7) Atsabe Klierme on approximately 100 acres.
In addition there are also coffee crops such as copra, groundnut, rubber, cassava and so on. There are also livestock such as cows and sheep skins. However semuahanya sufficient for the needs of the indigenous population live alone.
In the Portuguese colonial era economy of East Timor held by the Portuguese and other foreign nations. Timurlah natives who became beasts of burden. Or in other words, the indigenous population is in the bottom level. To meet the basic needs for the Portuguese and other foreign nations in East Timor, the Portuguese government to import goods from Mozambique and Angola.
To the natives enough of their own crops such as maize, rice, cassava and vegetables. Rice producing areas in the district are Viqueque and Nunura valley in the district of Balibo. Medium and sweet corn fields can be generated in the mountains. Copra is produced mostly in coastal Aerutama in Suai and Viqueque.During the Portuguese administration had opened the market along with the Indonesian government in Balibo and Motaain. To meet the needs of lux items, the Portuguese government to import goods from Japan, Taiwan and Australia. Goods imported in the form of: cars, motorcycles, radios, air conditioning, refrigerator, clock and so on. And as an official exchange currency at the time that cost is Escudo Escudo = 1 USD 10.
After East Timor's integration with the Republic of Indonesia to changing circumstances. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia gives full trust to the people of East Timor to hold the government and manage the economy.
With the influx of East Timor into the Republic of Indonesia, East Timor's foreign relations with other countries temporarily stopped.East Timor relations with other countries were taken over and managed by the central government in Jakarta, including the economy. East Timor's relationship with the State of Portugal, Mozambique, and Angola also temporarily suspended while waiting for the normalization of relations between Indonesia and Portugal. Instead the Government of the Republic of Indonesia gives full assurance to the Provincial economy of East Timor. For a while the need nine staples imported from Java or from other parts of Indonesia. To help the indigenous population of East Timor every day the Government of Indonesia has provided relief 400 grams of rice per person per day.
In addition to the efforts mentioned above, in order to facilitate the economy in East Timor, the Indonesian government has replaced the escudo currency IDR of 1 Escudo = Rp 10 to Rp 1 = 10 Escudo.
In a further development it turned out currency Escudo increasingly not sell.
With the change of government power and aid the Government of Indonesia is expected to help the people of East Timor to escape from misery, squalor and ignorance towards progress.
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