Sejarah Jalur Perhubungan di Timor Leste, dari Timor Portugis sampai Timor Timur (Saat berintegrasi dengan Indonesia)/Line History of Transportation in East Timor, from Portuguese Timor to East Timor (When integrated with Indonesia) FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Sejarah Jalur Perhubungan di Timor Leste, dari Timor Portugis sampai Timor Timur (Saat berintegrasi dengan Indonesia)
(Sumber: Sardjono, V.1977. Kembalinya Saudara yang Hilang. Jakarta: PT Sahid & Co Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.)
Seperti di tempat lain di Indonesia di Timor Timur terdapat pula tiga jalur perhubungan yaitu darat, laut dan udara.
Perhubungan Darat.
Jalan Raya adalah salah satu sarana perhubungan darat yang ada di Timor Timur. Berkat adanya jalan raya maka hampir semua kota di Timor Timur telah dapat berhubungan dengan kota Dili. Hanya sayangnya keadaan jalannya masih sangat sederhana, keadaan jalannya dapat digambargakan sebagai berikut: pada umumnya jalan di sana sempit, kadang-kadang melewati lereng-lereng pegunungan yang curam, kadang-kadang pula melewati sungai. Jembatan belum banyak di bangun sehingga bila musim hujan tiba perhubungan terputus.
Begitulah keadaan jalan Timor Timur sehingga bila dinilai dengan keadaan jalan di Indonesia, jalan di Timor Timur itu merupakan jalan kelas Ketiga dan Keempat. Jalan besar beraspal belum ada, kecuali di kota Dili yang panjang seluruhnya lebih 20 km. panjang jaringan jalan raya seluruh Timor Timur sebanyak 2.212 km. panjang jalan dari Motaain (perbatasan dengan Indonesia) ke kota Dili kurang lebih 250 km. sedangkan jalan dari Kota Dili ke Bentano di pantai selatan kurang lebih 80 km. karena jeleknya kondisi jalan yang ada maka kendaraan hanya dapat berjalan melalui sungai pada musim kering saja. Pada musim hujan biasanya jalan tertutup oleh endapan tanah liat dan lumpur, sehingga menjadi licin. Perhubungan darat lainnya seperti kereta api dan lain tidak ada. Perhubungan darat dewasa ini kadang terganggu karena Fretelin masih melakukan pencegatan.
Perhubungan Laut
Timor Timur bekas jajahan Portugis terdiri atas 3 pulau yaitu Pulau Timor, Pulau Atauro dan Pulau Yaco. Tiap pulau dikelilingi oleh lautan. Dengan sendirinya perhubungan laut memegang peranan penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat di daerah itu. Untuk perhubungan laut diperlukan sarana berupa pelabuhan dan kapal. Semua pelabuhan di Timor Timur adalah pelabuhan alam. Pelabuhan Dili adalah satu-satunya pelabuhan yang hanya dapat di darati kapal besar. Dua kapal besar berukuran kurang lebih 5000 ton, dapat berlabuh dan merapat ke Dermaga Dili. Dengan kata lain pelabuhan lainnya hanya dapat dipergunakan oleh kapal kecil saja. Kota pelabuhan kecil disepanjang pantai Utara pulau Timor adalah: Pantai Makasar di Oegusi, Batugede, Maubara, Liquisa, Manatuto, Baucau,Lega, Leutem, dan Tutuala di Timor Timurdan Mauneta di Pulau Atauro. Kota pelabuhan di Selatan adalah Suai, Belano, dan Beaso. Pelabuhan ini hanya dipergunakan pada musim kemarau kira bulan April sampai Oktober.
Pada masa penjajahan Portugis pengusaha kapal yang bergerak di bidang perhubungan laut adalah Perusahaan Companhia Nasional Navegaqao (CNN). Kapal-kapal Companhia Nasional Navegaqao (CNN) ini menghubungkan kota di Portugal dan Dili. Selain Companhia Nasional Navegaqao (CNN), perusahaan kapal yang bergerak di bidang perhubungan laut adalah KPM yang menghubungkan Dili dengan Singapura, dan Hongkong. Hubungan laut antara Dili dengan Australia dilakukan oleh perusahan kapal Southern Shiping Line.
Setelah berintegrasi dengan Indonesia perhubungan laut diambil alih oleh perusahaan kapal Indonesia seperti Pelni dengan kapal KM Bogowonto, KM BatangHari, KM Tolando, KM Watampone, KM Selayar dan lain-lain. Mengingat sarana pelabuhan yang ada maka hubungan laut di Timor Timur hanya dilakukan oleh kapal kecil seperti kapal Lolea, Amurang, Lumba-lumba dan sebagainya. Perlu ditambahkan di sini bahwa perhubungan laut tidak mengalami gangguan seperti perhubungan darat.
Perhubungan Udara
Di Timor Timur perhubungan udara tidak kalah pentingnya, jika dibadingkan dengan perhubungan lainnya. Di sana banyak di dapatkan lapangan terbang yang merupakan sarana perhubungan udara. Lapangan terbang yang terbesar adalah di Dili dan Baucau. Di kota Dili saja terdapat dua lapangan udara, yaitu Lapangan terbang yang terletak di sebelah Selatan desa Alor/ Moro dan lapangan udara baru di Comoro. Lapangan terbang yang baru saja selesai dibangun dan telah dapat digunakan untuk mendarat pesawat Hercules. Lapangan terbang Baucau yang panjangnya 2.300 meter, sering disebut pula Vilasalazar adalah lapangan terbang internasional sejak jaman Portugis yang memiliki fasilitas lengkap. Lapangan terbang ini dapat dipergunakan untuk mendarat pesawat Boeng 707. Di luar ke dua kota itu lapangan terbang kecil, pendek dan hanya dapat dipergunakan untuk mendarat pesawat jenis Cessna atau Helicopter.
Lapangan terbang semacam ini sering disebut Air Strip. Air strip di Timor Timur terdapat di:
1) Leutem yang disebut juga KOM.
2) Viqueque, panjangnya 700 meter.
3) Same, panjangya 700-800 meter.
4) Suai, panjangnya 700-800 meter.
5) Maliana, panjangnya: 700-800 meter.
6) Maumeta di Atauro: 700 meter.
7) Oecussi (Pante Makasar) 800 meter.
8) Lospalos.
Sejak jaman Portugis hubungan darat lebih mendapat perhatian daripada hubungan darat. Hal itu disebabkan daerah/ medannya yang bergunung sehingga Portugis lebih menyukai lewat udara daripada melalui darat. Hal itu menyebabkan pula jalan darat tidak mendapat perhatian sehingga sampai sekarang jalan besar yang diaspal tidak ada kecuali di Dili.
Setelah berintegrasi dengan Indonesia hubungan udara di pusatkan di Dili dan Baucau. Setiap hari pesawat Republik Indonesia mendarat di kedua pelabuhan udara itu. Hubungan udara ke daerah/ kota lain dilakukan dengan Helikopter atau pesawat kecil lainnya seperti Cessna dan Cassa.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Line History of Transportation in East Timor, from Portuguese Timor to East Timor (When integrated with Indonesia)
(Source: Sardjono, V.1977. Brothers Return of the Prodigal. Jakarta: PT Sahid & Co. Ministry of Education and Culture.)
As elsewhere in Indonesia in East Timor there are also three lines that transport by land, sea and air.
Land Transportation.
Roads are one of the means of land transportation that exist in East Timor. Thanks to the highway then almost all cities in East Timor has been able to relate to the city of Dili. Just unfortunately circumstances are still very simple way, the situation can be digambargakan the following way: there is generally a narrow road, sometimes through the slopes of steep mountains, sometimes well past the river. The bridge has not been built so that when the rains come nexus disconnected.
That's the situation in East Timor so that when assessed with the state of roads in Indonesia, East Timor's road is the class of the Third and Fourth. The paved road does not exist, except in the city of Dili entirely over 20 km long. a road network of around 2212 km as East Timor. long way from Motaain (border with Indonesia) to Dili approximately 250 km. while the road from Dili to Bentano on the southern coast about 80 km. due to bad road conditions exist then the vehicle can only be run through the river in the dry season only. In the rainy season the road is usually covered by sediments of clay and mud, making it slippery. Land transportation such as trains and another no. Transportation land today is still sometimes bothered by Fretilin interceptions.
Sea Transport
East Timor, a former Portuguese colony consists of three islands, namely the island of Timor, Atauro Island and Island Yaco. Each island is surrounded by sea. Naturally marine transportation plays an important role for the community in that area. For an adequate form of sea ports and ships. All ports in East Timor is a natural harbor. Dili Port is the only port that can only darati large vessels.Two large vessels measuring less than 5000 tons, can be anchored and docked to Pier Dili. In other words, other ports may be used only by small boats. Small port town along the northern coast of the island of Timor is: Macassar Beach in Oegusi, Batugade, Maubara, Liquisa Manatuto, Baucau, Lega, Leutem, and Tutuala Mauneta Timor East and on the island of Atauro. The port city in the South is Suai, Belano, and Beaso. This port is only used in the dry season about April to October.
During Portuguese colonial entrepreneur ship engaged in the ocean transportation is a national company Companhia Navegaqao (CNN). National Companhia ships Navegaqao (CNN) connects the cities in Portugal and Dili. In addition to the National Companhia Navegaqao (CNN), the company ships engaged in ocean transportation is KPM linking Dili to Singapore, and Hong Kong. Sea links between Dili and Australia conducted by the company Southern Shiping Line ship.
After integration with Indonesia marine transportation company was taken over by Indonesia as Pelni ship by ship Bogowonto KM, KM Batanghari Tolando KM, KM Watampone, KM Selayar and others. Given the existing port facilities the sea links in East Timor is only done by small vessels such as ships Lolea, Amurang, dolphins and so on. It should be added here that the sea transportation as undisturbed land transportation.
Civil Aviation
In East Timor, air transportation is not as important, if dibadingkan with other transportation. There a lot in getting the airport which is a means of air transportation. The largest airfield in Dili and Baucau. In the city of Dili, there are two airfields, airfield which is located in the southern village of Alor / Moro and new airfields in Comoro. Airfield recently been completed and can be used for landing Hercules aircraft. Baucau aerodrome 2,300 meters in length, often called Vilasalazar is an international airport since the Portuguese have full facilities. Airfield can be used for landing aircraft Boeng 707. Outside of the city's two airports, short and can only be used for landing aircraft Cessna or Helicopter.
Such airports are often called Air Strip. Air strip in East Timor are in:
1) Leutem also called COM.
2) Administrator, 700 meters in length.
3) Same, panjangya 700-800 meters.
4) Suai, 700-800 meters in length.
5) Maliana, length: 700-800 meters.
6) Maumeta in Atauro: 700 meters.
7) Oecussi (Pante Macassar) 800 meters.
8) Los Palos.
Since the time of Portuguese land connection has received greater attention than terrestrial relationships. That is because the area / terrain is mountainous so the Portuguese preferred by air rather than by road. That caused the road anyway so it does not get attention until now a paved highway no exception in Dili.
After integration with Indonesia air links hosted in Dili and Baucau. Every day the plane landed in the Republic of Indonesia's second airport. Air connections to the area / city done by helicopter or small aircraft such as Cessna and Cassa.
(Source: Sardjono, V.1977. Brothers Return of the Prodigal. Jakarta: PT Sahid & Co. Ministry of Education and Culture.)
As elsewhere in Indonesia in East Timor there are also three lines that transport by land, sea and air.
Land Transportation.
Roads are one of the means of land transportation that exist in East Timor. Thanks to the highway then almost all cities in East Timor has been able to relate to the city of Dili. Just unfortunately circumstances are still very simple way, the situation can be digambargakan the following way: there is generally a narrow road, sometimes through the slopes of steep mountains, sometimes well past the river. The bridge has not been built so that when the rains come nexus disconnected.
That's the situation in East Timor so that when assessed with the state of roads in Indonesia, East Timor's road is the class of the Third and Fourth. The paved road does not exist, except in the city of Dili entirely over 20 km long. a road network of around 2212 km as East Timor. long way from Motaain (border with Indonesia) to Dili approximately 250 km. while the road from Dili to Bentano on the southern coast about 80 km. due to bad road conditions exist then the vehicle can only be run through the river in the dry season only. In the rainy season the road is usually covered by sediments of clay and mud, making it slippery. Land transportation such as trains and another no. Transportation land today is still sometimes bothered by Fretilin interceptions.
Sea Transport
East Timor, a former Portuguese colony consists of three islands, namely the island of Timor, Atauro Island and Island Yaco. Each island is surrounded by sea. Naturally marine transportation plays an important role for the community in that area. For an adequate form of sea ports and ships. All ports in East Timor is a natural harbor. Dili Port is the only port that can only darati large vessels.Two large vessels measuring less than 5000 tons, can be anchored and docked to Pier Dili. In other words, other ports may be used only by small boats. Small port town along the northern coast of the island of Timor is: Macassar Beach in Oegusi, Batugade, Maubara, Liquisa Manatuto, Baucau, Lega, Leutem, and Tutuala Mauneta Timor East and on the island of Atauro. The port city in the South is Suai, Belano, and Beaso. This port is only used in the dry season about April to October.
During Portuguese colonial entrepreneur ship engaged in the ocean transportation is a national company Companhia Navegaqao (CNN). National Companhia ships Navegaqao (CNN) connects the cities in Portugal and Dili. In addition to the National Companhia Navegaqao (CNN), the company ships engaged in ocean transportation is KPM linking Dili to Singapore, and Hong Kong. Sea links between Dili and Australia conducted by the company Southern Shiping Line ship.
After integration with Indonesia marine transportation company was taken over by Indonesia as Pelni ship by ship Bogowonto KM, KM Batanghari Tolando KM, KM Watampone, KM Selayar and others. Given the existing port facilities the sea links in East Timor is only done by small vessels such as ships Lolea, Amurang, dolphins and so on. It should be added here that the sea transportation as undisturbed land transportation.
Civil Aviation
In East Timor, air transportation is not as important, if dibadingkan with other transportation. There a lot in getting the airport which is a means of air transportation. The largest airfield in Dili and Baucau. In the city of Dili, there are two airfields, airfield which is located in the southern village of Alor / Moro and new airfields in Comoro. Airfield recently been completed and can be used for landing Hercules aircraft. Baucau aerodrome 2,300 meters in length, often called Vilasalazar is an international airport since the Portuguese have full facilities. Airfield can be used for landing aircraft Boeng 707. Outside of the city's two airports, short and can only be used for landing aircraft Cessna or Helicopter.
Such airports are often called Air Strip. Air strip in East Timor are in:
1) Leutem also called COM.
2) Administrator, 700 meters in length.
3) Same, panjangya 700-800 meters.
4) Suai, 700-800 meters in length.
5) Maliana, length: 700-800 meters.
6) Maumeta in Atauro: 700 meters.
7) Oecussi (Pante Macassar) 800 meters.
8) Los Palos.
Since the time of Portuguese land connection has received greater attention than terrestrial relationships. That is because the area / terrain is mountainous so the Portuguese preferred by air rather than by road. That caused the road anyway so it does not get attention until now a paved highway no exception in Dili.
After integration with Indonesia air links hosted in Dili and Baucau. Every day the plane landed in the Republic of Indonesia's second airport. Air connections to the area / city done by helicopter or small aircraft such as Cessna and Cassa.
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