Menolong Kambing Beranak/ Goats help Birth FOR GENERAL PETS
Menolong Kambing Beranak
(Sumber: Soedjai, Ahmad. 1975. Beternak Kambing. Bandung-Jakarta: N.V. Masa Baru.)
Jika kambing yang sedang bunting tua menunjukkan tanda-tanda, bahwa ambing susunya telah bengkak benar, warna kemerahan maka waktu untuk melahirkan sudah dekat sekali. Ia menjadi gelisah, sebentar ia berdiri dan bertidur lagi dan pada suatu ketika proses melahirkan mulai. Kambing induk biasanya bertiduran atau bisa juga tetap berdiri. Ia mulai memeras atau mengeden, (bahasa Belanda: “persen”) dan ingin mengeluarkan sesuatu dari dalam perutnya. Mula dari kemaluan keluar sesuatu bungkusan berisi cairan. Tidak lama kemudian bungkusan itu pecah dan cairan keluar membasahi bagian kemaluan. Lalu nampak pada kita ujung kaki, muka dan moncong si kaki menonjol ke luar. Tidak lama kambing induknya mengeden lagi dan si anakpun keluarlah seluruhnya. Begitu si anak keluar dan tergeletak di tanah ia mulai dijilat oleh induknya. Maksudnya semua ini supaya si anak menjadi kering dan hangat, dan darahnya mengalir lancar. Pada waktu ini orang bisa menolongnya dengan ikut menggosok bagian dada, perut, punggung, kepala si anak kambing dengna kain tua yang kering atau rumput yang kering. Tidak lama kemudian anak yang baru lahir itu mencoba berdiri dan berjalan mendekati induknya. Mula berdiri dan berjalan sempoyong seperti orang yang mabuk sebab kakinya belum kuat betul menahan tekanan badan dan belum lancar dapat digerakkannya. Hal ini hanya untuk waktu sebentar saja kemudian ia berdiri dan berjalan dengan tegak. Setelah tembuni keluar induk kambing harus dibersihkan dengan air hangat dari semua kotoran, darah, yang melekat pada bulunya, apalagi di bagian belakang dari badannya. Hal ini harus diulangi tiap pagi sampai tidak lagi darah yang keluar dari kemaluannya. Biasanya dalam waktu satu minggu sudah tidak ada darah yang keluar. Jika banyak anak lebih dari satu, maka kira-kira seperempat jam setelah lahir yang satu, si indul mulai mengeden lagi, dan dari dalam kemaluan mulai Nampak lagi bungkusan keluar lalu moncong dan kaki muka. Maka proes yang tadi diulang lagi. Ini semua dapat berjalan pada kelahiran yang normal. Jadi Nampak bahwa pada proses kelahiran yang biasa atau normal orang tidak usah banyak ikut campur. Si induk bisa menyelesaikan hal itu sendiri. Lain halnya bila kelahiran berjalan tidak biasa. Ada terjadi, bahwa anak kambing dilahirkan dalam bungkusan. Di dalam hal ini bungkusan itu harus lekas oleh kita dipecahkan supaya anak yang ada di dalamnya bisa lekas mengambil nafas. Kalau tidak, ia akan mati. Lain daripada kelainan tersebut di atas bisa juga terjadi bahwa anak kambing dilahirkan dalam keadaan terbalik yang dinamakan “sungsang”. Di sini yang mau keluar terdahulu adalah bagian belakang dari badan. Jadi bukan kepala atau kaki muka. Dalam keadaan demikian, orang harus lekas menolongnya dengna memegang bagian belakang badan anak kambing yang menonjol itu. Supaya tangan tidak licin dapat dipakai kain handuk yang bersih. Sejalan dengan mengeden si induk, anak yang mau keluar dapat dibantu ditariknya oleh kita akan tetapi dengan hati-hati sekali. Biasanya bayi anak kambing dapat pula tertolong dengan selamat dan indukpun ikut tertolong. Jika jalan keluar bayi terlalu sempit atau induk sudah terlalu lelah, habis tenaga untuk mengeden dengan cukup kuat maka bayi anak tidak akan bisa keluar dari rahim. Kalau hal ini terjadi, anak kambing akan mati dan begitu pula induknya. Jadi untuk sekedar meringankan yang punya kambing maka si induk lebih baik disembelih saja, jangan mati bangkar. Untuk menjaga jangan sampai terjadi hal seperti tersebut di atas ini maka kambing induk yang sedang bunting harus dipelihara dengan baik, diberi makanan yang lebih baik dari pada biasa dan dalam quantum yang lebih banyak. Makanannya hendaknya terdiri bukan atas rumput dan daunan saja akan tetapi harus ditambah terdiri bukan atas rumput dan daunan saja akan tetapi harus ditambah makanan penguat seperti jagung, beras merah, gabah, atau dedak, bungkil kelapa, bungkil kacang, dedak kacang kedelai atau kacang hijau. Juga kepada kambing bunting harus diberi kesempatan untuk berjalan, bergerak badannya, agar ia tetap sehat dan cukup kuat di waktu melahirkan anaknya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Goats help Birth
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Beternak Goat. Bandung-Jakarta: NV New Time.)
If the goat is pregnant old show signs of, that has swollen udder milk was true, then the reddish color was nigh time to give birth once. It became agitated, and this arrangement for a while he stood again and at one point began the process of creating. Goat Holding usually lie down or can stand. It began to extort or mengeden, (in Dutch: "percent") and want to remove something from his stomach. Start from the genitals out a package containing liquid. Not long after the package was broken and liquid drench the genitals. Then we saw at the end of the legs, face and the feet protruding snout out. Soon another goat and the holding mengeden anakpun out entirely. So the children will come out and lay on the ground he began licked by its mother. This all means that the children will be dry and warm, and the blood flows smoothly. At this time people can help by contributing to rub the chest, abdomen, buttocks, head of the well as the military kid dry rags or dry grass. Not long after her newborn was trying to stand and walk close to its parent. Began to stand up and walk like a drunk sempoyong reason yet powerful right leg withstand pressure and not smooth body can digerakkannya. It is only for a short time only then it stood and walked upright. Once the placenta out breeders should be cleaned with warm water from all dirt, blood, feathers attached to it, let alone at the back of his body. This should be repeated every morning until no more blood coming out of his cock. Generally within a week was no blood coming out. If a lot more than one child, then about a quarter of an hour after birth, the indul from mengeden again, and from the pubic See more packages from snout and feet out past the face. So the last proes repeated again. This can run on a normal birth. So you see that the birth process is normal people do not need a lot of meddling. The parent can solve it yourself. Other case when not walking normal birth. There happened, that kid was born in the package. In this case the package should be broken down so quickly by our children in it can quickly take a breath. If not, it will die. Other than the above variations can also occur that the kid was born in the reverse situation called the "breech". Here the past is going out of the rear of the body. So it was not the head or foot of the face. In such situations, people should quickly help posteriorly well as the military holds a prominent kid's. So hands do not get worn smooth clean toweling. Mengeden aligns with the parent, the child who would be helped out by our will but he pulled carefully once. Usually baby kid can turn safely preserved and preserved indukpun follow. If the baby is too narrow exit or parent is too tired, exhausted energy strong enough to mengeden with the baby will not get out of the womb. If this happens, the kid will die and so is the mother. So just to have lighten the goat then slaughtered the better parent, do not die bangkar. To take care not to happen is things like this on the master goat is pregnant should be maintained, given better food than usual and the quantum critical mass. Food should consist not only the grass and stripping will be added but not made up on the grass and stripping only will but should increase enforcement of food such as corn, brown rice, unhulled rice, or bran, coconut cake, nut cake, bran soya beans or green beans. Also on pregnant goats should be given the opportunity to walk, move his body, so that it stays healthy and strong enough at the time to give birth.
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Beternak Goat. Bandung-Jakarta: NV New Time.)
If the goat is pregnant old show signs of, that has swollen udder milk was true, then the reddish color was nigh time to give birth once. It became agitated, and this arrangement for a while he stood again and at one point began the process of creating. Goat Holding usually lie down or can stand. It began to extort or mengeden, (in Dutch: "percent") and want to remove something from his stomach. Start from the genitals out a package containing liquid. Not long after the package was broken and liquid drench the genitals. Then we saw at the end of the legs, face and the feet protruding snout out. Soon another goat and the holding mengeden anakpun out entirely. So the children will come out and lay on the ground he began licked by its mother. This all means that the children will be dry and warm, and the blood flows smoothly. At this time people can help by contributing to rub the chest, abdomen, buttocks, head of the well as the military kid dry rags or dry grass. Not long after her newborn was trying to stand and walk close to its parent. Began to stand up and walk like a drunk sempoyong reason yet powerful right leg withstand pressure and not smooth body can digerakkannya. It is only for a short time only then it stood and walked upright. Once the placenta out breeders should be cleaned with warm water from all dirt, blood, feathers attached to it, let alone at the back of his body. This should be repeated every morning until no more blood coming out of his cock. Generally within a week was no blood coming out. If a lot more than one child, then about a quarter of an hour after birth, the indul from mengeden again, and from the pubic See more packages from snout and feet out past the face. So the last proes repeated again. This can run on a normal birth. So you see that the birth process is normal people do not need a lot of meddling. The parent can solve it yourself. Other case when not walking normal birth. There happened, that kid was born in the package. In this case the package should be broken down so quickly by our children in it can quickly take a breath. If not, it will die. Other than the above variations can also occur that the kid was born in the reverse situation called the "breech". Here the past is going out of the rear of the body. So it was not the head or foot of the face. In such situations, people should quickly help posteriorly well as the military holds a prominent kid's. So hands do not get worn smooth clean toweling. Mengeden aligns with the parent, the child who would be helped out by our will but he pulled carefully once. Usually baby kid can turn safely preserved and preserved indukpun follow. If the baby is too narrow exit or parent is too tired, exhausted energy strong enough to mengeden with the baby will not get out of the womb. If this happens, the kid will die and so is the mother. So just to have lighten the goat then slaughtered the better parent, do not die bangkar. To take care not to happen is things like this on the master goat is pregnant should be maintained, given better food than usual and the quantum critical mass. Food should consist not only the grass and stripping will be added but not made up on the grass and stripping only will but should increase enforcement of food such as corn, brown rice, unhulled rice, or bran, coconut cake, nut cake, bran soya beans or green beans. Also on pregnant goats should be given the opportunity to walk, move his body, so that it stays healthy and strong enough at the time to give birth.
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