Makanan dan Minuman untuk Kambing/ Food and Beverage for the Goat FOR GENERAL PETS
Makanan dan Minuman untuk Kambing
(Sumber: Soedjai, Ahmad. 1975. Beternak Kambing. Bandung-Jakarta: N.V. Masa Baru.)
A) Makanan Daun Turi dan Bertanam Turi. Telah diketahui bahwa daun turi itu baik sekali untuk diberikan sebagai makanan kambing. Daun turi ini mengandung khasiat sebagai berkut:
Ø Menyegarkan, gemuk tetapi tak banyak lemak, dagingnya akan menjadi lunak olehnya.
Ø Memperhalus dan melicinkan kulit.
Ø Menderaskan jalan air susu dan memperbanyak air susu.
Ø Di dalam perut mudah dicernakan.
Jadi ternyata bahwa daun turi mengandung banyak zat yang baik sekali untuk tubuh kambing. Bagi orang yang mempunyai kambing yang tidak banyak, cukuplah ia menanam turi di pematangan sawah, di muka rumah atau dikebunnya, di antara tanaman ketelah pohon dan sebagainya. Turi itu di banyak tempat dapat tumbuh subur dan lekas besar. Begitu pula di sisi selokan, parit dapat tumbuh subur dan tempat yang banyak mengandung air. Umur pohon turi sampai dua tahun. Setelah itu harus diganti dengan tanaman yang baru.
Cara menanam pohon Turi: yang ditanam adalah bijiya, sebaiknya disemaikan dahulu. Pilihlah biji turi yang sudah tua dan yang sudah keras. Apabila benih sudah sekitar 20 cm tingginya bolehlah dipindahkan. Janganlah bertanam turi pada waktu banyak turun hujan. Tanaman itu akan mungkin terendam air dan jadi mati atau sekurangnya akan diserang oleh ulat kecil. Bibit turii hendaknya ditanam di atas tanah yang sudah dicangkul dan yang sudah disiram air. Jarak tanaman satu sama lain sekitara 1 meter. Turi akan tumbuh berumpun terdiri atas 3-4 batang. Batang yang tidak baik harus diambil dan dibuang. Dan ditinggalkan sekitar dua batang yang paling baik di tiap rumpun. Jika umur turi sekitar 4 ulan, bolehlah daunnya mulai dipetik untuk makanan kambing. Memetiknya harus teratur yakni tiap cabang boleh dipetik tiap dua minggu sekali. Tiap kali memetik hanya boleh dari satu cabang saja. Tidak semua macam turi daunnya untuk ternak. Turi berwarna ungu tidak baik untuk ternak sebab daunnya mengandung racun (HCN). Turi putih baik untuk makanan kambing dan ternak lainnya.
B) Memberi Makanan Hijauan. Di atas telah diterangkan bahwa banyak makanan hijauan (rumput, daunan dan lainnya) untuk seekor kambing dewasa yang tidak dilepaskan kandang diperlukan sehari semalamnya sekitar 5-7 kg. makanan sebanyak ini hendaknya jangan diberikan sekaligus tetapi harus sebagian. Pagi-pagi diberikan kepadanya sebagian kecil, pada siang hari diberikan sebagian lagi yang lebih banyak pada petang hari harus diberikan yang terbanyak sampai kambing itu makan sekenyangnya. Kebiasaan pada rakyat di desa memberikan hanya pada waktu petang saja makanan itu satu kali. Maksudnya agar ternaknya itu pada malam hari tidak gelisah dan tidak akan keluar kandang. Pemberian makanan seperti ini tidak menjadi apa-apa asal persediaan makanan cukup. Meskipun begitu, bagi kambing yang menyususi anaknya, cara memberikan makanan tersebut di atas tidak begitu baik. Induk kambing pada siang hari menderita agak lapar sedang ia harus menyusukan anaknya. Oleh karena lapar air susunya bias terganggu keluarnya. Anaknya bias menjadi lapar pula di siang hari. Padam alam hari nanti anak itu akan lebih kuat menyusunya dan akan selalu mengganggu induknya, padahal induk kambing itu harus banyak makan, sebab pada siang hari ia belum makan. Leh karena induk selalu diganggu oleh anaknya yang mau menyusui, maka kesehatan induk kambing bisa terganggu.
C) Memberikan air minum. Air minum kambing harus bersih; biasanya diberikan juga pada kambing air cucian beras dicampur dengna garam dan sedikit gula, minuman ini baik sekali untuk kmbing, apalagi untuk kambing yang menyusui anaknya. Sebagai gula diberikan juga tetes yang harganya lebih murah dari gula. Hal ini dapat diselenggarakan kalau tempatnya dekat dengan pabrik gula. Waktu memberikan minum adalah sekitar pukul 10 pagi satu kali dan pukul 2 siang sekali lagi, di halaman kandang, di bagian yang teduh ditempatkan tempat minuman yang cukup besar. Pada waktu tertentu hendaknya tempat minum ini dibersihkan dan airnya diganti dengan air yang baru dan jernih.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Food and Beverage for the Goat
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Raising Goats. Bandung-Jakarta: The new NV.)
A) Food and Planting Leaf Turi Turi. It is known that the leaves turi was good for goats given as food. Turi leaves contains efficacy as berkut:
Refreshing, fat but not fat, the meat will be tender to her.
Soften and smooth skin.
accelerate the milk and make her milk.
In the stomach digestibility.
So it turns out that turi leaves contain many substances that are excellent for the body of a goat. For people who have a goat that is not much, suffice it to plant turi in ripening rice fields, in front of the house or dikebunnya, among ketelah plant trees and so on. Turi was in a lot of places can grow fast and big quickly. Similarly, on the side of the ditch, the ditch can flourish and a lot of water. Turi tree age up to two years. After that should be replaced with new plants.
How to plant a tree Turi: bijiya are planted, should be planted first. Choose turi seeds are old and are already hard. When the seedlings are about 20 cm tall so-so moved. Do not raise turi at much rain. Plants were submerged in water and will probably be dead or at least will be attacked by small caterpillars. Seedlings should be planted turii on land that had been dug and poured the water. Plant distance of each other sekitara 1 meter. Turi will grow berumpun consist of 3-4 stems. Rods are not well taken and should be discarded. And left about two rods of the nicest in each clump. If the age turi about 4 ulan, the leaves began to be picked for the so-so food goats. Regular pick that each branch should be picked every two weeks. Each time picking only be from one branch only. Not all sorts of turi leaves for livestock. Turi purple is not good for animals because the leaves contain toxins (HCN). Turi white for food goats and other livestock.
B) Provide Food Forage. Above we explained that a lot of food forage (grass, leaves, etc.) for an adult goat enclosure is not required daily semalamnya released about 5-7 kg. this much food should not be given all at once but must part. Early in the morning given him a small part in the day given some more in the evening should be given the most up eating goat sekenyangnya. Habits of the people in the village gave only on the evening of the food that one time. It means that livestock was not restless at night and will not come out the cage. Such feeding is not a matter as long as sufficient food supplies. Nevertheless, the goats were breastfeeding their children, by providing the above mentioned foods are not so good. Parent goats at noon suffer a little hungry while he had nursed her child. Because hunger disturbed milk discharge bias. His son is also biased to the hungry during the day. Natural Padam day the child will be more powerful and will always interfere menyusunya parent, but the parent must be a lot of eating goat, because during the day he had eaten. Leh because her mother was constantly harassed by the want to breastfeed, the health of the mother goat can be disrupted.
C) Provide drinking water. Goat drinking water should be clean; usually given also in goat dengna rice water mixed salt and a little sugar, this drink is good for kmbing, especially for goats who breastfeed their children. As sugar is given also drops the price is cheaper than sugar. It can be held that the place near the sugar factory. When providing drinking was about 10 am and one at 2 pm once again, in the yard cages, placed in a shady part of the beverage is big enough. At any given time should be places drinking water is cleaned and replaced with new water and clear.
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Raising Goats. Bandung-Jakarta: The new NV.)
A) Food and Planting Leaf Turi Turi. It is known that the leaves turi was good for goats given as food. Turi leaves contains efficacy as berkut:
Refreshing, fat but not fat, the meat will be tender to her.
Soften and smooth skin.
accelerate the milk and make her milk.
In the stomach digestibility.
So it turns out that turi leaves contain many substances that are excellent for the body of a goat. For people who have a goat that is not much, suffice it to plant turi in ripening rice fields, in front of the house or dikebunnya, among ketelah plant trees and so on. Turi was in a lot of places can grow fast and big quickly. Similarly, on the side of the ditch, the ditch can flourish and a lot of water. Turi tree age up to two years. After that should be replaced with new plants.
How to plant a tree Turi: bijiya are planted, should be planted first. Choose turi seeds are old and are already hard. When the seedlings are about 20 cm tall so-so moved. Do not raise turi at much rain. Plants were submerged in water and will probably be dead or at least will be attacked by small caterpillars. Seedlings should be planted turii on land that had been dug and poured the water. Plant distance of each other sekitara 1 meter. Turi will grow berumpun consist of 3-4 stems. Rods are not well taken and should be discarded. And left about two rods of the nicest in each clump. If the age turi about 4 ulan, the leaves began to be picked for the so-so food goats. Regular pick that each branch should be picked every two weeks. Each time picking only be from one branch only. Not all sorts of turi leaves for livestock. Turi purple is not good for animals because the leaves contain toxins (HCN). Turi white for food goats and other livestock.
B) Provide Food Forage. Above we explained that a lot of food forage (grass, leaves, etc.) for an adult goat enclosure is not required daily semalamnya released about 5-7 kg. this much food should not be given all at once but must part. Early in the morning given him a small part in the day given some more in the evening should be given the most up eating goat sekenyangnya. Habits of the people in the village gave only on the evening of the food that one time. It means that livestock was not restless at night and will not come out the cage. Such feeding is not a matter as long as sufficient food supplies. Nevertheless, the goats were breastfeeding their children, by providing the above mentioned foods are not so good. Parent goats at noon suffer a little hungry while he had nursed her child. Because hunger disturbed milk discharge bias. His son is also biased to the hungry during the day. Natural Padam day the child will be more powerful and will always interfere menyusunya parent, but the parent must be a lot of eating goat, because during the day he had eaten. Leh because her mother was constantly harassed by the want to breastfeed, the health of the mother goat can be disrupted.
C) Provide drinking water. Goat drinking water should be clean; usually given also in goat dengna rice water mixed salt and a little sugar, this drink is good for kmbing, especially for goats who breastfeed their children. As sugar is given also drops the price is cheaper than sugar. It can be held that the place near the sugar factory. When providing drinking was about 10 am and one at 2 pm once again, in the yard cages, placed in a shady part of the beverage is big enough. At any given time should be places drinking water is cleaned and replaced with new water and clear.
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