Kandang Kambing/ Cage Goats FOR GENERAL PETS
Kandang Kambing
(Sumber: Soedjai, Ahmad. 1975. Beternak Kambing. Bandung-Jakarta: N.V. Masa Baru.)
Kandang hewan itu biasanya dibangun dari bahan bambu atau kayu dengan atap daun nipah atau genting. Lantainya ada yang ditanah dan ada juga yang agak tinggi di atas tanah, jadi mempunyai kolong. Yang paling baik adalah yang mempunyai kolong itu. Jika lantai itu memang tanah saja, hendaklah ia dikeraskan supaya tidak basah dan tidak becek karena kotoran hewan. Luar dari pada itu lantai tanah itu harus miring sehingga segala kotoran encer dapat mengalir sedang yang lain dapat disapukan. Tempat kotoran harus di buat di luar kandang. Kandang yang diberi lantai papan kayu atau anyaman bamboo di atas tanah dan mempunyai kolong adalah kandang yang paling baik untuk pemeliharaan kambing. Temapt kotoran dapat diadakan di bawah kandang ini dan pada waktu yang tertentu harus dibersihkan. Kandang itu sebaiknya menghadap kea rah timur sehingga matahari dapat masuk ke seluruh kandang. Setiap pagi kandang itu harus dibersihkan. Tempat makanan di kandang harus dibagian luarnya supaya makanan tidak dapat diinjak atau dkotori oleh hewan. Jika tidak ditempatkan demikian, rumput dan daunan di dalam itu boleh juga diikat dan digantungkan. Dengna akal itu rumputpun tidak mungkin akan dikotori oleh hewan. Di dalam kandang, kaming jantan harus dipisah dari yang betinda dan anaknya. Jika tidak, niscaya keadaan di dalam kandang itu selalu gaduh dan kacau saja. Jantan dengan jantanpun harus pula dipisahkan jika ia telah besar dan dewasa. Ternak kambing sebaiknya jangan disatukan dengan domba, tetapi kambing hendaklah dengan kambing pula dan domba dengan domba. Kambing yang bunting harus dipisahkan dari hewan yang lain. Di daerah khususnya di daerah Jawa Barat, dimana rakyat bercocok tanam sayuran, ternak kambing lazimnya dipelihara di kandang yang tidak memakai kolong. Ternak itu jarang sekali atau sama sekali tidak lepas dari kandang akan tetapi selalu dikurung dalam kandangnya. Makanan rumput, daunan dan sebagainya di antar ke dalam kandang dan ditempatkan pada tempat makanan khusus, yang didalam bahasa Sunda namanya: kokopan. Sisa makanan dari kokopan ini jangan dibuang kemana-mana, akan tetapi ditaruh di dalam kandang dan dipakai sebagai lantai kandang. Di lantai inilah kambing itu berdiri, tidur dan sebagainya. Dengan sendirinya lantai ini bercampur dengna kotoran kambing dan air kencingnya. Oleh karena tiap hari ditambah dengan sisa makanan yang berasal dari kokopan maka lantai ini bertambah tinggi dan lambat laun menjadi kompos. Jika dilihat dari segi kesehatan pemeliharaan tersebut di atas tidak begitu baik untuk ternak yang dipeliharanya. Akan tetapi rakyat petani sayuran menyelenggarakan pemeliharaan ternak seperti itu dengan maksud utama untuk mendapatkan kompos atau rabuk guna pupuk sayuran yang mereka tanam. Pada waktu tertentu lantai kandang kambing yang telah menjadi kompos itu dan sudah cukup banyak diangkut orang ke kebun sayurannya. Di daerah Jawa Tengah pemeliharaan semacam ini juga diselenggarakan oleh rakyat di sana pada pemeliharaan: sapi kereman (vet mesterij).
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Cage Goats
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Raising Goats. Bandung-Jakarta: The new NV.)
Animal enclosures are usually constructed of bamboo or wood with palm leaf roofs or tiles. The floor was the ground and there is also a rather high above the ground, so it has a vault. It's best that has under it. If it is indeed the ground floor alone, let him be hardened to not wet and muddy due to animal waste. Outside of the ground floor it should be tilted so that all dirt dilute flow while others can be spread over. Place muck must be made outside of the cage. Cages were given a wooden plank flooring or bamboo matting on the ground and have a cage trap is best for goat breeding. Temapt dirt to be held under the cage and at a certain time to be cleared. Enclosure should be facing towards the east so the sun can get into the whole cage. Every morning the cage needs to be cleaned. Place the food in the cage outer section so food should not be crushed or dkotori by animals. If not placed so, grass and leaves inside it may also tied up and suspended. Dengna rumputpun reason it might not be defiled by the animal. In the cage, kaming males should be separated from the betinda and children. If not, then is the situation in the cage was always noisy and chaotic. Males with jantanpun should also be separated if he has a large and mature. Goats should not be combined with sheep, but goats also let the goats and sheep to sheep. Goats are pregnant should be separated from other animals. In areas particularly in West Java, where people grow crops of vegetables, goats typically kept in cages that do not wear underneath. Livestock were rarely or not at all separated from the enclosure but it is always locked in his cage. Food grass, leaves, etc. transfer to the cage and placed on the special diet, which in Sundanese name: kokopan. The rest of the food is not thrown kokopan everywhere, but placed in a cage and used as the floor of the cage. On the floor of the goat is standing, sleeping and so on. By itself storey mixed dengna goat manure and urine. Because every day plus the leftovers from the floor kokopan is high and gradually grow into compost. When viewed in terms of health care mentioned above are not so good for the maintenance of livestock. However, people holding vegetable farmers raising livestock as it is with the main purpose to get compost or manure to fertilizer vegetables they grow. At any given time goat pen floors which have become compost it and there are enough people were transported to the vegetable garden. In the area of Central Java kind of maintenance is also held by the people over there on maintenance: cow kereman (vet mesterij).
(Source: Soedjai, Ahmad., 1975. Raising Goats. Bandung-Jakarta: The new NV.)
Animal enclosures are usually constructed of bamboo or wood with palm leaf roofs or tiles. The floor was the ground and there is also a rather high above the ground, so it has a vault. It's best that has under it. If it is indeed the ground floor alone, let him be hardened to not wet and muddy due to animal waste. Outside of the ground floor it should be tilted so that all dirt dilute flow while others can be spread over. Place muck must be made outside of the cage. Cages were given a wooden plank flooring or bamboo matting on the ground and have a cage trap is best for goat breeding. Temapt dirt to be held under the cage and at a certain time to be cleared. Enclosure should be facing towards the east so the sun can get into the whole cage. Every morning the cage needs to be cleaned. Place the food in the cage outer section so food should not be crushed or dkotori by animals. If not placed so, grass and leaves inside it may also tied up and suspended. Dengna rumputpun reason it might not be defiled by the animal. In the cage, kaming males should be separated from the betinda and children. If not, then is the situation in the cage was always noisy and chaotic. Males with jantanpun should also be separated if he has a large and mature. Goats should not be combined with sheep, but goats also let the goats and sheep to sheep. Goats are pregnant should be separated from other animals. In areas particularly in West Java, where people grow crops of vegetables, goats typically kept in cages that do not wear underneath. Livestock were rarely or not at all separated from the enclosure but it is always locked in his cage. Food grass, leaves, etc. transfer to the cage and placed on the special diet, which in Sundanese name: kokopan. The rest of the food is not thrown kokopan everywhere, but placed in a cage and used as the floor of the cage. On the floor of the goat is standing, sleeping and so on. By itself storey mixed dengna goat manure and urine. Because every day plus the leftovers from the floor kokopan is high and gradually grow into compost. When viewed in terms of health care mentioned above are not so good for the maintenance of livestock. However, people holding vegetable farmers raising livestock as it is with the main purpose to get compost or manure to fertilizer vegetables they grow. At any given time goat pen floors which have become compost it and there are enough people were transported to the vegetable garden. In the area of Central Java kind of maintenance is also held by the people over there on maintenance: cow kereman (vet mesterij).
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