Artikel Umum Kedua/ Both General Articles FOR GENERAL GENERAL
Artikel Umum Kedua
(Sumber: acara televisi, tahun 2007)
1) Kambing etawa dapat diperah susunya yang rasanya agak encer dan tidak gurih dan mengadung lemak.
2) Masjid Sunan GunungJati kira-kira dibangun sekitar tahun 1420 Masehi yang bersiar pertama kali di Cirebon. Strategi dakwah Sunan GunungJati untuk menyebarkan agama Islam melalui seni music gamelan. Jika orang ingin melihat gamelan harus berbicara melalui dua kalimat syahadat sebagai tiket untuk masuk melihat pertunjukkannya. Sunan GunungJati menjadi pemimpin perang yang dapat mengalahkan penjajah Portugis (yang didukung oleh Kerajaan Pasudanan yang beragama Hindu yang menolak kedatangan Islam). Sunan GunungJati gagal melawan Kerajaan Pajajaran yang beragama Hindu yang dikepalai oleh Raja Siliwangi, meski Sunan GunungJati mengawini puteri Raja Siliwangi. Ia dinobatkan sebagai Sultan Pertama di Kesultanan Cirebon. Beliau wafat pada umur 120 tahun di Gunung Sembung.
3) Mamalia terbesar di daratan adalah gajah.
4) Harimau putih berasal dari Bengali, India.
5) Hewan herbivora yang paling cerdas adalah gajah.
6) Gading gajah jantan, panjangnya bisa mencapai 3 ½ meter, sedangkan gajah betina panjangnya bisa mencapai 2-3 meter.
7) Ikan Arwana bertelur di dalam perutnya.
8) Danau Lindu merupakan danau terbesar yang menghasilkan ikan mujair terbesar di Sulawesi Tengah.
9) Bayi gajah bisa berbobot 120 kg.
10) Perbedaan jenis kelamin pada ikan mujair. Ikan mujair jantan sisik bawah kehitaman, sedangkan ikan mujair betina sisik bawah keputihan.
11) Penyakit hiportemia atau kedinginan. Berciri-ciri: badan gemetar, badan lemas, denyut nadi semakin melambat.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Both General Articles
(Source: TV shows, in 2007)
1) can be milked Etawa that tastes a bit watery and not tasty andmengadung fat.
2) Sunan Gunungjati mosque was built roughly around the year1420 AD the first time in Cirebon bersiar. Sunan Gunungjatipropaganda strategy to spread Islam through art gamelan music. If people want to see the gamelan must speak through two sentences creed as a ticket to go see the show. Sunan Gunungjati a war leader who can defeat the Portuguese invaders (which is supportedby the Hindu kingdom Pasudanan who refuse the arrival of Islam).Sunan Gunungjati Pajajaran fail against Hindu kingdom led by KingSiliwangi, although Sunan marries the daughter of the KingSiliwangi Gunungjati. He was named the First Sultan of the Sultanate of Cirebon. He died at the age of 120 years at MountSembung.
3) the biggest mammal on land is the elephant.
4) White tigers originate from Bengal, India.
5) Animals herbivores are the most intelligent elephant.
6) bull elephant ivory, length can reach 3 ½ feet, while the female elephants can reach 2-3 meters in length.
7) Arowana fish spawn in the stomach.
8) Lindu Lake is the largest lake that produces the largest tilapia fish in Central Sulawesi.
9) Baby elephants can weigh 120 kg.
10) Gender differences in tilapia fish. Male tilapia fish scales under the black, while the female tilapia fish scales under the whiteness.
11) Diseases hiportemia or chills. Characterized by traits: body trembling, weakness, slowing the pulse.
(Source: TV shows, in 2007)
1) can be milked Etawa that tastes a bit watery and not tasty andmengadung fat.
2) Sunan Gunungjati mosque was built roughly around the year1420 AD the first time in Cirebon bersiar. Sunan Gunungjatipropaganda strategy to spread Islam through art gamelan music. If people want to see the gamelan must speak through two sentences creed as a ticket to go see the show. Sunan Gunungjati a war leader who can defeat the Portuguese invaders (which is supportedby the Hindu kingdom Pasudanan who refuse the arrival of Islam).Sunan Gunungjati Pajajaran fail against Hindu kingdom led by KingSiliwangi, although Sunan marries the daughter of the KingSiliwangi Gunungjati. He was named the First Sultan of the Sultanate of Cirebon. He died at the age of 120 years at MountSembung.
3) the biggest mammal on land is the elephant.
4) White tigers originate from Bengal, India.
5) Animals herbivores are the most intelligent elephant.
6) bull elephant ivory, length can reach 3 ½ feet, while the female elephants can reach 2-3 meters in length.
7) Arowana fish spawn in the stomach.
8) Lindu Lake is the largest lake that produces the largest tilapia fish in Central Sulawesi.
9) Baby elephants can weigh 120 kg.
10) Gender differences in tilapia fish. Male tilapia fish scales under the black, while the female tilapia fish scales under the whiteness.
11) Diseases hiportemia or chills. Characterized by traits: body trembling, weakness, slowing the pulse.
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