Benarkah Ada Mutiara dalam Kerang? Apakah Kerang bisa melihat?/ Is There Pearl in Shell? Are mussels can see? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Benarkah Ada Mutiara dalam Kerang? Apakah Kerang bisa melihat?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Benarkah Ada mutiara dalam kerang
Benar, terutama kerang mutiara. Kadang, mutiara juga ditemukan dalam tiram, salah satu jenis kerang. Coba kalian perhatikan kerang itu baik-baik. Pada bagian dalam kulitnya yang keras terdapat kulit ri yang tipis dan mudah sekali terluka. Kadang-kadang, benda asing seperti butiran psir menyusup di antara kulit keras dan kulit air itu, seperti mata kita yang kemasukan sesuatu. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, kerang menyelubungi benda asing itu dengan kulit tambahannya. Itulah yang disebut dengan kantung mutiara. Bulatan yang baru terbentuk itu berkilauan indah sekali karena dilapisi dengan indung mutiara. Dalam jangka waktu yang tertentu, butiran itu menjadi mutiara.
B)Apakah Kerang bisa Melihat
Orang berpendapat bahwa binatang yang hidup dalam kulit yang keras adalah binatang yang buta karena meraka melekat kuat pada kerang atau batu. Mereka hampir tidak pernah bergerak. Jadi, mereka perlu banyak melihat. Akan tetapi, jenis kerang yang bernama kerang Yakop, keadaannya berbeda. Kerang jenis ini tidak pernah diam. Salah satu kulitnya membuka dan menutup dengan cepat pula. Karena kerang jenis ini sering mondar mandir dan tidak mendapat perlindungan dari kerang dan batuan, mereka sering bertemu dengan musuh. Kerang Yakop harus mengetahui lebih dahulu kehadiran musuhnya agar dapat mengalahkan mereka. Untuk itu, kerang jenis ini dilengkapi dengan mata yang kecil di sekeliling tubuhnya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Is There Pearl in Shell? Are mussels can see?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Is There a pearl in a shell
True, especially pearl mussels. Sometimes, pearls are also found inoysters, a type of shellfish. Will you look it over carefully. On the inside of the hard skin there is thin skin ri and easily hurt.Sometimes, a foreign body, such as grain psir infiltrate between the skin and the skin hard water, as our eyes are possessedsomething. To overcome this, the shells envelop foreign materialswith leather enhancements. That is called the pearl sac. The newly formed spheres were beautiful sparkling as coated with mother of pearl. In a certain period of time, it becomes a pearl beads.
B) Do mussels could Viewing
People found animals living in tough skin is a blind beast merakastrongly attached to the shells or stones. They almost never move.So, they need a lot to see. However, the type of clam shells calledYakop, things were different. Shells of this type is never silent. One of the skin open and close very quickly as well. Because thesetypes of shellfish are often going back and forth and did not get protection from shells and rocks, they are often met with the enemy.Shellfish Yakop must first know the presence of the enemy in order to defeat them. To that end, shellfish type comes with small eyesaround her body.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Is There a pearl in a shell
True, especially pearl mussels. Sometimes, pearls are also found inoysters, a type of shellfish. Will you look it over carefully. On the inside of the hard skin there is thin skin ri and easily hurt.Sometimes, a foreign body, such as grain psir infiltrate between the skin and the skin hard water, as our eyes are possessedsomething. To overcome this, the shells envelop foreign materialswith leather enhancements. That is called the pearl sac. The newly formed spheres were beautiful sparkling as coated with mother of pearl. In a certain period of time, it becomes a pearl beads.
B) Do mussels could Viewing
People found animals living in tough skin is a blind beast merakastrongly attached to the shells or stones. They almost never move.So, they need a lot to see. However, the type of clam shells calledYakop, things were different. Shells of this type is never silent. One of the skin open and close very quickly as well. Because thesetypes of shellfish are often going back and forth and did not get protection from shells and rocks, they are often met with the enemy.Shellfish Yakop must first know the presence of the enemy in order to defeat them. To that end, shellfish type comes with small eyesaround her body.
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