Apakah ada ikan yang mengubur diri dalam air? Apakah hiu benar-benar berbahaya?/ Are there any fish that bury themselves in the water? Are sharks really dangerous? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Apakah ada ikan yang mengubur diri dalam air? Apakah hiu benar-benar berbahaya?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Apakah ada ikan yang menguburkan diri dalam air?
Kalian mungkin pernah mendapatkan pengalaman yang tidak enak di pantai. Ketika sedang berjalan dengan enak di pasir, tiba-tiba kaki kalian tertusuk sesuatu. Ikan biasanya berenang di perairan terbuka. Pada kenyataannya, ada ikan yang menguburkan diri di pasir dekat pantai yang dangkal. Jenis ikan itu adalah ikan pipih. Kedua mata ikan itu berada pada sisi yang sama, tidak berada pada sisi kanan dan sisi kiri badannya. Jenis ikan ini tidak berbahaya. Ada jenis ikan lain yang berbahaya, yaitu ikan naga. Ikan ini melepaskan racun durinya sambil bersembunyi di pasir. Jenis tertentu dari ikan pari juga mempunyai duri beracun yang terletak di bagian ekornya.
B) Apakah Hiu Benar-bear berbahaya?
Hiu adalah binatang yang cepat dan kuat. Sebagai pemakan daging, hiu memangsa ikan, bahkan anjing laut dan paus. Ada juga yang merupakan “pemangsa manusia”, tetapi jumlahnya sangat sedikit. Hiu jenis ini biasanya memangsa orang yang sedang berenang di laut. Untuk meneliti hiu, seorang penyelam dilindungi dengan sebuah kandang khusus. Ada 250 jenis hiu berseliweran di laut. Hiu yang terbesar ternyata bukan yang paling berbahaya. Misalnya, jenis hiu paus yang panjangnya mencapai 18 meter, merupakan hiu yang terbesar. Akan tetapi, binatang raksasa itu hanya memakan plankton. Selain itu, hiu kucing yang panjangnya 60-80 cm juga bukan binatang yang berbahaya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Are there any fish that bury themselves in the water? Are sharksreally dangerous?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Are there any fish that bury themselves in the water?
You may have a bad experience at the beach. While I was runningcomfortably in the sand, your legs suddenly punctured something.Fish usually swim in open water. In fact, there are fish that burythemselves in the sand near the shore is shallow. Species of fishthat are flat-fish. Both eyes of the fish are on the same side, not onthe right side and the left side of his body. This type of fish is harmless. There are other types of fish are dangerous, dragon-fish.Fish is releasing toxins thorns while hiding in the sand. Certaintypes of stingrays also have poisonous spines located on the tail.
B) Is True-bear shark dangerous?
Shark is a fast and powerful animal. For meat eaters, sharks prey on fish, seals and even whales. There is also a "man-eaters", but the amount is very small. Sharks are typically prey on people who were swimming in the ocean. To examine the shark, a diver is protected with a special enclosure. There are 250 species ofsharks milling about in the sea. The biggest shark was not the mostdangerous. For example, the type of whale sharks reach 18 metersin length, is the largest shark. However, the giant animals that only eat plankton. In addition, cat sharks 60-80 cm in length is also not a dangerous animal.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Are there any fish that bury themselves in the water?
You may have a bad experience at the beach. While I was runningcomfortably in the sand, your legs suddenly punctured something.Fish usually swim in open water. In fact, there are fish that burythemselves in the sand near the shore is shallow. Species of fishthat are flat-fish. Both eyes of the fish are on the same side, not onthe right side and the left side of his body. This type of fish is harmless. There are other types of fish are dangerous, dragon-fish.Fish is releasing toxins thorns while hiding in the sand. Certaintypes of stingrays also have poisonous spines located on the tail.
B) Is True-bear shark dangerous?
Shark is a fast and powerful animal. For meat eaters, sharks prey on fish, seals and even whales. There is also a "man-eaters", but the amount is very small. Sharks are typically prey on people who were swimming in the ocean. To examine the shark, a diver is protected with a special enclosure. There are 250 species ofsharks milling about in the sea. The biggest shark was not the mostdangerous. For example, the type of whale sharks reach 18 metersin length, is the largest shark. However, the giant animals that only eat plankton. In addition, cat sharks 60-80 cm in length is also not a dangerous animal.
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