Ungkapan dan Peribahasa di dalam bahasa Indonesia/ The phrase and proverb in Indonesian FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL INDONESIAN
Ungkapan dan Peribahasa di dalam bahasa Indonesia
(Sumber: rangkuman primagama tahun 2007)
A) Ungkapan. Ungkapan merupakan kata atau kelompok yang khas dipakai untuk mengungkapkan suatu maksud dengan arti kiasan. Ungkapan digunakan dalam keadaan khusus sehingga pemahaman maknanya pun memerlukan konsentrasi tersendiri. Namun demikian, ungkapan relative bermakna tetap. Contoh:
Ø Wanita itu duduk perut. (hamil, mengandung)
Ø Dia memang termasuk anak yang panjang akal. (suka berpikir baik)
Ø Tiap tanggal muda, kami pergi ke pantai. (tanggal mendapat gaji)
B) Peribahasa. Peribahasa merupakan cara berbahasa yang menggunakan bahasa bukan dengan arti sebenarnya, melainkan arti kiasan. Peribahasa biasanya dipakai untuk mengungkapkan nasehat dalam kehidupan dan dirumuskan secara singkat dan padat. Perumusan sebuah keadaan menjadi peribahsa membutuhkan kedalaman pengalaman. Tidak mudah untuk membuat peribahasa. Oleh karena itu, peribahasa yang ada sekarang adalah peribahasa lama yang sudah mendarah daging dalam kehidupan di masyarakat. Contoh:
Ø Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimbahan juga. (artinya: sikap, tindak tandung orang tua akan mudah ditirukan oleh anak-anaknya).
Ø Tak ada gading yang tak retak. (arti: semua perbuatan pasti ada saja kekeliruan)
Ø Bagai bumi dengan langit. (arti: dua hal yang berbeda sangat jauh)
Ø Buah manis dalam berulat. (arti: kata-kata yang sopan ternyata mengandung maksud yang buruk)
Ø Habis manis sepah dibuang. (arti: setelah habis yang di ambil, di buang begitu saja)
The phrase and proverb in Indonesian
(Source: Summary Primagama in 2007)
A) expression. The phrase is a word or group of typical used toexpress an intention to metaphorical sense. The phrase is used in special circumstances that require an understanding of the meaningof any individual concentration. However, the relative expressionremains meaningful. example:
The woman was sitting stomach. (pregnant, it contains)
He is indeed a resourceful child. (like to think better)
Each young date, we went to the beach. (date received salary)
B) Proverb. Proverb is a way of not speaking the language with a real sense, but figuratively. Proverb is usually used to reveal theadvice in life and succinctly formulated. Formulation of a state ofbeing peribahsa require a depth of experience. Not easy to makeproverbs. Therefore, the maxim that there now is old proverb that is ingrained in the life of society. example:
Water stream falling into the cesspool roof as well. (meaning:attitude, follow horns of the parents will be easily imitated bychildren).
There is no ivory that is not cracked. (meaning: all the action there must be a mistake)
How the earth with the sky. (meaning: two different things so far)
sweet in wormy fruit. (meaning: a polite word apparently says something bad)
Expires use and throw. (meaning: after being discharged in the capture, simply discarded)
(Source: Summary Primagama in 2007)
A) expression. The phrase is a word or group of typical used toexpress an intention to metaphorical sense. The phrase is used in special circumstances that require an understanding of the meaningof any individual concentration. However, the relative expressionremains meaningful. example:
The woman was sitting stomach. (pregnant, it contains)
He is indeed a resourceful child. (like to think better)
Each young date, we went to the beach. (date received salary)
B) Proverb. Proverb is a way of not speaking the language with a real sense, but figuratively. Proverb is usually used to reveal theadvice in life and succinctly formulated. Formulation of a state ofbeing peribahsa require a depth of experience. Not easy to makeproverbs. Therefore, the maxim that there now is old proverb that is ingrained in the life of society. example:
Water stream falling into the cesspool roof as well. (meaning:attitude, follow horns of the parents will be easily imitated bychildren).
There is no ivory that is not cracked. (meaning: all the action there must be a mistake)
How the earth with the sky. (meaning: two different things so far)
sweet in wormy fruit. (meaning: a polite word apparently says something bad)
Expires use and throw. (meaning: after being discharged in the capture, simply discarded)
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