Apakah Binatang Laut juga makan? Apakah di laut ada bunga karang? Benarkah ada ikan terbang?/ Is Sea Animals also eat? Are there sea sponge? Is there really a flying fish? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Apakah Binatang Laut juga makan? Apakah di laut ada bunga karang? Benarkah ada ikan terbang?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Apakah Binatang Laut juga makan?
Tentu saja, binatang laut adalah seekor binatang. Di tengah perutnya, yang merupakan pangkal lengannya, terdapat mulut yang sangat kuat. Jika bintang laut lapar, mereka akan mencari kerang, siput, atau keong. Bintang laut akan menempel di atas mangsanya, lalu merangkul dengan lengannya yang sangat kuat. Kulit keong ditarik pelan-pelan. Kemudian, bintang laut menyedot dagingnya. Bintang laut mempunyai lima atau lebih lengan yang panjangnya 3 cm sampai 1 meter. Bagian atas tubuhnya berduri. Oleh karena itu, bintang laut termasuk binatang berkulit duri. Jika bintang laut masuk dalam peternakan siput, maka akan timbullah bahaya besar.
B) Apakah di laut ada bunga karang?
Sepon bunga karang yang sekarang dipakai orang kebanyakan tiruan. Bunga karang yang padat, berwarna kuning keemasan dan lunak, tumbuh di laut. Biasanya, bunga karang itu digunakan di kamar mandi. Bunga karang adalah kerang binatang yang melekat kuat pada dasar laut, batu, atau karang. Bunga karang tidak mempunyai mulut, perut, mata, dan telinga. Wujudnya seperti semak-semak yang berbentuk piala atau pundi-pundi. Lubang di sekujur tubuhnya adalah pori-pori. Biasanya, bunga karang ada di tengah laut. Untuk mendapatkannya, orang harus menyelam sangat dalam.
C) Benarkah ada ikan terbang?
Benar. Itulah yang disebut dengan ikan terbang. Panjang tubuhnya, 20-45 cm. bagian atas ikan itu berwarna biru agak abu-abu dan bagian bawah berwarna perak seperti iakn haring. Ikan ini hidup berkelompok di Laut Tengah dan Atlantik. Jika ada bahaya, ikan itu akan beterbangan ke segala penjuru mata angin. Ikan terbang berenang sangat cepat. Mereka meluncur di bawah permukaan air, lalu tiba-tiba berlompatan ke luar dari air berkali-kali. Pada saat terbang, sirip dada dan sirip perutnya dibentangkan seperti sayap. Lompatannya bisa mencapai 100 meter. Jika sedang sial, ikan ini bisa tuh di atas dek sebelum melompat lagi ke dalam air.
Is Sea Animals also eat? Are there sea sponge? Is there really a flying fish?
(Source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Is the Marine Animals also eat?
Of course, the sea beast is a beast. In the middle of his stomach, which is the base of the arm, there is a very strong mouth. If the starfish are hungry, they will find shellfish, snails, or snails. Starfish will stick on the prey, and embraced with a very strong arm. Skin snail slowly withdrawn. Then, starfish suck the meat. Sea stars have five or more arms-length 3 cm to 1 meter. The upper part of his body spiked. Therefore, starfish spines including crustaceans. If the starfish in the snail farm, it will be a great danger arises.
B) Are there sea sponge?
Sponge sponge is now used mostly artificial person. Dense sponge, golden brown and soft, grows in the sea. Typically, sponges were used in the bathroom. Sponges are animals shells strongly attached to the bottom of the sea, rocks, or reefs. Sponges do not have a mouth, stomach, eyes, and ears. His form like a bush-shaped trophy or purse. The hole in his body is pores. Typically, there are sponges in the sea. To get it, people have to dive very deep.
C) Is there really a flying fish?
Right. That's called a flying fish. Body length, 20-45 cm. the top of the fish was a little blue gray and the bottom is silver like iakn herring. These fish live in groups in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. If there is danger, the fish will fly in all directions of the compass. Flying fish swim very fast. They slid under the surface of the water, then suddenly jumped out of the water several times. At the time of flight, pectoral fins and belly fins like wings stretched.Jumps can reach 100 meters. If you're unlucky, this can be tuh fish on deck before jumping back into the water.
(Source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Is the Marine Animals also eat?
Of course, the sea beast is a beast. In the middle of his stomach, which is the base of the arm, there is a very strong mouth. If the starfish are hungry, they will find shellfish, snails, or snails. Starfish will stick on the prey, and embraced with a very strong arm. Skin snail slowly withdrawn. Then, starfish suck the meat. Sea stars have five or more arms-length 3 cm to 1 meter. The upper part of his body spiked. Therefore, starfish spines including crustaceans. If the starfish in the snail farm, it will be a great danger arises.
B) Are there sea sponge?
Sponge sponge is now used mostly artificial person. Dense sponge, golden brown and soft, grows in the sea. Typically, sponges were used in the bathroom. Sponges are animals shells strongly attached to the bottom of the sea, rocks, or reefs. Sponges do not have a mouth, stomach, eyes, and ears. His form like a bush-shaped trophy or purse. The hole in his body is pores. Typically, there are sponges in the sea. To get it, people have to dive very deep.
C) Is there really a flying fish?
Right. That's called a flying fish. Body length, 20-45 cm. the top of the fish was a little blue gray and the bottom is silver like iakn herring. These fish live in groups in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. If there is danger, the fish will fly in all directions of the compass. Flying fish swim very fast. They slid under the surface of the water, then suddenly jumped out of the water several times. At the time of flight, pectoral fins and belly fins like wings stretched.Jumps can reach 100 meters. If you're unlucky, this can be tuh fish on deck before jumping back into the water.
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