Mengapa Lumba-lumba mencicit? Bagaimana Seekor bayi paus lahir?/ Why do dolphins squeak? How A baby whale born? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Mengapa Lumba-lumba menncicit? Bagaimana Seekor bayi paus lahir?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
Lumba-lumba adalah binatang yang sangat lincah dan cerdas. Selain kera, lumba-lumba juga merupakan binatang yang berintelegensia tinggi. Meskipun berjauhan, mereka saling memberitahu yang lain melalui bunyi-bunyian, seperti bersiul, mencicit, berdengung, atau mengeluarkan bunyi gemertak. Jika ada bahaya, mereka saling memberitahukan dan memanggil teman mereka untuk meminta pertolongan. Jika menemukan ikan, lumba-lumba akan segera memberitahukan temannya. Mereka juga saling memanggil untuk mencari teman bermain. Lumba-lumba merasa nyaman berada dalam kelompoknya. Mereka juga saling bercakap-cakap.
B) Bagaimana Seekor Bayi Paus Lahir?
Sebenarnya, paus bukan ikan, melainkan binatang menyusui. Dari posisi ekornya yang menghadap ke atas dan bergaris tengah, kita bisa melihat perbedaan dengan ikan. Paus menghabiskan waktunya di perairan dingin di daerah kutub. Setiap dua tahun sekali, jika bayinya lahir, paus akan berenang ke perairan yang lebih hangat. Bayi paus yang baru lahir beratnya sudah mencapai 200 kg, dengna panjang 6-7 meter. Induk paus segera membawa bayinya ke permukaan air. Seperti manusia juga, paus mempunyai paru-paru dan membutuhkan zat asam di udara untuk bernapas. Induk paus juga menyusui bayinya. Bayi paus minum susu banyak sekali sehingga berat badannya setiap hari bertambah 100 kg.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Why do dolphins squeak? How A baby whale born?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
The dolphins are animals that are very agile and smart. Besidesapes, dolphins are also a high berintelegensia animals. Though far apart, they each tell the others through the sounds, such aswhistling, squeaking, buzzing, or noises crackle. If there is danger,they call each other and tell their friends for help. If you find the fish, dolphins will soon tell his friend. They also call each other to find afriend to play. Dolphins feel comfortable being in a group. They alsotalk to each other.
B) How A Baby Whale Born?
Actually, the whale is not a fish, but mammals. From the position ofthe tail up and the diameter, we can see the difference with the fish.Pope spent his time in the cold waters of the polar regions. Every two years, if the baby is born, the whales will swim to warmerwaters. Babies born pope weight reached 200 kg, dengna 6-7 feetlong. Parent pope immediately bring the baby into the water. Ashuman beings, whales have lungs and need oxygen in the air to breathe. Parent pope also breastfeed her baby. Baby whales drinka lot of milk so that the weight gain of 100 kg per day.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
The dolphins are animals that are very agile and smart. Besidesapes, dolphins are also a high berintelegensia animals. Though far apart, they each tell the others through the sounds, such aswhistling, squeaking, buzzing, or noises crackle. If there is danger,they call each other and tell their friends for help. If you find the fish, dolphins will soon tell his friend. They also call each other to find afriend to play. Dolphins feel comfortable being in a group. They alsotalk to each other.
B) How A Baby Whale Born?
Actually, the whale is not a fish, but mammals. From the position ofthe tail up and the diameter, we can see the difference with the fish.Pope spent his time in the cold waters of the polar regions. Every two years, if the baby is born, the whales will swim to warmerwaters. Babies born pope weight reached 200 kg, dengna 6-7 feetlong. Parent pope immediately bring the baby into the water. Ashuman beings, whales have lungs and need oxygen in the air to breathe. Parent pope also breastfeed her baby. Baby whales drinka lot of milk so that the weight gain of 100 kg per day.
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