Apa yang terjadi dengan Binatang Laut yang telah mati? Apakah di laut apa harta terpendam?/ What happened with that dead sea animals? Is what a treasure buried at sea? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Apa yang terjadi dengan Binatang Laut yang telah mati? Apakah di laut apa harta terpendam?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Apa yang terjadi dengan binatang laut yang telah mati?
Binatang yang mati dalam laut akan meluncur dengan cepat ke bawah. Biasanya, binatang yang mati itu di mangsa oleh binatang lain atau tenggelam di dasar laut. Lalu perlahan-lahan binatang itu membusuk sampai nanti tersisa tulang dan kulitnya. Dari waktu ke waktu, di atas binatang yang membusuk itu terdapat tumpukan pasir, lumpur, bangkai binatang lain, dan sisa plankton. Jika suatu ketika laut di daerah itu mengering, bangkai binatang itu akan mengeras seperti batu karena kekeringan. Kelak tulang dan tulang binatang itu akan ditemukan orang. Bangkai binatang yang ditemukan dengan cara menggali itu disebut fosil. Sekarang ini, orang menemukan fosil di suatu tempat pada jutaan tahun yang lalu tempat itu adalah laut dan sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi.
B) Apakah di Laut ada harta terpendam?
Para penyelam kadang-kadang menemukan harta karun di dasar laut. Biasanya, harta karun ini berupa mata uang logam, patung, atau vas tanah liat. Benda itu ditemukan di dekat reruntuhan kapal yang tenggelam. Pada jaman dahulu, kapal berlayar membawa muatan harta benda berharga. Di tengah perjalanan, kapal itu dihantam badai atau diserang bajak laut. Kapal itu tenggelam bersama seluruh muatannya. Sampai sekarang, masih banyak orang mencari reruntuhan kapal seperti itu. Dalam cerita mengenai pelaut atau dalam buku cerita petualangan, orang mencari petunjuk mengenai harta yang tenggelam. Kemudian, mereka berusaha menemukan tempatnya. Kadang mereka berhasil, melalui benda yang ditemukan itu, kita bisa mengetahui kehidupan masa lalu.
What happened with that dead sea animals? Is what a treasureburied at sea?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) What happens to marine animals that have died?
Dead animals in the sea will be hurtling down. Typically, the animalsthat died in the prey by other animals or sink to the bottom of the sea. Then slowly decaying animals until later left the bone and skin.From time to time, over rotting animals that there is a pile of sand, mud, and other animal carcasses, and the rest of plankton. If a seain the area when it dries, it will harden carcass like a rock because of the drought. Later bone and the animals will be found. Dead animals were found by digging it called fossils. Today, people findfossils in a place millions of years ago where it was the sea, andnow no longer exists.
B) Is there a hidden treasure in the sea?
The divers sometimes find treasure on the ocean floor. Typically,this form of treasure coin, sculpture, or a clay vase. It was found near the ruins of the sunken ship. In antiquity, sailing ships carryingvaluable possessions. Along the way, the ship was hit by a storm orattacked by pirates. The ship sank with all its cargo. Until now, manypeople are looking for such flotsam. In the story of the sailors oradventure stories in the book, people are looking for clues about the sunken treasure. Then, they tried to find a place. Sometimes theywork, through the objects found, we can know the past life.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) What happens to marine animals that have died?
Dead animals in the sea will be hurtling down. Typically, the animalsthat died in the prey by other animals or sink to the bottom of the sea. Then slowly decaying animals until later left the bone and skin.From time to time, over rotting animals that there is a pile of sand, mud, and other animal carcasses, and the rest of plankton. If a seain the area when it dries, it will harden carcass like a rock because of the drought. Later bone and the animals will be found. Dead animals were found by digging it called fossils. Today, people findfossils in a place millions of years ago where it was the sea, andnow no longer exists.
B) Is there a hidden treasure in the sea?
The divers sometimes find treasure on the ocean floor. Typically,this form of treasure coin, sculpture, or a clay vase. It was found near the ruins of the sunken ship. In antiquity, sailing ships carryingvaluable possessions. Along the way, the ship was hit by a storm orattacked by pirates. The ship sank with all its cargo. Until now, manypeople are looking for such flotsam. In the story of the sailors oradventure stories in the book, people are looking for clues about the sunken treasure. Then, they tried to find a place. Sometimes theywork, through the objects found, we can know the past life.
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