Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Gelombang Pasang? Darimana datangnya air laut?/ What Is a Tidal Wave? Where it comes from sea water? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Gelombang Pasang? Darimana datangnya air laut?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Apa yang dimaksud dengan gelombang pasang?
Gelombang pasang adalah ombak besar yang menghancurkan seluruh wilayah pantai. Sebenarnya, gelombang itu tidak bisa disebut ombak lagi. Akan tetapi, gelombang itu merupakan gunung air yang bergerak menyerang pantai. Bagaimana terjadinya gelombang pasang? Jika dasar laut bergetar atau ada karang bawah tanah laut yang longsor, getarannya menyebabkan air bergerak dengan hebat. Dinding air yang tingginya mencapai 20-30 meter dapat menghancurkan tanah, ternak, dan manusia di bawahnya. Untunglah bencana seperti itu jarang sekali terjadi. Dengan bantuan para ahli kelautan, bencana itu dapat diperkirakan kapan akan terjadi. Dengan demikian, kita dapat membuat peringatan sebelumnya.
B) Darimana datangnya air laut yang begitu banyak?
Lambat laun laut dapat kehabisan air oleh sinar matahari. Setiap hari laut menguap oleh sinar matahari. Akan tetapi, air yang naik itu membentuk awan yang akhirnya menjadi hujan di atas bagian bumi yang lain. Hujan itu membentuk sungai dan anak sungai yang mengalir ke laut. Jadi, air laut yang menguap itu sebenarnya kembali lagi. Jika salju di pegunungan mencair, sungai akan meluap. Jika yang mencair adalah salju di kutub, permukaan air laut pasti naik. Perputaran air berjalan sedemikian rupa sehingga laut selalu mendapat tambahan air.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
What Is a Tidal Wave? Where it comes from sea water?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) What is the tidal wave?
Tidal waves are huge waves that destroyed entire coastal region.Actually, the wave can not be called a wave again. However, it is the wave of water that moves mountains to attack the beach. How thetides? If the sea floor vibrate or no reef underground sea erosion,vibration causes the water to move violently. Wall of water up to 20-30 meters can destroy the land, livestock, and humans underneath.Fortunately, such disasters are rare. With the help of marineexperts, disaster can be predicted when it will happen. Thus, we can make prior warning.
B) Where did it come so much sea water?
Gradually the sea may run out of water by sunlight. Each day the sunevaporates the sea. However, the rising waters that form clouds that eventually becomes rain over parts of the earth. The rain wasforming rivers and streams that flow into the sea. Thus, sea waterevaporates it actually back again. When the snow melts in the mountains, the river will overflow. If the snow is melting at the poles, sea levels rise definitely. Turnover running water so that the seaalways get extra water.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) What is the tidal wave?
Tidal waves are huge waves that destroyed entire coastal region.Actually, the wave can not be called a wave again. However, it is the wave of water that moves mountains to attack the beach. How thetides? If the sea floor vibrate or no reef underground sea erosion,vibration causes the water to move violently. Wall of water up to 20-30 meters can destroy the land, livestock, and humans underneath.Fortunately, such disasters are rare. With the help of marineexperts, disaster can be predicted when it will happen. Thus, we can make prior warning.
B) Where did it come so much sea water?
Gradually the sea may run out of water by sunlight. Each day the sunevaporates the sea. However, the rising waters that form clouds that eventually becomes rain over parts of the earth. The rain wasforming rivers and streams that flow into the sea. Thus, sea waterevaporates it actually back again. When the snow melts in the mountains, the river will overflow. If the snow is melting at the poles, sea levels rise definitely. Turnover running water so that the seaalways get extra water.
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