Apakah Garam untuk memasak juga berasal dari laut? Berapa derajat suhu air laut?/ Is salt for cooking also comes from the sea? How many degrees of temperature of sea water? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Apakah Garam untuk memasak juga berasal dari laut? Berapa derajat suhu air laut?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Apakah Garam untuk memasak juga berasal dari laut?
Garam yang biasa disebut dengan garam dapur memang berasal dari laut. Untuk mendapatkannya, para petani garam membuat kolam besar yang diisi dengan air laut. Lama kelamaan air laut itu menguap. Garamnya tertinggal di atas tanah. Akan tetapi, garam itu tidak bersih. Garam itu masih harus dicuci dahulu. Selain garam, air laut juga mengandung elemen lain seperti emas dan perak. Akan tetapi, jumlahnya sedikit sekali. Air laut juga mengandung yodium yang baik untuk pertumbuhan anak-anak. Yodium membuat air laut berbau khas. Kalian yang pernah ke laut tentu mengenal bau itu.
B) Berapa derajat suhu air laut?
Temperature air di permukaan laut tidak sama di semua tempat. Misalnya, di kutub Utara dan kutub selatan, dareah paling dingin di bumi, tentu temperaturnya lebih rendah di bandingkan dengan di daerah Ekuator yang disinari matahari sepanjang tahun. Perbedaan temperature di kedalaman laut hanya sedikit, begitu pula di antara perairan kutub dan perairan ekuator. Temperature di sana hampir tidak pernah berubah, walaupun musim berubah-ubah. Di laut dalam, air benar-benar dingin. Kadang-kadang suhunya sampai di bawah nol derajat. Akan tetapi air tidak pernah membeku karena tekanan air dalam jumlah besar di atasnya menghasilkan kehangatan. Bahkan, di dekat gunung berapi bisa ditemukan sumber air panas yang letaknya di bawah air.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Is salt for cooking also comes from the sea? How many degrees oftemperature of sea water?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Is salt for cooking also comes from the sea?
Salt is commonly called table salt is derived from the sea. To get it,the salt farmers making large pool filled with sea water. Eventually,the sea water is evaporated. The salt left behind on the ground.However, the salt was not clean. Salt is still to be washed first.Besides salt, sea water also contains other elements such as gold and silver. However, very few in number. Sea water also containsiodine which is good for growing children. Iodine makes seawatercharacteristic odor. You ever smell the sea would know that.
B) How many degrees of temperature of sea water?
Temperature of water at sea level is not the same everywhere. For example, in the North Pole and the South Pole, dareah coldest on earth, certainly a lower temperature compared to the Equator in thearea all year round sunshine. Temperature differences in the ocean depths only a few, as well as in the waters of the polar andequatorial waters. Temperature there is almost never changed,even though the season changes. In the deep ocean, the water is really cold. Sometimes the temperature to below zero degrees. But the water never freezes because large amounts of water pressureon it produce warmth. In fact, near the volcano can be found hot springs are located under water.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Is salt for cooking also comes from the sea?
Salt is commonly called table salt is derived from the sea. To get it,the salt farmers making large pool filled with sea water. Eventually,the sea water is evaporated. The salt left behind on the ground.However, the salt was not clean. Salt is still to be washed first.Besides salt, sea water also contains other elements such as gold and silver. However, very few in number. Sea water also containsiodine which is good for growing children. Iodine makes seawatercharacteristic odor. You ever smell the sea would know that.
B) How many degrees of temperature of sea water?
Temperature of water at sea level is not the same everywhere. For example, in the North Pole and the South Pole, dareah coldest on earth, certainly a lower temperature compared to the Equator in thearea all year round sunshine. Temperature differences in the ocean depths only a few, as well as in the waters of the polar andequatorial waters. Temperature there is almost never changed,even though the season changes. In the deep ocean, the water is really cold. Sometimes the temperature to below zero degrees. But the water never freezes because large amounts of water pressureon it produce warmth. In fact, near the volcano can be found hot springs are located under water.
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