Bisakah Binatang bernafas di bawah air? Apa yang dimakan oleh binatang laut?/ Can animals breathe under water? What was eaten by marine animals? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Bisakah Binatang bernafas di bawah air? Apa yang dimakan oleh binatang laut?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Bisakah binatang laut bernapas di bawah air?
Manusia dan binatang membutuhkan zat asam untuk hidup, kita menghisap zat asam tersebut pada saat bernafas. Menyelam dalam air hanya bisak ita lakukan sebentar saja karena paruh-paru kita tidak dapat menyaring zat asam dari air. Keadaan binatang laut kebanyakan berbeda. Semua ikan dan kepiting mempunyai insang. Dengan insang itu, mereka bisa mengambil zat asam dari air. Akan tetapi, jika binatang itu di bawa ke darat, mereka tidak dapat bernapas dengan insang. Di laut juga hidup binatang yang bernapas dengan paru-paru. Misalnya: paus, anjing laut dan kura-kura laut. Mereka harus sering muncul di permukaan air untuk menghirup udara.
B) Apa yang dimakan oleh binatang laut?
Makanan yang dimakan oleh binatang laut bermacam karena jenisnya tidak terhitung. Beberapa binatang laut adalah pemakan tumbuhan, sama halnya dengan binatang darat. Binatang laut itu memakan tumbuhan laut, ganggang besar, dan ganggang kecil. Sebagian lainnya pemakan ikan, mereka juga memangsa binatang yang lebih kecil dan binatang pemakan tumbuhan seperti seekor singa memangsa zebra pemakan tumbuhan. Binatang terbesar di dunia yang hidup di laut adalah paus. Panjang paus bisa mencapai 33 meter dan beratnya lebih dari 100 ton. Binatang seperti itu malah memangsa makhluk terkecil di air yaitu plankton. Plankton adalah binatang dan tumbuhan kecil yang mengambang di air.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Can animals breathe under water? What was eaten by marine animals?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Can marine animals breathe underwater?
Humans and animals need oxygen to live, we inhale oxygenbreathing at the time. Diving in the water just do itâ bisak short ashalf of our lungs can not filter oxygen from the water. The state ofmany different sea animals. All the fish and crabs have gills. Withgills, they can take oxygen from the water. However, if the animalwas taken to the ground, they can not breathe with gills. At sea also live animals breathe with lungs. For example: whales, seals and sea turtles. They must often appear on the surface to breathe air.
B) What was eaten by marine animals?
Meals are eaten by various sea creatures for countless species.Some marine animals are plant eaters, as well as land animals.Marine animals that eat the plants of the sea, the algae, and tinyalgae. Others are fish eaters, they also prey on smaller animals andplant-eating animals such as a lion prey zebra plant eaters. The world's largest animals that live in the sea are whales. Long whalecan reach 33 feet and weigh over 100 tons. Animals such that eventhe smallest creatures devour the plankton in the water. Planktonare tiny plants and animals floating in the water.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Can marine animals breathe underwater?
Humans and animals need oxygen to live, we inhale oxygenbreathing at the time. Diving in the water just do itâ bisak short ashalf of our lungs can not filter oxygen from the water. The state ofmany different sea animals. All the fish and crabs have gills. Withgills, they can take oxygen from the water. However, if the animalwas taken to the ground, they can not breathe with gills. At sea also live animals breathe with lungs. For example: whales, seals and sea turtles. They must often appear on the surface to breathe air.
B) What was eaten by marine animals?
Meals are eaten by various sea creatures for countless species.Some marine animals are plant eaters, as well as land animals.Marine animals that eat the plants of the sea, the algae, and tinyalgae. Others are fish eaters, they also prey on smaller animals andplant-eating animals such as a lion prey zebra plant eaters. The world's largest animals that live in the sea are whales. Long whalecan reach 33 feet and weigh over 100 tons. Animals such that eventhe smallest creatures devour the plankton in the water. Planktonare tiny plants and animals floating in the water.
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