Kata Ulang di dalam bahasa Indonesia/ Repeat words in Indonesian FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL INDONESIAN
Kata Ulang di dalam bahasa Indonesia
(Sumber: rangkuman primagama tahun 2007)
Kata ulang terjadi dari proses pengulangan kata dasar. Proses pengulangan kata dasar menghasilkan beberapa bentuk kata ulang, yaitu:
Ø Kata ulang murni yaitu seluruh kata dasar atau bentuk dasar diulang seutuhnya, contoh: rumah-rumah, sepeda-sepeda, perubahan-perubahan.
Ø Kata ulang sebagian yaitu pengulangan yang dilakukan pada sebagian bentuk dasar dari kata ulang tersebut, contoh: bermain-man, mengambil-ambil.
Ø Kata ulang berimbuhan yaitu apabila proses pengulangan itu memunculkan imbuhan, contoh: kuda-kudaan, anak-anakan.
Ø Kata ulang berubah bunyi yaitu pengulangan dengan perubahan konsonan atau vocal pada bentuk dasar kata ulang, contoh: gerak-gerik, warna-warni, sayur-mayur.
Ø Kata ulang suku awal (dwipurwa), pengulangan pada suku awal/ pertama bentuk dasar kata ulang, contoh: tetangga, tetanaman, rerumputan.
Makna kata ulang:
Ø Menyatakan makna banyak: rumah-rumah, berulang-ulang.
Ø Menyatakan makna tindakan dilakukan berulang-ulang, misalnya: membuang-buang, melempar-lempar.
Ø Menyatakan makna saling, misalnya: tolong-menolong, lempar-melempar.
Ø Menyatakan makna agak, misalnya: kekuning-kuningan, kemerah-merahan.
Ø Menyatakan makna intensitas, misalnya: setinggi-tingginya, baik-baik.
Ø Menyatakan makna himpunan, misalnya: dua-dua, tiga-tiga, berbulan-bulan.
Ø Menyatakan tindakan dilakukan dengan santai, misalnya: tidur-tiduran, duduk-duduk.
Ø Menyatakan makna menyerupai, misalnya: mobil-mobilan, anak-anakan.
Ø Menyatakan makna meskipun, misalnya: duri-duri diterjang, panas-panas dilaluinya.
Ø Menyatakan makna selalu, misalnya: kita-kita yang disalahkan jika ada keributan, yang dibicarakan itu-itu saja.
Repeat words in Indonesian
(Source: Summary Primagama in 2007)
The word re-occurs from the repetition of basic words. The processis repeated basis produces some form of repeated words, namely:
The word pure is repeated throughout the base or basic shape is repeated completely, eg houses, bicycles, changes.
The word repeated most of the repetition is done on most basic form of the word is repeated, for example: playing-man, take-take.
The word re berimbuhan ie when the process that led to affixrepetition, for example: a rocking horse, wooden boy.
word repetition re-change the sound or vocal consonant with changes in the basic form of the word repeated, eg gestures,colorful vegetables.
The word re-rate initial (dwipurwa), repeating the initial rate / firstbasic form of the word repeated, eg neighbors, plant, grass.
The meaning of the word re:
Declare a lot of meaning: the houses, repeatedly.
To declare the meaning of repetitive actions, such as: a waste, throwing.
To declare the meaning of each other, for example: mutual help, throw-throw.
To declare the meaning slightly, for example: a yellowish, reddish.
To declare the meaning of intensity, for example: the highest,good.
To declare the meaning of the set, for example: two-two,three-three, months.
Declare the action performed with ease, eg lying, sitting around.
Declare meaning like, for example: cars, young saplings.
To declare the meaning though, eg thorns buffeted, hot-hot path.
To declare the meaning is always, ie those of us who blamed ifthere was a commotion, spoken-that's it.
(Source: Summary Primagama in 2007)
The word re-occurs from the repetition of basic words. The processis repeated basis produces some form of repeated words, namely:
The word pure is repeated throughout the base or basic shape is repeated completely, eg houses, bicycles, changes.
The word repeated most of the repetition is done on most basic form of the word is repeated, for example: playing-man, take-take.
The word re berimbuhan ie when the process that led to affixrepetition, for example: a rocking horse, wooden boy.
word repetition re-change the sound or vocal consonant with changes in the basic form of the word repeated, eg gestures,colorful vegetables.
The word re-rate initial (dwipurwa), repeating the initial rate / firstbasic form of the word repeated, eg neighbors, plant, grass.
The meaning of the word re:
Declare a lot of meaning: the houses, repeatedly.
To declare the meaning of repetitive actions, such as: a waste, throwing.
To declare the meaning of each other, for example: mutual help, throw-throw.
To declare the meaning slightly, for example: a yellowish, reddish.
To declare the meaning of intensity, for example: the highest,good.
To declare the meaning of the set, for example: two-two,three-three, months.
Declare the action performed with ease, eg lying, sitting around.
Declare meaning like, for example: cars, young saplings.
To declare the meaning though, eg thorns buffeted, hot-hot path.
To declare the meaning is always, ie those of us who blamed ifthere was a commotion, spoken-that's it.
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