Pertunjukan Museum Mpu Tantular Tahun 2008, di Ponorogo, Jawa Timur/Performances Museum MPU Tantular In 2008, in Ponorogo, East Java FOR GENERAL HISTORY
Pertunjukan Museum Mpu Tantular Tahun 2008, di Ponorogo, Jawa Timur
(Sumber: pameran benda-benda Museum Mpu Tantular. 2008. Ponorogo)
Museum berasal dari kata “Museon” ( bahasa Yunani) yaitu kuil atau bangunan suci untuk memuja Dewa Dewi suci Yunani.
A) Pengetahuan Alam
1) Bola jatuh. Alat peraga yang menjelaskan gerak dan kecepatan dalam lintasan miring. Semakin miring lintasan, lintasan semakin membuat bola kencang.
2) Miniatur Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA). Alat pembangkit listrik dengan energy potensial air, kemudian diubah menjadi energy listrik untuk keperluan industry dan rumah tangga.
3) Harpa tanpa Dawai. Alat music ini dilengkapi dengan sensor yang akan merespon dan menimbulkan nada atau bunyi apabila tangan kita menggerakkan bagian kosong (bagian senar).
4) Sumbu Lengkung. Alat peraga ini menganalogikan tenaga putar mesin ke putaran roda belaakng mobil atau kendaraan lainnya, di mana sumbu lengkung berputar secara fleksibel.
B) Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
1) Arca (Tiruan) Durga Mehesasura Mandhini. Asal: Candi Jawi. Menggambarkan dalam sikap berdiri atau tribhangga, di atas badan mahesa (kerbau) mempunyai delapan tangan. Tangan kanan masing-masing membawa: cakra, khadga atau pedang, anak panah, memegang ekor kerbau. Tangan kiri masing-masing memawa sankha, perisai, busur, dan memegang kepala asura.
2) Arca (Tiruan) Nandi. Asal: Surabaya. Lembu wahana atau kendaraan Dewa Siwa. Dalam agama Hindu lembu dianggap sebagai binatang suci karena banyak menguntungkan bagi manusia. Dalam perkembangan Nandi dianggap sebagai symbol kesuburan terutama bagi daerah agraris.
3) Lingga Yoni. Asal: Surabaya. Symbol dewa Siwa (Laki-laki) sedangkan Yoni merupakan symbol Parwati (sakti/ istri Dewa Siwa). Perpaduan antara kedua unsure inilah yang dianggap mampu menghasilkan kesuburan dan regenerasi. Dalam suatu kompleks candi biasanya Lingga Yoni diletakkan di bilik utama sebagai pengganti Siwa Mahadewa.
4) Arca (Tiruan) Ganesa. Asal: Surabaya. Anak dewa Siwa dengan dewi Parwati yang berwujud manusia berkepala gajah. Dalam pantheon agama Hindu dianggap sebagai dewa ilmu pengetahuan, ikonografi. Ganesa sangat unik, digambarkan duduk utttkutikasana mempunyai empat tangan. Dua tangan depang masing-masing membawa danta (gadingnya yang patah), tengkorak atau mangkok. Sedangkan kedua tangan belakang membawa aksamala dan parasu (kapak perang).
5) Arca (Duplikat) Pradnya Paramita. Dalam budha, dianggap dewi kebijaksanaan dan ilmu pengetahuan. Patungi ni berasal dari candi Singosari merupakan penggambaran dari Ken Dedes, permaisuri Ken Arok (Rajasa Amurwabhumi), raja Singosari Pertama. Digambarkan duduk bersila di atas padma ganda, kedua tangan dalam sikap dharmucakra mudra (memutar roda dunia), dibelakang tangan kiri muncul bunga teratai yang diujung kelopaknya terdapat sebuah pustaka (kitab ilmu pengetahuan).
6) Fosil (duplikat) rahang Gajah Purba. Asal: Ngawi. Berbentuk karena bahan organic yang dulu mengisi rongga tulang yang telah membusuk dan meninggalkan bahan mineral tulang. Pada geraham gajah ini sebagian Nampak. Berusia sekitar satu juta tahun. Gajah ini binatang yang mendominasi fauna daratan Jawa masa lalu.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Performances Museum MPU Tantular In 2008, in Ponorogo, East Java
(Source: Museum exhibits objects Tantular MPU., 2008. Roxburgh)
Museum comes from the word "Museon" (Greek) is a temple or a shrine to worship the Greek Gods holy.
A) Natural Sciences
1) The ball fell. Props that describe the motion and speed of the track side. The more oblique trajectory, the trajectory makes the ball faster.
2) Miniature Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP). Power tool with the potential energy of water, and then converted into electrical energy for industrial and domestic purposes.
3) without Strings Harp. Music instrument is equipped with a sensor that will respond and create a tone or sound if we move the empty hand (the strings).
4) Axis Arch. Props is analogous to turn the engine power to the wheels belaakng car or other vehicle, in which the axis rotates in a flexible arch.
B) Social Sciences
1) Arca (Artificial) Durga Mehesasura Mandhini. Origin: Candi Jawi.Describing the attitude of standing or tribhangga, on top of mahesa (buffalo) has eight hands. The right hand each carried: chakra, Khadga or swords, arrows, holding buffaloes. The left hand of each memawa Sankha, shield, bow, and holding the head of the asura.
2) ARCA (Artificial) Nandi. Origin: Surabaya. Ox-vehicle or vehicle of Lord Shiva. In Hinduism cow as a sacred animal because it is considered beneficial to many people. In the development of Nandi considered a symbol of fertility, especially for agricultural area.
3) Linga Yoni. Origin: Surabaya. Symbol of Lord Shiva (Male) is a symbol of Parvati while Yoni (sacred / wife of Lord Shiva). The combination of these two elements that are considered capable of producing fertility and regeneration. In a temple complex Linga Yoni usually placed in the main chamber instead of Shiva Mahadeva.
4) ARCA (Artificial) Ganesa. Origin: Surabaya. Son of Lord Shiva with Goddess Parvati in the form of an elephant-headed man. In the pantheon of Hindu religion is considered as the god of science, iconography. Ganesha is unique, depicted seated utttkutikasana has four hands. Two hands depang each carrying Vedanta (a broken tusk), skull or bowl. Meanwhile, bring your hands back and parasu aksamala (hatchet).
5) ARCA (Duplicate) Pradnya Paramita. In the Buddha, is considered the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Patungi ni Singosari comes from the temple is a depiction of Ken Dedes, consort of Ken Arok (Rajasa Amurwabhumi), king Singosari First.Pictured sitting cross-legged on a double lotus, his hands in an attitude dharmucakra mudra (turning the wheel of the world), the left hand appeared behind the tip of the petals of lotus flowers, there is a library (books of knowledge).
6) Fossil (duplicate) Ancient elephant jaw. Origin: Ngawi. Shaped as organic material used to fill the cavity of the bone that has been left to rot and bone mineral. In this elephant molars partially appears. About a million years old. The elephant is an animal that dominates Java fauna of the past.
(Source: Museum exhibits objects Tantular MPU., 2008. Roxburgh)
Museum comes from the word "Museon" (Greek) is a temple or a shrine to worship the Greek Gods holy.
A) Natural Sciences
1) The ball fell. Props that describe the motion and speed of the track side. The more oblique trajectory, the trajectory makes the ball faster.
2) Miniature Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP). Power tool with the potential energy of water, and then converted into electrical energy for industrial and domestic purposes.
3) without Strings Harp. Music instrument is equipped with a sensor that will respond and create a tone or sound if we move the empty hand (the strings).
4) Axis Arch. Props is analogous to turn the engine power to the wheels belaakng car or other vehicle, in which the axis rotates in a flexible arch.
B) Social Sciences
1) Arca (Artificial) Durga Mehesasura Mandhini. Origin: Candi Jawi.Describing the attitude of standing or tribhangga, on top of mahesa (buffalo) has eight hands. The right hand each carried: chakra, Khadga or swords, arrows, holding buffaloes. The left hand of each memawa Sankha, shield, bow, and holding the head of the asura.
2) ARCA (Artificial) Nandi. Origin: Surabaya. Ox-vehicle or vehicle of Lord Shiva. In Hinduism cow as a sacred animal because it is considered beneficial to many people. In the development of Nandi considered a symbol of fertility, especially for agricultural area.
3) Linga Yoni. Origin: Surabaya. Symbol of Lord Shiva (Male) is a symbol of Parvati while Yoni (sacred / wife of Lord Shiva). The combination of these two elements that are considered capable of producing fertility and regeneration. In a temple complex Linga Yoni usually placed in the main chamber instead of Shiva Mahadeva.
4) ARCA (Artificial) Ganesa. Origin: Surabaya. Son of Lord Shiva with Goddess Parvati in the form of an elephant-headed man. In the pantheon of Hindu religion is considered as the god of science, iconography. Ganesha is unique, depicted seated utttkutikasana has four hands. Two hands depang each carrying Vedanta (a broken tusk), skull or bowl. Meanwhile, bring your hands back and parasu aksamala (hatchet).
5) ARCA (Duplicate) Pradnya Paramita. In the Buddha, is considered the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Patungi ni Singosari comes from the temple is a depiction of Ken Dedes, consort of Ken Arok (Rajasa Amurwabhumi), king Singosari First.Pictured sitting cross-legged on a double lotus, his hands in an attitude dharmucakra mudra (turning the wheel of the world), the left hand appeared behind the tip of the petals of lotus flowers, there is a library (books of knowledge).
6) Fossil (duplicate) Ancient elephant jaw. Origin: Ngawi. Shaped as organic material used to fill the cavity of the bone that has been left to rot and bone mineral. In this elephant molars partially appears. About a million years old. The elephant is an animal that dominates Java fauna of the past.
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