Artikel Umum Ketiga/Third General Articles FOR GENERAL GENERAL
Artikel Umum Ketiga
(Sumber: acara televisi, tahun 2009)
1) Kota udang adalah sebutan kota Cirebon.
2) Ikan Mola bisa dipanen setiap 15 bulan sekali. Ikan Mola memiliki berat 100 gram dan makanannya plankton.
3) Di Biak Numfor, Papua. Terdapat peninggalan sejarah yaitu pesawat amfibi dari Amerika Serikat (masa Perang Dunia Kedua/ Perang Pasifik) yang berada di dalam laut. Belum pasti mengapa pesawat tersebut jatuh tetapi ada dugaan disengaja dijatuhkan supaya tidak digunakan atau juga ada dugaan tidak disengaja dijatuhkan karena kesalahan teknis. Tentara Jepang mendarat pada tahun 1941 di Desa Anggrai, Biak Numfor, Papua, untuk menyusun serangan di Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Dan terdapat juga monument perang dunia Kedua yang didirikan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Biak, Indonesia, dan Jepang yang diresmikan pada tahun 1994. Di sekitar monument terdapat kubus yang melambangkan jumlah tentara Jepang yang tewas. Terdapat juga batu telapak kaki kiri yang melambangkan bawah bangsa Jepang jika memasuki Negara orang lain atau tanah jajahan memakai kaki kiri, jika memasuki negerinya sendiri, kaki pertama dengan kaki kanan. Biasanya disekitar monument diadakan upacara tahunan yaitu pembakaran tulang tentara Jepang yang tewas oleh badan bentukan Jepang.
4) Thermoscan adalah alat pendeteksi suhu tubuh.
5) Bukit Kasih (BukitKasih) dibangun pada tahun 2000 yang berada di Kanonga, Sulawesi Utara. Di Sulawesi Utara terdapat taman laut yakni Bunaken.
6)Claudius Plotomous adalah Filusuf asal Yunani yang menyatakan bahwa kapur barus berasal dari kota Barus, Sumatera Utara. Kapur barus berasal dari pohon kamfer yang dibelah sehingga ada Kristal-kristal (loktanil). Dahulu ketika Marcopolo datang ke kota tersebut harga kapur barus sama dengan emas.
7) Cangkang sawit bisa digunakan untuk mengawetkan ikan.
8) Monumen Soeprapto Soekowati. Soeprapto Soekowati merupakan pahlawan yang telah menembak pimpinan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) yakni Muso, yang pada waktu itu mendirikan Negara Republik Soviet Indonesia, namun pemimpin Negara Republik Soviet Indonesia dapat ditembak mati. Untuk mengenang jasa Letnan Jenderal Tentara Nasional Indonesia Soeprapto Soekowati diresmikanlah di Ponorogo pada tanggal 10 Desember oleh Panglima Daerah Militer VIII Brawijaya Majend. TNI. Witarmin. Di dalam monument Soeprapto Soekowati terdapat bunyi dari Jenderal Soedirman yaitu “ Jangan bimbang mengalami penderitaan karena semakin dekat cita-cita makin berat penderitaan yang kita alami”.
9) Kota Lumpia adalah sebutan kota Semarang.
10) Kota Subang terkenal akan buah nanas.
11) Waktu revolusi dan rotasi bulan sama.
12) Nama lain dari batuk rejan adalah batuk 100 hari.
13) Sel-sel manusia meregenerasi selama 72 jam atau tiga hari.
14) Nama lain dari asteroid alah planetoid atau planet kecil.
15) Perbedaan kepiting jantan dan kepiting betina yakni: jika kepiting jantan berbentuk lancip sedangkan kepiting betina berbentuk lebar dan bulat.
16) Penyakit reptile kepada manusia adalah salmonella yang disebabkan tidak mencuri tangan setelah menyentuh reptile. Penyakit ini menyerang saluran pencernaan.
17) Enggrang dalam bahasa Sunda disebut chejangko.
18) Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa dahulu digunakan untuk pelabuhan di nusantara.
19) Kapal pinisi bercirikan ujung runcing pada ujung kapal dan berwarna-warni.
20) Cara membuat ikan asin: Buang kotoran dari ikan, kemudian beri garam pada ikan dan simpan ikan yang telah diberi garam selama satu hari, kemudian jemur ikan tersebut dalam 1 hari. Setelah itu, ikan sudah dapat dimasak.
21) Jembatan Kota Itan merupakan jembatan angkat yang dibuat oleh pemerintah Belanda yang terbuat dari kayu.
22) Undur-undur berkhasiat untuk penyakit asma, asam urat, hingga stroke.
23) Tehyang adalah alat music dari Cina.
24) Prahu Condong berasal dari Cirebon yang memiliki khas berujung (ujung kapal) terdapat nisan.
25) Kotoran luwak bisa memberi kualitas pada kopi.
26) Burung Kakak Tua raja bisa hidup selama seratus tahun.
27) Ikan cendol berbentuk seperti cendol.
28) Bunyi yang tak punya nada adalah ritmis.
29) Petak umpet merupakan permainan tradisional Jawa, tanpa modal, murah, dan mudah dilakukan.
30) Ciri-ciri kepiting rawa adalah kepiting berwarna hijau, punggungnya cokelat, bawah badan kepiting berwarna kuning.
31) Nama lain dari kota Bandung yaitu Paris Pan Japa.
32) Kabar bohong dari kiasan bahasa Indonesia yaitu radius dengkul.
33) Suku Eskimo sebutan suku pemakan daging mentah yang tersebar di Amerika Serikat, Tanah Hijau, dan Uni Soviet (Rusia).
34) Stunami di Selat Sunda pada tahun 1883 memiliki ketinggian lebih dari 100 meter karena di sebabkan oleh letusan gunung Krakatau.
35) Strato adalah guru Plato, Plato adalah guru Aristoteles.
36) Lari jarak pendek disebut pricinten.
37) Organisasi Radio Indonesia disingkat ORARI.
38) Rasa benci kepada bangsa lain disebut xenophobia.
39) Nama Negara Iran sebelumnya adalah Persia.
40) Selendang Ulos berasal dari Sumatera Utara.
41) Permainan anak-anak Lego berasal dari Denmark, yang pabriknya di kota Billau.
42) Tanggal 20 April 1889 adalah tanggal lahir Adolf Hilter dan bertempat di Negara Austria.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Third General Articles
(Source: TV shows, in 2009)
1) City of shrimp is called the city of Cirebon.
2) Mola fish can be harvested every 15 months. Mola fish weighs 100 grams and the food plankton.
3) In Numfor Biak, Papua. There is a seaplane heritage of the United States (during the Second World War / War of the Pacific), which is in the sea. Not yet sure why the plane crashed but there are allegations that are not used intentionally inflicted or accidental allegations also dropped due to a technical error. The Japanese army landed in 1941 in the village of Anggrai, Numfor Biak, Papua, for masterminding the attack on Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. And there is also a monument to the Second World War which was established by the Local Government Biak, Indonesia, and Japan, which was inaugurated in 1994. Around the monument there is a cube that represents the number of Japanese soldiers were killed. There is also a stone that symbolizes your left foot under the Japanese when entering another country or the colonies using the left foot, when entering his own country, the first leg with the right foot. Usually the ceremony is held yearly around the monument that is burning the bones of Japanese soldiers were killed by the Japanese formation.
4) Thermoscan is body temperature detector.
5) Bukit Love (BukitKasih) built in 2000 located in Kanonga, North Sulawesi. In North Sulawesi Bunaken are the marine park.
6) Claudius Filusuf Plotomous is of Greek origin who claimed that camphor from Barus city, North Sumatra. Camphor from camphor trees that split so that there are crystals (loktanil). Previously, when Marco Polo came to town the same as the price of gold camphor.
7) palm shell can be used to preserve fish.
8) Monument Soeprapto Soekowati. Soeprapto Soekowati a hero who had shot the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) that is Muso, who at the time was established Soviet Republic of Indonesia, but the leader of the Soviet Republic of Indonesia can be shot dead. To commemorate the services of the Indonesian National Army Lt. Gen. Soeprapto Soekowati diresmikanlah in Ponorogo on December 10 by the commander of Military Region VIII UB Majend.TNI. Witarmin. Inside the monument there is the sound of Soeprapto Soekowati General Sudirman, namely "Do not worry suffering as more and more close to the ideal weight of our suffering."
9) City of Semarang Lumpia is the name.
10) Subang city famous for pineapple.
11) When the revolution and rotation of the same month.
12) Another name for whooping cough is a cough of 100 days.
13) of human cells to regenerate for 72 hours or three days.
14) Name of ne planetoid or asteroid small planet.
15) The difference in male and female crabs crab namely: if the male crab-shaped taper whereas female crabs wide and round shaped.
16) reptile to human disease is caused by not steal salmonella hands after touching reptiles. This disease attacks the gastrointestinal tract.
17) Enggrang in Sundanese called chejangko.
18) Sunda Kelapa port used for a harbor in the archipelago.
19) Ship pinisi characterized by the pointed tip on the end of the ship and colorful.
20) How to make salted fish: Remove dirt from the fish, then put salt on the fish and keep the fish that has been salted for a day, then drying the fish in 1 day. After that, the fish has to be cooked.
21) Bridge City Itan a drawbridge made by the Dutch government made of wood.
22) withdraw-retreat efficacious for asthma, gout, to stroke.
23) Tehyang is a music instrument from China.
24) Lean Prahu from Cirebon who have typical lead (the end of the ship) there is a headstone.
25) Dirt mongoose can give quality to the coffee.
26) Old Bird Brother kings can live for a hundred years.
27) Fish cendol shaped like cendol.
28) The sound has no tone is rhythmic.
29) Hide and seek is a traditional game of Java, without capital, cheap, and easy to do.
30) The characteristics of marsh crabs are crabs are green, brown back, bottom of the yellow crab.
31) Another name of the city of Bandung, namely Paris Pan Japa.
32) false news of Indonesian figures that radius knee.
33) Tribe designation Eskimo tribes scattered raw meat eaters in the United States, Green Land, and the Soviet Union (Russia).
34) Stunami in the Sunda Strait in 1883 has a height of over 100 meters as caused by the eruption of Krakatoa.
35) Strato was the teacher of Plato, Plato was Aristotle's teacher.
36) Run a short distance called pricinten.
37) Organization of Indonesia abbreviated ORARI Radio.
38) to the hatred of other nations is called xenophobia.
39) Name Country Iran formerly Persia.
40) Scarves Ulos from North Sumatra.
41) Kids Games Lego comes from Denmark, the plant in the town Billau.
42) On 20 April 1889 is the date of birth of Adolf Hitler and housed in the State of Austria.
(Source: TV shows, in 2009)
1) City of shrimp is called the city of Cirebon.
2) Mola fish can be harvested every 15 months. Mola fish weighs 100 grams and the food plankton.
3) In Numfor Biak, Papua. There is a seaplane heritage of the United States (during the Second World War / War of the Pacific), which is in the sea. Not yet sure why the plane crashed but there are allegations that are not used intentionally inflicted or accidental allegations also dropped due to a technical error. The Japanese army landed in 1941 in the village of Anggrai, Numfor Biak, Papua, for masterminding the attack on Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. And there is also a monument to the Second World War which was established by the Local Government Biak, Indonesia, and Japan, which was inaugurated in 1994. Around the monument there is a cube that represents the number of Japanese soldiers were killed. There is also a stone that symbolizes your left foot under the Japanese when entering another country or the colonies using the left foot, when entering his own country, the first leg with the right foot. Usually the ceremony is held yearly around the monument that is burning the bones of Japanese soldiers were killed by the Japanese formation.
4) Thermoscan is body temperature detector.
5) Bukit Love (BukitKasih) built in 2000 located in Kanonga, North Sulawesi. In North Sulawesi Bunaken are the marine park.
6) Claudius Filusuf Plotomous is of Greek origin who claimed that camphor from Barus city, North Sumatra. Camphor from camphor trees that split so that there are crystals (loktanil). Previously, when Marco Polo came to town the same as the price of gold camphor.
7) palm shell can be used to preserve fish.
8) Monument Soeprapto Soekowati. Soeprapto Soekowati a hero who had shot the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) that is Muso, who at the time was established Soviet Republic of Indonesia, but the leader of the Soviet Republic of Indonesia can be shot dead. To commemorate the services of the Indonesian National Army Lt. Gen. Soeprapto Soekowati diresmikanlah in Ponorogo on December 10 by the commander of Military Region VIII UB Majend.TNI. Witarmin. Inside the monument there is the sound of Soeprapto Soekowati General Sudirman, namely "Do not worry suffering as more and more close to the ideal weight of our suffering."
9) City of Semarang Lumpia is the name.
10) Subang city famous for pineapple.
11) When the revolution and rotation of the same month.
12) Another name for whooping cough is a cough of 100 days.
13) of human cells to regenerate for 72 hours or three days.
14) Name of ne planetoid or asteroid small planet.
15) The difference in male and female crabs crab namely: if the male crab-shaped taper whereas female crabs wide and round shaped.
16) reptile to human disease is caused by not steal salmonella hands after touching reptiles. This disease attacks the gastrointestinal tract.
17) Enggrang in Sundanese called chejangko.
18) Sunda Kelapa port used for a harbor in the archipelago.
19) Ship pinisi characterized by the pointed tip on the end of the ship and colorful.
20) How to make salted fish: Remove dirt from the fish, then put salt on the fish and keep the fish that has been salted for a day, then drying the fish in 1 day. After that, the fish has to be cooked.
21) Bridge City Itan a drawbridge made by the Dutch government made of wood.
22) withdraw-retreat efficacious for asthma, gout, to stroke.
23) Tehyang is a music instrument from China.
24) Lean Prahu from Cirebon who have typical lead (the end of the ship) there is a headstone.
25) Dirt mongoose can give quality to the coffee.
26) Old Bird Brother kings can live for a hundred years.
27) Fish cendol shaped like cendol.
28) The sound has no tone is rhythmic.
29) Hide and seek is a traditional game of Java, without capital, cheap, and easy to do.
30) The characteristics of marsh crabs are crabs are green, brown back, bottom of the yellow crab.
31) Another name of the city of Bandung, namely Paris Pan Japa.
32) false news of Indonesian figures that radius knee.
33) Tribe designation Eskimo tribes scattered raw meat eaters in the United States, Green Land, and the Soviet Union (Russia).
34) Stunami in the Sunda Strait in 1883 has a height of over 100 meters as caused by the eruption of Krakatoa.
35) Strato was the teacher of Plato, Plato was Aristotle's teacher.
36) Run a short distance called pricinten.
37) Organization of Indonesia abbreviated ORARI Radio.
38) to the hatred of other nations is called xenophobia.
39) Name Country Iran formerly Persia.
40) Scarves Ulos from North Sumatra.
41) Kids Games Lego comes from Denmark, the plant in the town Billau.
42) On 20 April 1889 is the date of birth of Adolf Hitler and housed in the State of Austria.
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