Kenakalan Remaja dan Miras dan Narkoba, Ditinjau dari Aspek Hukum/ Delinquency and Youth Alcohol and Drugs, Judging from Legal Aspects FOR GENERAL MEDICINE
Kenakalan Remaja dan Miras dan Narkona, Ditinjau dari Aspek Hukum
(sumber: sosialisasi Polisi Resort Ponorogo, 2008.)
A) Tindak pidana yang sering dilakukan remaja
1) Pasal 362 KUHP tentang pencurian
a) Mengambil untuk dimiliki sesuatu barang seluruhnya sebagian,
b) Melawan hukum.
Ø Diancam hukuman maksimal 5 tahun.
2) Pasal 368 KUHP tentang pemerasan:
a) Memaksa orang lain dengan kekerasan atau ancaman kekerasan.
b) Untuk memberikan milik orang lain, hapus hutang.
Ø Diancam hukuman maksimal 5 tahun.
3) Pasal 351 KUHP tentang penganiayaan.
a) Penganiayaan biasa, hukuman maksimal 2 tahun 8 bulan.
b) Luka berat, hukuman maksimal 5 tahun.
c) Meninggal, hukuman maksimal 7 tahun.
4) Pasal 170 KUHP tentang pengeroyokan.
a) Luka, hukuman maksimal 7 tahun.
b) Luka berat, hukuman maksimal 9 tahun.
c) Meninggal, hukuman maksimal >9 tahun.
B) Perbedaan hukuman untuk pemakai narkotika
1) Hongkong, hukuman 15 tahun.
2) Jepang, hukuman mati.
3) Korea Selatan, hukuman mati.
4) Thailand, hukuman mati.
5) Singapura, hukuman gantung.
6) Malaysia, hukuman gantung.
7) Indonesia, hukuman 3 bulan, 28 hari.
C) Miras, induk kejahatan
1) Faktor: candu, budaya, pergaulan, lingkungan.
2) Jenis miras: arja, mansen, vodika, new port, topi miring.
D) Sejarah Candu. Wartawan barat yang bernama Peter T. White melacak perjalanan candu. Daerah yang dikenal penghasil candu adalah lembah Shewa Khwar, lembah Siah yang kedua lembah ini berasal dari Pakistan; Rajasthan di India; Alfyon di Turki; Meksiko; Tasmania; Segitiga Emas (perbatasan Thailan-Laos-Myanmar). Morfin merupakan alkoloida terpenting dalam opium atau candu. Rumus kimia morfin C17 H19 HO3. Morfin berasal dari bahasa Yunani “Morpheus”yang berarti mimpi dewa. Orang dapat meninggal dengan dosis 2 mgr per satu kilogram berat badan, missal orang yang memiliki berat badan 50 kg akan meninggal kalau disuntik dengan 100 gram morfin. Pemakaian heroin (putaw) lebih membahayakan karena membuat pemakaiannya ketagihan. Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1976: “Tanaman papaver somniferumL termasuk biji, buah, jeraminya, candu mentah, candu masak, opium obat, morfin, dan pengelolahannya termasuk jenis narkoba. Hukuman maksimal seumur hidup”.
E) Canabis (Ganja). Warna daun ganja yang sudah siap dirokok sama dengan warna daun tembakau rajangan. Bedanya, tembakau rajangan tidak terdapat bintil kecil seperti ganja, yang dikeringkan namanya ganja. Yang berupa dammar dibekukan namanya hasis. Yang diolah berupa minyak namanya cannabis. Ciri-ciri tanaman ganja, sebagai berikut:
1) Jenis Ganja, ciri-cirinya: termasuk tanaman perdu, mudah tumbuh, dan pemeliharaannya tidak sulit.
2) Batang Ganja, ciri-cirinya: berkayu, tinggi sampai 2,5 meter.
3) Cabang dan ranting Ganja, ciri-cirinya: berkayu tetapi tidak keras.
4) Umur Ganja, ciri-cirinya: wakaupun termasuk tumbuhan setahun namun umurnya dapat mencapai dua tahun.
5) Bunga Ganja, ciri-cirinya: pada umur delapan bulan, tanaman ganja sudah mulai berbunga. Pada satu pohon terdapat satu macam bunga, jantan atau betina saja. Karena itulah maka ganja dikelompokkan sebagai tumbuhan berumah dua.
6) Daun Ganja, ciri-cirinya: daun ganja mempunyai bentuk yang khas. Jumlah helai daunnya selalu ganjil, antara 5,7, atau 9 helai. Helai daunnya berbentuk memanjang, pinggir daunnya bergerigi, dan berujung lancip. Urat daunnya memanjang di tengah-tengah pangkalnya sampai ujung daun. Permukaan daun bagian atas halus dan bagian bawahnya agak kasar.
7) Biji Ganja, ciri-cirinya: berbentuk bulat, kecil-kecil.
ciri-ciri fisik pemakai ganja:
Ø Pupil atau biji mata melebar,
Ø Merasa kering mulut; dan tenggrokan,
Ø Sering buang air kecil,
Ø Perhatian terhadap sekeliling berkurang, lamban bereaksi, bersikap apatis dan acuh tak acuh;
Ø Suka menyendiri dan tidak mau memperhatikan norma umum;
Ø Gelisah, tidak tenang, suka mengkhayal, malas, pembohong, tingkah laku dan sikapnya labil;
Ø Keberanian tidak terkontrol, nekat, dan tak mempertimbangkan hambatan dalam mengejar sesuatu yang diinginkan;
Ø Badan kurus kering, pakaian tidak teratur dan tak suka mandi.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Delinquency and Youth Alcohol and Drugs, Judging from Legal Aspects
(Source: Police Resort socialization Ponorogo, 2008.)
A) The offenses often do teens
1) Article 362 of the Criminal Code theft
a) Taking a thing to be owned wholly partially,
b) Against the law.
Threatened maximum penalty of 5 years.
2) Article 368 of the Criminal Code of extortion:
a) Forcing another person by force or threat of force.
b) To give someone else, delete the debt.
Threatened maximum penalty of 5 years.
3) Article 351 of the Criminal Code of persecution.
a) Persecution usual maximum penalty of 2 years 8 months.
b) severe injury, a maximum penalty of 5 years.
c) Death maximum sentence of 7 years.
4) Article 170 of the Criminal Code of beatings.
a) injury, a maximum penalty of 7 years.
b) severe injury, the maximum sentence of 9 years.
c) Death maximum sentence> 9 years.
B) The difference in penalties for drug users
1) Hong Kong, sentenced to 15 years.
2) Japan, the death penalty.
3) South Korea, the death penalty.
4) Thailand, the death penalty.
5) Singapore hanged.
6) Malaysia, hanging.
7) Indonesia, sentenced to 3 months, 28 days.
C) Miras, stem crime
1) Factor: opium, cultural, social, environmental.
2) Type of alcohol: arja, mansen, vodika, new port, cap askew.
D) History of Opium. Western journalist named Peter T. White trace the journey of opium. The area is known for producing opium Khwar Shewa valley, valley Siah second valley from Pakistan; Rajasthan in India; Alfyon in Turkey; Mexico; Tasmania; Golden Triangle (Thailand-Laos border-Myanmar). Morphine is the most important alkoloida opium or opium. The chemical formula C17 H19 HO3 morphine. Morphine comes from the Greek "Morpheus" which means god of dreams. People can die from a dose of 2 mgr per one kilogram of body weight, eg, people who have a body weight of 50 kg would die if injected with 100 grams of morphine. The use of heroin (heroin) is more dangerous because it makes use addictive.Law No. 9 of 1976: "The plant Papaver somniferumL including seeds, fruit, hay, raw opium, opium cooking, medicinal opium, morphine, and pengelolahannya including the type of drug. The maximum penalty for life ".
E) Canabis (Ganja). Marijuana leaf color that is ready dirokok with chopped tobacco leaf color. The difference is, there is no tobacco chopped small nodule like marijuana, dried marijuana name. Resins in the form of frozen named hashish. Processed in the form of oil called cannabis. The characteristics of the cannabis plant, as follows:
1) Type of Ganja, its features: including shrubs, easily grown, and maintenance is not difficult.
2) Stem Ganja, its features: woody, up to 2.5 meters tall.
3) Branches and twigs Ganja, its features: woody but not loud.
4) Age Ganja, its features: wakaupun including plants a year but can reach two years of age.
5) Flowers Ganja, its features: at the age of eight months, cannabis plants have started flowering. In a tree, there is one kind of flower, male or female only. That is why it is classified as a plant ganja married two.
6) Marijuana Leaf, its features: cannabis leaf has a unique shape.Its leaves are always an odd amount, such as 5.7, or 9 strands. Its leaves elongated, serrated leaf edge and pointy toes. Uric leaves lengthwise in the middle of the base to the tip of the leaf. Upper leaf surface smooth and slightly rough bottom.
7) Cannabis Seeds, its features: a round, small.
physical characteristics of cannabis users:
pupils or dilated pupil,
Feeling dry mouth, and tenggrokan,
Frequent urination,
Attention to reduced round, slow to react, be apathetic and indifferent;
Likes alone and did not want to pay attention to the general norm;
Restless, edgy, like delusional, lazy, a liar, unstable behavior and attitudes;
Courage uncontrolled, reckless, and considering the obstacles in the pursuit of something desirable;
emaciated body, irregular wear and do not like to shower.
(Source: Police Resort socialization Ponorogo, 2008.)
A) The offenses often do teens
1) Article 362 of the Criminal Code theft
a) Taking a thing to be owned wholly partially,
b) Against the law.
Threatened maximum penalty of 5 years.
2) Article 368 of the Criminal Code of extortion:
a) Forcing another person by force or threat of force.
b) To give someone else, delete the debt.
Threatened maximum penalty of 5 years.
3) Article 351 of the Criminal Code of persecution.
a) Persecution usual maximum penalty of 2 years 8 months.
b) severe injury, a maximum penalty of 5 years.
c) Death maximum sentence of 7 years.
4) Article 170 of the Criminal Code of beatings.
a) injury, a maximum penalty of 7 years.
b) severe injury, the maximum sentence of 9 years.
c) Death maximum sentence> 9 years.
B) The difference in penalties for drug users
1) Hong Kong, sentenced to 15 years.
2) Japan, the death penalty.
3) South Korea, the death penalty.
4) Thailand, the death penalty.
5) Singapore hanged.
6) Malaysia, hanging.
7) Indonesia, sentenced to 3 months, 28 days.
C) Miras, stem crime
1) Factor: opium, cultural, social, environmental.
2) Type of alcohol: arja, mansen, vodika, new port, cap askew.
D) History of Opium. Western journalist named Peter T. White trace the journey of opium. The area is known for producing opium Khwar Shewa valley, valley Siah second valley from Pakistan; Rajasthan in India; Alfyon in Turkey; Mexico; Tasmania; Golden Triangle (Thailand-Laos border-Myanmar). Morphine is the most important alkoloida opium or opium. The chemical formula C17 H19 HO3 morphine. Morphine comes from the Greek "Morpheus" which means god of dreams. People can die from a dose of 2 mgr per one kilogram of body weight, eg, people who have a body weight of 50 kg would die if injected with 100 grams of morphine. The use of heroin (heroin) is more dangerous because it makes use addictive.Law No. 9 of 1976: "The plant Papaver somniferumL including seeds, fruit, hay, raw opium, opium cooking, medicinal opium, morphine, and pengelolahannya including the type of drug. The maximum penalty for life ".
E) Canabis (Ganja). Marijuana leaf color that is ready dirokok with chopped tobacco leaf color. The difference is, there is no tobacco chopped small nodule like marijuana, dried marijuana name. Resins in the form of frozen named hashish. Processed in the form of oil called cannabis. The characteristics of the cannabis plant, as follows:
1) Type of Ganja, its features: including shrubs, easily grown, and maintenance is not difficult.
2) Stem Ganja, its features: woody, up to 2.5 meters tall.
3) Branches and twigs Ganja, its features: woody but not loud.
4) Age Ganja, its features: wakaupun including plants a year but can reach two years of age.
5) Flowers Ganja, its features: at the age of eight months, cannabis plants have started flowering. In a tree, there is one kind of flower, male or female only. That is why it is classified as a plant ganja married two.
6) Marijuana Leaf, its features: cannabis leaf has a unique shape.Its leaves are always an odd amount, such as 5.7, or 9 strands. Its leaves elongated, serrated leaf edge and pointy toes. Uric leaves lengthwise in the middle of the base to the tip of the leaf. Upper leaf surface smooth and slightly rough bottom.
7) Cannabis Seeds, its features: a round, small.
physical characteristics of cannabis users:
pupils or dilated pupil,
Feeling dry mouth, and tenggrokan,
Frequent urination,
Attention to reduced round, slow to react, be apathetic and indifferent;
Likes alone and did not want to pay attention to the general norm;
Restless, edgy, like delusional, lazy, a liar, unstable behavior and attitudes;
Courage uncontrolled, reckless, and considering the obstacles in the pursuit of something desirable;
emaciated body, irregular wear and do not like to shower.
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