Budaya Thailand, Naga sebagai Simbol Air/ Thailand Culture, Water Dragon as Symbol FOR GENERAL SOSIOLOGY
Budaya Thailand, Naga sebagai Simbol Air
(Sumber: Air di Negara Asia Pasifik, Ekologi. Asia/ Pacific Culture Centre for UNESCO. Asian/ Pacific Copublication Programme.)
Di Thailand, air merupakan pusat dari semua aspek kehidupan. Masyarakatnya sudah lama membangun rumah dan komunitas di sepanjang bantaran sungai. Mereka menggunakan air sebagai sarana lalu lintas. Mereka juga memiliki pasar terapung dengan perahu kecil sebagai kedainya. Pedagang akan menawarkan apa saja yang mungkin Anda butuhkan, sayur mayor yang berwarna warni, bunga indah dan gulungan kain yang tampak cerah dalam sinar matahari dan berpantulan di atas air. Air adalah sumber hidup, pusat dari segala sesuatu di bumi ini sehingga terdapat banyak legenda dan kisah berkaitan dengan air.
Naga adalah sejenis ular besar dalam dongeng yang muncul karena adanya persatuan manusia dengan air. Orang Thailand menggunakan naga untuk meramalkan beberapa banyak air yang tersedia setiap tahun. Air berlimpah artinya hanya sedikit naga yang menahan air di tahun itu. Adanya musim kemarau adalah karena banyak naga menahan air dan menyimpan di dalam perut mereka.
Di antara sekian banyak naga, yang amat terkenal adalah Wasuki, raja ular raksasa. Kerajaannya di sebut Nakkhalok dan dibangun di bawah air. Ibukota kerajaan dikelilingi oleh dinding emas mengilat dan bebatuan yang sangat indah.
Anantanagaraj adalah naga berkepala banyak yang tidak dapat mati. Sosok Anantanagaraj dapat dilihat pada ambang pintu rumah dan candi. Patung Naga sering mengapit anak tangga di candi. Anantanagaraj lebih popular disebut “Naga berkepala banyak” yang hidupnya diyakini “abadi”, sosok dan dikisahkannya umumnya dijumpai di legenda dan kitab rohani. Menurut legenda, suatu ketika Anantanagaraj melihat Dewa Siwa sedang menari. Dia sangat terpesona menyaksikan sehingga ingin menyaksikan tarian itu lagi. Sampai syaratnya, dia harus bertapa selama seribu tahun sampai dia dan dewa lainnya, manusia dan iblis dapat menyaksikan Dewa Siwa menari kembali.
Dalam literature Pali, yang mengisahkan tentang kehidupan Buddha, Naga dilukiskan sebagai penganut Buddha.
Ular kobra raksasa Musilinda, yang sering dilukiskan menaungi Buddha yang sedang bertapa, juga berupa seekor naga. Pada suatu hari, musuh Buddha membuat badai tujuh hari untuk menghalangi terpancarnya rahmat Buddha. Namun, tubuh ular itu menjadi sebuah kursi singgasana dan ia menjulurkan ketujuh kepalanya di atas kepala Buddha untuk melindungi dari badai sehingga Buddha dapat meneruskan pertapaannya.
Dalam hikayat kuno yang lain, seekor Naga menggunakan kekuatan magis untuk mengubah diri menjadi manusia dan dikukuhkan menjadi pendeta. Suatu hari, sang pendeta merasa sangat mengantuk sehingga kembali lagi ke bentuk aslinya yaitu naga. Teman sesama pendeta menyaksikannya lalu melaporkan hal itu kepada sang Buddha. Pendeta naga itu pun harus menanggalkan gelar kependetaannya karena hanya manusia sajalah makhluk yang boleh menjadi pendeta. Dengan kesedihan yang mendalam, naga memohon satu permintaan kepada Buddha. Dia meminta agar namanya sebagai Naga dianugerahkan kepada setiap calon pendeta sebagai peringatan bahwa dia pernah menjadi pendeta. Sang Buddha setuju. Demikian, sampai hari ini nama “Naga” menjadi sebutan bagi calon pendeta Buddha.
Ada juga kisah tentang Naga yang menghubungkan bumi dan surge. Hal ini dapat dilihat sesudah hujan turun ketika matahari kembali bersinar dan lengkungan besar pelangi muncul di langit. Ujung pelangi itu menghisap air dari bumi naik ke surge dan melepaskannya lagi sebagai curahan hujan. Dalam dunia arsitektur, hubungan antara surge dan bumi kerap kali dilambangkan oleh kelompok anak-anak tangga yang sering diukir dalam bentuk naga.
Naga melambangkan keyakinan umat manusia kepada air yang membawa kesuburan dan kemakmuran bagi semua makhluk di atas bumi.
Naga dipandang sebagai symbol air. Orang Thailand percaya bahwa Naga memberi air bagi manusia. Banyaknya air tergantung pada jumlah naga yang menyediakan air.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Thailand Culture, Water Dragon as Symbol
(Source: State of Water in Asia Pacific, Ecology. Asia / Pacific Culture Centre for UNESCO. Asian / Pacific Copublication Programme.)
In Thailand, water is central to all aspects of life. Communities have long built homes and communities along the banks of the river. They use water as a means of traffic. They also have a small boat floating market as stores. Merchants will offer just about anything you might need, a major vegetable colorful, beautiful flowers and bolts of fabric that looks bright in the sunlight and berpantulan on the water. Water is the source of life, the center of everything in this world so there are many legends and stories associated with water.
The dragon is a kind of large snakes in the story that comes from the union of man with water. Thai people use the dragon to foresee some more water available each year. Abundant water means little dragon that hold water in that year. The existence of the dry season is because many dragons hold water and store in their stomachs.
Among the many dragons, a very famous Wasuki, giant king snake.Kingdom called Nakkhalok and built under water. Royal capital surrounded by a wall of gleaming gold and stones are very beautiful.
Anantanagaraj is many-headed dragon that can not die.Anantanagaraj figure can be seen in the doorway of the house and temple. Dragon Statue often flanking temple stairs. Anantanagaraj more popularly referred to as "many-headed dragon" whose life is believed to be "immortal", the figure and dikisahkannya generally found in legends and spiritual books. According to legend, one day Anantanagaraj saw Shiva dancing. He was so fascinated watching so want to see the dance again. Until condition, he should be imprisoned for a thousand years until he and the other gods, humans and demons can watch the dancing Shiva again.
In Pali literature, which tells about the life of Buddha, depicted as a Buddhist Dragon.
Musilinda giant cobra, which is often portrayed sheltering Buddha was imprisoned, also in the form of a dragon. One day, the Buddha made the storm the enemy seven days to prevent the emission of grace Buddha. However, the snake's body into a throne, and he stuck his head in the seventh Buddha heads to protect from storms that Buddha can continue hermitage.
In another ancient tale, a dragon uses magical powers to transform themselves into humans and confirmed as a pastor. One day, the pastor felt very sleepy, so go back to its original form is a dragon.Fellow pastor witnessed and reported the matter to the Buddha.Pastor dragon had to abandon his clerical because only human beings alone are allowed to enter the priesthood. With deep sadness, dragon request to invoke a Buddha. He asked that his name as Dragon awarded to each prospective pastor as a reminder that he was once a priest. The Buddha agreed. So, to this day the name "Dragon" became the designation for Buddhist chaplain candidate.
There is also the story of the Dragon which connects earth and surge. It can be seen after the rains when the sun is shining again and the great arch rainbow appeared in the sky. End of the rainbow that sucks water from the earth up to heaven and release it again as rain. In the world of architecture, the relationship between the surge and the earth, often denoted by the rungs are often carved in the form of a dragon.
The dragon symbolizes the belief of mankind to the water that brings fertility and prosperity for all beings on earth.
The dragon is seen as a symbol of water. Thai people believe that the dragon gave water for humans. The amount depends on the amount of water that provides water dragon.
(Source: State of Water in Asia Pacific, Ecology. Asia / Pacific Culture Centre for UNESCO. Asian / Pacific Copublication Programme.)
In Thailand, water is central to all aspects of life. Communities have long built homes and communities along the banks of the river. They use water as a means of traffic. They also have a small boat floating market as stores. Merchants will offer just about anything you might need, a major vegetable colorful, beautiful flowers and bolts of fabric that looks bright in the sunlight and berpantulan on the water. Water is the source of life, the center of everything in this world so there are many legends and stories associated with water.
The dragon is a kind of large snakes in the story that comes from the union of man with water. Thai people use the dragon to foresee some more water available each year. Abundant water means little dragon that hold water in that year. The existence of the dry season is because many dragons hold water and store in their stomachs.
Among the many dragons, a very famous Wasuki, giant king snake.Kingdom called Nakkhalok and built under water. Royal capital surrounded by a wall of gleaming gold and stones are very beautiful.
Anantanagaraj is many-headed dragon that can not die.Anantanagaraj figure can be seen in the doorway of the house and temple. Dragon Statue often flanking temple stairs. Anantanagaraj more popularly referred to as "many-headed dragon" whose life is believed to be "immortal", the figure and dikisahkannya generally found in legends and spiritual books. According to legend, one day Anantanagaraj saw Shiva dancing. He was so fascinated watching so want to see the dance again. Until condition, he should be imprisoned for a thousand years until he and the other gods, humans and demons can watch the dancing Shiva again.
In Pali literature, which tells about the life of Buddha, depicted as a Buddhist Dragon.
Musilinda giant cobra, which is often portrayed sheltering Buddha was imprisoned, also in the form of a dragon. One day, the Buddha made the storm the enemy seven days to prevent the emission of grace Buddha. However, the snake's body into a throne, and he stuck his head in the seventh Buddha heads to protect from storms that Buddha can continue hermitage.
In another ancient tale, a dragon uses magical powers to transform themselves into humans and confirmed as a pastor. One day, the pastor felt very sleepy, so go back to its original form is a dragon.Fellow pastor witnessed and reported the matter to the Buddha.Pastor dragon had to abandon his clerical because only human beings alone are allowed to enter the priesthood. With deep sadness, dragon request to invoke a Buddha. He asked that his name as Dragon awarded to each prospective pastor as a reminder that he was once a priest. The Buddha agreed. So, to this day the name "Dragon" became the designation for Buddhist chaplain candidate.
There is also the story of the Dragon which connects earth and surge. It can be seen after the rains when the sun is shining again and the great arch rainbow appeared in the sky. End of the rainbow that sucks water from the earth up to heaven and release it again as rain. In the world of architecture, the relationship between the surge and the earth, often denoted by the rungs are often carved in the form of a dragon.
The dragon symbolizes the belief of mankind to the water that brings fertility and prosperity for all beings on earth.
The dragon is seen as a symbol of water. Thai people believe that the dragon gave water for humans. The amount depends on the amount of water that provides water dragon.
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