Menyelamatkan Danau Dal dari Kepunahan di Kashmir/ Save Dal lake from extinction in Kashmir FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Menyelamatkan Danau Dal dari Kepunahan di Kashmir
(Sumber: Asia/ Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO. Asian/ Pacific Co publication Programe. Air di Negara Asia Psifik. Ekologi.)
Aku hidup di sebuah kota yang bernama Srinagar, ibukota Kashmir.
Kami berada jauh di ketinggian pegunungan, dan lembah Kashmir merupakan salah satu tempat terindah di bumi yang menjadi sumber inspirasi para penyair dan pelukis selama berabad-abad. Di tengah Srinagar terdapat sebuah dana besar yang berkilauan yang disebut sebagai mahkota permata dari lembah Kashmir. Inilah Danau Dal yang menarik pengembara dan wisatawan datang ke Kashmir selama beratus-ratus tahun. Tetapi kini lambat laun sedang menghadapi kematiannya akibat campur tangan manusia. Di bawah air yang pernah sejernih Kristal itu berdetik ‘bom waktu’ yang mengancam lingkungan. Usaha drastic harus dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan danau itu dari kematiannya.
Selama bertahun-tahun Danau Dal secara bertahap disesaki oleh pembangunan dan menjadi tempat pembuangan sampah rumah tangga dan limbah hotel di sekitarnya. Danau ini juga dilabuhi sekitar 200 rumah kapal indah yang rutin membuang sampah dan cairan dari tangki kapal, langsung ke dalam danau. Danau Dal juga dikotori oleh longsoran tanah dari bukit sekitarnya. Proses yang disebut siltasi menyebabkan penyusutan danau. Pada tahun 1847, luas dana itu 48 kilometer persegi, tetapi sekrang 15 kilometer persegi.
Limbah yang mengalir ke dalam danau menyebabkan bertambah tumbuhnya ganggang yang mengubah air yang semula jernih menjadi merah pudar. Adanya ganggang ini menyebabkan orang tak dapat lagi minum air danau dan populasi ikan yang pernah berkembang pesat di dalamnya berkurang.
Pada tahun 1993, dilakukan pertemuan darurat oleh Dewan Pengawas Polusi yang memutuskan harus dilakukan tindakan untuk mengawasi pertumbuhan jamur, rumput air liar, dan bakteri di dalam danau. Sumber utama polusi biologis di danau itu berasal dari buangan domestic. Mereka memutuskan untuk secara mekanis “menyiangi” danau itu guna membuang kelebihan tumbuhan lain dari danau, hasil penyiangan digunakan sebagai pupuk untuk Taman Moghul yang terkenal. Program penanaman pohon besar-besaran dicanangkan untuk menghentikan longsoran tanah dari bukit yang gundul ke dalam danau. Bangunan yang tidak sah di tepi danau dibongkar, termasuk juga penanam sayuran yang diimau untuk pindah dari sekitar danau karena dianggap termasuk sumber utama polusi.
Tiap orang Kashimir sekarang mendukung upaya penyelamatan Danau Dal, bahkan kelompok yang selama bertahun-tahun sebelumnya menentang hal itu memutuskan untuk tidak mengganggu usaha pelestarian danau itu. Barangkali dengan usaha baik dan tekad semua orang, Kashmir dapat mengembalikan Danau Dal menjadi sebuah tempat yang indah berkilau dan asri lingkungan.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Save Dal lake from extinction in Kashmir
(Source: Asia / Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO. Asian / Pacific Co. publication programe. Water in the Pacific Asian countries. Ecology.)
I live in a city called Srinagar, capital of Kashmir.
We were away at the height of the mountains, and the valley of Kashmir is one of the most beautiful places on earth is the source of inspiration for poets and painters for centuries. In the middle of Srinagar there is a large fund called the glittering crown jewel of the valley of Kashmir. This is an exciting Dal Lake nomads and tourists coming to Kashmir for hundreds of years. But now being slowly dying due to human intervention. Under the crystal-clear water that ever was ticking 'time bombs' that threaten the environment.Enterprises drastic must be done to save the lake of death.
Over the years the Dal Lake is gradually being crowded by development and disposal of household waste and sewage in the vicinity. The lake is also dilabuhi about 200 houses beautiful ships that routinely dispose of liquid waste and tank vessel, directly into the lake. Dal lake is also polluted by landslides from the surrounding hills. Process called siltation caused shrinkage lake. In 1847, broad money was 48 square kilometers, but sekrang 15 square kilometers.
Sewage flowing into the lake causing increased growth of algae that turns the water initially clear to red fade. The existence of these algae can cause people no longer drink the lake water and fish populations once thrived in them decreases.
In 1993, conducted an emergency meeting by the Board of Trustees Pollution decided to do action to control the growth of fungi, wild water grass, and bacteria in the lake. The main source of biological pollution in the lake comes from domestic waste. They decided to mechanically "weeding out" the lake to get rid of excess other plants of the lake, the weeding is used as fertilizer for the famous Moghul Gardens. Tree planting program launched massive to stop landslides from barren hillside into the lake. Unauthorized buildings demolished by the lake, as well as vegetable growers diimau to move from around the lake because they include the main sources of pollution.
Each person Kashimir now supports rescue efforts Dal Lake, even that group for many years before deciding to oppose it does not interfere with the lake's conservation efforts. Perhaps with good effort and determination all, Kashmir Dal Lake can return to a place that beautiful shiny and beautiful environment.
(Source: Asia / Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO. Asian / Pacific Co. publication programe. Water in the Pacific Asian countries. Ecology.)
I live in a city called Srinagar, capital of Kashmir.
We were away at the height of the mountains, and the valley of Kashmir is one of the most beautiful places on earth is the source of inspiration for poets and painters for centuries. In the middle of Srinagar there is a large fund called the glittering crown jewel of the valley of Kashmir. This is an exciting Dal Lake nomads and tourists coming to Kashmir for hundreds of years. But now being slowly dying due to human intervention. Under the crystal-clear water that ever was ticking 'time bombs' that threaten the environment.Enterprises drastic must be done to save the lake of death.
Over the years the Dal Lake is gradually being crowded by development and disposal of household waste and sewage in the vicinity. The lake is also dilabuhi about 200 houses beautiful ships that routinely dispose of liquid waste and tank vessel, directly into the lake. Dal lake is also polluted by landslides from the surrounding hills. Process called siltation caused shrinkage lake. In 1847, broad money was 48 square kilometers, but sekrang 15 square kilometers.
Sewage flowing into the lake causing increased growth of algae that turns the water initially clear to red fade. The existence of these algae can cause people no longer drink the lake water and fish populations once thrived in them decreases.
In 1993, conducted an emergency meeting by the Board of Trustees Pollution decided to do action to control the growth of fungi, wild water grass, and bacteria in the lake. The main source of biological pollution in the lake comes from domestic waste. They decided to mechanically "weeding out" the lake to get rid of excess other plants of the lake, the weeding is used as fertilizer for the famous Moghul Gardens. Tree planting program launched massive to stop landslides from barren hillside into the lake. Unauthorized buildings demolished by the lake, as well as vegetable growers diimau to move from around the lake because they include the main sources of pollution.
Each person Kashimir now supports rescue efforts Dal Lake, even that group for many years before deciding to oppose it does not interfere with the lake's conservation efforts. Perhaps with good effort and determination all, Kashmir Dal Lake can return to a place that beautiful shiny and beautiful environment.
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