Darimana Datangnya buih putih di atas Ombak? Mengapa Laut kadang-kadang “mengamuk”?/ Where did the coming of the white foam on the waves? Why sea sometimes "berserk"? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Darimana Datangnya buih putih di atas Ombak? Mengapa Laut kadang-kadang “mengamuk”?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Darimana Datangnya buih putih di atas ombak.
Pada saat laut bergerak atau asaat terjadi badai, terlihatlah butiran busa yang terang di atas ombak. Butiran itu adalah titik air yang mengkilap dan berkilau oleh cahaya. Biasanya titik air itu disebut buih. Angin merobek ombak yang lunak terus menerus dan memutar butiran air ke atas. Pada saat laut tenang, buih pun menghilang. Saat ini, banyak laut yang tercemar oleh limbah, minyak, dan racun. Garis ombak pun berwarna agak abu-abu atau kuning. Keadan itu sudah tidak indah lagi, bahkan berbahaya bagi makhluk hidup.
B) Mengapa laut Kadang-kadang “mengamuk”?
Laut mengamuk karena ada badai. Main kuat angin bertiup, makin tinggi gelombang laut yang diakibatkannya. Kecepatan angin yang mencapai 100 km/ jam bisa membuat air bergerak dengan hebat. Dengan demikian, terbentuklah lembah air yang sangat dalam di antara dua garis gelombang. Lembah itu bisa mencapai ke dalaman 5 meter. Pada saat terjadinya badai, lembah air yang terbentuk di antara gelombang mencapai kedalaman 20 meter. Gedung bertingkat delapan pun bisa tenggelam. Badai yang terjadi di dekat pantai terbuka sangat berbahaya. Ayunan badai di atas laut mengakibatkan terjadinya ombak yang sangat tinggi. Tidak ada yang bisa menghalanginya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Where did the coming of the white foam on the waves? Why seasometimes "berserk"?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Where did the advent of the white foam on the waves.
At the time of moving or asaat sea storms, terlihatlah bright granularfoam on the waves. Granules that is the shiny and sparkling waterby light. Usually the water droplets are called scum. The wind torethe soft waves rotate continuously and water droplets upward. At thesea was calm, the froth disappears. Today, many sea polluted bysewage, oil, and toxins. Lines colored waves rather gray or yellow.Objec that was not beautiful anymore, even dangerous for living.
B) Why is the sea Sometimes "berserk"?
Because there is a storm raging sea. Main stronger the wind blows,the higher the resulting waves. Wind speeds reaching 100 km / hcan make the water move with great. Thus, it becomes very deepwater basin between two lines of waves. The valley can be reached to depths of 5 meters. At the time of the storm, the water formed in the valley between the waves reached a depth of 20 meters. Eight-storey building could sink. The storm that occurred near the open coast is very dangerous. Swings storm at sea resulted in very highwaves. No one can stop him.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Where did the advent of the white foam on the waves.
At the time of moving or asaat sea storms, terlihatlah bright granularfoam on the waves. Granules that is the shiny and sparkling waterby light. Usually the water droplets are called scum. The wind torethe soft waves rotate continuously and water droplets upward. At thesea was calm, the froth disappears. Today, many sea polluted bysewage, oil, and toxins. Lines colored waves rather gray or yellow.Objec that was not beautiful anymore, even dangerous for living.
B) Why is the sea Sometimes "berserk"?
Because there is a storm raging sea. Main stronger the wind blows,the higher the resulting waves. Wind speeds reaching 100 km / hcan make the water move with great. Thus, it becomes very deepwater basin between two lines of waves. The valley can be reached to depths of 5 meters. At the time of the storm, the water formed in the valley between the waves reached a depth of 20 meters. Eight-storey building could sink. The storm that occurred near the open coast is very dangerous. Swings storm at sea resulted in very highwaves. No one can stop him.
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