Bagaimana terjadinya Bukit Pasir? Mengapa Karang di bawah laut bergaris-garis?/ How the Sand Hills? Why an underwater coral striped? FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Bagaimana terjadinya Bukit Pasir? Mengapa Karang di bawah laut bergaris-garis?
(sumber: Rosda Group.1994. Ensiklopedi Laut dan Samudera. Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) Bagaimana Terjadinya Bukit Pasir?
Di pantai, angin bertiup dari laut ke daratan. Angin yang kuat dengan mudah menerbangkan butiran pasir di pantai sampai tinggi. Jika bertemu dengan penghalang seperti bukit atau semak-semak, kekuatan angin menjadi berkurang. Butiran pasir pun berjatuhan dan saling menumpuk. Dengan demikian, terbentuklah sebuah bukit pasir. Di atas bukit pasir di pantai tumbuh tanaman liar. Akar tanaman itu menancap dengan kuat ke dalam pasir. Akan tetapi ada juga tanaman yang sengaja ditanam orang untuk pertahanan bukit pasir tersebut. Di daerah padang pasir, seperti Sahara, juga ada bukit dan gunung pasir. Karena tidak ada yang menghalangi tiupan angin, bukti pasir di sana bisa berpindah-pindah.
B) Mengapa Karang di Bawah Laut Bergaris-garis?
Ketika laut menggenangi suatu wilayah pada jutaan tahun yang lalu, bertumpuklah pasir dan sisa binatang laut yang mati dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Tumpukan itu bisa mencapai 100 meter tingginya. Biasanya, tumpukan itu disebut batu endapan atau batu berlapis. Beban berat lapisan di atsnya dan tekanan air membuat tumpukan itu mengeras menjadi batu. Ketika laut tidak menggenangi daerah itu lagi, batu endapannya tertinggal dalam keadaan tanpa perlindungan. Kemudian, ada bagian batuan itu yang mengelupas. Oleh karena itu, tampaklah setiap lapisan berupa garis dengan warna yang berbeda.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
How the Sand Hills? Why an underwater coral striped?
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) How occurrence Bukit Pasir?
On the beach, the wind blowing from the sea to the mainland.Strong winds easily blow away sand on the beach to high. If met with obstructions such as hills or bushes, wind power is reduced.The grains of sand falling over each other to accumulate. Thus, it becomes a dune. On top of the sand dunes at the beach growingweeds. Plant roots firmly embedded in the sand. But there are alsodeliberately planted the crop for the defense of the sand dunes. Inthe desert, like the Sahara, there are also hills and mountains of sand. Because nothing is blocking the wind, sand proof there could be on the move.
B) Why Underwater Coral Striped-line?
When the sea flooded the region millions of years ago,bertumpuklah sand and residual marine animals die in very large numbers. The pile can reach 100 feet in height. Typically, it is calleda rock pile or rock layered sediments. Heavy burden on atsnya layerand the water pressure makes it hardened into rock piles. When thesea is not inundate that area again, rock sediment left in the state without the protection. Then, there is a section of rock that is peeling. Therefore, behold, each layer in the form of a line with a different color.
(source: Rosda Group.1994. Encyclopedia of Marine and Ocean.Jakarta: PT Rosda Jayaputra.)
A) How occurrence Bukit Pasir?
On the beach, the wind blowing from the sea to the mainland.Strong winds easily blow away sand on the beach to high. If met with obstructions such as hills or bushes, wind power is reduced.The grains of sand falling over each other to accumulate. Thus, it becomes a dune. On top of the sand dunes at the beach growingweeds. Plant roots firmly embedded in the sand. But there are alsodeliberately planted the crop for the defense of the sand dunes. Inthe desert, like the Sahara, there are also hills and mountains of sand. Because nothing is blocking the wind, sand proof there could be on the move.
B) Why Underwater Coral Striped-line?
When the sea flooded the region millions of years ago,bertumpuklah sand and residual marine animals die in very large numbers. The pile can reach 100 feet in height. Typically, it is calleda rock pile or rock layered sediments. Heavy burden on atsnya layerand the water pressure makes it hardened into rock piles. When thesea is not inundate that area again, rock sediment left in the state without the protection. Then, there is a section of rock that is peeling. Therefore, behold, each layer in the form of a line with a different color.
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