Udara pada Bola Bumi/ The air on Earth Ball FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Udara pada Bola Bumi
(Sumber: Sregar, MS. 1991. Udara Dalam Kehidupan Bandung: KaryaIndah.)
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita sering mendengarkan kata udara. Padahal bentuk dan wujud udara itu tidak dapat kita lihat dengan mata telanjang. Namun demikian, sesungguhnya udara itu ada di sekelling kita. Bahkan dapat dikatakan bahwa mutlak bagi kehidupan kita. Tanpa udara tidak mungkin kita dapat hidup di muka bumi.
Tuhan memang Maha Aung. Dia Maha Kuasa yang menciptakan seluruh isi alam ini. ciptaanNya dapat berupa benda mati maupun makhluk hidup. Dapat pula berupa benda yang dapat kita lihat maupun benda yang tidak dapat kita lihat. Semua ciptaan-Nya itu sesungguhnya ada dan diperuntukkan bagi kehidupan makhluk di ala mini.
Salah satu benda ciptaan-Nya yang tidak dapat kita lihat adalah udara. Udara terdapat di seluh permukaan bola bumi. Adanya udara itu dapat kita ketahui dengan melihat akibat-akibat yang ditimbulkannya.
Pernahkah kalian mendengar orang mengatakan udara pengap? Pada saat itu kita merasakan tidak ada hembusan, bukan? Biasanya keadaan itu kita rasakan ketika suasana mendung. Kita merasa pengap maupun dingin karena adanya perubahan udara. Perubahan udara itu sangat erat hubungannya dengan perubahan cuaca. Itulah sebabnya, kalian jangan beranggapan bahwa udara itu hanya berupa angin yang kita kenal sehari-hari. Angin hanyalah merupakan bagian udara yang mengalir. Aliran udara itu terjadi karena adanya perbedaan tekanan udara di suatu tempat. Yaitu dari daerah yang bertekanan udara tinggi ke daerah bertekanan udara rendah.
Di atas sudah kita katakana bahwa udara itu mutlak bagi kehidupan kita makhluk hidup lainnya. Untuk bernapas kita membutuhkan udara. Untuk menyalakan api kita juga memerlukan udara. Terjadinya hujan berkaitan erat dengan udara. Bahkan dapat kita pastikan, tanpa udara tidak mungkin ada kehidupan makhluk ala mini.
Udara yang menyelimuti bola bumi ini kita sebut atmosfer. Atmosfer berasal dari kata atmo dan sfera. Atmo berarti udara dan sfera artinya lapisan. Jadi atmosfer, kta sebut juga lapisan udara. Tebalnya tidak kurang dari 1000 kilometer di atas permukaan bumi.
Coba kalian bayangkan, betapa tebalnya lapisan udara itu. Namun demikian, kerapatan udara itu tidak sama dibeberapa tempat. Itulah sebabnya udara itu masih terbagi dalam beberapa lapisan. Pembagian lapisan udara didasarkan menurut suhu dan ketinggiannya. Makin tinggi suatu tempat dari permukaan bumi, makin berkurang pula suhu udara. Menurut para ahli, setiap kita naik 1 kilometer dari permukaan bumi, suhu udara berkurang 6,5oC. Namun keadaan itu hanya berlaku hingga ketinggian 15 kilometer dari permukaan bumi. Batas ketinggian udara dari 0 sampai 15 kilometer inilah yang kita sebut troposfer.
Troposfer maksudnya lapisan udara campuran. Di sini semua gas yang terkandung dalam udara bercampur baur. Sehingga pada lapisan ini memungkinkan terjadinya peristiwa cuaca dan iklim.
Ketebalan udara pada troposfer, pun ternyata tidak sama di permukaan bumi. Hal ini disebabkan bentuk bumi tidak bulat benar seperti bola. Tapi bumi kita ini berbentuk bulat lonjong. Bentuk demikian disebut juga ellips. Yaitu pepat pada kedua kutubnya dan agak gembung pada khatulistiwanya. Demikian, troposfer di khatulistiwa ketebalan troposfer mencapai 0 sampai 15 kilomter. Sedangkan di daerah kutub hanya mencapai 0 sampai 9 kilometer dari permukaan bumi.
Lapisan udara di atas troposfer kita sebut stratosfer. Ketebalan lapisan ini mencapai 65 kilometer. Yaitu berada pada ketinggian 15 sampai 80 kilometer di atas permukaan bumi. Pada lapisan ini suhu udara malah semakin tinggi. Hal itu disebabkan pada lapisan ini tidak ada percampuran udara. Dengan demikian gerakan angin juga tidak terjadi. Berarti pada lapisan ini pun tidak terjadi peristiwa cuaca dan iklim.
Di bagian lapisan bawah stratosfer sangat baik digunakan sebagai jalur penerbangan jarak jauh. Tidak hanya gerakan angin memungkinkan pesawat udara mampu terbang dengan kecepatan tetap.
Di bagian lapisan atas stratosfer terdapat ozon. Ozon adalah molekul gas yang terdiri dari tiga atom oksigen. Rumus kimianya biasanya ditulis O3. Daya serap Ozon sangat kuat terhadap ultra violet yang terpancar dari matahari. Begitu pula terhadap sinar kosmis. Sinar kosmis adalah sinar yang daya tembusnya sangat besar, berasal dari matahari. Kedua sinar tersebut sangat berbahaya bagi kita. Jika kita terkena pancarannya, dapat merusak bagian saraf dan jaringan tubuh lainnya. Namun dengan adanya ozon, maka kita dapat terlindung dari pancaran sinar-sinar yang berbahaya itu. Ozonlah yang merupakan perisai bagi kita dari pancaran kedua sinar tersebut.
Lapisan udara atas stratosfer kita sebut ionosfer. Lapisan ini mencapai ketebalan sekitar 920 kilometer. Yaitu pada ketinggian 80 sampai 1000 kilometer di atas permukaan bumi. Ion artinya atom yang bermuatan listrik. Dengan demikian, ionosfer kita sebut juga lapisan udara yang mengandung atom-atom bermuatan listrik.
Pada lapisan ini, atom gas yang ada menjadi bermuatan listrik karena penyinaran matahari. Atom tersebut mengalami proses ionisasi, yaitu proses pembentukan ion-ion. Namun kalau electron yang dilepaskan ketika proses ionisasi bertumbukan kembali dengan ion lain, maka atom itu akan netral. Peristiwa demikian kita sebut juga peristiwa rekombinasi. Re artinya kembali dan kombinasi maksudnya penggabungan. Jadi rekombinasi dapat juga kita katakana sebagai penggabungan kembali.
Udara terdiri dari bermacam-macam gas, seperti gas nitrogen, gas oksigen, gas argon, gas karbon dioksida, dan gas lainnya. Akibatnya, ion-ion yang terbentuk dalam proses ionisasi tentu bermacam-macam pula. Dengan demikian konsentrasi electron pun akan berbeda-beda di dalam udara. Keadaan semacam ini terutama ditemukan di dalam ionosfer.
Itlah sebabnya, ionosfer masih dapat dibagi menjadi empat lapisa. Pembagian lapisan itu didasarkan atas perbedaan konsentrasi electron yang dikandungnya. Lapisan tersebut kita namakan lapisan D, E, F, dan lapisan F2.
Lapisan D berada pada ketinggian 80 sampai 100 kilometer. Suhu udara pada lapisan ini mencapai 80OC.
Lapisan E berada pada ketinggian 100 sampai 200 kilometer. Suhu udara pada lapisan ini mencapai 600OC.
Lapisan F1 terdapat pada ketinggian 200 sampai 400 kilometer. Suhu udara pada lapisan ini diperkirakan mencapai 1,000oC.
Lapisan F2 berada pada ketinggian 400 sampai 100 kilometer. Suhu udara pada lapisan ini sudah melebihi 1000OC.
Perlu kalian ketahui bahwa pembagian lapisan tersebut sebetulnya tidak mempunyai batas yang tegas. Adanya pembatas ketinggian lapisan tersebut hanyalah merupakan perkiraan para ahli.
Apakah kegunaan ionosfer bagi kehidupan kita? Banyak sekali manfaat ionosfer bagi kehidupan kita. Walaupun lapisan ini tidak langsung menyentuh kehidupan kita. Namun adanya ionosfer memungkinkan kita dapat bertahan hidup di muka bumi ini. Begitu pula, dengan adanya ionosfer memungkinan manusia dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan dan teknologinya. Terutama pengembangan pengetahuan di bidang teknologi radio dan telekomunikasi.
Di atas sudah kita ketahui bahwa bagian atas stratosfer dapat menyerap sinar ultra violet dari matahari maupun sinar kosmis. Sebetulnya selain sinar ultra violet, sinar matahari juga memancarkan sinar-sinar lain yang juga berbahaya. Yaitu sinar gamma dan sinar X. bahkan kedua sinar ini mempunyai daya tembus yang lebih besar dari pada sinar ultra violet. Berarti sinar gamma maupun sinar X jauh lebih berbahaya lagi daripada sinar ultra violet bagi kita. Namun kedua sinar tersebut, sebelum memasuki stratosfer sudah terserap oleh ionosfer. Dengan demikian, kita sebagai makhluk hidup di bumi ini dapat terhindar dari pancaran sinar-sinar itu. Itulah salah satu manfaat ionosfer bagi kita. Yakni dapat berfungsi sebagai perisai untuk kelanjutan kehidupan makhluk hidup di bumi ini.
Selain itu, ionosfer juga dapat berfungsi sebagai pemantul gelombang radio ke muka bumi ini. Cobalah kalian perhatikan sebuah radio! Pada bagian depannya akan terlihat tulisan angka-angka yang menunjukkan panjang gelombang radio teresebut. Dengan menempatkan jarum penunjuk pada salah satu angka tertentu, kita dapat mendengarkan siaran radio. Padahal jarak antara radio yang kita putar dengan stasiun pemancarnya berjauhan.
Mengapa kita dapat mendengar siaran radio itu? Hal ini dimungkinkan karena gelombang radio dari stasiun pemancar ada yang memantulkan. Yaitu lapisan ionosfer. Pantulan gelombang itu ditujukan kembali ke muka bumi.
Gelombang radio dapat dibagi dalam tiga golongan. Yaitu gelombang panjang, gelombang menengah, dan gelombang pendek.
Gelombang panjang (LW= long wave) yaitu gelombang panjangnya natara 1.000 sampai 10.000 meter. Gelomabg menengah (MW=Medium Wave) yaitu gelombang yang panjangnya antara 200 sampai 1.00 meter. Sedangkan gelombang pendek (SW=Short wave) yaitu gelombang yang panjangnya antara 10 sampai 200 meter.
Gelombang pendek dapat pula dibagi dalam tiga golongan. Pembagian golongan ini kita kenal dengan istilah SW1, SW2, dan SW3. SW1mempunyai panjang gelombang antara 10 meter sampai 50 meter. SW2mempunyai panjang gelombang antara 50 sampai 100 meter. Sedangkan SW3mempunyai panjang gelombang antara 100 sampai 200 meter.
Pada siang hari gelombang panjang akan dipantulkan oleh lapisan D dan permukaan bumi. Sedangkan pada malam hari lapisan D menghilang. Dengan demikian patnulan gelombang panjang terjadi antara lapisan E dan permukaan bumi. Namun pantulan tersebut sangat lemah dan tidak teratur. Itulah sebabnya siaran radio banyak mengalami gangguan pada malam hari jika menggunakan gelombang panjang.
Gelombang menengah dapat dipantulkan oleh lapisan D dan E. sedangkan gelombang pendek dapat dipantulkan oleh lapisan F1 dan F2. Jika gelombang pendek yang berupa SW1 jatuh tegak lurus pada ionosfer tidak akan dipantulkan. Tapi delombang tersebut akan diteruskan ke angkasa. Gelombang demikian kita sebut gelombang angkasa. Jadi gelombang pendek yang dapat dipantulkan hanyalah gelombang yang jatuh mirip terhadap ionosfer.
Kadang-kadang kita mendengar siaran radio di suatu tempat kurang baik. Namun di tempat yang lebih jauh siaran radio tersebut dapat kita dengan lebih jelas. Mengapa demikian? Hal itu disebabkan stasiun pemancar radio juga memancarkan gelombang yang sejajar dengan permukaan bumi. Gelombang ini disebut gelombang tanah. Tanah dapat menyerap gelombang dengan cepat, sehingga tidak dapat mencapai jarak jauh. Itulah sebabnya di sekitar pemancar terdapat daerah yang dapat menerima langsung siaran radio itu. Tapi daerah yang lebih jauh tidak dapat menerima siaran. Daerah inilah yang dimaksud daerah sunyi. Daerah sunyi terdapat pada tempat yang tidak menerima pantulan gelombang tanah maupun gelombang oleh ionosfer.
Bagaimana dengan gelombang televise? Gelombang televise tidak dapat dipantulkan lagi oleh ionosfer. Sebab gelombang televise tergolong gelombang mikro (Mikro Waves). Yaitu gelombang yang panjangnya antara 1 sampai 10 meter. Namun gelombang ini sangat mudah di arahkan dan dipantulkan oleh benda-benda padat. Itulah sebabnya untuk memantulkan gelombang ini digunakan satelit buatan di bumi. Satelit maksudnya adalah benda yang selalu bergerak mengitari planet bumi.
Kita mengetahui bahwa Indonesia memiliki satelit buatan, yaitu satelit Palapa. Adanya satelit palapa memungkinkan kita dapat menerima siaran langsung acara televisi dari jarak jauh. Seperti siaran-siaran olah raga maupun siaran langsung kunjungan presiden dari luar negeri.
Atomosfer pada ketinggian di atas 1.000 kilometer kita sebut eksofer. Eksofer maksudnya lapisan hampa udara. Lapisan ini kerap juga kita sebut sebagai angkasa luar. Tebalnya tidak terbatas. Pada lapisan ini boleh dikatakan tidak mempunyai udara lagi.
Begitulah keadaan udara pada bola bumi kita ini. Sebagai kesimpulannya dapat kita katakan bahwa semakin ke atas keadaan udara semakin renggang. Hal itu disebabkan adanya pengaruh gravitasi bumi. Gravitasi bumi kita sebut juga gaya tarik bumi. Ternyata gravitasi bumi semakin kecil jika semakin tinggi dari permukaan bumi.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
The air on Earth Ball
(Source: Sregar, MS., 1991. Bandung Indoor Air Life: KaryaIndah.)
In everyday life, we often hear the word air. Though the shape and form of the air that we can not see with the naked eye. However, the fact that the air in our sekelling. It can even be said that absolute for our lives. Without air we may not be able to live on earth.
God is Maha Aung. He is the Almighty who created the entire universe. creation can be inanimate objects or living things. Can also be the things that we can see and things we can not see. All his creations were actually there and being destined for life in the style of a mini.
One of the objects of his creation that we can not see is air. The air contained in the surface of the globe seluh. The presence of air that we can know by looking at the consequences resulting therefrom.
Have you ever heard people say fug? At that time we felt there was no blowing, is not it? Usually the circumstances we feel when cloudy atmosphere. We feel stuffy or cold due to a change in the air. Changes in the air was very closely related to climate change. That is why, you should not assume that the air is just a breeze as we know it everyday. Wind is simply a part of the air flow. The air flow was due to the difference in air pressure somewhere. Ie from areas of high air pressure to low air pressure area.
Above we already say that the air is essential for our lives other living creatures.We need air to breathe. To light a fire we also need air. The occurrence of rainfall is closely related to the air. In fact we can be sure, without air there can be no sentient life-style mini.
The air that surrounds this globe we call the atmosphere. The atmosphere is derived from the atmo and Sfera. Atmo means air and Sfera meant lining. So the atmosphere, kta also called air layer. Thickness of not less than 1000 kilometers above the earth's surface.Try you imagine how thick a layer of air. However, the density of the air is not the same in some places. That is why the air was still divided into several layers. The division of air layer is based according to temperature and altitude. The higher the place of the earth's surface, the air temperature decreases as well. According to experts, each of us up 1 kilometer of the Earth's surface, the temperature is reduced 6.5 oC. However, the situation is only applicable to a height of 15 kilometers of the earth's surface. Height limit air from 0 to 15 miles is what we call the troposphere.
Tropospheric layer mean air mixture. Here, all of the gas contained in the air mixed. So at this layer allows the weather and climate events.The thickness of the air in the troposphere, was apparently not the same on the surface of the earth. This is due to the shape of the earth is not round like a ball properly. But our planet is round oval. So called elliptical shape. That pepat on both poles and slightly bulging at the equator. Similarly, the thickness of the troposphere in the equatorial troposphere reaches 0 to 15 kilomter. While in the polar region reached only 0 to 9 kilometers of the earth's surface.
Air layer above the troposphere is called the stratosphere us. The thickness of this layer to 65 kilometers. That is at a height of 15 to 80 kilometers above the earth's surface. In this layer the temperature even higher. That is because the lining is no mixing of air. Thus the movement of the wind did not happen. This means the layer did not occur in weather and climate events.At the bottom layer of the stratosphere is best used as a long-haul flight path. Not only the movement of the wind allows an aircraft capable of flying at a steady pace.At the top layer of stratospheric ozone there. Ozone is a gas molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. Its chemical formula is usually written O3. Ozone is a very strong absorption of the UV emitted from the sun. Similarly, the cosmic rays.Cosmic ray beam power breakdown is very large, comes from the sun. Both rays are very harmful for us. If we hit radiance, can damage the nerves and other tissues. However, the presence of ozone, then we can be shielded from the rays emitted dangerous. Ozonlah which is a shield for us from the second beam light.Air layer above the stratosphere we call the ionosphere. This layer reaches a thickness of about 920 kilometers. Ie at a height of 80 to 1000 kilometers above the earth's surface. Ions are electrically charged atoms means. Thus, we call the ionosphere is also a layer of air containing electrically charged atoms.
In this layer, the gas atoms become electrically charged due to solar radiation.The atoms undergo ionization process, namely the formation of ions. However, if the electrons are released when the ionization process collide again with another ion, the atoms will be neutral. We call such events also recombination events. Re means again and the combination means merging. So we can also say recombination as merging back.
Air is made of a variety of gases, such as nitrogen gas, oxygen gas, argon gas, carbon dioxide, and other gases. As a result, the ions formed in the ionization process would also diverse. Thus the electron concentration will be different in the air. Such a state is mainly found in the ionosphere.Itlah why ionosphere can still be divided into four lapisa. Distribution layer is based on differences in the concentration of electrons they contain. The layer we call layers D, E, F, and F2 layers.
D layer at an altitude of 80 to 100 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer reaches 80oC.
E layer at an altitude of 100 to 200 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer reaches 600oC.
F1 layers are at an altitude of 200 to 400 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer is estimated at 1.000 oC.
F2 layer at an altitude of 400 to 100 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer exceeds 1000OC.
You need to know that the distribution layer does not actually have a clear boundary. The existence of boundary layer height is only an estimate of the experts.
What is purpose of the ionosphere for our lives? There are so many benefits to our lives ionosphere. Although these layers are not directly touch our lives.However, the ionosphere allows us to survive on this earth. Similarly, the presence of the ionosphere allows humans to develop knowledge and technology.Especially the development of knowledge in the field of radio technology and telecommunications.
Above we have seen that the upper stratosphere absorbs ultraviolet light from the sun and cosmic rays. Actually, other than ultra-violet rays, sun rays also emit other harmful. Namely gamma rays and X-rays even the two rays have greater penetrating power than the ultra violet rays. Means gamma rays and X-rays is much more dangerous than ultraviolet light for us. But the two beams, before entering the stratosphere has been absorbed by the ionosphere. Thus, we as living beings on this earth can be protected from the rays emitted. That's one of the benefits of the ionosphere for us. That can serve as a shield for the continuation of our life on this earth.
In addition, the ionosphere can also serve as a reflector of radio waves into the earth. Try you consider a radio! On the future will be seen writing the figures indicate a worn radio wavelengths. By placing the needle on one specific number, we can listen to the radio broadcast. Though the distance between the radio station that we play with the remote transmitter.
Why we can hear the broadcast? This is possible because of the radio wave transmitter station was reflecting. That layer of the ionosphere. The reflection of the wave was directed back to the earth.Radio waves can be divided into three groups. That is a long wave, medium wave and short wave.
Long wave (LW = long wave) is the wave length Natara 1,000 to 10,000 feet.Gelomabg medium (MW = Medium Wave) is the wave-length between 200 to 1:00 meters. While the short-wave (SW = Short wave) is the wave-length between 10 to 200 meters.
Short waves can also be divided into three groups. The division of these groups we are familiar with the term SW1, SW2, and SW3. SW1 has a wavelength of between 10 meters to 50 meters. SW2 has wavelengths between 50 and 100 meters. While SW3 has a wavelength between 100 and 200 meters.
During the day long waves will be reflected by the D layer and the surface of the earth. While at night D layer disappears. Thus patnulan wavelengths occur between layers E and the surface of the earth. But the reflection is very weak and irregular. That's why many experienced radio interference at night when using long wave.
Secondary waves can be reflected by layers D and E. while the short wave could be reflected by F1 and F2 layers. If the form of short wave SW1 fall perpendicular to the ionosphere will not be reflected. But delombang will be forwarded to the sky. Thus we call the wave of wave space. So that could be reflected shortwave is falling like waves on the ionosphere.
Sometimes we hear a radio broadcast in an unfavorable spot. But in the more distant radio broadcasts can we more clearly. Why is that? That is because the radio stations also emit waves parallel to the earth's surface. This wave is called the ground wave. Soil can absorb waves quickly, so it can not reach the remote.That is why there is a region around the transmitter that can receive direct broadcast radio. But the more remote areas can not receive broadcasts. This area is referred to the area deserted. Located on the quiet area where the soil does not receive the reflected waves and waves by the ionosphere.
What about television waves? Television waves can not be reflected again by the ionosphere. For classified televise wave microwave (Micro-Waves). Ie wave length between 1 and 10 meters. But the wave is very easy to navigate and is reflected by solid objects. That is why it is used to reflect the wave of artificial earth satellites. Satellite intention is always to move objects around the planet Earth.
We know that Indonesia has made satellite, the Palapa. The existence of satellites palapa allows us to receive live broadcast television programs remotely.As sports broadcasts and live broadcasts from overseas presidential visits.
Atmosphere, at an altitude of over 1,000 kilometers we call eksofer. Eksofer mean vacuum coating. This layer is often also what we call outer space. Infinite thickness. In this layer has virtually no air again.
That's the state of the air in our globe. In conclusion we can say that the air is getting into the state increasingly tenuous. It was caused by the influence of gravity. Earth's gravity well we call gravity. Apparently gravity gets smaller if the higher of the earth's surface.
(Source: Sregar, MS., 1991. Bandung Indoor Air Life: KaryaIndah.)
In everyday life, we often hear the word air. Though the shape and form of the air that we can not see with the naked eye. However, the fact that the air in our sekelling. It can even be said that absolute for our lives. Without air we may not be able to live on earth.
God is Maha Aung. He is the Almighty who created the entire universe. creation can be inanimate objects or living things. Can also be the things that we can see and things we can not see. All his creations were actually there and being destined for life in the style of a mini.
One of the objects of his creation that we can not see is air. The air contained in the surface of the globe seluh. The presence of air that we can know by looking at the consequences resulting therefrom.
Have you ever heard people say fug? At that time we felt there was no blowing, is not it? Usually the circumstances we feel when cloudy atmosphere. We feel stuffy or cold due to a change in the air. Changes in the air was very closely related to climate change. That is why, you should not assume that the air is just a breeze as we know it everyday. Wind is simply a part of the air flow. The air flow was due to the difference in air pressure somewhere. Ie from areas of high air pressure to low air pressure area.
Above we already say that the air is essential for our lives other living creatures.We need air to breathe. To light a fire we also need air. The occurrence of rainfall is closely related to the air. In fact we can be sure, without air there can be no sentient life-style mini.
The air that surrounds this globe we call the atmosphere. The atmosphere is derived from the atmo and Sfera. Atmo means air and Sfera meant lining. So the atmosphere, kta also called air layer. Thickness of not less than 1000 kilometers above the earth's surface.Try you imagine how thick a layer of air. However, the density of the air is not the same in some places. That is why the air was still divided into several layers. The division of air layer is based according to temperature and altitude. The higher the place of the earth's surface, the air temperature decreases as well. According to experts, each of us up 1 kilometer of the Earth's surface, the temperature is reduced 6.5 oC. However, the situation is only applicable to a height of 15 kilometers of the earth's surface. Height limit air from 0 to 15 miles is what we call the troposphere.
Tropospheric layer mean air mixture. Here, all of the gas contained in the air mixed. So at this layer allows the weather and climate events.The thickness of the air in the troposphere, was apparently not the same on the surface of the earth. This is due to the shape of the earth is not round like a ball properly. But our planet is round oval. So called elliptical shape. That pepat on both poles and slightly bulging at the equator. Similarly, the thickness of the troposphere in the equatorial troposphere reaches 0 to 15 kilomter. While in the polar region reached only 0 to 9 kilometers of the earth's surface.
Air layer above the troposphere is called the stratosphere us. The thickness of this layer to 65 kilometers. That is at a height of 15 to 80 kilometers above the earth's surface. In this layer the temperature even higher. That is because the lining is no mixing of air. Thus the movement of the wind did not happen. This means the layer did not occur in weather and climate events.At the bottom layer of the stratosphere is best used as a long-haul flight path. Not only the movement of the wind allows an aircraft capable of flying at a steady pace.At the top layer of stratospheric ozone there. Ozone is a gas molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. Its chemical formula is usually written O3. Ozone is a very strong absorption of the UV emitted from the sun. Similarly, the cosmic rays.Cosmic ray beam power breakdown is very large, comes from the sun. Both rays are very harmful for us. If we hit radiance, can damage the nerves and other tissues. However, the presence of ozone, then we can be shielded from the rays emitted dangerous. Ozonlah which is a shield for us from the second beam light.Air layer above the stratosphere we call the ionosphere. This layer reaches a thickness of about 920 kilometers. Ie at a height of 80 to 1000 kilometers above the earth's surface. Ions are electrically charged atoms means. Thus, we call the ionosphere is also a layer of air containing electrically charged atoms.
In this layer, the gas atoms become electrically charged due to solar radiation.The atoms undergo ionization process, namely the formation of ions. However, if the electrons are released when the ionization process collide again with another ion, the atoms will be neutral. We call such events also recombination events. Re means again and the combination means merging. So we can also say recombination as merging back.
Air is made of a variety of gases, such as nitrogen gas, oxygen gas, argon gas, carbon dioxide, and other gases. As a result, the ions formed in the ionization process would also diverse. Thus the electron concentration will be different in the air. Such a state is mainly found in the ionosphere.Itlah why ionosphere can still be divided into four lapisa. Distribution layer is based on differences in the concentration of electrons they contain. The layer we call layers D, E, F, and F2 layers.
D layer at an altitude of 80 to 100 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer reaches 80oC.
E layer at an altitude of 100 to 200 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer reaches 600oC.
F1 layers are at an altitude of 200 to 400 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer is estimated at 1.000 oC.
F2 layer at an altitude of 400 to 100 kilometers. The air temperature in this layer exceeds 1000OC.
You need to know that the distribution layer does not actually have a clear boundary. The existence of boundary layer height is only an estimate of the experts.
What is purpose of the ionosphere for our lives? There are so many benefits to our lives ionosphere. Although these layers are not directly touch our lives.However, the ionosphere allows us to survive on this earth. Similarly, the presence of the ionosphere allows humans to develop knowledge and technology.Especially the development of knowledge in the field of radio technology and telecommunications.
Above we have seen that the upper stratosphere absorbs ultraviolet light from the sun and cosmic rays. Actually, other than ultra-violet rays, sun rays also emit other harmful. Namely gamma rays and X-rays even the two rays have greater penetrating power than the ultra violet rays. Means gamma rays and X-rays is much more dangerous than ultraviolet light for us. But the two beams, before entering the stratosphere has been absorbed by the ionosphere. Thus, we as living beings on this earth can be protected from the rays emitted. That's one of the benefits of the ionosphere for us. That can serve as a shield for the continuation of our life on this earth.
In addition, the ionosphere can also serve as a reflector of radio waves into the earth. Try you consider a radio! On the future will be seen writing the figures indicate a worn radio wavelengths. By placing the needle on one specific number, we can listen to the radio broadcast. Though the distance between the radio station that we play with the remote transmitter.
Why we can hear the broadcast? This is possible because of the radio wave transmitter station was reflecting. That layer of the ionosphere. The reflection of the wave was directed back to the earth.Radio waves can be divided into three groups. That is a long wave, medium wave and short wave.
Long wave (LW = long wave) is the wave length Natara 1,000 to 10,000 feet.Gelomabg medium (MW = Medium Wave) is the wave-length between 200 to 1:00 meters. While the short-wave (SW = Short wave) is the wave-length between 10 to 200 meters.
Short waves can also be divided into three groups. The division of these groups we are familiar with the term SW1, SW2, and SW3. SW1 has a wavelength of between 10 meters to 50 meters. SW2 has wavelengths between 50 and 100 meters. While SW3 has a wavelength between 100 and 200 meters.
During the day long waves will be reflected by the D layer and the surface of the earth. While at night D layer disappears. Thus patnulan wavelengths occur between layers E and the surface of the earth. But the reflection is very weak and irregular. That's why many experienced radio interference at night when using long wave.
Secondary waves can be reflected by layers D and E. while the short wave could be reflected by F1 and F2 layers. If the form of short wave SW1 fall perpendicular to the ionosphere will not be reflected. But delombang will be forwarded to the sky. Thus we call the wave of wave space. So that could be reflected shortwave is falling like waves on the ionosphere.
Sometimes we hear a radio broadcast in an unfavorable spot. But in the more distant radio broadcasts can we more clearly. Why is that? That is because the radio stations also emit waves parallel to the earth's surface. This wave is called the ground wave. Soil can absorb waves quickly, so it can not reach the remote.That is why there is a region around the transmitter that can receive direct broadcast radio. But the more remote areas can not receive broadcasts. This area is referred to the area deserted. Located on the quiet area where the soil does not receive the reflected waves and waves by the ionosphere.
What about television waves? Television waves can not be reflected again by the ionosphere. For classified televise wave microwave (Micro-Waves). Ie wave length between 1 and 10 meters. But the wave is very easy to navigate and is reflected by solid objects. That is why it is used to reflect the wave of artificial earth satellites. Satellite intention is always to move objects around the planet Earth.
We know that Indonesia has made satellite, the Palapa. The existence of satellites palapa allows us to receive live broadcast television programs remotely.As sports broadcasts and live broadcasts from overseas presidential visits.
Atmosphere, at an altitude of over 1,000 kilometers we call eksofer. Eksofer mean vacuum coating. This layer is often also what we call outer space. Infinite thickness. In this layer has virtually no air again.
That's the state of the air in our globe. In conclusion we can say that the air is getting into the state increasingly tenuous. It was caused by the influence of gravity. Earth's gravity well we call gravity. Apparently gravity gets smaller if the higher of the earth's surface.
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