Sumber Daya Alam
(Sumber: Asmawati, Puji.1995. Tanya Jawab Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Surakarta: Setiaji.)
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud sumber daya alam? Semua barang atau bahan yang berasal dari alam yang dipergunakan untuk kepentingan manusia.
Ø Sebutkan dua contoh sumber daya alam! Sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbarui dan sumber daya alam yang tak dapat diperbaharui.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud Sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbarui? Sumber daya alam yang jika rusak atau habis dapat diperbarui lagi.
Ø Sebutkan contoh Sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbaruhi! Tumbuhan, hewan, tanah dan air.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud Sumber daya alam yang tak dapat diperbaharui? Sumber daya alam yang jika rusak/ habis tak dapat diperharui lagi.
Ø Sebutkan contoh Sumber daya alam yang tak dapat di diperhaharui! Bermacam-macam jenis logam, minyak bumi, batu bara, dan bahan tambang lainnya.
Ø Apakah cagar alam itu? Tempat untuk melindungi dan melestarikan tumbuhan langka suapaya tidak punah.
Ø Apakah suakamarga satwa itu? Tempat untuk melindungi dan melestarikan satwa langka supaya tidak punah.
Ø Bagaimanakah cara memperharui mata air atau sumber air tanah? Reboisasi.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud reboisasi? Penanaman kembali hutan atau pegnungan yang telah gundul.
Ø Sebutkan enam contoh jenis logam yang bahannya dipergunakan untuk kehidupan manusia sehari-hari! Besi, aluminium, tiimah, emas, tembaga dan nikel.
Ø Dimanakah kita temukan logam? Di dalam kerak bumi.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud mineral? Logam yang terdapat di dalam kerak bumi.
Ø Apakah yang kamu ketahui tentang bijih? Mnineral yang bila diolah masih menguntungkan.
Ø Bagaimana cara mengolah bijih itu? Dengan tanur tinggi yang dipanaskan.
Ø Jelaskan secara singkat cara pengolahan logam besi! Besi dipisahkan dari bijihnya dengan pemanasan memakai tungku dengan suhu yang tinggi. Kemudian disusun secara berlapis-lapis: bijih besi, kokas, dan batu kapur, dan selanjutnya dipanasi dengan suhu yang tinggi.
Ø Bagaimanakah cara menghindari karat pada besi? Dicat atau disepuh vernikel.
Ø Apakah bahan dasar pembuat baja tahan karat? Besi, nikel dan krom.
Ø Apakah bauksit itu? Bijih aluminium.
Ø Apakah kegunaan aluminium? Bahan pembuat alat rumah tangga dan bahan kapal terbang.
Ø Apa yang terjadi bila kaleng digores dengan paku? Pada goresan akan terdapat karat.
Ø Bagaimana agar lempengan besi pada kaleng tidak mudah berkarat? Dilapisi timah.
Ø Mengapa emas termasuk logam mulia? Karena tahan karat dan tidak bereaksi dengan asam.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud dengan karat? Kadar emas dalam suatu barang.
Ø Berapa kadar emas itu?
Ø Hitunglah kadar emas 22 karat?22/24 X100%=91,66%.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud paduan logam? Campuran beberapa logam.
Ø Sebutkan dua contoh paduan logam! Perunggu dan kuningan.
Ø Dari paduan apakah perunggu itu? Tembaga, timah dan seng.
Ø Dari paduan apakah kuningan itu? Tembaga dan seng.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud vernikel itu? Pelapisan barang dengan nikel.
Ø Apakah istilah lain untuk batu bara? Arang batu.
Ø Berikan dua contoh jenis logam yang tahan karat! Nikel dan ema.
Ø Berasal dari apakah minyak bumi itu? Endapan sisa jasad hidup yang telah terpendam berjuta tahun yang lalu.
Ø Bagaimana cara pengambilan minyak bumi? Pengeboran.
Ø Sebutkan hasil pengolahan minyak bumi! Bensol, bensin, minyak tanah, solar, pelumas, aspal dan ter.
Ø Sebutkan kegunaan minyak bumi! Sebagai bahan bakar, bahan pelumas mesin, bahan aspal, bahan plastic dan bahan racun serangga.
Ø Berasal dari apakah batu bara? Sisa tumbuhan pada zaman dahulu yang tertimbun oleh lapisan tanah dalam waktu berjuta tahun.
Ø Apakah kegunaan batu bara? Sebagai bahan bakar.
Ø Bagaimana usaha kita agar sumber daya alam tidak rusak dan tidak cepat habis? Mengatur penggunaan dan menjaga kelestariannya.
Ø Apakah yang menyebabkan pencemaran udara atau polusi udara? Asap pabrik, asap kendaraan.
Ø Mengapa pohon ditanam di tepi jalan diperkotaan? Untuk mengurangi pencemaran udara.
Ø Bagaimana cara mengambil batu bara? Dengan cara menggali dari dalam tanah.
Ø Mengapa batu bara menjadi keras seperti itu? Terkena suhu yang tinggi dan mendapat tekanan yang keras.
Ø Bagaimana jenis batu bara yang baik mutunya? Yang lebih lama terpendang di dalam tanah.
Ø Apakah yang dimaksud kokas itu? Batu bara yang sudah dihilangkan gasnya.
Ø Apakah keuntungan penggunaan batu bara? Panasnya lebih tahan lama di banding bahan bakar lainnya.
Ø Mengapa minyak bumi berupa airan seperti sekarang? Karena terkena temperature yang sangat tinggi dan tekanan yang keras.
Ø Mesin apakah yang menggunakan bahan bakar bensol? Kapal terbang.
Ø Mengapa minyak tanah lebih disenangi untuk bahan bakar dapur daripada bahan bakar lainnya? Mudah di dapat, murah harganya, mudah di simpan.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Natural Resources
(Source: Asmawati, Puji.1995. Realtime Natural Sciences. Surakarta: Setiaji.)
What is a natural resource? All items or ingredients derived from nature which is used for the benefit of mankind.
What are two examples of natural resources? Natural resources and renewable natural resource that can not be renewed.
What is a natural resource that can be updated? Natural resources if damaged or depleted can be updated again.
Identify examples of natural resources that can Replaces! Plants, animals, soil and water.
What is a natural resource that can not be updated? Natural resources if damaged / depleted diperharui can not anymore.
Identify examples of natural resources that can not be in diperhaharui! Various types of metals, petroleum, coal, and other mineral.
Is it a nature reserve? The place to protect and preserve rare plants suapaya not extinct.
Is it suakamarga animals? The place to protect and preserve endangered species that are not extinct.
How to reforming the springs or ground water? Reforestation.
What is reforestation? Reforestation or pegnungan that had been deforested.
Identify six examples of the types of metal material used for human life everyday! Iron, aluminum, tiimah, gold, copper and nickel.
Where we find the metal? In the earth's crust.
What is a mineral? Metals contained in the earth's crust.
Do you know about the ore? Mnineral which when processed is still profitable.
How to process the ore it? With the blast furnace which is heated.
Briefly describe how processing of ferrous metals! Iron is separated from its ore by heating using high-temperature furnace. Then arranged in layers: iron ore, coke, and limestone, and then heated to a high temperature.
How to prevent rust on iron? Vernikel painted or gilded.
Is the raw material maker of stainless steel? Iron, nickel and chrome.
Is the bauxite it? Aluminum ore.
What is the purpose of aluminum? Material for household appliances and aircraft materials.
What happens when the cans are scratched with a nail? There will be rust on scratches.
How to keep the iron in a can not easily corroded? Coated tin.
Why gold including precious metals? Because rust resistant and does not react with acids.
What is rust? Gold content in a product.
How much is the gold content?
Calculate the levels of 22-carat gold? 22/24 X100% = 91.66%.
What is a metal alloy? Mixture of several metals.
What are two examples of metallic alloys! Bronze and brass.
From bronze alloy is it? Copper, lead and zinc.
From the alloy is brass? Copper and zinc.
Vernikel What is it? Goods with nickel plating.
Is another word for coal? Charcoal stone.
Give two examples of the types of metal that resists rust! Nickel and ema.
Derived from petroleum does it? Sediment remains of life that has been buried millions of years ago.
How to petroleum decision? Drilling.
Identify petroleum processing results! Benzene, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, lubricants, bitumen and tar.
Identify uses of petroleum? As a fuel, lubricant, asphalt materials, plastic materials and insect poisons.
Derived from coal is? The rest of the plants in the ancient times were buried by a layer of soil within millions of years.
What's the use of coal? As fuel.
How can our efforts so that natural resources are not damaged and wear out too quickly? Regulate the use and maintain its sustainability.
What causes air pollution or air pollution? Factory smoke, fumes.
Why are trees planted in urban roadside? To reduce air pollution.
How to take coal? By way of digging in the soil.
Why coal becomes hard like that? Exposed to high temperatures and harsh under pressure.
How does the type of coal of good quality? Terpendang longer in the soil.
What is it coke? Coal gas was removed.
What are the advantages of coal use? The heat is more durable compared to other fuels.
Why petroleum Airan be like now? Due to a very high temperature exposure and pressure hard.
machine whether using fuel benzene? Airplanes.
Why oil is preferred for kitchen fuel than other fuels? Easy on the can, cheap price, easy to store.
(Source: Asmawati, Puji.1995. Realtime Natural Sciences. Surakarta: Setiaji.)
What is a natural resource? All items or ingredients derived from nature which is used for the benefit of mankind.
What are two examples of natural resources? Natural resources and renewable natural resource that can not be renewed.
What is a natural resource that can be updated? Natural resources if damaged or depleted can be updated again.
Identify examples of natural resources that can Replaces! Plants, animals, soil and water.
What is a natural resource that can not be updated? Natural resources if damaged / depleted diperharui can not anymore.
Identify examples of natural resources that can not be in diperhaharui! Various types of metals, petroleum, coal, and other mineral.
Is it a nature reserve? The place to protect and preserve rare plants suapaya not extinct.
Is it suakamarga animals? The place to protect and preserve endangered species that are not extinct.
How to reforming the springs or ground water? Reforestation.
What is reforestation? Reforestation or pegnungan that had been deforested.
Identify six examples of the types of metal material used for human life everyday! Iron, aluminum, tiimah, gold, copper and nickel.
Where we find the metal? In the earth's crust.
What is a mineral? Metals contained in the earth's crust.
Do you know about the ore? Mnineral which when processed is still profitable.
How to process the ore it? With the blast furnace which is heated.
Briefly describe how processing of ferrous metals! Iron is separated from its ore by heating using high-temperature furnace. Then arranged in layers: iron ore, coke, and limestone, and then heated to a high temperature.
How to prevent rust on iron? Vernikel painted or gilded.
Is the raw material maker of stainless steel? Iron, nickel and chrome.
Is the bauxite it? Aluminum ore.
What is the purpose of aluminum? Material for household appliances and aircraft materials.
What happens when the cans are scratched with a nail? There will be rust on scratches.
How to keep the iron in a can not easily corroded? Coated tin.
Why gold including precious metals? Because rust resistant and does not react with acids.
What is rust? Gold content in a product.
How much is the gold content?
Calculate the levels of 22-carat gold? 22/24 X100% = 91.66%.
What is a metal alloy? Mixture of several metals.
What are two examples of metallic alloys! Bronze and brass.
From bronze alloy is it? Copper, lead and zinc.
From the alloy is brass? Copper and zinc.
Vernikel What is it? Goods with nickel plating.
Is another word for coal? Charcoal stone.
Give two examples of the types of metal that resists rust! Nickel and ema.
Derived from petroleum does it? Sediment remains of life that has been buried millions of years ago.
How to petroleum decision? Drilling.
Identify petroleum processing results! Benzene, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, lubricants, bitumen and tar.
Identify uses of petroleum? As a fuel, lubricant, asphalt materials, plastic materials and insect poisons.
Derived from coal is? The rest of the plants in the ancient times were buried by a layer of soil within millions of years.
What's the use of coal? As fuel.
How can our efforts so that natural resources are not damaged and wear out too quickly? Regulate the use and maintain its sustainability.
What causes air pollution or air pollution? Factory smoke, fumes.
Why are trees planted in urban roadside? To reduce air pollution.
How to take coal? By way of digging in the soil.
Why coal becomes hard like that? Exposed to high temperatures and harsh under pressure.
How does the type of coal of good quality? Terpendang longer in the soil.
What is it coke? Coal gas was removed.
What are the advantages of coal use? The heat is more durable compared to other fuels.
Why petroleum Airan be like now? Due to a very high temperature exposure and pressure hard.
machine whether using fuel benzene? Airplanes.
Why oil is preferred for kitchen fuel than other fuels? Easy on the can, cheap price, easy to store.
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