(Source: Soetarno. 2000. Rangkuman Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
Ø Listrik memberikan penerangan kepada kita, panas pada setrika, panas pada kompor lstrik. Dengan kita dpaat mendengarkan radio, melihat tevisi, menggunakan telepon, pesawat ruang angkasa, alat kedokteran dengan pertolongan listrik.
Ø Benda itu terbentuk dari partikel yang sangat kecil yang disebut atom. Kita dapat melihat atom karena sangat kecil. Atom terbentuk dari partikel yang sangat kecil. Jenis partikel adalah electron, proton, dan neturon. Electron mempunyai muatan negative, proton mempunyai muatan positif, neutron tidak mempunyai muatan (netral), muatan yang mengalir melalui listrik adalah electron.
2) Arus Listrik
Ø Arus listrik dapat mengalir melalui bahan apa saja.
Ø Untuk menghubungkan alat yang satu dengan yang lain dalam rangkaian listrik diperlukan penghantar.
Ø Logam yang mudah sekali menghantarkan arus listrik adalah perak. Tetapi karena perak itu harganya mahal sekali harganya diganti dengna tembaga. Tembaga mempunyai sifat yang hampir sama baiknya dengan perak. Maka pada umumnya kabel listrik terbuat dari bahan tembaga.
Ø Zat atau bahan yang mudah menghantarkan arus listrik disebut konduktor atau penghantar.
Ø Terjadinya listrik mulanya diselidiki oleh orang yunani kuno kurang lebih 600 tahun silam sebelum Masehi dengan mengamati batu ambar yang mampu menarik benda ringan karena batu ambar itu digosok dengan wol. Batu ambar yang digosok dengan wol dikatakan mempunyai muatan listrik.
Ø Benda yang sulit dilewati arus listrik itu disebut isolator atau penghantar listrik yang tidak baik.
Ø Muatan listrik mengalir dari tempat yang bermuatan banyak ke tempat yang bermuatan sedikit. Aliran muatan listrik itu disebut sebagai arus listrik.
3) Hubungan Listrik
Ø Hubungan listrik dapat dibuat secara seri atau parallel (sejajar).
Ø Pada hubungan parallel arus listrik mengalir melalui dua cabang atau lebih pada hubungan seri tidak.
Ø Sinar dari lampu yang dihubungkan secara seri dan yang dihubungkan secara parallel tidak sama terangnya.
Ø Sakelar adalah alat untuk menyambung atau memutuskan rangkaian listrik. Pada lampu senter dapat dilihat sakelar berupa sebuah tombol tekan.
Ø Bila lampu, sakelar dan aki disambung. Sakelar tertutup lampu nyala, sakelar terbuka lampu mati.
Ø Dua buah lampu yang di hubungkan seri menyala lebih redup daripada dua buah lampu yang dihubungkan parallel.
Ø Bila laampu padarangkaian seri terputus, lampu yang lain tak bisa menyala. Tetapi pada rangkaian parallel, bila satu lampu mati, lampu yang satu lagi tetap menyala.
Ø Rangkaian listrik dalam rumah. Dihubungkan secara parallel. Oleh karena itu bilak ita memadamkan satu lampu, peralatan listrik lain tidak ikut padam.
4) Energi Listrik
Ø Energy listrik dapat berubaah menjadi energy bentuk lain misalnya kawat yang dialiri arus listrik dapat menjadi panas serta arus yang terlalu besar dapat diamankan dengan menggunakan sekering. Arus listrik juga dapat menghasilkan magnet sementara.
Ø Energy listrik dapat berubah menjadi kalor. Tinggi rendah derajat panas yang ditimbulkan baterai itu terlihat pada angka thermometer.
Ø Bila panas yang ditimbulkan arus listrik sangat besar, kawat atau kabel yang dilalui dapat membara dan akhirnya menimbulkan kebakaran.
Ø Duaa buah kabel yang terkelupas yang membawa muatan listrik yang berbeda dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya hubungan singkat atau kortsluiting. Hubungan singkat menyebabkan arus listrik yang melewatinya sangat besar.
Ø Oersted menemuka bahwa arus lsitrik mempengaruhi kemagnetan penemuan itu pada tahun 1821.
Ø Percobaan Oersted, penjelasan: sebuah paku besi dililit dengan kawat tembaga. Kemudian dialirkan arus listrik pada kawat tersebut. Paku tersebut menjadi bersifat seperti magnet. Magnet yang dibuat dengan arus listrik disebut elektro magnetic. Sifat kemagnetan elektromagnetik bersifat sementara.
Ø Michael Faraday menemukan bahwa magnet yang digerakkan dapat menimbulkan arus listrik.
Ø Motor listrik banyak digunakan orang misalnya untuk menghidupkan kendaraaan bermotor dan menggerakkan mesin. Motor listrik juga menggunakan electromagnet.
Ø Electromagnet adalah magnet yang terjadi karena aliran listrik pada suatu kumparan. Elektromagnetik digunakan pada bel listrik, telegraf, telepon dan sebagainya.
5)Symber Listrik
Ø Sumber listrik adalaah elemen volta, elemen kering, aki, dynamo dan motor listrik.
Ø Ahli ilmu alam Italia, Alesandro Volta membuat sumber energy listrik yang dikenal sebagai elemen volta. Elemen volta merupakan sumber energy listrik yang dapat mengalir arus listrik yang cukup besar. Elemen volta terdiri atas lempengan seng (Zn) dan lempengan tembaga (Cu) yang dicelupkan ke dalam larutan asam sulfat enver (H2SO4). Reaksi antara larutan asam sulfat encer dan seng mengakibatkan lempengan seng bermuatan negative. Reaksi antara larutan asam sulfat encer dan tembaga bermuatan positif. Jika lempengan seng kita hubungkan dengan lampu kecil, lampu itu menyala.
Ø Batu baterai dapat mengalir listrik karena itu batu baterai dikatakan sumber listrik. Tiap sumber listrik dapat mengalirkan aliran listrik. Baterai banyak jenisnya. Ada baterai kering dan baterai basah.
Ø Obat baterai merupakan zat kimia disebut salmiak. Baterai basah karena dalam baterai itu terdapat cairan. Baterai basaah disebut akumulator atau aki. Aki dapat memberikan litrik untuk waktu lama. Bila aki menjadi lemah dapat diperkuat lagi dengan suatu proses yang disebut mengisi aki.
Ø Dynamo sepeda terdiri atas magnet “U” dan suatu kumparan. Bila dynamo sepeda berputar, kumparan yang berada di tengah magnet ikut berputar. Perputaran magnet itu menyebabkan timbulnya aurs listrik.
Ø Generator adalah dynamo yang sangat besar.
Ø Tenaga listrik dari stasiun pembangkit disalurkan melalui kawat ke gardu listrik. Dari gardu listrik ini tenaga lisstrik disalurkan ke tempat dengan mengeluarkan melalui kawat pula.
Ø Kemampuan untuk melakukan usaha dinamakan energy.
Ø Listrik adalah sumber energy. Energy listrik dapat diubah menjadi energy kimia, gerak, cahaya, panas dan sebagainya.
Ø Energy listrik diubah menjadi energy kimia misalnya pada peristiwa mengisi aki dan juga melapisi menyepuh suatu logam.
Ø Energy listrik diubah menjadi energy gerak misalnya pada prinsip kerja kipas angin listrik, mesin jahit listrik dan sebagainya.
Ø Energy listrik diubah menjadi cahaya misalnya pada pinrisip kerja lampu listrik.
Ø Energy listrik diubah menjadi energy panas misalnya pada prinsip kerja komporlistrik, setrika.
Ø Satuan energy listrik adalah amper/ second (joule).
Ø Banyaknya energy listrik dalam waktu satu detik dinamakan daya listrik.
Ø Daya listrik diberi satuan Joule/ detik (watt).
Ø Yang dimaksud dengna 1 meter listrik adalah 1.000 wat jam (1 KWH).
Ø Untuk menyusun rangkaian tertutup sederhana, maka alat yang harus kita siapkan sumber tegangnan, kabel (kawat penghantar), lampu, fiting.
Ø Baterai, dynamo sepeda, akumulator disebut sumber tegangan.
Ø Pada sumber tegangan akan memiliki benda potensial pada ujungnya.
Ø Kutub sumber teganngan adalah kutub positif dan kutub negative.
Ø Beda potensialnya 1,5 volt.
Ø Beda potesnial diberi satuan volt.
Ø Alat untuk mengukur benda potensial adalah voltmeter.
Ø Akumulator lebih kita kenal dengan nama aki.
Ø Zat cair pengisinya asam belerang.
Ø Apaka aki juga memiliki kutub sumber tegangan? Ya, sumber tegangannya stop kontak.
Ø Bagian batu baterai adalah seng sebagai kutup (-), serbuk batu kawi dicampur salmiak, karton, batang arang, kuningan sebagai kutub (+).
Ø Bagian dynamo sepeda: magnet, isolator, kutup negative, kutup postif, kumparan.
Ø Bagian dari aki: Pb (timbale) sebagai kutub negative, PbO2 (timbale peroksida sebagai kutub positif, H2SO4 (Asam Sulfat) sebagai larutan penghantar, lampu dan kawat penghantar.
Ø Prinsip kerja batu baterai adalah mengubah nergi kimia menjadi energy listrik.
Ø Prinsip kerja dynamo sepeda adalah mengubah energy gerak menjadi energy listrik.
Ø Prinsip kerja akumulator adalah mengubah energy kimia menjadi energy listrik.
Ø Mengisi aki sama dengan menyetrum aki.
Ø Aki dikatakan mati karena tidak ada beda potensialnya.
Ø Aki arus listriknya harus serarah.
Ø Cairan yang dipergunakan untuk aki disebut accuzuur.
Ø Rangkaian seri disebut juga rangkaian berurutan.
Ø Rangkaian parallel sama dengan rangkaian sejajar.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate: Indonesian-english):
(Source: Soetarno., 2000. Summary Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
Electricity gives us light, heat in the dryer, the heat on the stove lstrik. With our dpaat listening to the radio, see tevisi, using the telephone, spacecraft, medical devices with the help of electricity.
It was made up of very small particles called atoms. We can see atoms because it is very small. Atom is made of very small particles. Types of particles are electrons, protons, and neturon. Electrons have a negative charge, protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge (neutral), which flows through the electric charge is the electron.
2) Electric Current
The electrical current can flow through any material.
To connect devices with each other in the electrical circuit required conductor.
The metal is easy to conduct electricity is silver. But because silver is expensive so the price is replaced dengna copper. Copper has properties almost as good as silver. So in general electrical wires made of copper.
substances or materials that conduct electricity easily are called conductors or conductor.
The occurrence of power initially investigated by the ancient Greeks about 600 years ago before Christ by observing amber capable of attracting light objects because amber is rubbed with wool. Amber is rubbed with wool is said to have an electrical charge.
Objects difficult to pass an electric current is called an insulator or a conductor of electricity which is not good.
The electric charge flows from place to place a lot of uncharged charged less.The flow of electric charge is called electric current.
3) Power Relationships
Electrical connections can be made in series or parallel (parallel).
In parallel connection of electrical current flowing through two or more branches in series connection is not.
rays of light are connected in series and connected in parallel is not as bright.
Switch is a tool to connect or disconnect the electrical circuit. In the flashlight can be seen in the form of a pushbutton switch.
When the lights, switches and battery connected. Closed on light switches, open switches lights off.
Two is connected lights lit series dimmer than two parallel connected lamps.
If laampu padarangkaian series is lost, the other lamp can not light up. But in a series of parallel, when the lights go out, the other lights stay lit.
electrical circuits in the home. Connected in parallel. Therefore itâ bilak extinguish the lights, other electrical appliances do not come out.
4) Electrical Energy
Energy electricity can berubaah into other forms of energy such as electrified wire can be hot and currents that are too large can be secured by using a fuse.Electric current can also produce temporary magnet.
Energy electricity can be turned into heat. Low high degree of heat generated by the battery is shown in figure thermometer.
If the heat generated by an electric current is very large, wire or cable that can be passed to smolder and eventually cause a fire.
Duaa fruit peel wires that carry different electric charges may result in short circuit or kortsluiting. Short circuit causing electrical current through it is huge.
Oersted lsitrik menemuka that affects magnetization current findings in 1821.
Oersted experiment, an explanation: an iron nail wrapped with copper wire.Then the flow of electric current in the wire. The nails are like a magnet. Magnets made with so-called electro-magnetic electric current. Transient electromagnetic properties of magnetism.
Michael Faraday discovered that a magnet could induce an electrical current driven.
Electric motors are widely used for example to turn on the motor vehicle and moving machine. The electric motor also uses electromagnets.
electromagnet is a magnet that occurs due to the flow of electricity in a coil.Electromagnetic used in electric bells, telegraph, telephone and so on.
5) Power Symber
Power source adalaah voltaic elements, dry element, battery, dynamo and electric motor.
Expert physics Italian, Alessandro Volta made sources of electrical energy known as voltaic elements. Voltaic elements are a source of electrical energy to electrical current flow large enough. Voltaic elements consist of slab zinc (Zn) and copper plates (Cu) were dipped in a solution of sulfuric acid Enver (H2SO4). The reaction between dilute solution of sulfuric acid and zinc resulting in zinc-charged negative plates. The reaction between dilute solution of sulfuric acid and copper are positively charged. If we connect the slab zinc small lamp, the lamp was lit.
Stone can drain battery power because it says the batteries power source.Each power source can drain power. Batteries of many kinds. There is a dry battery and a wet battery.
Drug battery is a chemical called salmiak. Wet batteries because the batteries that are liquid. Basaah called accumulator battery or batteries. Aki can give litrik for a long time. When the battery becomes weak can be strengthened by a process called to fill the battery.
Dynamo bike consists of a magnetic "U" and a coil. If the dynamo spinning bike, the coils in the middle of the magnet rotates. Turnover magnet electric aurs cause.
Generator is a huge dynamo.
Power from the generating station is channeled through a wire to an electric substation. Of electrical power substations lisstrik channeled into place with a pull through wire anyway.
The ability to do work is called energy.
Electricity is a source of energy. Electrical energy can be converted into chemical energy, motion, light, heat and so on.
Energy electricity is converted into chemical energy in events such as the battery charge and also coats a metal plate.
Energy electrical energy is converted into motion as the principle of the electric fan, electric sewing machines and so on.
Energy electricity is converted into light as the electric lights work pinrisip.
Energy electrical energy is converted into heat as the working principle komporlistrik, board.
electrical energy unit is ampere / second (joules).
The number of electrical energy in one second is called electrical power.
Power given joules / second (watts).
The definition dengna one electric meter wat is 1,000 hours (1 KWH).
To develop a simple closed circuit, then the tools we have to prepare the source tegangnan, cable (wire conductors), lamps, fittings.
Battery, dynamo bicycle, called the accumulator voltage source.
The voltage source will have a potential object edges.
Pole teganngan source is the positive pole and a negative pole.
potential difference of 1.5 volts.
Different potesnial given volts.
potential tool for measuring objects is a voltmeter.
Accumulator more familiar with the name of the battery.
Liquid sulfuric acid filler.
Apaka battery also has a pole voltage source? Yes, the source voltage outlet.
The batteries are zinc as pole (-), manganese powder mixed salmiak, cardboard, charcoal sticks, a brass pole (+).
The bicycle dynamo: magnetic insulator, negative pole, positive pole, coil.
Part of the battery: Pb (timbale) as a negative pole, PbO2 (timbale peroxide as a positive pole, H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) as a conductor, lights and wire conductors.
The working principle is to change batteries nergi chemical into electrical energy.
bicycle dynamo working principle is to convert energy of motion into electrical energy.
The working principle of the accumulator is to change chemical energy into electrical energy.
Charging battery with battery electric shocks.
Aki said to die because there is no potential difference.
Aki must serarah electric current.
The liquid used for battery called accuzuur.
The series series called sequential circuit.
same parallel circuit parallel circuit.
(Source: Soetarno., 2000. Summary Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
Electricity gives us light, heat in the dryer, the heat on the stove lstrik. With our dpaat listening to the radio, see tevisi, using the telephone, spacecraft, medical devices with the help of electricity.
It was made up of very small particles called atoms. We can see atoms because it is very small. Atom is made of very small particles. Types of particles are electrons, protons, and neturon. Electrons have a negative charge, protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge (neutral), which flows through the electric charge is the electron.
2) Electric Current
The electrical current can flow through any material.
To connect devices with each other in the electrical circuit required conductor.
The metal is easy to conduct electricity is silver. But because silver is expensive so the price is replaced dengna copper. Copper has properties almost as good as silver. So in general electrical wires made of copper.
substances or materials that conduct electricity easily are called conductors or conductor.
The occurrence of power initially investigated by the ancient Greeks about 600 years ago before Christ by observing amber capable of attracting light objects because amber is rubbed with wool. Amber is rubbed with wool is said to have an electrical charge.
Objects difficult to pass an electric current is called an insulator or a conductor of electricity which is not good.
The electric charge flows from place to place a lot of uncharged charged less.The flow of electric charge is called electric current.
3) Power Relationships
Electrical connections can be made in series or parallel (parallel).
In parallel connection of electrical current flowing through two or more branches in series connection is not.
rays of light are connected in series and connected in parallel is not as bright.
Switch is a tool to connect or disconnect the electrical circuit. In the flashlight can be seen in the form of a pushbutton switch.
When the lights, switches and battery connected. Closed on light switches, open switches lights off.
Two is connected lights lit series dimmer than two parallel connected lamps.
If laampu padarangkaian series is lost, the other lamp can not light up. But in a series of parallel, when the lights go out, the other lights stay lit.
electrical circuits in the home. Connected in parallel. Therefore itâ bilak extinguish the lights, other electrical appliances do not come out.
4) Electrical Energy
Energy electricity can berubaah into other forms of energy such as electrified wire can be hot and currents that are too large can be secured by using a fuse.Electric current can also produce temporary magnet.
Energy electricity can be turned into heat. Low high degree of heat generated by the battery is shown in figure thermometer.
If the heat generated by an electric current is very large, wire or cable that can be passed to smolder and eventually cause a fire.
Duaa fruit peel wires that carry different electric charges may result in short circuit or kortsluiting. Short circuit causing electrical current through it is huge.
Oersted lsitrik menemuka that affects magnetization current findings in 1821.
Oersted experiment, an explanation: an iron nail wrapped with copper wire.Then the flow of electric current in the wire. The nails are like a magnet. Magnets made with so-called electro-magnetic electric current. Transient electromagnetic properties of magnetism.
Michael Faraday discovered that a magnet could induce an electrical current driven.
Electric motors are widely used for example to turn on the motor vehicle and moving machine. The electric motor also uses electromagnets.
electromagnet is a magnet that occurs due to the flow of electricity in a coil.Electromagnetic used in electric bells, telegraph, telephone and so on.
5) Power Symber
Power source adalaah voltaic elements, dry element, battery, dynamo and electric motor.
Expert physics Italian, Alessandro Volta made sources of electrical energy known as voltaic elements. Voltaic elements are a source of electrical energy to electrical current flow large enough. Voltaic elements consist of slab zinc (Zn) and copper plates (Cu) were dipped in a solution of sulfuric acid Enver (H2SO4). The reaction between dilute solution of sulfuric acid and zinc resulting in zinc-charged negative plates. The reaction between dilute solution of sulfuric acid and copper are positively charged. If we connect the slab zinc small lamp, the lamp was lit.
Stone can drain battery power because it says the batteries power source.Each power source can drain power. Batteries of many kinds. There is a dry battery and a wet battery.
Drug battery is a chemical called salmiak. Wet batteries because the batteries that are liquid. Basaah called accumulator battery or batteries. Aki can give litrik for a long time. When the battery becomes weak can be strengthened by a process called to fill the battery.
Dynamo bike consists of a magnetic "U" and a coil. If the dynamo spinning bike, the coils in the middle of the magnet rotates. Turnover magnet electric aurs cause.
Generator is a huge dynamo.
Power from the generating station is channeled through a wire to an electric substation. Of electrical power substations lisstrik channeled into place with a pull through wire anyway.
The ability to do work is called energy.
Electricity is a source of energy. Electrical energy can be converted into chemical energy, motion, light, heat and so on.
Energy electricity is converted into chemical energy in events such as the battery charge and also coats a metal plate.
Energy electrical energy is converted into motion as the principle of the electric fan, electric sewing machines and so on.
Energy electricity is converted into light as the electric lights work pinrisip.
Energy electrical energy is converted into heat as the working principle komporlistrik, board.
electrical energy unit is ampere / second (joules).
The number of electrical energy in one second is called electrical power.
Power given joules / second (watts).
The definition dengna one electric meter wat is 1,000 hours (1 KWH).
To develop a simple closed circuit, then the tools we have to prepare the source tegangnan, cable (wire conductors), lamps, fittings.
Battery, dynamo bicycle, called the accumulator voltage source.
The voltage source will have a potential object edges.
Pole teganngan source is the positive pole and a negative pole.
potential difference of 1.5 volts.
Different potesnial given volts.
potential tool for measuring objects is a voltmeter.
Accumulator more familiar with the name of the battery.
Liquid sulfuric acid filler.
Apaka battery also has a pole voltage source? Yes, the source voltage outlet.
The batteries are zinc as pole (-), manganese powder mixed salmiak, cardboard, charcoal sticks, a brass pole (+).
The bicycle dynamo: magnetic insulator, negative pole, positive pole, coil.
Part of the battery: Pb (timbale) as a negative pole, PbO2 (timbale peroxide as a positive pole, H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) as a conductor, lights and wire conductors.
The working principle is to change batteries nergi chemical into electrical energy.
bicycle dynamo working principle is to convert energy of motion into electrical energy.
The working principle of the accumulator is to change chemical energy into electrical energy.
Charging battery with battery electric shocks.
Aki said to die because there is no potential difference.
Aki must serarah electric current.
The liquid used for battery called accuzuur.
The series series called sequential circuit.
same parallel circuit parallel circuit.
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