Rangka Makhluk Hidup
(Sumber: Soetarno. 2000.Rangkuman Pengetahuan Alam Lengkap. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
1) Susunan Tubuh Manusia dan Hewan
Ø Seluruh tubuh kita terdapat tulaang-tulang.
Ø Tulang-tulang tersusun menjadi kerangka.
Ø Hubungan tulang satu dengna tulang yang lain berupa sendi.
Ø Karena ada sendi tulang-tulang dapat digerakkan.
Ø Hewan juga mempunyai rangka.
Ø Bentuk rangka manusia dan hewan tidak sama.
2) Rangka Kepala Manusia, Rangka Badan Manusia, dan Rangka Anggota Gerak Manusia
a) Rangka Manusia, dan hewan dibagi tiga bagian: rangka kepala (tengkorak), rangka yang terdapat pada bagian tubuh (kerangka badan), rangka pada tangan dan kaki (rangka anggota badan).
b) setiap bagian kerangka terdiri dari berbagai tulang.
c) tulang tengkorak terdapat tulang dahi, tempurung, rahang atas, rahang bawah, dan sebagainya.
d)tulang badang terdiri dari tulang dada, tulang rusuk, tulang selangka, tulang belikat, dan tulang belakang, tulang panggul dan sebagainya.
e) tulang tangan terdapat pada tulang hasta dan tulang pengumpil.
f ) tulang telapak jari terdapat tulang jari.
g) tulang kaki terdiri dari tulang paha, tulang kering, tulang tapak kaki, tulang jari kaki.
Ø Bentuk tubuh hewan berbeda karean berbeda kerangkanya.
Ø Agar tidak kaku antara tulang dengan tulang dihubungkan dengan sendi.
Ø Rangka makhluk hidup dibagi menjadi 3 bagian besar yaitu kepala, badan, anggota.
Ø Otak dilindungi oleh tulang tempurung kepala.
Ø Bila benda keras menghantam kepala dapat berakibat gegar otak.
Ø Tulang tengkorak yang dapat digerakkan adalah rahan bawah.
Ø Tulang rusuk dan tulang dada adalah bagian dari tulang badan.
Ø Tulang anggota badan yang mempunyai bagian tulang hasta adalah tulang tangan.
Ø Tulang rusuk menghubungkan tulang belakang dan tulang dada.
Ø Tulang anggota terdiri dari tulang tangan dan tulang kaki.
Ø Tulang terdiri dari zat kapur, fosfor dan zat perekat.
Ø Rangka melindungi bagian tubuh yang lemah dan penting, yakni tulang muka, melindungi mata, hidung, dan telinga; tulang badan melindungi paru-paru, jantung, hati, usus dan alat lainnya di dalam tubuh.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Living Frame
(Source: Soetarno. 2000.Rangkuman Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
1) Composition of the Human Body and Animals
All our bodies are tulaang-bone.
The bones are arranged in a frame.
Relationship dengna one bone to another bone in the form of the joint.
Since there are bones joints can be moved.
Animals also have order.
framework of human and animal forms are not the same.
2) Framework of Human Head, Human Body Frame and Frame Members of Human Motion
a) Frame Humans, and animals were divided into three parts: the framework of the head (skull), the framework contained in the body (body frame), the framework of the hands and feet (the framework of the limbs).
b) any part of the framework consists of various bones.
c) there is a skull forehead bone, shell, upper jaw, lower jaw, and so on.
d) comprises badang bone sternum, ribs, clavicle, scapula, and spine, pelvis, and so on.
e) hand bones found on the ulna bone and lever.
f) the palm of the finger bone found finger bones.
g) consists of the foot bone of the femur, tibia, soles of the feet bones, toe bones.
Different Body karean different animal skeletons.
In order not to stiff the bone to bone connected by joints.
mortal frame is divided into 3 major parts, namely the head, body, members.
The brain is protected by the bones of the cranium.
If a hard object hitting the head can cause a concussion.
skull is anger that can be driven down.
The ribs and the sternum bone is part of the body.
limb bones have ulna part is hand bones.
spine connecting ribs and sternum.
Bones members consist of hand bones and foot bones.
The bone consists of calcium, phosphorus, and gluten.
frame protects the weak and the body is important, namely the facial bones, protect the eyes, nose, and ears; bone loss protects the lungs, heart, liver, intestines and other devices in the body.
(Source: Soetarno. 2000.Rangkuman Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
1) Composition of the Human Body and Animals
All our bodies are tulaang-bone.
The bones are arranged in a frame.
Relationship dengna one bone to another bone in the form of the joint.
Since there are bones joints can be moved.
Animals also have order.
framework of human and animal forms are not the same.
2) Framework of Human Head, Human Body Frame and Frame Members of Human Motion
a) Frame Humans, and animals were divided into three parts: the framework of the head (skull), the framework contained in the body (body frame), the framework of the hands and feet (the framework of the limbs).
b) any part of the framework consists of various bones.
c) there is a skull forehead bone, shell, upper jaw, lower jaw, and so on.
d) comprises badang bone sternum, ribs, clavicle, scapula, and spine, pelvis, and so on.
e) hand bones found on the ulna bone and lever.
f) the palm of the finger bone found finger bones.
g) consists of the foot bone of the femur, tibia, soles of the feet bones, toe bones.
Different Body karean different animal skeletons.
In order not to stiff the bone to bone connected by joints.
mortal frame is divided into 3 major parts, namely the head, body, members.
The brain is protected by the bones of the cranium.
If a hard object hitting the head can cause a concussion.
skull is anger that can be driven down.
The ribs and the sternum bone is part of the body.
limb bones have ulna part is hand bones.
spine connecting ribs and sternum.
Bones members consist of hand bones and foot bones.
The bone consists of calcium, phosphorus, and gluten.
frame protects the weak and the body is important, namely the facial bones, protect the eyes, nose, and ears; bone loss protects the lungs, heart, liver, intestines and other devices in the body.
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