Perkembangan Makhluk Hidup dan Pertumbuhan Popolasi/ Living Developments and Growth Population FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NATURAL SCIENCE
Perkembangan Makhluk Hidup dan Pertumbuhan Popolasi
(Source: Soetarno. 2000. Rangkuman Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
1) Cara Perkembang biakan.
Ø Makhluk Hidup dapat berkembang dengan berbagai cara misalnya tumbuhan berkembang biak dengan biji stek atau tunas. Hewan dengan bertelur, beranak atau dengan membelah diri. Pertumbuhan populasi yang pesat dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah seperti keterbatasan ruang, kekurangan makanan.
Ø Perkembang biakan tumbuhan beraneka ragam itu dapat digolongkan menjadi dua golongan yaitu cara generative atau cara kawin dengan cara pembuahan dan cara vegetative atau cara tanpa pembuahan.
Ø Tumbuhan yang berkembang biak dengan cara generative biasanya mempunyai bunga yang pada bunganya iut terdapat benang sari dan putik. Perkembang biakan terjadi melalui perbanyakan atau pembuahan. Hasil penyerbukan adalah biji. Biji inilah yang dapat menjadi tanaman baru. Bunga lengkap terdiri dari kelopak, benang sari, mahkota, putik. Kelopak dan mahkota disebut perhiasan bungan. Putik dan benang sari disebut alat kelamin bunga.
Ø Benang sari disebut kelamin benang jantan yang terdiri dari: tangkai sari, lupak sari dan serbuk sari. Putik disebut kelamin bunga terdiri atas: kepala putik, tangkai putik dan bakal buah.
Ø Perkembangan vegetative alami. Pertama, rimpang adalah bagian batang yang berada di dalam tanah bertunas, tunas dapat tumbuh menjadi tnaaman baru misalnya bunga kana. Kedua, tunas daun adalah tepi daun terdapat tunas (bertunas), tunas dapat menjadi tumbuhan baru, misalnya: cocor bebek. Ketiga, umbi batang adalah umbi yang ada tunasnya, tunas tumbuh menjadi tumbuhan baru misalnya kentang. Keempat, umbi lapis adalah umbi yang berlapis-lapis di tengahnya terdapat tunas, tunas tumbuh menjadi tumbuhan baru misalnya bawang. Kelima, akar tinggal adalah bagian akar yang bertunas dan tunas dapat tumbuh misalnya jahe.
Ø Perkembangan vegetative buatan adalah yang sengaja dilakukan oleh manusia dengan memindahkan dari tumbuhan hidup untuk dijadikan tumbuhan baru. Contoh: mencangkok, menyambung, menempel, merunduk, stek batang.
2) Perkembangbiakan Hewan
Ø Perkembang biakan hewan adalah bertelur, beranak. Perkembang biakan secara bertelur disebut vivipar dan perkembang biakan secara tidak bertelur disebut ovipar. Vivipar mempunyai ciri bahwa jenis hewan dibesarkan dalam tubuh induknya, contoh hewan menyusui: ikan paus, sapi, kambing dan kucing. Cirri hewan ovipar adalah umumnya telur dierami sampai menetas. Pada umumnya ikan tidak mengerami, induk betina ikan mengeluarkan sel telur kemudian mengeluarkan kelamin jantan, sel telur bertemu sel kelamin jantan terjadilah pembuahan, telur itu menetas menjadi anak ikan.
Ø Reptil (hewan melata) perkembangbiakan disebut ovovivipar, telur di dalam tubuh induk betina. Setelah dibuahi oleh jantannua tidak dikeluarkan. Disimpan dalam tunuh induk sampai menjadi aanak kadal kemudian dilahirkan.
Ø Golongan hewan amfini yaitu hewan hidup di air maupun di darat, perkembang biakan terjadi di luar, contohnya katak. Setelah telur dibuahi akan menetas dan mengalami metamorphosis.
Ø Serangga juga mengalami metamorphosis. Telur serangga setelah dibuahi jantannya akan menetas menjadi ulat. Ulat itu membentuk kepompong yang kemudian pecah mengeluarkan kepompong yang kemudian pecah mengeluarkan kupu-kupu sebagai bentuk dewasa serangga. Perubahan bentuk tubuh ulat menjadi kepompong yang kemudian serangga dewasa disebut metamorphosis sempurna.
Ø Metamorphosis yang tidak sempurna terdapat pada serangga belalang dan jangkrik. Telur serangga ini setelah dibuahi induk jantannya kaan menetas menjadi anak serangga. Selanjutnya anak serangga yang mirip induknya itu tumbuh menjadi serangga dewasa.
Ø Hewan yang bertelur menghasilkan sel telur yang terbungkus oleh bagian telur yang lain. Bila belum keluar dari induknya, sel telur itu bertemu sel kelamin jantan dari hewan jantannya. Sel itu mengalami pembuhan. Sel telur yang telah dibuahi itu disebut sebagai zygot (baca: si-got). Telur yang sudah dibuahi itu jika dierami akan menjadi aanak hewan tersebut. Bila telur itu tidak dibuahi, telur itu tidak menetas sekalipun dierami.
Ø Hubungan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan Makhluk Hidup. Populasi adalah sejumlah individu makhluk hidup yang mendiami suatu daerah tertentu. Dalam satu desa ada populasi yang didiami berpuluh manusia. Di dalam hutan banyak gajah, mereka hidup bergelombol di suatu tempat karena itu disebut populasi gajah. Setiap individu makhluk hidup dipengaruhi lingkungannya. Lingngan adalah semua yang terdapat di luar sesuatu makhluk hidup. Lingkungan yang terdiri dari makhluk hidup disebut biotic dan lungkugnan benda tak hidup disebut lingkungan abiotik. Yang penting kita pahami adalah satu sama lain saling tergantung. Dengan bekerjanya hukum alam terciptalah keseimbangan pada ekosistem itu. Kehidupan tikus tergantung pada tersedianya tumbuhan dan banyaknya ular. Bila tumbuhan melimpah tikus menjadi sejahtera. Tubuhnya gemuk dan populasi sangat pesat. Akibat dari ledakan populasi penduduk dapat menimgbulkan pengangguran, kurang pangan dan pemukiman, kurangnya kesempatan dalam pendidikan, makin menipisnya sumber daya alam, pencemaran air, pencemaran tanah, pencemaran udara. Populasi bertambah bilaa yang datang dan lahir lebih banyak dari pada mati.
Ø Bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah pangan bagi penduduk dunia? Keluarga berencana (KB), melestarikan lingkungan, hemat energy.
Ø Bagaimana cara mengatasi peningkatan populasi penduduk dunia? Keluarga berencana.
Ø Perlukah populasi dikendalikan? Perlu sekali sebab jumlah energy dan makanan di bumi terbatas, bila populasi terus bertambah maka penduduk dunia terancam bahaya kelaparan dan kekurangan energy.
Ø Bilamana populasi? Bila yang datang atau yang lahir lebih banyak dari pada yang mati atau yang pergi.
Ø Apakah yang dikatakan zygote? Sel telur yang sudah dibuahi.
Ø Apakah yang disebut vivipar? Hewan beranak.
Ø Apakah yang disebut ovipar? Hewan bertelur.
Ø Apakah sel sperma? Sel kelamin jantan.
Ø Apakah ovum? sel kelamin betina atau sel telur.
Ø Apakah penyerbukan itu? Peristiwa melekatnya benang sari ke kepala putik.
Ø Apakah yang disebut persarian itu? Penyerbukan.
Ø Apakah tujuan orang melakukan perkembangbiakan dengan cara menyambung dan menempel? Menggabung sifat dua tumbuhan yang berbeda.
Ø Apakah tujuan orang melakukan perkembang biakan dengan cara merunduk? Tunas tumbuh pada ujung batang atau ketiak daun.
Ø Bagaimana cara pengembangbiakaan dengan cangkok? Memberikan tanah pada batang yang kita eratkan pada tumbuhan dikotil.
Ø Bagaimana tentang pengembangbiakan dengan menempel? Batang yang berada di atas umbi akar dapat bertunas dan umbi akarnya berguna sebagai cadangan makanan.
Ø Apakah yang kamu ketahui tentang cara berkembang biak dengan menyambung itu? Menggabungkan dua tanaman yang berbeda dengan cara menyambung masing batang tumbuhan yang hendak disambung.
Ø Bagaimakah pengembang biakan dengan stek? Salah satu bagian tubuh induknya langsung ditanamkan ke dalam tanah.
Ø Bagaimana cara berkembang biakan pisang? Bertunas.
Ø Bagaimana cara berkembang biakan cocor bebek? Tuanas adventif.
Ø Bagaimana cara perkembang biakan jamur? Dengan spora.
Ø Bagaimana cara perkembang biakan paramaecium? Membelah diri.
Ø Apakah yang kamu ketahui tentang berkembang biak dengana: a) umbu lapis, c) akar tinggal, c) umbi akar, d) umbi batang, e) geragih, f) tunas adventif. Pertama, umbi lapis adalah tunasnya berupa suing yang tumbuh dari umbinya. Kedua, Akar tunggal adalah tunas tumbuh dari bagian batang yang menjalar di dalam tanah. Ketiga, umbi akar adalah batang yang berada di atas umbiakar dapat bertunas dan umbi akarnya berguna sebagai cadangan makanan. Umbi batang adalah tunas tumbuh dari umbi. Geragih adalah tunas baru pada buku-buku batang yang menjalar misalnya geragih pegangan, geragih arbei. Tunas adventif adalah tunas pada ujung batang atau ketiak daun.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Living Developments and Growth Popolasi
(Source: Soetarno., 2000. Summary Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
1) How to proliferation.
Living can develop in various ways such plants reproduce by seeds or stem cuttings. Animals with spawn, lambing or by dividing. Rapid population growth can cause various problems such as space limitations, lack of food.
The proliferation of diverse plants that can be classified into two groups, namely generative ways or means mating and conception by vegetative means or manner without fertilization.
Plants that reproduce by means of generative usually have interest in iut flowers are the stamens and pistils. The proliferation occurs through reproduction or fertilization. The result is a seed pollination. These seeds can become new plants.Consists of a complete flower petals, stamens, corolla, pistil. Petals and called crown jewels relationship. Pistil and stamens of flowers called genitals.
Stamens called male genital yarn consisting of: stalk juice, cider lupak and pollen. Called venereal flower pistil consists of: the stigma, stigma and ovary stalk.
The development of natural vegetative. First, the rhizome is the part of the stem in the soil to germinate, sprout can grow into a new instance tnaaman kana flowers. Second, is the edge of the leaf buds are leaf buds (sprouts), shoots may be a new plant, for example: cocor duck. Third, stem tubers are existing bulbs sprout, buds grow into new plants such as potatoes. Fourth, the bulbs are bulbs in layers in the middle there is a bud, buds grow into new plants such as onions.Fifth, the root of living is the root that sprouts and shoots can grow as ginger.
artificial vegetative development was deliberately done by humans to move from plant life to become a new plant. Example: grafting, connect, attach, ducking, stem cuttings.
2) Animal Breeding
The proliferation of animal was laying, son. The proliferation of the so-called egg-laying and viviparous proliferation is not known ovipar spawn. Viviparous animals have traits that were raised in the mother's body, eg mammals: whales, cows, goats and cats. Cirri ovipar animals are generally incubated eggs until they hatch. In general, fish hatching, the female parent fish release an egg and then secrete male sex, meet egg fertilization occurs the male sex cells, eggs hatch into fry.
reptiles (reptiles) called ovovivipar breeding, eggs in the body of the mother.Once fertilized by jantannua not issued. Stored in tunuh parent to be aanak lizard later born.
Group amfini animals are animals living in the water and on the land, breeding occurs outside, such as frogs. After the fertilized eggs will hatch and undergo metamorphosis.
The insects also suffered metamorphosis. Insects after the fertilized egg will hatch into caterpillars males. Caterpillar forms a cocoon that broke the cocoon broke issued issued a butterfly as a form of adult insects. Changes in body shape caterpillar into a chrysalis and then the adult is called metamorphosis perfect.
Metamorphosis imperfect found in insects grasshoppers and crickets. This insect eggs after fertilization parent kaan males hatch into larva. Furthermore, insect-like parent child grows into an adult.
Animals that lay eggs produce eggs are encased by the other eggs. If not get out of its mother, the egg cell meet male sex cells of animals males. The cell was experiencing pembuhan. The fertilized egg is called a zygote (read: si-got). The fertilized egg will be incubated if aanak animals. If the egg is not fertilized, the eggs did not hatch though incubation.
Relationship development and growth Beings. Population is the number of individuals living things that inhabit a particular area. In one village was inhabited by dozens of human populations. Many elephants in the forest, they live somewhere bergelombol therefore called elephant population. Every individual living thing is affected environment. Lingngan are all located outside of any living creature. Environment consisting of living things are called biotic and inanimate lungkugnan called abiotic environment. The important thing to understand is we are dependent on one another. With the working of the law of nature creates a balance in the ecosystem. Life rats depends on the availability of plants and many snakes. When the rats became prosperous abundant vegetation. Body fat and the population very rapidly. As a result of the population explosion can menimgbulkan unemployment, lack of food and shelter, lack of opportunities in education, the depletion of natural resources, water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution.Population increases are coming and born bilaa more than the dead.
How to solve the problem of food for the world population? Family planning (FP), preserving the environment, saving energy.
How to cope with the increasing population of the world? Family planning.
Should population be controlled? It is important because the amount of energy and food on earth is limited, if the population continues to increase the population of the world in danger of starvation and lack of energy.
When the population? When you are coming or who was born more than a dead or gone.
What does zygote? The fertilized egg cell.
What is viviparous? Animals give birth.
What is ovipar? Animals spawn.
Is a sperm cell? Male sex cells.
Is the ovum? female sex cells or eggs.
Is pollinate it? Events attach stamen to the stigma.
Persarian What is it? Pollination.
Is the person doing the breeding objectives in a way to connect and stick?Merging two different plant properties.
Is the purpose of the conduct by breeding duck? Shoots growing at the end of the stem or axillary panicles.
How pengembangbiakaan with graft? Give ground on which we tighten the rod dikotil plants.
How about the breeding of the stick? Stem above the root tuber can sprout roots and tubers serve as food reserves.
Do you know how to connect it breed? Combining two different plants with each connecting rod wishing spliced plants.
How is breeding with cuttings? One part of the parent body instilled directly into the ground.
How to evolve culture banana? Germinate.
How do cultures evolve cocor duck? Tuanas adventitious.
How do fungi breeding? With spores.
How Paramaecium breeding? Dividing.
Do you know about the breed dengana: a) umbu layer, c) live roots, c) root tuber, d) stem tubers, e) geragih, f) adventitious shoots. First, the bulbs are in the form of suing shoots that grow from tubers. Second, is the sole roots shoots growing from the trunk of a spread in the soil. Third, is a stem tuber roots that are above umbiakar can sprout roots and tubers serve as food reserves. Bud stem tubers are grown from tubers. Geragih are new shoots on the books that spread such geragih rod handle, geragih strawberries. Adventitious buds are buds on the tip of the stem or axillary panicles.
(Source: Soetarno., 2000. Summary Complete Natural Sciences. Semarang: CV.AnekaIlmu.)
1) How to proliferation.
Living can develop in various ways such plants reproduce by seeds or stem cuttings. Animals with spawn, lambing or by dividing. Rapid population growth can cause various problems such as space limitations, lack of food.
The proliferation of diverse plants that can be classified into two groups, namely generative ways or means mating and conception by vegetative means or manner without fertilization.
Plants that reproduce by means of generative usually have interest in iut flowers are the stamens and pistils. The proliferation occurs through reproduction or fertilization. The result is a seed pollination. These seeds can become new plants.Consists of a complete flower petals, stamens, corolla, pistil. Petals and called crown jewels relationship. Pistil and stamens of flowers called genitals.
Stamens called male genital yarn consisting of: stalk juice, cider lupak and pollen. Called venereal flower pistil consists of: the stigma, stigma and ovary stalk.
The development of natural vegetative. First, the rhizome is the part of the stem in the soil to germinate, sprout can grow into a new instance tnaaman kana flowers. Second, is the edge of the leaf buds are leaf buds (sprouts), shoots may be a new plant, for example: cocor duck. Third, stem tubers are existing bulbs sprout, buds grow into new plants such as potatoes. Fourth, the bulbs are bulbs in layers in the middle there is a bud, buds grow into new plants such as onions.Fifth, the root of living is the root that sprouts and shoots can grow as ginger.
artificial vegetative development was deliberately done by humans to move from plant life to become a new plant. Example: grafting, connect, attach, ducking, stem cuttings.
2) Animal Breeding
The proliferation of animal was laying, son. The proliferation of the so-called egg-laying and viviparous proliferation is not known ovipar spawn. Viviparous animals have traits that were raised in the mother's body, eg mammals: whales, cows, goats and cats. Cirri ovipar animals are generally incubated eggs until they hatch. In general, fish hatching, the female parent fish release an egg and then secrete male sex, meet egg fertilization occurs the male sex cells, eggs hatch into fry.
reptiles (reptiles) called ovovivipar breeding, eggs in the body of the mother.Once fertilized by jantannua not issued. Stored in tunuh parent to be aanak lizard later born.
Group amfini animals are animals living in the water and on the land, breeding occurs outside, such as frogs. After the fertilized eggs will hatch and undergo metamorphosis.
The insects also suffered metamorphosis. Insects after the fertilized egg will hatch into caterpillars males. Caterpillar forms a cocoon that broke the cocoon broke issued issued a butterfly as a form of adult insects. Changes in body shape caterpillar into a chrysalis and then the adult is called metamorphosis perfect.
Metamorphosis imperfect found in insects grasshoppers and crickets. This insect eggs after fertilization parent kaan males hatch into larva. Furthermore, insect-like parent child grows into an adult.
Animals that lay eggs produce eggs are encased by the other eggs. If not get out of its mother, the egg cell meet male sex cells of animals males. The cell was experiencing pembuhan. The fertilized egg is called a zygote (read: si-got). The fertilized egg will be incubated if aanak animals. If the egg is not fertilized, the eggs did not hatch though incubation.
Relationship development and growth Beings. Population is the number of individuals living things that inhabit a particular area. In one village was inhabited by dozens of human populations. Many elephants in the forest, they live somewhere bergelombol therefore called elephant population. Every individual living thing is affected environment. Lingngan are all located outside of any living creature. Environment consisting of living things are called biotic and inanimate lungkugnan called abiotic environment. The important thing to understand is we are dependent on one another. With the working of the law of nature creates a balance in the ecosystem. Life rats depends on the availability of plants and many snakes. When the rats became prosperous abundant vegetation. Body fat and the population very rapidly. As a result of the population explosion can menimgbulkan unemployment, lack of food and shelter, lack of opportunities in education, the depletion of natural resources, water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution.Population increases are coming and born bilaa more than the dead.
How to solve the problem of food for the world population? Family planning (FP), preserving the environment, saving energy.
How to cope with the increasing population of the world? Family planning.
Should population be controlled? It is important because the amount of energy and food on earth is limited, if the population continues to increase the population of the world in danger of starvation and lack of energy.
When the population? When you are coming or who was born more than a dead or gone.
What does zygote? The fertilized egg cell.
What is viviparous? Animals give birth.
What is ovipar? Animals spawn.
Is a sperm cell? Male sex cells.
Is the ovum? female sex cells or eggs.
Is pollinate it? Events attach stamen to the stigma.
Persarian What is it? Pollination.
Is the person doing the breeding objectives in a way to connect and stick?Merging two different plant properties.
Is the purpose of the conduct by breeding duck? Shoots growing at the end of the stem or axillary panicles.
How pengembangbiakaan with graft? Give ground on which we tighten the rod dikotil plants.
How about the breeding of the stick? Stem above the root tuber can sprout roots and tubers serve as food reserves.
Do you know how to connect it breed? Combining two different plants with each connecting rod wishing spliced plants.
How is breeding with cuttings? One part of the parent body instilled directly into the ground.
How to evolve culture banana? Germinate.
How do cultures evolve cocor duck? Tuanas adventitious.
How do fungi breeding? With spores.
How Paramaecium breeding? Dividing.
Do you know about the breed dengana: a) umbu layer, c) live roots, c) root tuber, d) stem tubers, e) geragih, f) adventitious shoots. First, the bulbs are in the form of suing shoots that grow from tubers. Second, is the sole roots shoots growing from the trunk of a spread in the soil. Third, is a stem tuber roots that are above umbiakar can sprout roots and tubers serve as food reserves. Bud stem tubers are grown from tubers. Geragih are new shoots on the books that spread such geragih rod handle, geragih strawberries. Adventitious buds are buds on the tip of the stem or axillary panicles.
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