Lempar Lembing (Javelin Throw)
(Sumber: Prayitno, Dwijo. Penjas Orkes. Madiun:AnugerahAgung.)
Lembing adalah benda yang berbentuk tombak yang bermata lembing runcing. Pada bagian tengah terdapat lilitan tali sebagai tempat pegangan.
Ukuran panjang dan berat lembing adalah sebagai berikut:
a) Putra, panjang: 2,6-2,7 meter, berat 800 gram.
b) Putri, panjang: 2,2-2,3 meter, berat:600 gram.
1) Cara memegang lembing
a) Cara Amerika (American Style). Lembing dipegang pada bagian belakang lilitan tali dengan jari telunjuk dan ibu jari sehingga posisi lembing tepat berada pada garis tengah telapak tangan.
b) cara Finlandia (Find Style), lembing dipegang pada bagian belakang lilitan tali dengan jari tengah dan ibu jari, sedangkan telunjuk menempel pada lembing dalam sehingga posisi lembing tepat berada pada garis tengah telapak tangan.
c) Cara menjepit (Tang Style). Lembing dipegang dengna cara dijepit oleh telunjuk dan jari tengah di belakang lilitan, sedangkan ibu jari, jari manis, dan kelingking memperkuat pada lilitan.
2) Cara Melempar lembing (Javelin Throw). Lempar lembing (Javelin Throw) mempunyai dua gaya, yaitu gaya langkah jingkat (hot step) dan gaya langkah silang (cross step). Pada kesempatan ini kita akan membahas cara melempar lembing gaya langkah silang (cross step).
a) Dengan permulaan berlari, lembing dibawa setinggi kepala dengna lengan bengkok, siku menghadap ke depan dan telapak tangan menghadap ke atas.
b) Lembing sejajar dengan tanah, lintasan awalan kurang lebih 30 m termasuk “langkah silang”, langkah akhir dimulai sejak pelempar sampai pada tanda (check mark) yang dipasang sebelumnya.
c) kaki kanan melompat kuat dibantu dengan kaki kiri mengangkat panggul ke depan atas disertai dengan panggul dan badan diputar ke kiri. Lengan kiri dari posisi terangkat di muka dada lalu digerakkan ke samping kiri. Kepala menghadap ke arah lemparan agak mengadah, pandangan agak ke atas.
d) Didahului siku kanan, lembing dilemparkan sekuat-kuatnya dengan sudut lemparan kurang lebih 400 disertai dengan badan yang dicondongkan ke depan mengikuti ayunan lengan melempar lembing, lepasnya lembing kira di atas depan dari bahu kanan.
e) Lepasnya lembing diikuti dengan kaki kanan melangkah di muka. Gerakan ini merupakan langkah yang kelima gaya Finlandia. Bersamaan dengan mendaratnya kaki kanan, kaki kiri ditegakkan ke belakang dan tetap terangkat untuk memberikan keseimbangan pada kaki kanan yang harus berjingkat-jingkat dalam usahanya mengerem lajunya awalan.
f) Keluardari lintasan setelah lembing yang dilempar jatuh. Dari posisi berdiri ia meninggalkan lintasan. Lembaran dianggap tidak sah kalau setelah melempar dan lembing belum jatuh ke tanah, ia telah meninggalkan lintasan.
3) Latihan Melempar Lembing.
a) Latihan melempar tanpa awalan. Dari sikap menyamping ke arah lemparan, peganglah lembing sejajar dengan badan. Mata lembing mengarah ke atas, rendahkan lutut kaki belakang dan putar pinggang ke belakang. Tangan yang memegang lembing menyentak ke depan di atas kepala dengna siku agak ditekuk, kemudian lemparkan lembing ke atas dengan kekuatan yang ada pada lengan.
b) Melempar dengan awalan. Lemparan diawali dengan sikap membawa lembing dilanjutkan dengan sikap siap melakukan awalan yaitu lari dengan cepat, pada saat kaki kanan menyentuh tanda yang telah ditentukan, tangan kanan diluruskan ke belakang mengarah ke bawah. Pada saat kaki kiri melangkah ke depan dan mendarat, lakukanlah gerakan berjingkat (hop) dengan menggunakan kaki kanan. Setelah kaki kanan mendarat, langkahkan kaki kiri selebar mungkin sejauh mungkin ke samping kiri. Pada saat kaki kiri mendarat, pindahkan berat badan pada kaki kanan hingga lutut kaki kanan merendah. Pada saat itu, posisi tangan kanan yang memegang lembing lurus serong ke bawah dengan mata lembing dan pandangan terarah ke sudut lemparan.
Dengan didahului tekukan siku tangan kanan, lembing dibawa ke depan serong ke atas lewat di atas bahu. Gerakan ini hampir bersamaan dengan meluruskan kaki kanan. Gerakan ini segera disusul dengan majunya kaki kiri dan tangan kanan mengayun lurus ke arah sudut lemparan. Pada saat itulah lembing lepas dari tangan.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Javelin throwing (Javelin Throw)
(Source: Prayitno, Dwijo. Penjas Orchestra. Madiun: AnugerahAgung.)
Javelin is a spear-shaped objects pointy-eyed javelin. In the middle there is a winding rope as a handrail.The length and weight of the javelin is as follows:
a) Son, length: 2.6 to 2.7 meters, weighs 800 grams.
b) Women, length: 2.2 to 2.3 meters, weight: 600 grams.
1) How to hold the javelin
a) American Way (American Style). Javelin held at the back of the winding rope with your index finger and thumb so that the exact position of the javelin is the center of your palm lines.
b) how Finland (Find Style), javelin held at the back of the winding rope with the middle finger and thumb, while the index attached to the javelin javelin in that position right in the middle line of the palm.
c) How clamping (Tang Style). Javelin dengna held clamped by way of index and middle fingers on the back loops, while the thumb, ring finger and pinkie strengthen the windings.
2) How to Throw a Javelin (Javelin Throw). Javelin throwing (Javelin Throw) has two styles, the style hopscotch step (hot step) and step-style cross (cross step).On this occasion we will discuss how to throw a javelin style cross step (cross step).
a) By the beginning of the run, javelin carried head high dengna arms bent, elbows facing forward and your palm facing up.
b) javelin parallel to the ground, the path prefix of approximately 30 m, including "cross step", the final step starting pitcher to the mark (check mark) previously installed.
c) Strong jump right leg with your left leg lifted aided pelvis forward over the body accompanied by hip and rotated to the left. The left arm from a position in front of the chest lifted and moved to the left side. Head facing the throw rather mengadah, outlook slightly upward.
d) Preceded right elbow, the javelin is thrown with a vengeance with a pitch angle of approximately 400 with a skewed body forward swing of the arm following the javelin throw, javelin release suspect in the front of the right shoulder.
e) Release of javelin followed by the right foot step in advance. This movement is the fifth step Finnish style. Along with the landing of the right foot, left foot backward and still enforced raised to provide balance on the right leg that had crept its speed in an attempt to halt the prefix.
f) get out of the track after the javelin is thrown down. From a standing position he left the track. The sheets are considered invalid if, after javelin throw and not fall to the ground, he had left the track.
3) Exercise javelin throw.
a) Exercise throw without prefix. From the sideways stance toward the throw, javelin hold parallel to the body. Eyes javelin pointing up, lower your knees back foot and turn the waist to the back. The hand that holds the javelin jerking forward on the head dengna elbows slightly bent, then throw the javelin up with the powers that be in the arm.
b) Throw a prefix. Throw javelin begins with attitude brings an attitude ready to proceed with the prefix that is running fast, at the right foot touches the mark that has been determined, the right hand straightened back downward. At the left foot forward and landing, do the tiptoe movement (hop) by using the right foot. After landing right foot, left foot step as wide as possible as far as possible to the left side. At left foot landing, move the weight on the right leg to the knee right leg modestly. At that time, the position of the right hand holding the javelin straight oblique down with eyes directed to the javelin and the view point of the throw.
Preceded by bending the right elbow, javelin brought forward oblique upward pass over the shoulder. The movement is almost the same with the right leg straightening. This movement was quickly followed by the advance left foot and right hand swing straight toward the corner throw. At that moment the javelin out of hand.
(Source: Prayitno, Dwijo. Penjas Orchestra. Madiun: AnugerahAgung.)
Javelin is a spear-shaped objects pointy-eyed javelin. In the middle there is a winding rope as a handrail.The length and weight of the javelin is as follows:
a) Son, length: 2.6 to 2.7 meters, weighs 800 grams.
b) Women, length: 2.2 to 2.3 meters, weight: 600 grams.
1) How to hold the javelin
a) American Way (American Style). Javelin held at the back of the winding rope with your index finger and thumb so that the exact position of the javelin is the center of your palm lines.
b) how Finland (Find Style), javelin held at the back of the winding rope with the middle finger and thumb, while the index attached to the javelin javelin in that position right in the middle line of the palm.
c) How clamping (Tang Style). Javelin dengna held clamped by way of index and middle fingers on the back loops, while the thumb, ring finger and pinkie strengthen the windings.
2) How to Throw a Javelin (Javelin Throw). Javelin throwing (Javelin Throw) has two styles, the style hopscotch step (hot step) and step-style cross (cross step).On this occasion we will discuss how to throw a javelin style cross step (cross step).
a) By the beginning of the run, javelin carried head high dengna arms bent, elbows facing forward and your palm facing up.
b) javelin parallel to the ground, the path prefix of approximately 30 m, including "cross step", the final step starting pitcher to the mark (check mark) previously installed.
c) Strong jump right leg with your left leg lifted aided pelvis forward over the body accompanied by hip and rotated to the left. The left arm from a position in front of the chest lifted and moved to the left side. Head facing the throw rather mengadah, outlook slightly upward.
d) Preceded right elbow, the javelin is thrown with a vengeance with a pitch angle of approximately 400 with a skewed body forward swing of the arm following the javelin throw, javelin release suspect in the front of the right shoulder.
e) Release of javelin followed by the right foot step in advance. This movement is the fifth step Finnish style. Along with the landing of the right foot, left foot backward and still enforced raised to provide balance on the right leg that had crept its speed in an attempt to halt the prefix.
f) get out of the track after the javelin is thrown down. From a standing position he left the track. The sheets are considered invalid if, after javelin throw and not fall to the ground, he had left the track.
3) Exercise javelin throw.
a) Exercise throw without prefix. From the sideways stance toward the throw, javelin hold parallel to the body. Eyes javelin pointing up, lower your knees back foot and turn the waist to the back. The hand that holds the javelin jerking forward on the head dengna elbows slightly bent, then throw the javelin up with the powers that be in the arm.
b) Throw a prefix. Throw javelin begins with attitude brings an attitude ready to proceed with the prefix that is running fast, at the right foot touches the mark that has been determined, the right hand straightened back downward. At the left foot forward and landing, do the tiptoe movement (hop) by using the right foot. After landing right foot, left foot step as wide as possible as far as possible to the left side. At left foot landing, move the weight on the right leg to the knee right leg modestly. At that time, the position of the right hand holding the javelin straight oblique down with eyes directed to the javelin and the view point of the throw.
Preceded by bending the right elbow, javelin brought forward oblique upward pass over the shoulder. The movement is almost the same with the right leg straightening. This movement was quickly followed by the advance left foot and right hand swing straight toward the corner throw. At that moment the javelin out of hand.
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