Hasil Interpretasi Pencitraan Peta di Google Earth, wilayah ibukota di Pulau Sulawesi/Interpretation of results in Google Earth Imagery Map, areas of the capital on the island of Sulawesi FOR CLASS XII IPS Semester 1 Kebumian

(Sumber/ source: google earth)

(Gorontalo, Celebes Islands/ Pulau Sulawesi)

(Kendari, South East Sulawesi/ Sulawesi Tenggara)

(Macassar/ Makasar/ Ujungpandang, South of Sulawesi/ Sulawesi Selatan)

(Mamuju, West of Sulawesi/ Sulawesi Barat)

(Manado, North of Sulawesi/ Sulawesi Utara)

(Palu, Central of Sulawesi/ Sulawesi Tengah)


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