Hasil Peta Pencitraan dari Google Earth, wilayah ibukota di Pulau Kalimantan/ Results Map imagery from Google Earth, the capital region on the island of Borneo FOR CLASS XII IPS Semester 1 Kebumian

(Sumber/ Source: google earth)

(Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam)

(Banjarmasin, South of Borneo/ Kalimantan Selatan)

(Pontianak, West of Borneo/ West of Kalimantan)

(Kota Kinabalu/ Kinabalu of City, Sabah, East of Malaysia)

(Kuching, Sarawak, East of Malaysia)

(Palangkaraya, Central of Borneo/ Kalimantan Tengah)

(Samarinda, East of Borneo/ Kalimantan Timur)

(Victoria, Federal Territory of Labuan, East of Malaysia)


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