Tektonisme dan Dampaknya/Tektonisme and Effects FOR CLASS X GEOGRAPHY
Tektonisme dan Dampaknya
(Sumber: Sudibyakto, H. A. 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.)
a) Gerak Epirogenetik. Gerakan ini akan mengubah bentuk muka bumi dalam waktu yang sangat lambat hingga membutuhkan waktu lama. Efek gerakan ini meliputi wilayah yang sangat luas. Gerakan ini masih dibedakan lagi menjadi gerakan epirogenetik positif dan epirogenetik negative. Fenomena epirogenetik positif pernah terjadi di Kepulauan Maluku dan Banda. Sedangkan fenomena epirogenetik negative pernah terjadi di Pulau Buton dan Timor.
b) Gerakan Orogenetik. Berkebalikan dengan gerakan epirogenetik, gerakan orogenetik berlangsung singkat dan meliputi wilayah yang sempit. Gerak ini berpengaruh besar terhadap terbentuk pegunungan, patahan, retakan, dan lipatan.
1) Lipatan. Terjadi lipatan disebabkan oleh gerakan dari dalam bumi akibat tekanan yang besar dan temperature yang tinggi sehingga menjadikan sifat batuan yang menjadi cair liat atau plastis. Keplastisannya ini membuat batuan tersebut akan terlipat apabila ada dorongan tenaga tektonik. Lipatan lapisan bumi ini akan membentuk pegunungan yang punggungnya disebut antiklinal dan wilayah lembahnya di sebut sinklinal. Perbedaan tingkat keplastisan dan kekuatan tenaga tektonik menjadi batuan terlipat dalam berbagai bentuk.
Ø Lipatan tegak. Dihasilkan dari kekuatan yang sama yang mendorong dua sisi dengan seimbang.
Ø Lipatan miring. Ketika kekuatan tenaga pendorong di salah satunya sisi lebih kuat maka akan menghasilkan kenampakan yang salah satu sisinya lebih curam.
Ø Overfold. Saat tekanan bekerja pada salah satu sisi dengan lebih kuat, sisi tersebut akan terlipat sesuai arah lipatan.
Ø Lipatan recumbent fold. Terbentuk pada saat lipatan yang satu menekan sisi yang lain menyebabkan sumbu lipat hampir datar.
Ø Lipatan overthrust. Terbentuk ketika tenaga tekan menekan satu sisi dengan kuatnya hingga menyebabkan lipatan menjadi retak.
Ø Nappe. Terbentuk setelah lipatan overthrust rusak sepanjang garis retakan.
Dalam perkembangan, wilayah sinklinal maupun antiklinal mengalami proses perombakan oleh tenaga yang berasal dari luar bumi. Contohnya, wilayah sinklinal mengalami perombakan sampai membentuk rangkaian pegunungan dan lembah berselang seling yang selanjutnya disebut sinklinorium. Begitu pula dengan antiklinal yang terombak hingga terbentuk rangkaian pegunungan dan lembah yang selanjutnya disebut antiklinorium.
2) Patahan. Patahan yang terjadi ketika kulit Bumi yang bersifat padat dank eras mengalami retak atau patah pada saat terjadi gerakan orogenesa. Pada patahan, massa batuan mengalami pergeseran titik atau tempat yang semula bertampalan (kontak) kemudian berpindah lokasi (dislocated/ displaced), gerakan ini menimbulkan terjadinya patahan dengan gaya tekan (compression) dan gaya renggang (tension). Ekspresi topografi dari adanya patahan sangat beraneka ragam, antara lain gawir sesar, triangle facet, lembah besar, fault, rift, graben, horst, dan basin (cekungan structural). Pada perkembangannya, kenampakan ini mengalami perubahan akibat tenaga endogen. Ciri adanya patahan dapat kamu kenali dari adanya perbedaan ketinggian yang mencolok. Di Indonesia beberapa patahan dapat kita jumpai di Semangko, Sumatera dan Piyungan, Yogyakarta.
c) Dampak Tektonisme.
Dinamika bumi oleh tenaga tektonisme akan memberi dampak pada banyak hal.dampak nyata dapat langsung dilihat pada muka bumi yang terpengaruh secara langsung. Pergeseran kerak bumi mendorong terbentuknya berbagai jenis pegunungan dan cekungan sedimen. Lebih lanjut terjadinya tekanan, regangan dan deformasi pada kerak bumi (pengangkatan, ambelesan, retakan, patahan, serta lipatan) didukung dengan adanya gaya gravitasi bumi akan menimbulkan terjadinya erosi, longsoran dan sedimentasi. Dari proses yang terjadi ini dapat menimbulkan bencana alam yang mengakibatkan kerugian materiil, harta benda, dan nyawa.
Beberapa dampak di atas digolongkan sebagai dampak negative. Ada juga dampak positif yang ditimbulkannya meskipun terkadang banyak orang tidak menyadari. Kantong minyak dan gas alam banyak ditemukan di lipatan dan sesar batuan yang kondisinya memenuhi syarat. Salah satunya terdapat di sisi utara maupun selatan rangkaian pegunungan yang melintasi Pulau Jawa.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Tektonisme and Effects
(Source: Sudibyakto, HA 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Ministry of Education.)
a) Motion Epirogenetik. This movement will change the shape of the earth in a very slow to take a long time. The effect of this movement covers a very wide area. This movement is still divided again into motion epirogenetik positive and negative epirogenetik.Epirogenetik positive phenomenon happened in the Maluku Islands and Banda. While epirogenetik negative phenomena have occurred on the island of Buton and East.
b) Movement Orogenetik. Contrary to epirogenetik movement, movement orogenetik short and covers a narrow area. The motion is a major effect formed mountains, faults, cracks and folds.
1) Fold. Crease occurs due to the motion of the earth due to great pressure and high temperature properties of the rocks making a liquid clay or plastic. Keplastisannya makes these rocks will fold if there is a push tectonic force. Folds earth layer will form the back called antiklinal mountains and valley regions called sinklinal. The difference in the level of plasticity and strength of a rock folded tectonic energy in various forms.
Folds upright. Produced from the same forces that drive the two sides of the balance.
oblique folds. When the propulsion force on one side of the more powerful it will result in the appearance of one of its sides steeper.
Overfold. When the pressure of working on one side with a more powerful, that side will be folded in the direction of the folds.
fold Recumbent fold. Crease formed when one presses the other causes axis folding virtually flat.
Folds Overthrust. Formed when power press push one side of the crease to be strong enough to cause cracking.
Nappe. Formed after folds Overthrust broken along the crack line.
In the development, the region and antiklinal sinklinal undergo reshuffle personnel from outside the earth. For example, the area sinklinal been recast to form a series of ridges and valleys alternate, hereinafter referred sinklinorium. Similarly, the terombak antiklinal to form a series of ridges and valleys, hereinafter referred antiklinorium.
2) Fault. Fracture that occurs when the skin of the Earth are solid dank eras fractured or broken in the event of movement orogenesa.At fracture, the rock mass shift point or place of the original bertampalan (contact) then relocates (dislocated / displaced), the movement raises the fracture with compressive force (compression) and loose style (tension). Topographic expression of the fault is very diverse, including fault escarpment, triangle facet, large valleys, fault, rift, graben, horst and basin (structural basin). In development, this appearance changes due to endogenous energy.Characteristics of the fault can you identify from the height difference is striking. In Indonesia, some faults can be encountered in Semangko, Piyungan Sumatra and Yogyakarta.
c) Impact Tektonisme.
Dynamics of the Earth by the force tektonisme will impact on many real hal.dampak can be directly seen in the face of the earth who are directly affected. Encourage the shift of the earth's crust different kinds of mountains and sedimentary basins. Furthermore, the stress, strain and deformation in the crust of the earth (rapture, ambelesan, cracks, fractures, and folds) supported by the force of gravity will cause erosion, landslides and sedimentation. Of the processes that occur can cause natural disasters that resulted in material losses, property, and lives.
Some of the effects of the above listed negative impacts. There is also a positive impact although sometimes it causes a lot of people do not realize. Pockets of oil and natural gas are found in the rock folds and fault conditions are eligible. One is located on the north and south mountain range that crosses the island of Java.
(Source: Sudibyakto, HA 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Ministry of Education.)
a) Motion Epirogenetik. This movement will change the shape of the earth in a very slow to take a long time. The effect of this movement covers a very wide area. This movement is still divided again into motion epirogenetik positive and negative epirogenetik.Epirogenetik positive phenomenon happened in the Maluku Islands and Banda. While epirogenetik negative phenomena have occurred on the island of Buton and East.
b) Movement Orogenetik. Contrary to epirogenetik movement, movement orogenetik short and covers a narrow area. The motion is a major effect formed mountains, faults, cracks and folds.
1) Fold. Crease occurs due to the motion of the earth due to great pressure and high temperature properties of the rocks making a liquid clay or plastic. Keplastisannya makes these rocks will fold if there is a push tectonic force. Folds earth layer will form the back called antiklinal mountains and valley regions called sinklinal. The difference in the level of plasticity and strength of a rock folded tectonic energy in various forms.
Folds upright. Produced from the same forces that drive the two sides of the balance.
oblique folds. When the propulsion force on one side of the more powerful it will result in the appearance of one of its sides steeper.
Overfold. When the pressure of working on one side with a more powerful, that side will be folded in the direction of the folds.
fold Recumbent fold. Crease formed when one presses the other causes axis folding virtually flat.
Folds Overthrust. Formed when power press push one side of the crease to be strong enough to cause cracking.
Nappe. Formed after folds Overthrust broken along the crack line.
In the development, the region and antiklinal sinklinal undergo reshuffle personnel from outside the earth. For example, the area sinklinal been recast to form a series of ridges and valleys alternate, hereinafter referred sinklinorium. Similarly, the terombak antiklinal to form a series of ridges and valleys, hereinafter referred antiklinorium.
2) Fault. Fracture that occurs when the skin of the Earth are solid dank eras fractured or broken in the event of movement orogenesa.At fracture, the rock mass shift point or place of the original bertampalan (contact) then relocates (dislocated / displaced), the movement raises the fracture with compressive force (compression) and loose style (tension). Topographic expression of the fault is very diverse, including fault escarpment, triangle facet, large valleys, fault, rift, graben, horst and basin (structural basin). In development, this appearance changes due to endogenous energy.Characteristics of the fault can you identify from the height difference is striking. In Indonesia, some faults can be encountered in Semangko, Piyungan Sumatra and Yogyakarta.
c) Impact Tektonisme.
Dynamics of the Earth by the force tektonisme will impact on many real hal.dampak can be directly seen in the face of the earth who are directly affected. Encourage the shift of the earth's crust different kinds of mountains and sedimentary basins. Furthermore, the stress, strain and deformation in the crust of the earth (rapture, ambelesan, cracks, fractures, and folds) supported by the force of gravity will cause erosion, landslides and sedimentation. Of the processes that occur can cause natural disasters that resulted in material losses, property, and lives.
Some of the effects of the above listed negative impacts. There is also a positive impact although sometimes it causes a lot of people do not realize. Pockets of oil and natural gas are found in the rock folds and fault conditions are eligible. One is located on the north and south mountain range that crosses the island of Java.
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