Manfaat Kerak Bumi Litosfer/Benefits lithosphere of the Earth's crust FOR GENERAL GEOGRAPHY
Manfaat Kerak Bumi Litosfer
(Sumber: Sudibyakto, H. A. 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.)
Secara garis besar, batuan penyusun kerak bumi, yaitu:
a) Batuan Beku. Batuan ini terbentuk karena magma yang mendingin dan menjadi keras. Batuan beku terjadi terutama di sepanjang tepi lempeng dan pada daerah paans yang menghasilkan magma.
b) Batuan Endapan (Sedimen). Batuaan endapan berasal dari batuan beku yang muncul di permukaan Bumi. Karena adanya tenaga angin dan air, batuan beku dirombak menjadi material yang lebih kecil kemudian diendapkan di dasar samudera. Di samudera, lama kelamaan endapan tersebut memadat dan menjadi batuan endapan.
c) Batuan Malihan (Metamorf). Batuan malihan terjadi karena adanya tekanan dan suhu yang tinggi. Sehingga memampatkan dan meremukkan batuan yang sudah ada sebelumnya, baik itu yang berupa batuan beku ataupun batuan endapan.
Intan merupakan batuan yang paling keras dan sangat berharga. Batu intan terbentuk di dalam bumi pada kedalaman kurang lebih 150 km. karena terletak pada lapisan yang sangat dalam maka karbon sebagai bahan pembentuk intan, mendapatkan tekanan yang sangat kuat dan mendapat paans yang sangat tinggi hingga 1.650OC. Dengan adanya tekanan yang kuat dan panas yang tinggi inilah, karbon berubah menjadi Kristal intan yang sangat berharga.
Lain halnya dengan minyak dan gas alam. Kedua komoditas ekspor yang bernilai ekonomis ini terbentuk karena adanya sisa plankton, ganggang dan makhluk lain yang mengendap di lantai samudera, kemudian tertutup oleh sedimen yang terangkut dan terendapkan di samudera. Sisa makhluk hidup ini lama kelamaan melapuk dan menjadi bahan bakar fosil serta gas alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan energinya.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Benefits lithosphere of the Earth's crust
(Source: Sudibyakto, HA 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Ministry of Education.)
Broadly speaking, the rocks making up the crust of the earth,namely:
a) Frozen rocks. These rocks formed by magma that cools andbecomes hard. Igneous rocks occur mainly along the edge of theplate and the area that produces magma paans.
b) Sediment rocks (sediments). Batuaan sediments derived fromigneous rocks that appear on the surface of the Earth. Because of the wind and water, igneous reformed into smaller material was then deposited on the ocean floor. In the ocean, the sedimentgradually solidified into rock and sediment.
c) metamorphic rocks (metamorphic). Metamorphic rocks is due to the high pressures and temperatures. Thus compress and crushrocks that have been there before, either in the form of igneous orsedimentary rocks.
Diamonds are the hardest rock and very valuable. Diamond stonesare formed in the earth at a depth of approximately 150 km.because it is located in a very deep layer of carbon as the materialforming the diamond, get a very strong pressure and got a very highpaans to 1.650OC. With the intense pressure and high heat of this,the carbon turns into diamond crystals that are very valuable.
As with oil and natural gas. Both economically valuable export commodity is formed due to the rest of plankton, algae and other creatures that settles on the ocean floor, then covered by sedimenttransported and terendapkan in the ocean. The rest of the living creatures was gradually decaying and fossil fuels and natural gasenergy can be utilized.
(Source: Sudibyakto, HA 2009. Geografi.Jakarta: Ministry of Education.)
Broadly speaking, the rocks making up the crust of the earth,namely:
a) Frozen rocks. These rocks formed by magma that cools andbecomes hard. Igneous rocks occur mainly along the edge of theplate and the area that produces magma paans.
b) Sediment rocks (sediments). Batuaan sediments derived fromigneous rocks that appear on the surface of the Earth. Because of the wind and water, igneous reformed into smaller material was then deposited on the ocean floor. In the ocean, the sedimentgradually solidified into rock and sediment.
c) metamorphic rocks (metamorphic). Metamorphic rocks is due to the high pressures and temperatures. Thus compress and crushrocks that have been there before, either in the form of igneous orsedimentary rocks.
Diamonds are the hardest rock and very valuable. Diamond stonesare formed in the earth at a depth of approximately 150 km.because it is located in a very deep layer of carbon as the materialforming the diamond, get a very strong pressure and got a very highpaans to 1.650OC. With the intense pressure and high heat of this,the carbon turns into diamond crystals that are very valuable.
As with oil and natural gas. Both economically valuable export commodity is formed due to the rest of plankton, algae and other creatures that settles on the ocean floor, then covered by sedimenttransported and terendapkan in the ocean. The rest of the living creatures was gradually decaying and fossil fuels and natural gasenergy can be utilized.
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