Botani Padi
(Sumber: Hardjodinomo, Soekirno. 1970. Bertanam Padi. Bandung: Penerbit Binacipta.)
A) Tumbuhnya Biji Padi. Bila kita kupas sebutir gabah maka kita akan melihat bahwa sebagian besar dari isinya itu terdiri atas putih lembaga, yang ktia kenal sebagai butir beras. Di bagian bawah agak ke samping dari butir ini terdapat dalam sebuah lekuk lembaga biji. Letak lembaga ini sama sisi dengan pangkal sekam mahkota yang terbesar. Hypocotil dari lembaga terletak di tengah. Pada ujungnya terdapat titik tumbuh yang kemudian tumbuh menjadi batang dan daun. Titik tumbuh ini tertutup oleh sepasang daun yang maish muda dan kedua bagian itu semuanya tertutup oleh pelepah lembaga.
Pangkal hypocotil bersambung dengan akar lembaga yang tertutup oleh pembungkus akar. Disamping sebelah dalam hipokotil bersambung dengan titik lembaga yang menempel pad putih lembaga yang banyak mengandung pati. Biji pati setelah masak dapat terus tumbuh. Tetapi kebanyakan memerlukan masa istirahat sekitar 4-6 minggu setelah panen. Biji yang mempunyai sifat ini apabila tanamannya rebah dan terendam air tidak akan tumbuh. Gabah yang kering benar tidak akan kehilangan kekuatan tumbuhnya selama 2 tahun apabila disimpan secara kering.
Untuk tumbuh biji perlu panas yang tertentu, yang berlainan untuk tiap jenis. Ada yang 34oC, ada yang 37OC. Pada suhu 45oC tiada sebutir pun tumbuh.
Pada biji yang sedang tumbuh sel di dalam lembaga bertambah besar dan panjang yang mendesak kulit ari dan sekam mahkota yang keduanya lalu retak dan pecah. Dengan demikian seluruh lembaga menonjol ke luar.
Bagian sekam mahkota yang membungkus putih lembaga tetap tiada terbuka. Pelepah lembaga kemudian tumbuh dan memanjang. Sesudah ini terjadi, baru bakal akar menembus sarung akar dan tumbuh ke bawah. Kebanyakan jenis padi, 4 hari sesudah ditaburkan di persemaian basah, pelepah lembaganya biasanya pecah dan bakal daunnya lalu muncul ke luar. Ini pada biji yang tidak terendam air. Bila terendam air maka pelepah lembaga tidak mau pecah dan lembaga yang sedang tumbuh lalu mati. Sesudah daun muda berasimilasi akar lalu tumbuh bebas. Akar serabut mulai tumbuh bersama dengan terbentuknya batang, yang mana akar serabut ini di dalamnya tak lebih dari ½ cm.
B) Akar Padi. Setelah lembaga tumbuh, akar tunggang yang terjadi dari akar lembaga terus masuk ke dalam tanah. Lima sampai enam hari pangkal batang yang muda mengeluarkan akar serabut yang berangsur bertambah banyak. Lebih-lebih setelah bibit berumur 18 hari di mana anak batang pertama sedang muncul sehingga tak dapat dibedakan antara akar tunggang dan akar serabut.
Dalam suatu penyelidikan, akar tunggang padi dapat masuk ke dalam tanah 50-60 cm, sedangkan akar serabutnya tumbuhnya rata dan hanya beberapa cm di dalam tanah. Akar padi pada umumnya dari permukaan tanah yang dikerjakan dalamnya kurang lebih 25 cm. dengan demikian tidak mengherankan jika tanah kering yang ditanami padi gogo cepat kurus. Untuk padi sawah lain halnya sebab mendapat zat makanan yang baru dan air pengairan. Seperti halnya tanaman lain, akar padi baik akar tunggang maupun akar serabutnya bercabang. Cabang pertama tumbuh pada induk akar pada jarak agak jauh dan panjang, yang kedua adalah akar rambut yang letaknya berdekatan sekali dan panjangnya sekitar 1-2 cm. susunan akar padi sangat dipengaruhi oleh keadaan tanah. Pada tanah kering, akar cabang tingkat pertama biasanya panjang dan akar rambutnya pendek. Di tanah basah sebaliknya, akar cabang tingkat pertama pendek dan akar rambutnya panjang. Pada tanah gembur (gambut) akar cabang tingkat pertama dan akar rambutnya pendek.
Demikian pula jenis padi membawa susunan akar tersendiri. Susunan akar padi Bengawan lain daripada susunan akar padi Cina dan sebagainya.
C) Batang Padi. Batang padi beruas. Ruas ini kosong. Hanya di bagian atas dekat pada buku terdapat empulur yang lunak dan putih warnyanya. Ruas ini panjangnya tidak sama. Jumlah rata 7 dan ruas yang teratas paling panjang dan besar, ke bawah makin pendek dan mengecil. Ada yang bergaris merah atau lembayung. Batang padi berbeda tingginya seusai dengan jenisnya. Pada umumnya yang berumur panjang lebih tinggi dari yang berumur pendek, rata antara 80-120 cm dan paling tinggi 1,5 m.
Kuncup ketiak hanya terdapat pada buku pada pangkal batang dan dapat tumbuh menjadi batang baru. Batang baru ini dapat mengeluarkan batang lagi dan seterusnya.
Waktu kuncup sedang tumbuh, bakal akar pada buku itu juga ikut tumbuh, yang tiada lama terus menembus pelepah daun yang membungkusnya. Banyak anaknya tergantung dari factor:
a) Faktor keturunan.
b) Faktor di luar keturunan (tanah, menanamnya jarang dan sebagainya)
menurut penyelidikan, padi mulai beranak umur 1 hari setelah benih disebar. Kemudian setelah 4-5 hari menyusul anak berikutnya. Umumnya tiap batang beranak 6-10 batang, bila tiap rumpun tak banyak bibit yang ditanam. Tanaman padi sering kali rebah. Pada umumnya terjadi pada tanah yang subur, terlalu rapat menanamnya, atau terus menerus diairi. Juga jenis padi mempengaruhi. Padi bulu umumnya tahan rebah dan padi cereh mudah rebah.
D) Daun Padi. Daun padi terdiri atas pelepah daun yang membalut batang dan helai daun. Di antara kedua bagian ini terdapat lidah daun dan di sisinya telinga daun, sambungan pelepah dan helai daun berupa sendi. Daun yang masih muda mula tergulung dn kemudian berangsur berkembang, mula helai daunnya berdiri tegak kemudian berangsur miring. Lebar dan panjang helai daunnya tergantung dari jenis, kesuburan tanah dan letaknya pada batang. Umumnya daun Nomor 3 dan yang atas yang terpanjang. Golongan padi bulu yang umumnya lebih besar daripada golongan cereh. Daun yang keluarnya terakhir disebut daun bendera. Duduknya ada yang 90o dan ada yang kurang. Daun dari jenis bulu tepinya tajam dan dapat melukai.
Muka daun sebelah atas berbulu sedang yang di bawah tidak, bulu ini terdiri dari permukaan urat daun yang menonjol ke luar.
Pelepah daun membalut ruas batang padi dan panjangnya melebihi ruas yang dibalutnya. Lidah daun ada yang berwarna dan ada yang tidak, gunanya untuk menahan air hujan.
E)Bunga Padi. Bunga padi adalah bunga serangkai yang berbentuk malai. Tangkai bunga sebetulnya adalah ruas batang yang terakhir yang di kanan kirinya bercabang, pada cabang ini terdapat bunga yang tersusun sebagai butir yang berbunga tunggal. Daun bendera membalut tangkai bunga bagian bawah. Panjang malai bermacam menurut jenisnya, yang panjangnya 12-15 cm tergolong pendek, yang panjangnya 15-25 cm tergolong sedang dan yang panjangnya 25-35 cm tergolong panjang. Banyak cabang rata-rata 11-20 minimum 7 dan maksimum 30. Panjang dan banyak cabang menentukan banyaknya hasil. Bunga padi terdiri dua kelopak yang nampaknya sebagai sisik, 2 sekam mahkota tidak sama besarnya, 1 putih, 6 benang sari. Sekam mahkota yang terbesar pinggirnya tepat mencangkup pinggir sekam lainnya, pada ujungnya kerap kali berekor. Putik terdiri atas 1 bakal buah yang berbilik dan berbiji satu, 2 tangkai putik dan 2 kepala putik yang berbentuk (menyerupai) bulu yang berwarna putih sampai hitam lembayung. Benang sari berdiri di dalam satu lingkaran. Bunga pada malai mulai membuka dari atas ke bawah dan dari luar ke dalam. Sebuah malai selesai berkembang antara 5-8 hari dan dalam satu rumpun 10-14 hari. Sekam mahkota membuka antara sudut 30-35o lamanya 30-90 menit dan rata 50 menit (dari jam 06.00 pagi sampai jam 15.30) umumnya membuka antara jam 10.00-12.00 siang. Persarian berlangsung pada waktu bunga mekar, persarian silang bisa terjadi di dalam jarak kurang dari 4 m.
F) Buah Padi. Setelah penyerbukan berlangsung, bakal buah mulai membesar. Buah padi yang masak kurang lebih 40 hari setelah bunga keluar. Yang disebut beras sebenarnya putih lembaga (endosperm) yang erat terbalut oleh kulit ari. Lembaga yang kecil itu menjadi bagian yang kurang berarti. Kulit ari itu sebenarnya terdiri atas kulit biji dan dinding buah yang berpadu menjadi satu. Kulit ari ini ada yang ada kalanya berwarna merah atau hitam. Putih lembaganya sendiri tidak berwarna. Oleh karena itu beras merah atau hitam bila (disosoh) ditumbuk sampai bersih menjadi putih juga. Pada umumnya yang dikandung putih lembaga adalah pati, hanya pada jenis ketan selain pati adalah juga dextrine. Beras biasanya berwarna putih, beras padi ketan putih suram. Bila dimasak, pada beras padi biasanya masih tampak bentuk berasnya, sedang pada beras padi ketan hilang bentuk berasnya dan saling melekat. Besar kecil, bentuk dan warna beras tergantung dari jenis padinya. Beras yang baik ialah yang besar, panjang, putih mengkilap tidak berperut. Yang dinamakan perut ialah bercak putih susu pada sisi butir beras. Berat 1000 butir gabah adalah 20-40 gram dan berat 1000 butir beras 15-35 gram. Berat 1 liter 0,61-0,65 kg, sedang BD beras 1,40 dan gabah 1,10-1,25.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Botany Rice
(Source: Hardjodinomo, Soekirno., 1970. Planting Rice. York: Publisher Binacipta.)
A) Growth of Rice Seeds. When we peeled grain of rice then we will see that most of it was made up of white institutions, which ktia known as the grains of rice. At the bottom a little to the side of this clause contained in an ore body curves. The layout is the same institution with the largest base of the crown chaff. Hypocotil of institutions located in the middle. At the end there is a growing point which then grow into stems and leaves. Growing point is enclosed by a pair of young leaves maish and the two parts are all covered by a sheath of institutions.
Hypocotil concatenated with the root base agencies covered by the wrapping roots. Besides the inner hipokotil concatenated with dots of white pad attached agencies agency which contains starch.Seed starch after cooking can continue to grow. But most require a rest period of 4-6 weeks after harvest. Seeds that have these properties when collapsed and submerged plants will not grow.Dried grain was not going to lose power growth for 2 years if stored dry.
To grow seeds need specific heat, which is different for each type.There are 34oC, 37oC there. At a temperature of 45oC nothing grows.
In seed growing cells in the body grow and long pressing epidermis and chaff are both crown and cracked and broken. The entire organization stand out.
Part husk that encloses a white crown dead body remained open.Midrib agency then grow and elongate. After this happens, the new roots will penetrate the root sheath and grows downward. Most types of rice, 4 days after sowing in the nursery wet, midrib institution will usually break and then came out of the leaves. This is the seed that is not submerged in water. When submerged in water, there is not going to split midrib agencies and institutions are growing and die. After assimilating young leaves and roots grow freely. Hairy roots began to grow along with the formation of the stem, which is the root fibers in it no more than ½ cm.
B) Root Rice. After the agency grew, going from the taproot root institutions continue to enter into the ground. Five to six days the young stem root fibers emit a gradual increase. Much more after the seedlings were 18 days in which the child is emerging that the first rod indistinguishable between taproot and fibrous roots.
In an investigation, rice taproot can get into the soil 50-60 cm, while the average growth of the root fibers and only a few centimeters in the soil. Rice roots from the soil surface is generally done it about 25 cm. thus not surprising that the dry land planted with upland rice skinny fast. For another case because the rice gets a new nutrients and irrigation water. As with other plants, both rice roots and root taproot branched fibers. The first branches grow on the parent root at a little distance and length, the second is adjacent hair follicles once and a length of about 1-2 cm. composition of rice roots is influenced by soil conditions. On dry land, the first level of branch root length and root hair is usually short. In wet soil instead, first-rate short root branches and root hair length. In loose soil (peat) root branches are first rate and short hair root.
Similarly, the composition of types of rice brings its own roots. The composition of rice root root Bengawan other than the composition of China's rice and so on.
C) Rod Rice. Segmented rice straw. This section blank. Only at the top near the book there is a soft and white pith warnyanya. This segment is not the same length. The number average of the top 7 and the longest segment and large, down shorter and smaller.There are striped red or amber. Different rice stem height after the type. In general, long-lived higher than the short-lived, average between 80-120 cm and the height of 1.5 m.
Axillary buds only in the books at the base of the stem and can grow into new stems. This new rod can pull rod again and so on.
When buds are growing, the roots will also grow the book, which no longer continue to penetrate the leaf sheath wrapping. Many children depend on factors:
a) Heredity.
b) factors outside of heredity (land, rare plant and so on)
under investigation, the rice from birth to age 1 day after seed sowing. Then after 4-5 days following the next child. Generally each bar lambing 6-10 rod, when every family had little seed planted.Rice plants often fall. Generally occurs in soil, plant it too close, or continuously watered. Also influence the type of rice. Rice generally hold feathers fall down and fall easy cereh rice.
D) Leaf Rice. Consists of rice leaf sheath dress leaves and leaf stems. In between these two parts are the leaves and on the tongue side of the ear leaf, stem and leaves the connection in the form of the joint. Young leaves at first and then gradually evolved nd rolled, its leaves first, then gradually tilted upright. The width and length of its leaves depending on the type, soil fertility, and located on the trunk. Generally leaves the No. 3 and the longest. Paddy Group feathers are generally larger than the class of cereh. Discharge leaves the latter flag leaf. There are 90o seat and nothing less. The leaves of this type of fur and sharp edges can hurt.
Upper leaves hairy face was under no, fur is made from the leaf surface veins that stand out.
Midrib leaf wrapped rice stem segments and the segment length exceeds dibalutnya. Aloe leaf was colored and some are not, use to hold rainwater.
E) Bunga Padi. Rice is a series of flower-shaped flower panicles.Flower stem is actually the last segment on either side branching, the branch there are flowers that bloom organized as a single item.Flag leaf stalk bandage bottom. Panicle length vary according to the type, which is relatively short in length 12-15 cm, 15-25 cm in length were classified as moderate and relatively long length of 25-35 cm.Many branches of 11-20 average minimum 7 and maximum 30.Long and many branches to determine the number of results. Rice flower petals consists of two who seemed as scales, 2 chaff crown is not as large, 1 white, 6 stamens. Husk the biggest crown edges right side covers other chaff, in the end often tailed. Pistil consists of a chambered one ovary and a single seed, 2 buds and 2 stalks shaped anthers (resembling) feather black and white to violet.Stamens stand in a circle. Flowers in panicles begin to open from top to bottom and from outside to inside. A panicle done growing between 5-8 days and 10-14 days in one clump. Husk crown open between 30-35o angle 30-90 minutes and the average duration of 50 minutes (from 06.00 am until 15:30) are generally open between the hours of 10:00 to 12:00 noon. Persarian took place at the time of blooming flowers, cross persarian can occur in less than 4 m.
F) Fruit Rice. After pollination takes place, ovary begins to enlarge.Fruit cook rice more than 40 days after the flowers out. The so-called real white rice germ (endosperm) are tightly wrapped by the epidermis. Small institutions became less significant part.Epidermis is actually composed of seed coat and fruit wall that blends into one. Epidermis there are sometimes red or black. White institution itself is colorless. Therefore, brown rice or black if (polished) to clean a white ground also. In general, agencies are contained white starch, only the kind of glutinous starch is too dextrine apart. Usually white rice, white glutinous rice paddy bleak.When cooked, the rice paddy is usually still visible form of rice, glutinous rice paddy was lost in the form of rice and sticking together. Great little, shape and color depending on the type paddy rice. Rice is a great good, long, shiny white bellied no. Called stomach is milky white patches on the side of the rice grains.Weight of 1000 grains is 20-40 grams and the weight of 1000 grains of rice is 15-35 grams. Weight of 1 liter of 0.61 to 0.65 kg, while the BD grain rice 1.40 and from 1.10 to 1.25.
(Source: Hardjodinomo, Soekirno., 1970. Planting Rice. York: Publisher Binacipta.)
A) Growth of Rice Seeds. When we peeled grain of rice then we will see that most of it was made up of white institutions, which ktia known as the grains of rice. At the bottom a little to the side of this clause contained in an ore body curves. The layout is the same institution with the largest base of the crown chaff. Hypocotil of institutions located in the middle. At the end there is a growing point which then grow into stems and leaves. Growing point is enclosed by a pair of young leaves maish and the two parts are all covered by a sheath of institutions.
Hypocotil concatenated with the root base agencies covered by the wrapping roots. Besides the inner hipokotil concatenated with dots of white pad attached agencies agency which contains starch.Seed starch after cooking can continue to grow. But most require a rest period of 4-6 weeks after harvest. Seeds that have these properties when collapsed and submerged plants will not grow.Dried grain was not going to lose power growth for 2 years if stored dry.
To grow seeds need specific heat, which is different for each type.There are 34oC, 37oC there. At a temperature of 45oC nothing grows.
In seed growing cells in the body grow and long pressing epidermis and chaff are both crown and cracked and broken. The entire organization stand out.
Part husk that encloses a white crown dead body remained open.Midrib agency then grow and elongate. After this happens, the new roots will penetrate the root sheath and grows downward. Most types of rice, 4 days after sowing in the nursery wet, midrib institution will usually break and then came out of the leaves. This is the seed that is not submerged in water. When submerged in water, there is not going to split midrib agencies and institutions are growing and die. After assimilating young leaves and roots grow freely. Hairy roots began to grow along with the formation of the stem, which is the root fibers in it no more than ½ cm.
B) Root Rice. After the agency grew, going from the taproot root institutions continue to enter into the ground. Five to six days the young stem root fibers emit a gradual increase. Much more after the seedlings were 18 days in which the child is emerging that the first rod indistinguishable between taproot and fibrous roots.
In an investigation, rice taproot can get into the soil 50-60 cm, while the average growth of the root fibers and only a few centimeters in the soil. Rice roots from the soil surface is generally done it about 25 cm. thus not surprising that the dry land planted with upland rice skinny fast. For another case because the rice gets a new nutrients and irrigation water. As with other plants, both rice roots and root taproot branched fibers. The first branches grow on the parent root at a little distance and length, the second is adjacent hair follicles once and a length of about 1-2 cm. composition of rice roots is influenced by soil conditions. On dry land, the first level of branch root length and root hair is usually short. In wet soil instead, first-rate short root branches and root hair length. In loose soil (peat) root branches are first rate and short hair root.
Similarly, the composition of types of rice brings its own roots. The composition of rice root root Bengawan other than the composition of China's rice and so on.
C) Rod Rice. Segmented rice straw. This section blank. Only at the top near the book there is a soft and white pith warnyanya. This segment is not the same length. The number average of the top 7 and the longest segment and large, down shorter and smaller.There are striped red or amber. Different rice stem height after the type. In general, long-lived higher than the short-lived, average between 80-120 cm and the height of 1.5 m.
Axillary buds only in the books at the base of the stem and can grow into new stems. This new rod can pull rod again and so on.
When buds are growing, the roots will also grow the book, which no longer continue to penetrate the leaf sheath wrapping. Many children depend on factors:
a) Heredity.
b) factors outside of heredity (land, rare plant and so on)
under investigation, the rice from birth to age 1 day after seed sowing. Then after 4-5 days following the next child. Generally each bar lambing 6-10 rod, when every family had little seed planted.Rice plants often fall. Generally occurs in soil, plant it too close, or continuously watered. Also influence the type of rice. Rice generally hold feathers fall down and fall easy cereh rice.
D) Leaf Rice. Consists of rice leaf sheath dress leaves and leaf stems. In between these two parts are the leaves and on the tongue side of the ear leaf, stem and leaves the connection in the form of the joint. Young leaves at first and then gradually evolved nd rolled, its leaves first, then gradually tilted upright. The width and length of its leaves depending on the type, soil fertility, and located on the trunk. Generally leaves the No. 3 and the longest. Paddy Group feathers are generally larger than the class of cereh. Discharge leaves the latter flag leaf. There are 90o seat and nothing less. The leaves of this type of fur and sharp edges can hurt.
Upper leaves hairy face was under no, fur is made from the leaf surface veins that stand out.
Midrib leaf wrapped rice stem segments and the segment length exceeds dibalutnya. Aloe leaf was colored and some are not, use to hold rainwater.
E) Bunga Padi. Rice is a series of flower-shaped flower panicles.Flower stem is actually the last segment on either side branching, the branch there are flowers that bloom organized as a single item.Flag leaf stalk bandage bottom. Panicle length vary according to the type, which is relatively short in length 12-15 cm, 15-25 cm in length were classified as moderate and relatively long length of 25-35 cm.Many branches of 11-20 average minimum 7 and maximum 30.Long and many branches to determine the number of results. Rice flower petals consists of two who seemed as scales, 2 chaff crown is not as large, 1 white, 6 stamens. Husk the biggest crown edges right side covers other chaff, in the end often tailed. Pistil consists of a chambered one ovary and a single seed, 2 buds and 2 stalks shaped anthers (resembling) feather black and white to violet.Stamens stand in a circle. Flowers in panicles begin to open from top to bottom and from outside to inside. A panicle done growing between 5-8 days and 10-14 days in one clump. Husk crown open between 30-35o angle 30-90 minutes and the average duration of 50 minutes (from 06.00 am until 15:30) are generally open between the hours of 10:00 to 12:00 noon. Persarian took place at the time of blooming flowers, cross persarian can occur in less than 4 m.
F) Fruit Rice. After pollination takes place, ovary begins to enlarge.Fruit cook rice more than 40 days after the flowers out. The so-called real white rice germ (endosperm) are tightly wrapped by the epidermis. Small institutions became less significant part.Epidermis is actually composed of seed coat and fruit wall that blends into one. Epidermis there are sometimes red or black. White institution itself is colorless. Therefore, brown rice or black if (polished) to clean a white ground also. In general, agencies are contained white starch, only the kind of glutinous starch is too dextrine apart. Usually white rice, white glutinous rice paddy bleak.When cooked, the rice paddy is usually still visible form of rice, glutinous rice paddy was lost in the form of rice and sticking together. Great little, shape and color depending on the type paddy rice. Rice is a great good, long, shiny white bellied no. Called stomach is milky white patches on the side of the rice grains.Weight of 1000 grains is 20-40 grams and the weight of 1000 grains of rice is 15-35 grams. Weight of 1 liter of 0.61 to 0.65 kg, while the BD grain rice 1.40 and from 1.10 to 1.25.
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