Aspek Kewirausahaan/Aspects of Entrepreneurship FOR CLASS X ECONOMY
Aspek Kewirausahaan
(Sumber: Feryanto, Agung.2012. Ekonomi Kelas XII. Klaten: PT IntanPariwara.)
1) Pengertian Kewirausahaan. Secara etimologi atau asal usul dari kewirausahaan berasal dari kata “wira” dan “usaha”. Wira berarti pejuang, pahlawan, manusia unggul, teladan, berbudi luhur, gagah berani, dan berwatak agung. Usaha berarti perbuatan amal, bekerja, dan berbuat sesuatu. Jadi, wirausaha adalah pejuang atau pahlawan yang berbuat sesuatu. Pengertian kewirausahaan yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli berbeda tetapi memiliki kaidah yang sama. Pengertian kewirausahan sebagai berikut:
a) Richard Cantillon. Menurut Richard Cantillion, entrepreneur is agent who buys means of production at certain prices in order to combine them. Artinya, entrepreneur merupakan sebutan bagi pedagang yang membeli barang di daerah dan menjualnya dengan harga tidak pasti. Istilah kewirausahan diperkenalkan pertama kali oleh Richard Cantillon (Physiokrat dan ekonom politik klasik dari Irlandia) pada tahun 1755 dalam Essai sur la nature du commerce.
b) Joseph A. Schumpeter. Menurut Joseph A. Schumpeter (ekonom dan ilmuwan politik dari Moravia) dalam buku Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, wirausaha adalah seorang innovator yang mengimplementasikan perubahan di dalam pasar melalui kombinasi baru. Kombinasi baru tersebut bisa dalam bentuk memperkenalkan produk baru atau dengan kualitas baru, memperkenalkan metode atau cara produksi baru, membuka pasar yang baru (new market), memperoleh sumber pasokan baru dari bahan atau komponen baru ataupun menjalankan organisasi baru pada suatu industry.
c) Geoffrey G. Meredith. Menurut Geoffrey G. Meredith (ahli kewirausahan) dalam buku kewirausahan, Teori dan Praktik, wirausaha adalah orang yang mempunyai sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk mengambil keuntungan dan mengambil tindakan yang tepat untuk memastikan kesuksesan.
d) Thomas W. Zimmerer. Zimmerer (ekonom yang menulis buku berjudul Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 4th. Ed)mengemukakan kewirausahan adalah hasil dari disiplin, proses sistematis penerapan kreativitas dan inovatif dalam memenuhi pemenuhan kebutuhan dan peluang di pasar. Pada dasarnya kewirausahan tidak hanya muncul dari bawaan lahir atau urusan pengalaman di lapangan, kewirausahan merupakan disiplin ilmu yang dapat diajarkan dan dipelajari.
e) Ciputra. Menurut Ciputra (pengusaha Indonesia), kewirausahan adalah seseorang yang mampu mengubah kotoran dan rongsokan menjadi emas. Artinya, seseorang yang mampu mengubah barang yang tidak berharga atau sampah menjadi barang yang bernilai tinggi dengan cara berpikir kreatif dan mewujudkannya dalam tindakan perubahan menuju hidup yang lebih baik.
f) Rhenald Kasali. Menurut Rhenald Kasali (akademisi dan praktisi bisnis dari Indonesia), kewirausahan adalah orang dengan ide yang berbeda dari pemikiran sebagian besar orang dan berani menjual ide tersebut. Artinya, seseorang yang memiliki ide kreatif atau berbeda dengan pemikiran orang lain dan mewujudkannya dalam suatu usaha demi mendapatkan keuntungan disebut kewirausahan.
d) Syamsudin Suryana. Menurut Syamsudin Suryana (penulis buku Merintis Karir Kewirausahaan Anda), kewirausahan adalah seseorang yang memiliki karakteristik percaya diri, berorientasi dan tugas dan hasil, pengambilan resiko yang wajar, kepemimpinan lugas, kreatif yang menghasilkan inovasi, serta berorientasi pada masa depan.
2) Ciri kewirausahan, sebagai berikut:
a) Menurut Geoffrey G. Meredith, ciri dan watak kewirausahan sebagai berikut:
(1) Percaya Diri. Percaya diri merupakan sikap yang dibarengi dengan keyakinan seseorang untuk memulai, melakukan, dan menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan yang dihadapi. Kepercayaan diri hanya dapat dirasakan oleh orang yang bersangkutan dalam membentuk kemantapan hati untuk menghadapi pekerjaan. Sikap percaya diri dapat meningkatkan kualitas diri guna mencapai keberhasilan.
(2) Berorientasi pada Tugas dan Hasil. Kemampuan seseorang wirausaha dapat dilihat dari hasil yang dicapai dalam mengerjakan suatu tugas dan pekerjaan. Seorang wirausaha biasanya selalu mengutamakan prestasi kemudian mengharapkan prestise. Mereka memiliki tekad untuk mengubah nasib hidup, memperoleh keuntungan yang sebesarnya, dan tidak pernah merasa puas sehingga usahanya semakin maju dan berkembang.
(3) Keberanian mengambil Resiko. Setiap tindakan dan pekerjaan yang dijalani oleh seorang wirausaha tidak menjamin adanya kesuksesan dan keuntungan. Akan tetapi, seorang wirausaha sering menghadapi resiko kegagalan dan kerugian. Bahkan, mereka berani menjalani pekerjaan dengan resiko besar selama resiko itu sudah diperkirakan dan diketahui cara mengatasinya. Mereka beranggapan bahwa untuk mencapai suatu keberhasilan, mereka harus menghadapi resiko yang besar. Wirausaha menyukai usaha yang lebih menantang untuk mencapai kesuksesan.
(4) Memiliki Jiwa Kepemimpinan. Wirausaha harus memiliki banyak kemampuan, salah satunya kemampuan dalam memimpin. Jiwa kepimpinan diterapkan untuk mengarahkan orang lain agar bekerja sesuai dengan keinginan wirausaha. Jiwa kepemimpinan ditunjukkan dengan sikap terbuka terhadap kritk dan saran, mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan, mampu bekerja sama, dapat diandalkan dalam pengambilan keputusan, dan dapat mengarahkan orang lain. Kepemimpinan berkaitan dengan motivasi. Seorang pemimpin harus dapat memotivasi bawahannya agar bekerja sesuai dengan rencana.
(5) Berorientasi Masa Depan. Visi merupakan tujuan akhir dari suatu rangkaian pekerjaan, sementara misi merupakan tujuan kecil mengantarkan pada tujuan akhir dari pekerjaan yang dihadapi. Visi dan misi adalah pandangan seseorang pada masa depan dengan tujuan yang sudah direncanakan dalam upaya mencapai hasil yang diinginkan.
(6) Keorisinilan. Wirausaha memiliki daya pikir yang kuat. Dari daya pikir tersebut terciptalah ide, barang dan jasa yang orisinal. Orisinal berarti tidak mengekor dari usaha yang dilakukan orang lain. Wirausaha harus mampu menciptakan ide yang orisinal dan memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baru. Dengan demikian, output dari ide tersebut dapat menarik minat beli masyarakat luas.
b) Menurut M. Scarborough dan Thomas W. Zimmereer, karakteristik kewirausahan sebagai berikut:
(1) Rasa Tanggung Jawab. Wirausaha memiliki rasa tanggung jawab atas rencana yang sudah ditetapkan terhadap suatu hasil yang diperoleh dalam rangkaian kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan.
(2) Memilih Resiko. Wirausaha lebih memilih resiko yang moderat atau menengah. Artinya, wirausaha akan menghindari resiko, baik resiko yang terlalu rendah maupun yang terlalu tinggi.
(3) Percaya Diri pada kemampuannya untuk Sukses. Wirausaha percaya terhadap kemampuan dirinya untuk mencapai tujuan yang sudah direncanakan. Percaya diri dalam berwirausaha mampu menghasilkan karya kreatif dan inovatif.
(4) Menghendaki Umpan Balik Secepatnya. Wirausaha selalu menghendaki umpan balik yang cepat atas usaha yang dijalankan.
(5) Memiliki Energi yang Tinggi. Wirausaha memiliki semangat atau energy yang tinggi demi mewujudkan keinginannya agar masa depannya menjadi lebih baik.
(6) Berorientasi Masa Depan. Wirausaha berorientasi pada masa depan, perspektif, dan berwawasan jauh ke depan.
(7) Memiliki Ketrampilan Berorganisasi. Wirausaha memiliki keterampilan dalam mengorganisasi sumber daya untuk menciptakan nilai tambah.
(8) Menghargai Prestasi daripada Uang. Wirausaha lebih menghargai prestasi daripada uang. Wirausaha akan berusaha memperoleh prestise setelah wirausaha memperoleh prestasi.
c) Menurut Ciputra, karakteristik Wirausaha sebagai berikut:
(1) Mampu menangkap Peluang. Wirausaha harus mampu memperhatikan lingkungan beserta perubahan dalam rangka mendapatkan peluang baru yang belum didapatkan oleh orang lain.
(2) Inovatif. Wirausaha memiliki cara yang inovatif dalam melakukan usaha dengan mengubah, mengganti, dan melakukan pendekatan atau teknik baru agar tercipta barang baru.
(3) Berani Mengambil Resiko. Wirausaha harus mempertimbangkan berbagai resiko usaha guna mencegah dan meminimalisasi kerugian yang akan terjadi.
(4) Selalu ingin tumbuh. Wirausaha tidak pernah merasa puas dengan hasil pekerjaannya dan selalu ingin tumbuh, bekerja keras, mencari peluang baru, dan melakukan inovasi produk terus menerus.
3) Syarat Wirausaha.
a) Memiliki Sikap dan Mental Positif, sebagai berikut:
Ø Memiliki inisiatif sebagai pra syarat berkembangnya kreativitas,
Ø Percaya Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan mensyukuri segala nikmat Tuhan,
Ø Rasa tanggung jawab dan keadilan yang tinggi,
Ø Mengutamakan kemajuan lingkungan dan masyarakat kecil,
Ø Berani mengambil resiko dan memiliki sikap mental untuk selalu maju,
Ø Memiliki kejujuran, keuletan, ketekunan, dan mampu mengendalikan diri,
Ø Memiliki rasa setia kawan, pandai bergaul, dan menampilkan kepribadian yang menyenangkan.
b) Memiliki Daya Pikir Kreatif, sebagai berikut:
Ø Berpikir ke depan untuk merumuskan suatu gagasan baru dalam pencapaian tujuan,
Ø Mempunyai keuletan untuk belajar sendiri,
Ø Belajar dari kegagalan, nasehat, dan pengalaman orang lain,
Ø Berpikir bahwa kehidupan selalu membutuhkan barang dan jasa sebagai alat pemuas kebutuhan manusia.
c) Bertindak Inovatif. Wirausaha yang bertindak inovatif akan berusaha untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, efektivitas, dan produktivitas; tidak ingin menjadi pengekor dari orang lain; serta waspada menghadapi pesaing.
d) Memiliki Motivasi, sebagai berikut:
Ø Memiliki tekad dan imajinasi yang kuat,
Ø Memiliki semangat kerja yang tinggi,
Ø Memiliki pengendalian diri dan motivasi keberhasilan.
e) Mengenal Resiko dan Persaingan. Wirausaha harus mengenal berbagai resiko dan persaingan serta bersedia menanggung resiko. Wirausaha juga harus hemat untuk membentuk atau memperkuat modal.
f) Memiliki keterampilan Wirausaha
Ø Berpikir kreatif,
Ø Membuat keputusan,
Ø Memimpin orang lain,
Ø Manajerial,
Ø Bergaul dengan orang lain.
4) Jiwa Kwirausahaan, sebagai berikut:
a) Mencari Sumer Ide, digunakan untuk memulai usaha, sebagai berikut:
Ø Pekerjaan atau Keterampilan yang dikuasai. Pekerjaan atau keterampialn yang dikuasai merupakan sumber daya untuk menghasilkan sumber ide yang tepat. Usaha dirintis berdasarkan pekerjaan yang ditekuni atau keterampilan yang dimiliki menjadi semakin mudah dilaksanakan.
Ø Minat atau hobi, orang yang melakukan usaha berdasarkan minat atau hobi akan lebih mudah berkembang karena orang tersebut sudah terbiasa melakukan usaha tersebut sebagai kegemarannya. Dengan demikian, orang tersebut akan melaksanakan usaha dan mengembangkannya dengan senang hati.
Ø Pengalaman. Pengalaman baik pengalam diri sendiri maupun orang lain dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi. Meskipun sebuah pengalaman buruk tetap bisa dijadikan inspirasi untuk mencari cara baru. Hal ini dapat menajdi peluang bisnis yang menguntungkan dan berguna bagi sebagian besar orang.
Ø Pengamatan. Peristiwa yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitar juga dapat menjadi sumber informasi untuk memunculkan peluang usaha baru. Pada setiap kesempatan, wirausaha selalu membawa buku catatan dan segera mencatat agar tidak lupa dengan ide dan rencana semula.
Ø Media massa. Media massa merupakan sumber inspirasi usaha yang tidak akan redup. Selalu ada hal baru yang tersaji di media. Contohnya, sesuatu yang menjadi gaya hidup masyarakat pada saat ini. Contoh tersebut bisa dikembangkan menjadi suatu gagasan atau ide untuk menciptakan peluang atas barang atau jasa yang sesuai dengan gaya hidup masyarakat ada saat ini. Dengan demikian, barang atau jasa yang dihasilkan dapat diminati dan dikenal oleh masyarakat.
b) Menentukan dan menganalisis produk. Setelah mendapatkan ide peluang usaha, selanjutnya seorang Wirausaha menganalisis produk yang akan dihasilkan, orang dapat menghasilkan produk baru dan produk sejenis tetapi dengan kualitas dan model yang berbeda. Melalui proses inilah kreativitas dan inovasi dari seorang Wirausaha sangat dibutuhkan.
c) Membuat Perencanaan Usaha. Keberhasilan suatu usaha sangat ditentukan oleh perencanaan yang dirancang. Perencanaan yang baik adalah perencanaan yang dibaut secara efektif dan efisien dari seluruh aspek kewirausahaan.
d) Menjalankan Usaha, dua factor yang harus diperhatikan dalam menjalankan usaha:
Ø Lingkungan mikro, lingkungan mikro adalah lingkungan yang berkaitandengna operasional usaha. Unsure termasuk lingkungan mikro antara lain hubungan dengan pemasok, pelanggan, atau pembeli, karyawan dan distributor. Lingkungan ini perlu mendapatkan perhatian yang khusus karena sangat berperan dalam kelangsungan usaha.
Ø Lingkungan makro. Lingkungan makro adalah lingkungan di luar perusahaan yang dapat memengaruhi kelangsungan perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Lingkungan makro terdiri atas lingkungan ekonomi, teknologi, social, politik dan demografi. Semua factor lingkungan makro tersebut berdampak secara luas pada usaha yang sedang dijalankan.
IN ENGLISH (with google translate Indonesian-english):
Aspects of Entrepreneurship
(Source: Feryanto, Agung.2012. Economics Class XII. Klaten: PT IntanPariwara.)
1) Definition of Entrepreneurship. Etymology or origins of entrepreneurship comes from the word "entrepreneurship" and "effort". Wira means warrior, hero, human excellence, exemplary, virtuous, brave, and noble character. Enterprise means the act of charity, work, and do something. Thus, entrepreneurship is a fighter or a hero who does something. Definition of entrepreneurship proposed by different experts but have the same rules.Understanding kewirausahan as follows:
a) Richard Cantillon. According to Richard Cantillion, entrepreneur is an agent who buys means of production at certain prices in order to combine them. That is, the entrepreneur is the designation for traders who buy and sell goods in the area with prices uncertain.Kewirausahan term first introduced by Richard Cantillon (Physiocrats and classical political economists of Ireland) in 1755 in the Essai sur la nature du commerce.
b) Joseph A. Schumpeter. According to Joseph A. Schumpeter (economist and political scientist from Moravia) in the book Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, entrepreneurship is an innovator who implements change within markets through new combinations. The new combination can be in the form of introducing a new product or a new quality, introducing new methods or means of production, opening new market (new market), to obtain new sources of supply of materials or a new component or a new run on an industry organization.
c) Geoffrey G. Meredith. According to Geoffrey G. Meredith (expert kewirausahan) in kewirausahan book, Theory and Practice, entrepreneurs are people who have the resources needed to take advantage and take appropriate action to ensure success.
d) Thomas W. Zimmerer. Zimmerer (economist who wrote a book entitled Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 4th. Ed) suggests kewirausahan is the result of discipline, the systematic application of creativity and innovative in meeting the needs and opportunities in the market. Basically kewirausahan not only arise from congenital or business experience in the field, kewirausahan is a discipline that can be taught and learned.
e) Ciputra. According Ciputra (employers Indonesia), kewirausahan is someone who is able to turn dirt and junk into gold. That is, someone who is able to change things that are not valuable or waste into high-value items with creative thinking and make it happen in the act of change towards a better life.
f) Rhenald Kasali. According Rhenald Kasali (academics and business practitioners from Indonesia), kewirausahan are people with different ideas than most people thought and dare to sell the idea. That is, someone who has a creative idea or different from other people's thinking and make it happen in a business for profit called kewirausahan.
d) Syamsudin Suryana. According Syamsudin Suryana (author of Pioneering Entrepreneurial Career You), kewirausahan is someone who has the characteristics of self-confidence, and task-oriented and results, reasonable risk taking, leadership straightforward, resulting in creative innovation and future-oriented.
2) Characteristics kewirausahan, as follows:
a) According to Geoffrey G. Meredith, and character traits kewirausahan as follows:
(1) Confidence. Self-confidence is an attitude coupled with the confidence someone to initiate, conduct and complete a task at hand. Confidence can only be felt by the person concerned in establishing stability to face the job. Confident attitude can improve themselves in order to achieve success.
(2) Tasks and Results Oriented. Entrepreneurial abilities can be seen from the results achieved in doing a job and work. An entrepreneur is usually always put the achievement then expect prestige. They have the determination to change the fate of life, gain a sebesarnya, and never be satisfied so that its more advanced and developing countries.
(3) Courage take risks. Every action and the work undertaken by an entrepreneur does not guarantee success and profits. However, an entrepreneur often face the risk of failure and loss. In fact, they dare to do their job with a great risk for the risk it is expected and known how to cope. They assume that to achieve success, they must be at great risk. Entrepreneurial liked the effort more challenging to achieve success.
(4) Has the Soul of Leadership. Entrepreneurs must have many abilities, one of them the ability to lead. Soul leadership applied to direct others to work in accordance with the wishes of entrepreneurs. Leadership shown by the open attitude towards kritk and advice, easily adapting to the environment, able to work together, it can be relied upon in decision-making, and can direct others. Leadership relates to motivation. A leader must be able to motivate subordinates to work according to plan.
(5) Future Oriented. Vision is the ultimate goal of a series of jobs, while the mission is a small goal to deliver to the end of the job at hand. The vision and mission are one's views on the future for the purpose of the plan in order to achieve the desired results.
(6) originality. Entrepreneurs have a strong intellect. Of the intellect is created ideas, goods and services are original. Original means not followed from the efforts of others. Entrepreneurs must be able to create original ideas and have the ability to do something new.Thus, the output of these ideas can be interesting buying public.
b) According to M. Scarborough and Thomas W. Zimmereer, kewirausahan the following characteristics:
(1) Sense of Responsibility. Entrepreneurs have a sense of responsibility for the plans that have been assigned to a result obtained in a series of business activities conducted.
(2) Selecting Risks. Entrepreneurs prefer a moderate or high risk.This means that entrepreneurs will avoid risk, whether the risk is too low or too high.
(3) Confidence in its ability to Success. Entrepreneurial confidence in her ability to achieve the planned objectives. Confident in entrepreneurship is able to produce creative and innovative.
(4) Feedback wanted ASAP. Entrepreneurs always want quick feedback on a business carried on.
(5) Has High Energy. Entrepreneurs have a high spirit or energy in order to realize his desire to be a better future.
(6) Future-Oriented. Entrepreneurial future-oriented, perspective, and far-sighted.
(7) Have Skills to Organize. Entrepreneurial skills in organizing resources to create added value.
(8) Appreciate achievement rather than money. Entrepreneurial appreciate achievement than money. Entrepreneurial would seek prestige after obtaining entrepreneurial achievement.
c) According to Ciputra, Entrepreneurial characteristics as follows:
(1) Ability to capture opportunities. Entrepreneurs must be able to care for the environment and its changes in order to get the new opportunities that have not been obtained by others.
(2) Innovative. Entrepreneurship has an innovative way of doing business to change, replace, and approach or technique to create new stuff.
(3) Dare to Take Risks. Entrepreneurs should consider a variety of business risks in order to prevent and minimize the losses that will occur.
(4) Always wanted to grow. Entrepreneurship is never satisfied with his work and always wanted to grow up, work hard, seek new opportunities and innovate products continuously.
3) Terms of Entrepreneurship.
a) Have a Positive Mental Attitude and, as follows:
Having the initiative as a pre-requisite development of creativity,
Believe in One God and celebrate all the blessings of God,
Sense of responsibility and justice are high,
Prioritize environmental progress and small communities,
Dare to take risks and have the mental attitude to always go forward,
Having honesty, tenacity, perseverance, and self control,
Having solidarity, jaunty, and displays a pleasing personality.
b) Has Power Creative Thought, as follows:
Thinking ahead to formulate a new initiative in achieving goals,
Having the tenacity to learn on their own,
Learn from failure, advice, and experiences of others,
Thinking that life is always in need of goods and services as a means of satisfying human needs.
c) Innovative Act. Innovative entrepreneurial action will seek to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity; does not want to be imitators of others, as well as vigilant in the face of competitors.
d) Has Motivation, as follows:
Have strong determination and imagination,
Having high morale,
Having self-control and motivation of success.
e) Know the Risks and Competition. Entrepreneurs must know the risks and competition and are willing to bear the risk. Entrepreneurs must also be efficient to establish or strengthen capital.
f) Has Entrepreneurial skills
Creative thinking,
Make a decision,
Leading others,
Associating with others.
4) Mental Kwirausahaan, as follows:
a) Finding Ideas Sumer, is used to start a business, as follows:
Work or skills mastered. Employment or controlled keterampialn a resource for generating source right idea. Effort initiated by the work that occupied or possessed skills become increasingly easy to implement.
Interests or hobbies, people who do business based on your interests or hobbies will be easier to develop because people are already accustomed to doing just that as his favorite. Thus, the person will carry out the business and develop it with pleasure.
Experience. Experience both experience themselves or others can be a source of inspiration. Despite a bad experience can still be used as inspiration to find new ways. It can be a lucrative business opportunity an advanced and useful for most people.
Observations. Events that occur in the environment can also be a source of information to come up with new business opportunities.At every opportunity, entrepreneurship always carry a notebook and record immediately so as not to forget the idea and the original plan.
Media. The mass media is a source of inspiration for the business that will not dim. There are always new things presented in the media. For example, something that is a life style today.Examples could be developed into an idea or ideas to create opportunities for goods or services in accordance with the lifestyle of the people there today. Thus, the goods or services produced and the demand can be known by the public.
b) Define and analyze the products. After getting an idea of business opportunities, then an Entrepreneurial analyze the product to be produced, one can generate new products and similar products but with quality and different models. Through this process of creativity and innovation of an entrepreneur is required.
c) Create a Business Plan. The success of a business is determined by the designed plan. Good planning is the planning that is bolted to effectively and efficiently from all aspects of entrepreneurship.
d) Doing Business, the two factors that must be considered in conducting business:
The microenvironment, the microenvironment is berkaitandengna business operational environment. Elements including the microenvironment include relationships with suppliers, customers, or buyers, employees and distributors. This environment needs special attention because it plays an important role in business continuity.
macro environment. Macro environment is the environment outside the company that could affect the continuity of the company as a whole. Macro environment consists of the economic, technological, social, political and demographic. All of these macro environmental factors impact broadly on the business is being run.
(Source: Feryanto, Agung.2012. Economics Class XII. Klaten: PT IntanPariwara.)
1) Definition of Entrepreneurship. Etymology or origins of entrepreneurship comes from the word "entrepreneurship" and "effort". Wira means warrior, hero, human excellence, exemplary, virtuous, brave, and noble character. Enterprise means the act of charity, work, and do something. Thus, entrepreneurship is a fighter or a hero who does something. Definition of entrepreneurship proposed by different experts but have the same rules.Understanding kewirausahan as follows:
a) Richard Cantillon. According to Richard Cantillion, entrepreneur is an agent who buys means of production at certain prices in order to combine them. That is, the entrepreneur is the designation for traders who buy and sell goods in the area with prices uncertain.Kewirausahan term first introduced by Richard Cantillon (Physiocrats and classical political economists of Ireland) in 1755 in the Essai sur la nature du commerce.
b) Joseph A. Schumpeter. According to Joseph A. Schumpeter (economist and political scientist from Moravia) in the book Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, entrepreneurship is an innovator who implements change within markets through new combinations. The new combination can be in the form of introducing a new product or a new quality, introducing new methods or means of production, opening new market (new market), to obtain new sources of supply of materials or a new component or a new run on an industry organization.
c) Geoffrey G. Meredith. According to Geoffrey G. Meredith (expert kewirausahan) in kewirausahan book, Theory and Practice, entrepreneurs are people who have the resources needed to take advantage and take appropriate action to ensure success.
d) Thomas W. Zimmerer. Zimmerer (economist who wrote a book entitled Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 4th. Ed) suggests kewirausahan is the result of discipline, the systematic application of creativity and innovative in meeting the needs and opportunities in the market. Basically kewirausahan not only arise from congenital or business experience in the field, kewirausahan is a discipline that can be taught and learned.
e) Ciputra. According Ciputra (employers Indonesia), kewirausahan is someone who is able to turn dirt and junk into gold. That is, someone who is able to change things that are not valuable or waste into high-value items with creative thinking and make it happen in the act of change towards a better life.
f) Rhenald Kasali. According Rhenald Kasali (academics and business practitioners from Indonesia), kewirausahan are people with different ideas than most people thought and dare to sell the idea. That is, someone who has a creative idea or different from other people's thinking and make it happen in a business for profit called kewirausahan.
d) Syamsudin Suryana. According Syamsudin Suryana (author of Pioneering Entrepreneurial Career You), kewirausahan is someone who has the characteristics of self-confidence, and task-oriented and results, reasonable risk taking, leadership straightforward, resulting in creative innovation and future-oriented.
2) Characteristics kewirausahan, as follows:
a) According to Geoffrey G. Meredith, and character traits kewirausahan as follows:
(1) Confidence. Self-confidence is an attitude coupled with the confidence someone to initiate, conduct and complete a task at hand. Confidence can only be felt by the person concerned in establishing stability to face the job. Confident attitude can improve themselves in order to achieve success.
(2) Tasks and Results Oriented. Entrepreneurial abilities can be seen from the results achieved in doing a job and work. An entrepreneur is usually always put the achievement then expect prestige. They have the determination to change the fate of life, gain a sebesarnya, and never be satisfied so that its more advanced and developing countries.
(3) Courage take risks. Every action and the work undertaken by an entrepreneur does not guarantee success and profits. However, an entrepreneur often face the risk of failure and loss. In fact, they dare to do their job with a great risk for the risk it is expected and known how to cope. They assume that to achieve success, they must be at great risk. Entrepreneurial liked the effort more challenging to achieve success.
(4) Has the Soul of Leadership. Entrepreneurs must have many abilities, one of them the ability to lead. Soul leadership applied to direct others to work in accordance with the wishes of entrepreneurs. Leadership shown by the open attitude towards kritk and advice, easily adapting to the environment, able to work together, it can be relied upon in decision-making, and can direct others. Leadership relates to motivation. A leader must be able to motivate subordinates to work according to plan.
(5) Future Oriented. Vision is the ultimate goal of a series of jobs, while the mission is a small goal to deliver to the end of the job at hand. The vision and mission are one's views on the future for the purpose of the plan in order to achieve the desired results.
(6) originality. Entrepreneurs have a strong intellect. Of the intellect is created ideas, goods and services are original. Original means not followed from the efforts of others. Entrepreneurs must be able to create original ideas and have the ability to do something new.Thus, the output of these ideas can be interesting buying public.
b) According to M. Scarborough and Thomas W. Zimmereer, kewirausahan the following characteristics:
(1) Sense of Responsibility. Entrepreneurs have a sense of responsibility for the plans that have been assigned to a result obtained in a series of business activities conducted.
(2) Selecting Risks. Entrepreneurs prefer a moderate or high risk.This means that entrepreneurs will avoid risk, whether the risk is too low or too high.
(3) Confidence in its ability to Success. Entrepreneurial confidence in her ability to achieve the planned objectives. Confident in entrepreneurship is able to produce creative and innovative.
(4) Feedback wanted ASAP. Entrepreneurs always want quick feedback on a business carried on.
(5) Has High Energy. Entrepreneurs have a high spirit or energy in order to realize his desire to be a better future.
(6) Future-Oriented. Entrepreneurial future-oriented, perspective, and far-sighted.
(7) Have Skills to Organize. Entrepreneurial skills in organizing resources to create added value.
(8) Appreciate achievement rather than money. Entrepreneurial appreciate achievement than money. Entrepreneurial would seek prestige after obtaining entrepreneurial achievement.
c) According to Ciputra, Entrepreneurial characteristics as follows:
(1) Ability to capture opportunities. Entrepreneurs must be able to care for the environment and its changes in order to get the new opportunities that have not been obtained by others.
(2) Innovative. Entrepreneurship has an innovative way of doing business to change, replace, and approach or technique to create new stuff.
(3) Dare to Take Risks. Entrepreneurs should consider a variety of business risks in order to prevent and minimize the losses that will occur.
(4) Always wanted to grow. Entrepreneurship is never satisfied with his work and always wanted to grow up, work hard, seek new opportunities and innovate products continuously.
3) Terms of Entrepreneurship.
a) Have a Positive Mental Attitude and, as follows:
Having the initiative as a pre-requisite development of creativity,
Believe in One God and celebrate all the blessings of God,
Sense of responsibility and justice are high,
Prioritize environmental progress and small communities,
Dare to take risks and have the mental attitude to always go forward,
Having honesty, tenacity, perseverance, and self control,
Having solidarity, jaunty, and displays a pleasing personality.
b) Has Power Creative Thought, as follows:
Thinking ahead to formulate a new initiative in achieving goals,
Having the tenacity to learn on their own,
Learn from failure, advice, and experiences of others,
Thinking that life is always in need of goods and services as a means of satisfying human needs.
c) Innovative Act. Innovative entrepreneurial action will seek to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity; does not want to be imitators of others, as well as vigilant in the face of competitors.
d) Has Motivation, as follows:
Have strong determination and imagination,
Having high morale,
Having self-control and motivation of success.
e) Know the Risks and Competition. Entrepreneurs must know the risks and competition and are willing to bear the risk. Entrepreneurs must also be efficient to establish or strengthen capital.
f) Has Entrepreneurial skills
Creative thinking,
Make a decision,
Leading others,
Associating with others.
4) Mental Kwirausahaan, as follows:
a) Finding Ideas Sumer, is used to start a business, as follows:
Work or skills mastered. Employment or controlled keterampialn a resource for generating source right idea. Effort initiated by the work that occupied or possessed skills become increasingly easy to implement.
Interests or hobbies, people who do business based on your interests or hobbies will be easier to develop because people are already accustomed to doing just that as his favorite. Thus, the person will carry out the business and develop it with pleasure.
Experience. Experience both experience themselves or others can be a source of inspiration. Despite a bad experience can still be used as inspiration to find new ways. It can be a lucrative business opportunity an advanced and useful for most people.
Observations. Events that occur in the environment can also be a source of information to come up with new business opportunities.At every opportunity, entrepreneurship always carry a notebook and record immediately so as not to forget the idea and the original plan.
Media. The mass media is a source of inspiration for the business that will not dim. There are always new things presented in the media. For example, something that is a life style today.Examples could be developed into an idea or ideas to create opportunities for goods or services in accordance with the lifestyle of the people there today. Thus, the goods or services produced and the demand can be known by the public.
b) Define and analyze the products. After getting an idea of business opportunities, then an Entrepreneurial analyze the product to be produced, one can generate new products and similar products but with quality and different models. Through this process of creativity and innovation of an entrepreneur is required.
c) Create a Business Plan. The success of a business is determined by the designed plan. Good planning is the planning that is bolted to effectively and efficiently from all aspects of entrepreneurship.
d) Doing Business, the two factors that must be considered in conducting business:
The microenvironment, the microenvironment is berkaitandengna business operational environment. Elements including the microenvironment include relationships with suppliers, customers, or buyers, employees and distributors. This environment needs special attention because it plays an important role in business continuity.
macro environment. Macro environment is the environment outside the company that could affect the continuity of the company as a whole. Macro environment consists of the economic, technological, social, political and demographic. All of these macro environmental factors impact broadly on the business is being run.